The secret war is silent

Chapter 333 Windfall from Heaven

There are stars and thin clouds

A huge fire was set up in the ravine.

Suddenly, a shrill air raid siren sounded.

The Japs air raid is coming again.

Luo Yao ordered people to light the fire, pour alcohol on it, and the fire rose into the sky. Looking down from the sky, it was a guiding light, extremely dazzling.

A Japanese Ki-34 twin-engine transport plane broke away from the bomber formation, flew quietly towards Tushan, circled in a circle, and hovered at low altitude.

The nearby air defense position observation post also discovered the lone Japanese aircraft. However, their firepower was beyond the range and could not pose a real threat to the transport aircraft.

The choice of this ravine is indeed a loophole in the mountain city's air defense firepower, and it is also a place where the mountain city's air defense is helpless, because the limited air defense firepower needs to protect more important targets.

In this kind of ravine, the Japanese can just throw bombs.

One flower, two flowers, three flowers...

Surprisingly, four umbrella flowers slowly floated down from more than a thousand meters in the air, and landed in a radius of several hundred meters toward the bonfire on the ground.

This is this? Shen Yu looked at the heavy box hanging under the umbrella flowers in the sky, obviously a little surprised.

It's not like I got the Japanese communication codebook. If I don't use it to do something, I would be really sorry for myself. Luo Yaodao said, I used Kitagawa's tone to ask for something from the Kondo Agency in Jiangcheng and asked them to send it. Airdrop from plane.

Is this okay?

There is a time difference. The Japanese are fooled because they don't know the situation. It will be difficult to deceive them. Moreover, Kitagawa can also be tricked. Even if he can contact Kondo's agency, it is estimated that Kondo Keiichi will not believe him easily. . Luo Yao chuckled.

What do you want?

Two micro radios, weapons and ammunition for a combat squad, and some other supplies. Luo Yao explained.

Shen Yu said in surprise: You really dare to ask for it, aren't you afraid of Kondo Keiichi's suspicion?

Hei Muyi has completed the mission of kidnapping Osborne. To escort him back to Jiangcheng, we need to pass through hundreds of kilometers of our area along the way. How can we do it without equipment and supplies? Luo Yao said, I don't want much at all. They are all within the acceptable range of the other party.”

Indeed, look what Keiichi Kondo has given us? Shen Yu laughed. It was extremely satisfying to be able to deceive the Japanese into a batch of supplies.

Webmaster, look, there are canned beef from Little Japan and compressed biscuits... The nearest box was delivered. After Cao Hui opened it with a crowbar, he was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth.

Look at your attendance, the little Japanese canned beef will make you like this. Don't tell me that you are my subordinate, Luo Yao! Luo Yao scolded with a smile.

Webmaster, what is this?

This is a can of sardines... Cao Hui can speak a few words in Japanese, but he doesn't know many Japanese characters and doesn't recognize the words on the can.

This box should be full of food. There is quite a lot of food, enough to last for a while. Luo Yao checked it, The Japanese really don't know how to pack it separately. What if it was damaged during the airdrop? manage?

You Ning, why don't you get the advantage and behave well? How do you plan to distribute these cans? Shen Yu chuckled and had already set his sights on them.

I'll take half, you take a quarter, and the remaining quarter will be sent to Director Dai. We don't care how you distribute it, Luo Yaodao said.


Shen Yu was very satisfied. He was saved by others, the code book was discovered by others, and the deceptive telegram was made by others. He didn't even contribute much manpower, so he got a quarter, which was enough.

The webmaster is here again!

While talking, another air-dropped box was found, and four people carried it over together. It looked quite heavy, so it was probably a big one.

Knock it open and take a look.


Four MP18 flower mechanisms, Mauser pistols, commonly known as box guns, made by the original German factory, a total of twenty, two boxes of grenades, eighty by the count, and two southern pistols.

What's this?

Mauser 98K sniper rifle. Luo Yao grabbed a brand new sniper rifle in his hand at once, Don't even think about this gun.

Why, You Ning, you don't need this gun? Shen Yu also loves guns. When he saw this sniper rifle, he also fell in love with it.

Xiao Hui has always wanted to own a handy sniper rifle, and this one must be left to her. Luo Yao said.

After hearing this, Shen Yu could only smile: It turned out to be for Gong Hui, forget it, I'll get it next time when I have the chance.

In addition to weapons, there was also a Zeiss telescope. Luo Yao also had quick eyesight and quick hands to grab it. This Zeiss telescope is a high-end product on the battlefield and is generally only owned by senior commanders.

This is just a six-power telescope from Zeiss. It is small and exquisite and suits me just right. Many in China are the domestic Jingzhi type (imitation of Zeiss's medium-sized telescope) and the Japanese 13-type telescope.

Shen Yu had nothing to say to the remaining half. He still took advantage of it. With this batch of weapons and equipment, the firepower of his detective brigade would at least double.

Because they were dropped in areas controlled by the enemy, the airdrops dropped by the Kondo agency were basically German weapons, because German weapons were relatively abundant in the national army, and if they were Japanese weapons, their identities would be exposed easily.

The third box was opened.

There is a first aid kit, which is the standard of the national army, but the number of medicines is doubled, including a simple scalpel, alcohol for disinfection, painkillers, water purification tablets, medicines to treat snake bites, etc.

The most important thing is that there are actually ten sets of national army uniforms, which are still new, as well as German-style helmets, as well as gas masks, ropes and other climbing tools.

This was so detailed that Luo Yao even doubted whether he had already prepared it. Otherwise, he telegraphed it and it was ready and airdropped the next day.

The fourth box contains the radio, which is a shoulder-mounted military radio, as well as batteries, two in total, and spare parts to prevent the parts from being damaged and unusable during the airdrop. All important spare parts are kept in stock. Got at least two.

Also airdropped with the radio station was a suitcase. When I opened it, it was worth everyone’s attention. It contained French currency, U.S. dollars, gold bars and oceans!

I took it out and tapped it. It was about 50,000 yuan in French currency, which was all old currency. The U.S. currency was about 3,000 yuan, equivalent to 30,000 yuan in French currency. Then there were six small yellow croakers and five ocean envelopes!

The total value exceeds one hundred thousand French currency.

This money is not just money for Kuroki Yi to escort Osborne back to Jiangcheng, which may require bribes, but more than half of it is to fund Beichuan's spy activities in the mountain city.

I am afraid that neither Kitagawa nor Kondo Keiichi expected that this money was actually intercepted by Luo Yao and completely returned to Luo Yao's pocket.

We can't allocate this money privately. It has to be handed over to the bureau headquarters. Luo Yao knew that if it was a few thousand French currency, it would be divided. It is estimated that even if Dai Yunong knew about it, he would not say anything. If everyone under his command Being fair and honest, without desires or demands, would be problematic.

Shen Yu also nodded. There was too much money and it was too hot to handle. If he handed it over, even if he couldn't get it all, he would at least get his own share.

Although Boss Dai is usually a bit stingy, as long as he has made meritorious service, he will still be generous with rewards.

With this box of money handed over, Dai Yunong probably wouldn't have anything to do with him and Shen Yu sharing the supplies in the three alleys privately.

Even if those two radio stations were included, all the things put together would not be as big as this leather suitcase.

The Air Defense Command will definitely send someone over soon. We have to leave quickly. Shen Yu greeted, If these people see these things, they will definitely grab them.

Quick, put out the fire and take the box away!

Afterwards, the Air Defense Command reported that Japanese military aircraft dropped agents and supplies on Tushan. The troops searched all night, but no supplies or personnel were found.

Notices were even posted, informing nearby mountain residents to report any suspicious persons as soon as possible to prevent Japanese spies from injuring others or escaping.

Instead, Luo Yao and Shen Yu took the box of money and drove to Dai Mansion at No. 51 Zengjiayan overnight.

It's not appropriate to put such a large amount of money there. It's better to hand it directly to Dai Yunong so that everyone can rest assured, otherwise they won't be able to sleep well.

Dai Yunong also received the call in advance and was already waiting for them in the living room of the mansion.

When Luo Yao carried a box of money and opened it and placed it in front of him, he was quite shocked. It was not that Boss Dai had never seen money before. He had seen no matter how much money he had.

It's just that it's so rare to defraud so much money from the Japanese. This is the first time he has seen it since the war between China and Japan.

Luo Yao immediately told Dai Yunong the ins and outs of the whole incident.

Finally, Luo Yao also explained: It's not that the students wanted to hide anything from you, director. It's really that they were not sure at all about whether they could deceive the Japanese Kondo agency. Fortunately, they didn't see through it and carried out the airdrop as we said. supplies and property.”

Well, you are not necessarily sure about this matter, but since it is successful, it is your luck. I will accept the money, but I will still allocate it to you. You can help me supervise the construction of the Ciqikou headquarters of the military. . Dai Yunong is very happy. The government is currently facing financial difficulties. Although the military command has made a lot of money, it also spends a lot of money. With the expansion of personnel and institutions, his boss is actually not very wealthy. He has money to build the Ciqikou headquarters. With a flexible fund, you can do other things.

Deputy Director Shen and the Municipal Bureau's Detective Team were very helpful in this operation.

The credit for Shen Yu and the detective team will be calculated separately. I will not treat my people badly. There is no need for you to give him credit. Dai Yunong said, Three days are almost here. The British case is How's your investigation going?

Based on the confessions of the espionage we captured, the evidence in the case of British expatriate George Kevin being suspected of kidnapping Osborne's consultant is conclusive and there is no doubt.

Since there is no doubt, it will be easy to handle. If the British make trouble again, it will be unreasonable. Dai Yunong snorted coldly, Handle your case and ignore them.

Dai Yunong doesn't have a good impression of the British because the British intelligence officers in China are in cahoots with the Central Military Commission and are relatively close. The Central Military Commission and the Military Command are not dealing with each other. How can Dai Yunong like the British?

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