The secret war is silent

Chapter 334 Sudden inspection

Nanhua Trading Company·General Manager's Office.

Early in the morning.

Manager Hu, there is a gentleman named Yang who has been waiting for you for more than half an hour. The young, voluptuous female secretary walked into the office of General Manager Hu Youjia, bowed her head slightly, and the whiteness flashed past.

Hu Youjia, who was wearing a suit and ties, was sitting on the boss's chair. He raised his head slightly. A trace of surprise flashed across his young and handsome face, and then he calmed down: Xiaomei, please go and invite Mr. Yang to come in. By the way, Make two cups of tea and bring them in.

Okay, Manager Hu. Xiaomei's cheeks blushed slightly. She stood out from many candidates and became the secretary to the general manager of this trading company, in order to fly up a branch and become a phoenix one day.

Isn't the young, wealthy, and handsome Hu Youjia her ideal candidate?

If you are not a familiar person, you will not recognize him at all. The Mr. Yang in front of you is the boss of Qingxin Tea House. He has a beard and his skin is slightly rough. He is dark and looks like a rough man from the northwest. .

He is completely different in temperament from the original fair-skinned person with a touch of elegance.

When Hu Youjia saw Boss Yang, his eyes immediately sharpened. He walked over, closed the door, and asked displeasedly: Why are you here?

I want to see Mr. Baihu? Boss Yang said.

Are you able to see Mr. Baihu whenever you want? Hu Youjia scolded lightly.

Just as Boss Yang was about to open his mouth to defend, there was a sound of footsteps at the door. It was secretary Xiaomei who had made tea and brought it in. She placed the teacup in front of Boss Yang and said, Mr. Yang, please have some tea.

Xiaomei, you go out first, Mr. Yang and I have something to talk about.

Yes, Manager Hu. Xiaomei twisted her waist and walked out in an enchanting manner.

Manager Hu, I don't want to come over either. The situation is really anxious, so I can only take the risk and come over. Boss Yang explained.

what's the situation?

George Kevin sent someone to send me the news. It should be that our operation failed.

Failed, what do you mean? Hu Youjia frowned and asked in confusion.

Didn't you read the newspapers in the past two days?

Look, George Kevin is suspected of espionage and kidnapping. He is now in the police station detention center. Hu Youjia nodded.

Aren't you worried that he will tell us?

You are worried about yourself. In fact, you have a close relationship with him. He doesn't know the identities of Mr. Baihu and I at all. Even if he confesses, there will be nothing we can do.

But what if I get targeted?

Are you being targeted?

not yet.

Then why did you come to see me so rashly? Hu Youjia said angrily.

I'm worried that if our mission fails, then no one will be able to live with it. Boss Yang was very angry, and Hu Youjia's attitude did not take his warning to heart at all.

You don't have to worry about this. Once the situation changes, we will arrange for you to evacuate in advance. You have been lurking in the mountain city for so long and have done so many things for the Empire of Japan. The empire will not let you sacrifice here. Hu Youjia said seriously. The way.

Our current opponent is not the trash from the police station, but Shen Yu from the military command. You should have heard of this man's name.

The leader of the four little kings of the army, the popular man in front of Dai Yunong. He has been entrusted with important responsibilities at a young age. He is a figure.

I have to go. If one day my teahouse hangs an inventory sign, it means that I have been exposed. Boss Yang stood up and said.


One more thing, and the most important thing, I suspect that the military has blocked the news about Osborne's kidnapping. If they don't find the person, they will definitely make a fuss about George Kevin. George Kevin and I We have the closest relationship, he will bite me out if he doesn’t keep it together, the moral integrity of the British is as dirty as their so-called gentlemanly demeanor!”

You want to evacuate?

If I evacuate now, there will be no more than three hundred taels of silver here. Boss Yang chuckled, Don't worry, I will persist until the end. Long live the Empire of Japan!


Hu Youjia watched Boss Yang leave with a meaningful chill in his eyes. Then he picked up the phone on the table and dialed a number: Hey, it's me, he's here.

Hai, but he warned me before he left. If he disappears, the military command will definitely follow his lead to investigate.


Understood, I know what to do. Hu Youjia put down the phone and said loudly.

You were dumped? Luo Yao was surprised. He sent Xia Fei to keep an eye on Boss Yang of Qingfeng Teahouse, but he was actually lost.

He knew Xia Fei's tracking skills, and anyone who could get rid of him was definitely a master in anti-reconnaissance technology.

Yeah, but he probably didn't notice me. It was probably a routine action to protect his next actions from being discovered by anyone.

You mean, he has a default self-defense measure?

Yes, Station Master.

If that's the case, then the situation is pretty good. It seems like we need to investigate Boss Yang carefully. Luo Yao nodded.

The suspicions about Boss Yang are getting bigger and bigger, but he shouldn't be the white fox, nor Beichuan. The timelines when the two came to the mountain city don't match up.

I'll check it out, Xia Fei said.

Be careful, don't alert the snake.


Dai Yunong kept his car simple and quietly went to the small yard where Osborne lived to visit him. After all, he was an American expert. If something like this happened, he would always express his condolences.

Luo Yao naturally had to accompany him.

Osborne was not seriously injured physically, but he was mentally stimulated. Fortunately, he was in this line of work and was mentally prepared for the dangers.

But this time, he felt that he was the closest to death. If Luo Yao had come a step later, he and Xu Zhen would have been killed by Japanese spies.

Therefore, Luo Yao asked him to have a good rest at home and not go to work for the time being. He chose to stay at home obediently and never even went out of his own courtyard.

With Xu Zhen accompanying me, I wasn't that lonely.

Let's go, get in the car, and go to your office for a chat. After seeing Osborne, Dai Yunong turned his head and said to Luo Yao.


When the car entered the gate of Songlinpo Mansion (No. 84 Veterinary Station), Dai Yunong said with some emotion: I haven't been here for more than half a year since it was allocated to you last year.

You are too busy and have many things to do.

When you move to a new address, how about living in this mansion for you? Dai Yunong asked.

Director, please stop joking with students. I can't live in such a big house alone. Besides, this place is some distance from Ciqikou New Station, and it's not convenient to work back and forth.

You really don't want it?

Luo Yao shook his head. How dare he, an official as small as a sesame seed, live in such a nice house, let alone call it a mansion? He would be inviting trouble for himself.

How about we turn this place into a guest house in the future and leave it to your code interpretation room?

This is your private residence, Director. Isn't it appropriate to change it to a guest house?

What's inappropriate? If the business is done well, you just need to pay me dividends. I don't want more. Thirty percent is enough. Dai Yunong chuckled.

When I got off the car, I saw that many rooms on the second and third floors had lights shining through the gaps in the windows.

So many people work overtime at night?

Normally, everyone has to work until eight or nine before taking a break. The radio station works in three shifts and works all night. In other departments, almost one-third of the people work overtime. Luo Yaodao.

Well, very good, You Ning, come on, come and take a look with me? Dai Yunong said. This was his first time to inspect the secret interpretation room, and it was still late at night.

This is a temporary decision. In fact, this is not included in tonight's itinerary.


Songlinpo Mansion is Dai Yunong's private property. Although it has been handed over to the code interpretation room, the basic building frame structure has not changed. Of course, he is familiar with his own place. There are two new auxiliary buildings, one is a dormitory and the other is It is the canteen and logistics surrounding the agency office building.

The main reason is that there are too few rooms in the main building, and many ancillary departments are not placed in the main building. Departments such as the medical office and general affairs are placed in the same building as the canteen.

After visiting and introducing all the way, Dai Yunong did not enter. He was outside to see the working conditions of the people inside. He came here incognito today to take a look around.

Is this your office? Finally, Dai Yunong and Luo Yao came to his office.

Yes, director. Luo Yao didn't expect that Dai Yunong would come to the station to take a look. Although the office was cleaned every day, the files on the table were still a little messy.

Everything is still as it was when he was working.

Dai Yunong didn't drink tea, so Luo Yao had someone bring him a glass of boiled water.

With Dai Yunong's look, Luo Yao immediately understood and kicked out all the people who came in behind him, obviously wanting to talk alone.

Director, do you have any special instructions?

Qi Wu has already told me about your idea of ​​two-way communication. It's a good idea, but are you sure it won't worsen the relationship between the two families? Dai Yunong asked. In his heart, he didn't want to fall out with Wen Yuqing. , after all, he has the ambition to dominate the government's secret code deciphering agency. Wen Yuqing's ability, technology and prestige are beyond doubt, and Wen has a close relationship with the Song family, and he and Song are also allies.

He didn't want to make this relationship too tense.

Director, we are going to communicate, but what happens outside of the communication? That is also their own business. Luo Yao said, This person goes to higher places, and water flows to lower places. This is a natural law, and no one can stop it.

Don't go too far. Dai Yunong nodded. Wen Yuqing's attitude was very clear. He did not agree with the merger of the secret inspection office and the secret interpretation room.

He is unwilling to let the power of military command intervene in the secret inspection office, so that he will lose his independence.

No one wants to give up their power.

Don't worry, director, we will be careful. Luo Yao nodded. He imagined that it would be enough to recruit two or three people. If there are more, it will make them anxious and it will be troublesome.

Moreover, the Secret Inspection Office sent people here to study and exchange, so they had no intention of poaching?

Well, have you corresponded with your teacher Yu Jie again recently? Dai Yunong asked.

Yes, we communicate once a month. I haven't given him a chance to express this latest communication, Luo Yao said hurriedly.

Your teacher misunderstood me in some respects. I sent him to work in Guiyang because I relied heavily on him. In that position, it is impossible without someone who can hold him back. Dai Yunong said.

Yes, the teacher should be able to understand the director's painstaking efforts.

Good gay friend Zhuo Muxian's new book Veteran Police is on the shelves today. If you like realistic themes, you can subscribe and support it!

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