The secret war is silent

Chapter 335 Wear small shoes

Stationmaster Luo, Boss Dai asked me to tell you that he needs an English secretary... After a conversation, it was getting late, so Luo Yao personally took Dai Yunong downstairs and put him in the car.

Secretary Wang Hanguang stayed and whispered to Luo Yao quietly.

Brother Han Guang, if you have something to say, do you want to say it clearly?

Do you have a girl named Yu Shuheng here?

There is such a girl named Yu Shuheng, what happened? Luo Yao felt bitter in his heart. What he was worried about happened.

Don't pretend to be stupid. Boss Dai heard that she is a top student at a foreign language university and wants her to work in the secretary's office, Wang Hanguang said.

Yu Shuheng is proficient in English and is also the backbone of the business here. Of course, I can't force the person Director Dai likes to keep, but I have to ask the person involved to see if she is willing?

How can you not be willing to do such a good thing? Brother Luo, you have to be careful about this matter. After Wang Hanguang said that, he walked over, pulled the car door, and got in.

Luo Yao had long been aware of Dai Yunong's lustful evil deeds, but he didn't expect that he would actually reach into the secret interpretation room.

How long had it been since his first wife passed away, and he was already thinking about finding a new love?

But it was disgusting, so he couldn't ignore it.

You have to think of a way.

He didn't know how Dai Yunong knew about Yu Shuheng, whether he had known her before or when he caught his attention. This really posed a problem for him.

Stationmaster, is the person who came here tonight Boss Dai? Chi An walked out of the building after get off work. When he saw Luo Yao dazed in the yard, he stepped forward and asked.


Why did you come suddenly without notifying me in advance?

He likes this, being able to see the real situation. Luo Yao said, Lao Chi, my sister-in-law's matter will be arranged in two days.

I'm not in a hurry, stationmaster, you're busy, I'll go back first. Chi An said hurriedly.

Lao Chi, wait a minute, I have something to discuss with you... Luo Yao stopped Chi An, Go to my office to talk. I won't delay you for long.

Go to the secret inspection station to communicate. At this time, we are already short of manpower, and we have to send people to communicate and learn. Can we wait a little longer? Chi An didn't agree after hearing this.

There are at most five people, two of whom are leaders. There are two people from your code room and one person from the radio room. Is this the head office? Luo Yaodao said.

Well, why don't we let Lao Jia do it? Lao Jia is better at socializing, but Wu Yuliang and I are not good at it? Chi An thought for a moment and said.

Okay, you find time to communicate with Lao Jia. If he agrees, let him recommend someone, and we will finalize the list.


Webmaster, let me ask, who will lead the team for this exchange?

They seem to be led by a team leader named Yang Si. I'm not familiar with the others. I'll give you the list. Luo Yao said, In this way, we have to be equal here. I will definitely leave. No, Deputy Station Director Gong is injured, so Deputy Director Chen Zuxun is the most suitable.

I understand. Although Chi An doesn't like workplace struggles, it doesn't mean that he doesn't understand the relationship. Deputy Director Chen is here to stir up trouble in the secret interpretation room.

Find an excuse to send Chen Zuxun to communicate. Will Chen Zuxun still have the opportunity to do those little tricks in the secret interpretation room?

This is a conspiracy.

Back to the small courtyard where Ci'en Temple lived.

Gong Hui hasn't gone to bed yet, and is playing with her newly acquired Mauser 98K sniper rifle in the yard. The sniper rifle is equipped with a 4x Zeiss scope and can accurately shoot targets at 400 meters. If it is equipped with a 6x scope, it can Shoot a target one thousand meters away.

The rifle in Gong Hui's hand is equipped with a 4x Zeiss scope. With her shooting skills, no one can survive a target of 600 meters.

Isn't it just a gun? How big of a treasure is it?

This is not an ordinary gun. This is a sniper rifle made in Germany. It is equipped with the main force of the German army. Not many of them have been exported to us, and they have been divided up long ago. Such a new one is rare. Gong Hui couldn't put it down and said, Besides, this is the first gift you gave me.

Am I just going to give you this gift?

Those are different. Gong Hui said.

Okay, put your gun aside first, I have a problem. Luo Yaodao, regarding the matter of 'Yu Shuheng', besides Gong Hui, he really couldn't find a suitable person. negotiable.

Gong Hui put down the gun in her hand and asked seriously: What's the trouble?

Has our director taken a liking to one of our people?

Gong Hui asked in surprise: It can't be Jiang Xiaoyu, right?

No, the director may not even know that Jiang Xiaoyu exists. He is another one that I recruited from the Qianyang class. Luo Yao shook his head.

Gong Hui chuckled: Then I know who it is, Yu Shuheng, right?

That's right, a director came here for inspection today. Before leaving, Wang Hanguang told me about this in private. Luo Yao nodded.

You agreed?

Can I refuse? Luo Yao said, I can't even pretend to be stupid. Wang Hanguang made it clear that Yu Shuheng should be the secretary.

Is this your job as Yu Shuheng?

Well, let me do my job well, and then the bureau office will issue a transfer order to officially transfer the person. Luo Yao nodded and said.

What do you think about this? Gong Hui asked.

Our director, everything else is fine, but this woman... Luo Yao didn't know what to say. Being sexual is not a big sin, but doing whatever it takes to achieve your own greed is too much.

Of course, it's not entirely his fault. This slap in the face couldn't make a difference. If it weren't for the woman's greed for vanity and power, it wouldn't be the case.

I remember Yu Shuheng has a fiancé, right?

It seems to be her cousin, whose surname is Zhou. I don't know his specific name. Gong Hui nodded, Brother Yao, I think we should discuss this matter with Yu Shuheng first. Maybe she herself wants to Flying up a branch and turning into a phoenix, can't we block other people's way?

Okay, it's not easy for me to talk about this, why don't you try to make some innuendo for me? Luo Yao asked with a trace of pleading in his eyes.

Gong Hui glanced at Luo Yao and said helplessly: Okay, I'll come to talk to her, but what if she doesn't want to?

Just say she is sick, a serious infectious disease?

It's such a coincidence that she got sick. Do you think the director will believe it? Gong Hui sneered. This method was just a slap in the face.

Otherwise, it's just that she has an unclear relationship with someone?

With whom? Gong Hui sneered, If the director asks you to hand over someone, what will you do? Hand it over or not?

Then what do you think we should do?

Regarding this matter, Cold Salad, have you forgotten Zhou Xiaoying's lessons learned from the past? Gong Hui said, Can we create another Zhou Xiaoying?

Otherwise, I put her on the list of exchange students at the Diancheng Secret Inspection Institute? Luo Yao said, Delay for a while, maybe the director will forget about it.

What would happen to you if the director knew that you were the one causing the problem? Gong Hui said.

I don't care about this. I joined the military to resist Japan and save the country. Although the director has been kind to me, my allegiance is to the party and the state, and to Chairman Chiang Kai-shek.

Gong Hui reminded: You'd better consider this matter carefully.

If Yu Shuheng is unwilling, then let's do this. Let's wait for a while and see if there is a solution. Luo Yao decided.

There is never a shortage of women around Dai Yunong, and he has always liked the new and dislikes the old. Maybe after a while, this idea will fade away, and he may even forget about Yu Shuheng.

What do you mean this is?

This fire nest doesn't even have a place to spread it.

Let me tell you, this trouble was caused by you. If you hadn't recruited her in the first place, nothing would have happened? Gong Hui scolded him.

Then I knew it would be such a result? Luo Yaodao, It's not her fault that she is strong and beautiful, right?

Don't you know that it is an original sin for a woman to be too beautiful?

Who said that?



What would you do if the woman the director was interested in was me instead? Gong Hui suddenly asked.

Will you agree?

No. Gong Hui shook her head.

Then no one can force you to do anything you don't want to do. Luo Yao said.

Get some sleep. Gong Hui stared at Luo Yao for three seconds, picked up the sniper rifle on the table, and dragged her injured calf back to the house.

What, you want me to lead a team to Diancheng to exchange and learn with the secret inspection office? Chen Zuxun is busy preparing to establish a CP unit.

Suddenly Luo Yao called him to the office and told him to lead a team to the secret inspection station to communicate and learn with others. What did this mean? Even fools can see it.

Yes, this exchange and study group was approved by Director Dai. There are five places in our secret interpretation room. Secretary Mao and I have always recommended you to be the team leader. Jia Bingwen, the leader of the statistics team, will be the team deputy. The other three members are Su Li , Wang Hu and Yu Shuheng.

Why is there a woman? Chen Zuxun was shocked and angry, but he had no choice. Who made Luo Yao the actual person in charge of the secret interpretation room? He knew that this matter was against him, but he had no choice. He couldn't disobey his orders. In the end, he would be the one who lost more than he gained.

Yu Shuheng is proficient in English, and Dr. Wen studied in the United States, which makes communication easier, and she is also very capable in business. If she goes to exchange and study, she will get twice the result with half the effort. Luo Yao explained.

Then who will I leave the work at hand to?

Your work will be taken care of by Deputy Station Master Gong, and I will return it to you when you come back. Luo Yao said.

Okay, then I'll go back and make preparations? Chen Zuxun had a gloomy face and put on his shoes too fast. No wonder Wei Daming was always defeated by Luo Yao.

This guy is so insidious.

Their exchange group will be here the day after tomorrow, so you should leave early. Luo Yao did not forget to remind him.


In a blink of an eye, it’s August.

The weather in the mountain city is still extremely hot, especially the sun at noon, which is scorching the earth and making the slate tiles smoke when you step on them with your bare feet.

It's such an exaggeration.

One of the Four Great Stoves, it’s not called that for nothing.

The newspaper said that the situation in Europe was getting more and more tense, and an unprecedented war was expected to break out. Now it was just the tranquility before the war.

All waiting.

The National Government in the mountain city is waiting, and so are the Japanese.

The atmosphere of the frontline battle is getting stronger and stronger.

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