The secret war is silent

Chapter 336 Exchange Study Group

A long telegram from the other side of the ocean arrived in the mountain town, and the New York Times published a news that Holbert Yardley, a genius code-breaking expert who once worked for the U.S. Federal Government's Military Intelligence Agency, had long been employed by an agency of the Chinese government. It's no longer in the United States.

The news that Yardley was in China was basically made public.

The United States could no longer pretend to be deaf and dumb. David Barrett, the assistant diplomat at the U.S. Embassy in Yamashiro, asked the relevant government departments about the situation.

He did not know the specific situation of Yardley in the mountain city, so he could only find out through official channels, and at the same time, report the news to the country.

Osborne finished his vacation and returned to work, while Xu Zhen returned to the German Mansion, and she was allowed to visit Osborne at any time, no longer needing to sneak to the South Hot Spring Hotel.

This also fulfilled this pair of temporary mandarin ducks.

We all know that there is no future, we just experienced life and death together, and we must get each other's emotional or financial needs together.

As for the future.

Osborne signed a one-year service agreement. When the time is up, if the military commander does not renew the contract, he will have to return to the United States. As for Xu Zhen, it is naturally impossible for her to return to the United States to live with him.

When she arrived in the United States, how could she survive without any skills to make a living?

A group of ten people from the exchange and study group of the secret inspection office got off the plane. Qi Zhibin went to the airport to greet them on behalf of Luo Yao. No matter what they were thinking, they still had to treat guests well.

Qi Zhibin is Luo Yao's assistant. His military rank was originally second lieutenant. Now he has been mentioned as captain, which can be regarded as being promoted quickly.

His role is easy to ignore and not easy to achieve. He handles such trivial matters for Luo Yao, but it is indispensable. Just like Mao Yunong, the acting chief secretary is to Dai Yunong. His rank and real power in the military command are greater than his. There are many big ones, but his position is irreplaceable.

Of course, the code interpretation room is a confidential department and does not need to wear military uniforms. People like Chi An are only technical officers. In addition to military ranks, they also have technical titles.

The leader of the study and exchange team of the Secret Inspection Institute is Yang Si, who is very young and is Wen Yuqing's favorite general. The deputy leader's surname is Shi. This person has a good background and is Wen Yuqing's brother-in-law.

One of them is the director of the research department of the secret inspection agency, and the other is the director of the general affairs department, and their military ranks are both colonels.

The team members are all elite soldiers drawn from the secret inspection agency, both men and women.

Team Leader Yang, Deputy Team Leader Shi, I'm the assistant to Deputy Director Luo of the Code Interpretation Room, please! Qi Zhibin saw the person getting off the plane and hurriedly greeted him, first introducing himself.

Why aren't you, Deputy Director Luo, here? Shi Jiaqian asked displeasedly.

Deputy Director Luo has something to do and cannot leave. He specifically asked me to receive everyone at the secret inspection station well. Qi Zhibin explained hurriedly.

You really don't understand the rules. Director Yang and I are both his seniors. This time we came here to guide the work of the code interpretation room, and he actually made excuses with us! Shi Jiaqian said dissatisfied.

Qi Zhibin's face changed slightly. Although he had already prepared that one or two of the people who came would be more difficult to deal with, they would just point their noses and curse.

It's good that Luo Yao is a junior, but his position is equivalent to Wen Yuqing, the director of the secret inspection station, although his military rank may be much lower.

But the secret interpretation room and the secret inspection office are not affiliated with each other. Shi Jiaqian is a veteran, but he is not qualified to put on airs in front of anyone.

He obviously asked to come over for exchange and study, but he insisted on saying that he came over for guidance, showing a condescending attitude.

Is this the attitude of asking for help?

Brother Shi, since Deputy Director Luo has something to do temporarily, let's not criticize him harshly. Business is more important. The team leader Yang Si tried to smooth things over. He was a technical officer and didn't really like a bureaucrat like Shi Jiagan, but after all, people are not living things. In a vacuum, Shi Jiaqian is Wen Yuqing's brother-in-law, looking at the Buddha without looking at the monk's face.

Shi Jiagan snorted coldly and said nothing.

Director Yang, we will take a boat first and disembark directly from Ciqikou Old Pier instead of Chaotianmen Pier, Qi Zhibin said.

Why not go to Chaotianmen Pier? I also want to see the world-famous 'Jiama Water'? Shi Jiaqian asked.

Yes, if you come to the mountain city and don't see the 'Ancient Chongqing Pass', wouldn't your visit be in vain? said a person behind Shi Jiaqian.

Well, since you want to take a detour, I don't have any objection. I'm afraid it will delay your rest. After all, if we go from Chaotianmen, we will arrive at our destination at least an hour late. Qi Zhibin said, You guys didn’t arrive very early, so considering the time issue, we chose a shorter route.”

Qi Zhibin didn't care. It was just walking more distances, spending more money, and wasting time. It wasn't his, he was just taking a little time.

Yang Si frowned slightly. After sitting on the plane for several hours, his bones were almost broken due to the bumps in the air. He just wanted to arrive at the resting place earlier and have a good rest. Naturally, it would be best to take the shortest way. , now we have to take the longest walk, isn’t this frustrating?

Director Shi, it's getting late, let's just do whatever we want, right?

Old Yang, are you tired? Shi Jiaqian saw that Yang Si's face didn't look good and asked quickly.

I'm just a little dizzy. Yang Si stroked his forehead and said.

Okay, we are all here in the mountain city. We will have a chance to see Chaotianmen Pier later. We are all tired from flying, so we should go to a place to stay early. Shi Jiagan said, Yang Si is the person in charge of this trip after all, plus He was given the opportunity to go up the steps, but if he didn't get down, he would be denying Yang Si face.

Qi Zhibin didn't say anything. His mission was to not retaliate when scolded or hit, but to just take these people to their destination. The rest of the matter was out of his control.

By boat, by car.

Walk again.

A group of ten people came to a small building shaded by green cypresses. It had yellow walls and a brick-concrete structure. It didn't look like a large building, but it shouldn't be a big problem if it accommodated more than ten people.

Director Yang, we rented this building specially for you. It is equipped with chefs and cleaning staff. If you need anything, please feel free to ask.

Your wife is very considerate! Yang Si was very satisfied. He thought they would live in a dormitory or something like that when they came over. After all, their purpose of coming was not that simple. How could they give you a good look?

Every morning at 7:30, a car will come to pick you up where we work. As for your study and exchange arrangements in the secret interpretation room, we will discuss and decide after you meet with our Deputy Director Luo tomorrow. Qi Zhibin brought people in , explained.

There is a restaurant and conference room on the first floor. You all eat here every day. You can also have meetings here.

Yang Si nodded.

There are two rooms on the third floor. One of them is a suite with a study and a reception room. Director Yang and Director Shi, you can choose one. There is also an independent dressing room that can be opened as a study. You can make your own arrangements...

There are four rooms on the second floor. There are exactly eight of you, and every two people have a room. The two ladies can choose your room first, and the men can choose the rest.

We are responsible for your safety, so don't worry. However, please don't go out unless necessary. If you need to go out and ask for leave in advance, we can send a car or personnel to follow you. Qi Zhibin said, If you go out privately, please do not go out. If there is a safety issue, you will bear the consequences at your own risk.”

There is nothing wrong with this. They work in the secret inspection station and have a strict entry and exit system, but it is more relaxed and relatively free in Diancheng.

Mountain cities are no better than Dian cities. Japanese planes come over every now and then to drop bombs. Public security is not particularly good, and Japanese espionage activities are frequent. You are all in possession of the secrets of the party and state. I hope you will act as authors and abide by the confidentiality regulations. Qi Zhibin One last reminder to everyone.

You can set your own schedule, but your meal times must be on time. You can tell our kitchen chef what you want to eat, but he is a Sichuan cook. If any of you are not used to spicy food, you must explain it in advance. The food standards are the same. We are the same, except that we don’t eat here at noon, we have breakfast and dinner here. Tomorrow night, our Deputy Director Luo will host a banquet for you all.

The sheets, bedding, and mats are all new. There is an electric fan in each room. Hot water is available for a limited time. We do not provide any alcohol. If necessary, you can go out to buy it, but drinking is strictly prohibited during work. Otherwise, you will be cancelled. If you conduct more than three study exchanges on the same day, your exchange qualifications will be immediately cancelled.”

These are all written in this communication manual. Everyone has a copy of it in their room. If you don't understand anything or don't know how to do it, just check it from above. You must return this booklet before leaving and cannot take it away. Qi Zhibin took out a booklet that looked quite thin, waved it in front of Yang Si, Shi Jiaqian and others and said.

The arrangement of your office is really meticulous and thoughtful! Yang Si exclaimed. In comparison, the Secret Inspection Office did not pay much attention to this two-way communication. No, it should be that it did not pay attention to the exchange group receiving the secret interpretation room. I guess it can be easily arranged.

Yang Si's guess was absolutely correct.

Chen Zuxun and his party of five also arrived in Diancheng by plane. Wen Yuqing sent someone to pick them up. The person who picked them up was an old acquaintance of Chen Zuxun. Fang Yan, who turned out to be the supporter of the Secret Inspection Office from the Military Command Bureau.

Fang Yan is Wei Daming's confidant in the secret inspection office. He is in charge of the detection of secret codes, but he does not touch the core of code deciphering and cannot grasp the real secret of code deciphering.

The Secret Inspection Office arranged its own ordinary staff dormitory. Of course, the conditions were a bit more difficult. It didn’t matter that the bedding and mats were old. It was such a hot day and there was not even an electric fan. Chen Zuxun’s expression changed when he saw it. It just changed.

They are guests from afar, and the Secret Inspection Office is doing this to deliberately disgust them and make them unable to stay in the Secret Inspection Office. Isn't this method too despicable?

Although Chen Zuxun has a good relationship with Fang Yan, he is now the deputy director of the secret interpretation room. If his position is no longer firm, he may lose his status in the secret interpretation room after returning and lose his temper with Fang Yan on the spot. , and refused to live in staff dormitories.

The atmosphere was extremely awkward for a while.

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