The secret war is silent

Chapter 337 Conspiracy

Stationmaster, Deputy Director Chen and the others have arrived in Diancheng. This is the telegram they sent us.

Qi Zhibin was his assistant and was in charge of the general department. Luo Yao selected a serious and responsible student from the Qianyang class students he brought back to serve as his full-time secretary.

The duties of a full-time secretary are to run errands and deliver various documents and reports.

Well, I understand.

Webmaster, you'd better take a look. Xiao Wu, the full-time secretary, reminded.

Oh, what's going on? Luo Yao raised his head in surprise. Chen Zuxun had many acquaintances at the secret inspection station. If he went there, at least he wouldn't be treated coldly.

Xiao Wu remained silent.

Luo Yao took the message and glanced at it. His expression changed slightly. There was indeed something wrong. Chen Zuxun reported to Luo Yao what happened when they arrived at the secret inspection station. He also decided not to live in the dormitory of the secret inspection station. Rent a yard outside and live by yourself.

But I couldn't find a house for a while, so I found a hotel nearby and settled down. The secret inspection station didn't stop me, and they didn't even send anyone to inquire.

The Secret Inspection Office simply does not welcome them to go there for study and exchange.

Call back. Considering the nature and purpose of our work, in addition to confidentiality, there are also complete safety issues. Therefore, we do not agree with them renting a house outside. If they are missing, we will buy it ourselves. Even if we leave, we can send it to the secret inspection office I have made good friends with colleagues here, and if they need to buy daily necessities, including electric fans, they will be reimbursed when they come back. Luo Yao thought about it and asked Xiao Wu to write down his call back.


Immediately hand it over to Director Wen and send it to them.

Brother Yang, the treatment in this secret interpretation room is so good. They actually rented us a small western-style building with all the living facilities and a special car. After dinner and a shower, Shi Jiaqian dressed in a Wearing white silk pajamas, she knocked on the door and entered Yang Si's room.

Yang Si was wearing a vest and was sorting out the books he had brought with him in the house. Although he came here for exchange and study, he could not leave his work behind.

Moreover, they also brought a radio with them so that they could contact the secret inspection office at any time.

That's true, but the more they treat us like this, the more careful we have to be. Yang Si said, This Luo Yao is young and not a good person.

A young man who could knock Wei Daming to the ground would be impossible if he had no ability and only relied on Dai Yunong's favor.

Well, I can see that Assistant Qi was neither humble nor arrogant along the way. He was obviously impatient, but never showed it at all. Are young people nowadays so powerful? Shi Jiaqian is arrogant, but he is not a fool.

Have you reported our situation to the institute?

I told you everything, and I even gave you a few compliments. Shi Jiaqian walked to the sofa and sat down casually.

I always feel that they will not let us have access to core technologies. They will definitely guard us like thieves. They will have a meeting tomorrow to decide on personnel allocation. Their organizational structure is different from ours. The core department has three offices. Translation and statistics are similar to radio stations and radio stations. They intercept the communications of local radio stations and make detailed records and classifications. I think we can just send one person to communicate with them, but the research and interpretation office and the statistics office are the most important. Heavy……

I agree, but we must keep at least two people at home every day. The cooks and cleaners here are all their people. Although we don't have many secrets, we can't let anyone reveal the truth? Shi Jiagan said.

It's okay to keep people, just treat them as off-duty. I heard that all their departments have people on duty 24 hours a day. Yang Si nodded.

I heard that Luo Yao is from Jinling, his ancestral home is Jinghai, and he is from the same place as you? Shi Jiaqian suddenly raised a topic.

I really don't know this. Where did you find out about it?

The things within the military system are not a big secret. Brother Yang, when the time comes, you can try to get close to each other in the name of fellow villagers. Maybe you will gain something?

I'm not good at this... Yang Si hesitated.

I'll help you make an appointment. When the time comes, you can just come over and just increase the relationship. Shi Jiagan said with a smile.

Besides, people may not have time. Yang Si is essentially disgusted with this kind of welcome and delivery. He is a pure technical official, and what he cares about most is technology.

I heard that Deputy Director Luo is a top student in the Mathematics Department of Aurora University. Shi Jiaqian said, You two must have something in common.

Really? He also studies mathematics? Yang Si was a little surprised. He really didn't know this.


We can discuss it with each other.

Early the next morning, Qi Zhibin personally escorted the car and took a group of ten people from the exchange and study group of the Secret Inspection Office to the Songlinpo Mansion, the office of the Secret Interpretation Office.

Seeing the plaque of Veterinary Station No. 84 hanging at the gate of the mansion, people like Yang Si were naturally not surprised. It is impossible for such a highly confidential unit to directly display the name of the unit. It must always use an ordinary name. The name confuses the outside world.

The Songlinpo Mansion covers a much smaller area than the Secret Inspection Office in Dian City. After all, it is a newly established department with imperfect personnel and institutions.

There are more than 400 people in the secret inspection office, including auxiliary work and security personnel, and the secret interpretation room only has a little over 200 people when it is full, which is almost half the size of the secret inspection office.

But this rising star has already carved his own way in the world of code-breaking, and he has left others behind, leaving others with no way out.

This can be called: the young are ferocious.

Luo Yao, Chi An and other middle-level members of the secret translation room stood in a row under the steps in front of the courtyard building, preparing to welcome Yang Si and others. After all, they were the hosts.

Team Leader Yang, this is Deputy Director Luo Yao of our secret interpretation room. Qi Zhibin led the way and introduced Yang Si.

I've heard about the famous Crying for a long time, and finally saw it today. Yang Si spoke first and stretched out his hand.

Luo Yao was stunned for a moment. Although the code name Ciao Ting was his, he rarely used it. There was no trace of it even in official documents and telegrams. When he was suddenly called out, he was a little surprised and quickly reached out to hold it. He paused: Team Leader Yang is too polite, and his reputation is not directly mentioned. Team Leader Yang is the one who broke Luo's heart. He deciphered the Japanese army's secret messages and was like thunder. I saw him today and I am lucky for the rest of my life.

Yang Si chuckled: Deputy Director Luo is too polite. I would like to ask you for more advice if I have the opportunity.

“Don’t dare to ask for advice, learn from each other.”

This is deputy team leader Shi Jiaqian. Qi Zhibin then introduced Shi Jiaqian to Luo Yao.

Luo Yao also shook hands with the other party, said disrespect, and said no more. There were eight people behind him, and they kept talking endlessly.

Chi An and Yang Si knew each other, so no introduction was needed, but Wen Xueren, Wu Yuliang and others were strangers and needed to be introduced one by one.

Please come to the large conference room on the third floor.

When they met for the first time, they naturally exchanged greetings. Luo Yao had already prepared tea and fruits, and the heads of various departments and key business representatives came to attend the reception.

Team Leader Yang, Deputy Team Leader Shi, and all colleagues from the Secret Inspection Office, our work is quite busy and we don't want to waste everyone's time. Therefore, I would like to hear from you first how to arrange the next exchange work. Opinion? As a host, it is natural to have enough respect for the guests.

There can be no loss of etiquette on the table.

We are guests, so we should do as we please. Yang Si and Shi Jiaqian looked at each other, We will do whatever Deputy Director Luo arranges.

That won't work. I'm not too familiar with you all. How about I let each department in our secret interpretation room introduce themselves first, and then let you choose which department to go to? Luo Yaodao said.

That's very good.

Lao Chi, let's start with you. Luo Yao nodded to Chi An and ordered.

Okay, stationmaster. Chi An nodded slightly and said to Yang Si and others, Team Leader Yang, Deputy Team Leader Shi, we are old acquaintances. Our secret interpretation room has four rooms and four departments. I guess You have already seen it from our brochure, so I won’t go into details. Now I will mainly talk about the work scope of the code translation room that I am responsible for...

Yang Si opened his notebook, listening and recording at the same time. Others did the same, but they were not as careful as he remembered.

Jia Bingwen from the statistics office was not present at the meeting attended by Wu Yuliang on his behalf, and he also introduced his related responsibilities and work scope, and finally Wen Xueren from the radio station.

I heard that the encryption room has also hired an American encryption code deciphering expert. I wonder if we can meet? After listening to the introductions of each department, Yang Si closed his notebook and asked.

Team Leader Yang is very well-informed. Yes, we have indeed hired a relevant expert from the United States. He is mainly responsible for guiding our work and undertaking part of the training of new employees. He has classes in the morning, so he was unable to come. You can see him at work in the future. Luo Yao chuckled.

Can you please introduce me to Deputy Director Luo?

Of course, I can take Team Leader Yang over later after he finishes class. Luo Yao nodded. Osborne's existence was not a secret, and his identity was now almost half public. He wanted to stop him. It is unrealistic not to allow them to meet.

Okay, then it's settled. Yang Si was very happy. At least in terms of communication, there were no obstacles set up in the secret interpretation room.

Of course, this is all superficial. Everyone knows that the secret interpretation room is now far better than the secret inspection office in deciphering Japanese diplomatic secrets. Even if the secret inspection office catches up, it will only give you the same level as the secret interpretation room. If you want to improve, it will be difficult. It's difficult, not to mention that when the secret inspection office catches up, the secret interpretation room will not stand still.

This is one step ahead and one step ahead.

Deputy Director Luo, there are ten of us in total. We arrange for two people to take turns every day, so there are eight people. I would like to arrange it like this. Deputy team leader Shi will come forward for exchanges and studies related to administrative aspects. In terms of business, it is basically docking, research and translation. Statistics and radio station three rooms, in terms of number of people, there are four people in the research and interpretation room, three people in the statistics room and one person in the radio room. There is no fixed list, what do you think? Yang Sidao.

Yes, but we need to be notified in advance so that we can arrange targeted work. Luo Yao thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

Thank you, Deputy Director Luo, for your understanding.

Although we belong to two agencies, we are all working for the party and the state. We are one family. Luo Yao chuckled. Since he wanted to recruit people from the secret inspection agency, he naturally had to show his magnanimity, calmness and generosity. After coming out, compared to the petty arrogance of the secret inspection station, it was a judgment call.

This is how people's disapproval came about. Luo Yao was completely conspiring.

Double monthly passes will start tomorrow, don’t forget it!

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