The secret war is silent

Chapter 341 Letter

Return to the small courtyard of Ci'en Temple.

Well, you've been observing these people all night. What do you want to say? Luo Yao asked Gong Hui after his face was flushed with water from the well.

The team leader Yang Si is a technical scholar-official with no evil intentions, but the deputy team leader Shi Jiaqian has ulterior motives and doesn't look like a good person at first glance.

He is Dr. Wen's brother-in-law. If you say that, it would be bad if it reaches other people's ears. Luo Yao chuckled.

Will he know?

The Secret Inspection Office came here this time under the guise of exchange and learning, and we are here to steal our lessons. We all know it well. However, if we strictly guard against it, the other party will definitely have objections. Of course, what they see is still let They see that the communication work is only during the day anyway, so we can make full use of this and show them something, Luo Yao said.

You are very generous. Our skills are just summarized bit by bit, and you just give them away casually? Gong Hui rolled her eyes at him.

Aren't you fishing for food? Luo Yao chuckled, Our director's goal is the secret inspection station. Now we have entered a bottleneck period. If we want to make a bigger breakthrough, there are two ways to do it: with foreign countries. We need to cooperate with other cryptographic code deciphering organizations to learn their advanced deciphering techniques and introduce talents, but this is very difficult. Even if we want to cooperate, others may not think highly of us.

anything else?

The entire domestic code-breaking talents and resources will be used to create an Eastern code-breaking intelligence center and concentrate on overcoming difficulties.

So, we want to take down the secret inspection station?

Director Dai mentioned the merger to Dr. Wen Yuqing, but Dr. Wen refused. Luo Yao nodded.

Since you have refused, why do you still agree to the secret inspection station to conduct exchanges and studies with us?

Haha, can our director refuse the chairman's will? Luo Yao chuckled, Mao Zongxiang of the Military Commission's secret code research group supports Dr. Wen. The chairman does not want the military commander to solely control an organization like code deciphering. This is also For the sake of balance.”

It's so complicated, shouldn't it be just to be able to decipher more of the Japanese military's messages? Gong Hui muttered.

Luo Yaodao: For them, the importance of political struggle is far more important than resisting Japan and saving the nation. Power is the foundation of one's life.

What about you, are you greedy for power?

Haha, in the eyes of outsiders, don't I just look like a person who is greedy for power? Luo Yao said with a smile, Otherwise, how could I squeeze out Wei Daming and support Secretary Mao to rise to power, just because I can rise to the top?

You have been promoted quickly enough. Many people outside are jealous. Even the people who came out of our temporary training class are also jealous of you.

Then let them be envious and jealous. Let's do our own thing well. Luo Yao laughed. This kind of jealousy is human nature, and he doesn't need to take it to heart.

Webmaster, in recent days, the number of confidential diplomatic messages sent by the Japanese Consulate in Moscow to Tokyo has shown a rising trend. Moreover, the number of messages encrypted using purple encryption has been three times higher than the average of the past month. Chi An asked Luo Yao reported.

What's the news about the conflict between Japan and the Soviet Union at Nomenkan?

There are no signs of ending yet. Chi An said, for those engaged in intelligence, the Nomenkan conflict between Japan and the Soviet Union is a key focus. Japan and the Soviet Union are both neighbors, and the Soviet Union is also an important aid country in China's anti-Japanese war. It is very important to Soviet intelligence. Attention.

What's the latest news from Moscow?

It is said that the Soviet Union and Germany are in contact in private, but the specific circumstances are not yet clear.

Luo Yao knew what was going on, but he couldn't say that the Soviet Union had long been dissatisfied with the appeasement policy of Britain and France towards Germany and Japan, and with the breakdown of negotiations between the Soviet Union, France, and Britain, there would inevitably be collusion between the Soviet Union and Germany. Between countries, what is ultimately discussed is interests.

Is there any progress in deciphering Zi Mi?

There is not much progress so far. We can only simply analyze and determine which messages are encrypted with purple dense. The specific content is still unknown. Chi An was a little frustrated.

Take your time, don't be in a hurry, haste makes waste. Luo Yao comforted.

Well, I'm going to do something.

Old Wu is back, from Jiangcheng.

He once again went to the military radio school as an old servant of the Jiang family and asked to see his young lady. He also brought a personal letter from Jiang Xiaoyu's father.

Gong Hui asked Principal Su Min to keep this letter.

Let Lao Wu go back and wait for news.

All letters in the cryptographic room are subject to inspection by the Postal Inspection Team. This is a routine means of finding spies. To put it more broadly, all letters in the entire mountain city, no matter who they are, must be inspected by the Postal and Telecommunications Inspection Team. , some will even directly unpack it and read it, then put it back and deliver it to the person concerned.

This letter from Jiang Xiaoyu's father is no exception. In addition to opening the envelope to check whether the content is illegal, there is also a chemical drug test to check whether the letter uses secret writing techniques to hide the content in the blank space.

The general inspection is limited to the content. Unless there are special circumstances and there is something wrong with the letter, chemical inspection will be used.

Once a letter has been chemically tested, it cannot be restored. Even if a mistake is made, the letter will be destroyed directly. Even if there is any secret content hidden in it, it will not be visible at the time.

Therefore, in many cases, there is no need to use cryptic ink for such public letters. A more powerful spy will hide what he wants to tell the other party in the letter, so that only the person involved can understand it.

This kind of inspection, unless there is a targeted target of suspicion, will simply not be completed if a large number of letters are checked one by one.

What Lao Wu brought back was a very ordinary letter from home, a letter of a father's longing for his daughter, with nothing else hidden in it.

After opening it, Gong Hui transcribed the contents, restored the envelope, and then called Jiang Xiaoyu into her office.

A letter came from your home and was sent to the radio school. Gong Hui handed the letter to Jiang Xiaoyu and said, In the future, you can correspond with your home, but the content of the letter needs to be reviewed before it can be sent out. The address can be used Shancheng No. 2 Middle School.”

Yes, Deputy Station Master Gong.

Go ahead.

Jiang Xiaoyu did not open the envelope immediately and read the letter inside. Instead, she took it back to the dormitory, closed the door, opened the envelope, and took out the letter inside.

It was a letter written by her father, and she recognized it at a glance, but she still found traces of family members on the letter.

Only the family members knew she was here, not Jiang Cheng's family. The family members must have gone to Jiangcheng. They were using their family connections to establish contact with her.

After waiting for more than a month, suffering in hesitation for more than a month, Jiang Xiaoyu was very excited when she finally received the news about someone coming from her home.

But she had to hide this excitement deep in her heart and not show it too obviously in front of others. Of course, she should be happy when she received a letter from her father, otherwise it would be unjustifiable.

The person who was originally supposed to contact her never showed up. She had observed many people in the code room and found no one who deliberately talked to her or cared about her in particular.

Even my former colleague, Deputy Director Luo, whose pseudonym was Qin Ming, I didn't meet a few times and didn't speak more than ten sentences alone.

Next, as Gong Hui's secretary and assistant, she has more people she can contact. If this person is in the secret interpretation room, she will definitely be able to find him.

The news of Lao Wu's return could not be hidden from Luo Yao.

Su Min called Gong Hui. He knew it. He and Lao Wu had agreed on a way to meet and sent him there when he came back.

Gong Hui's leg injury was inconvenient, but it brought a lot of convenience to Luo Yao. He went out to do things alone, so there was a valid reason for not taking Gong Hui with him.

Along the Jialing River.

Luo Yao came as promised. Among the anglers, he was so familiar with Old Wu's bloated back that he recognized it at a glance.

Brother, how was your harvest today? Luo Yao walked over, took a look into the bucket, and asked with a smile. Old Wu held the fishing rod in his hand, motionless, and put his fingers vertically between his lips, Shh, there is a fish taking the bait. ”

Really? Luo Yao grew up in Jinling, a water town in the south of the Yangtze River. He is no stranger to fishing. He used to like to go fishing alone by the river. He would sit there all afternoon and enjoy this rare tranquility. Since then, The Japanese army captured Jinling and he fled all the way to join the military. He has never touched a fishing rod again.

It's been almost two years.

The gourd on the surface of the water trembled twice and was suddenly pulled underwater. With this speed and force, the fish must be quite big, and Luo Yao couldn't help but get excited.

Lift the hook quickly!

A white-striped fish weighing at least three kilograms was pulled out of the water. When it left the water, it was still struggling and wagging its tail. Unfortunately, the more it struggled, the tighter the hook became, and its final fate was to be dragged directly to the shore. .

It's such a big white strip. Whether it's steamed or braised, it's extremely delicious. The fish was thrown into the bucket and was still jumping around.

Brother, is he also a person who likes fishing?

I used to have free time, but that's not the case now. I'm too busy. Luo Yao chuckled and responded.

Haha, you should rest even if you are busy. The way of civility and martial arts is to relax and relax.

What Xiongtai said is that fishing is a way of cultivating one's moral character. As for me, now I prefer to watch others fishing. Luo Yao said with a smile.

Brother, do you want to try this fishing rod of mine? Lao Wu put the bait on the hook and handed it to Luo Yao, asking with a smile.

Forget it, I'll just watch you fish. Luo Yao didn't reach out to pick it up and said in a low voice, There's no one around, so just say whatever you want.

My superiors agreed that Xiao Jiang and I will be in direct contact, but now, I can't see Xiao Jiang at all? Lao nodded and said.

I'll think of a way to give you a chance to meet outside.

Xiao Jiang's task was originally to act as a traffic officer between you and me. Now it seems that it is not suitable. Your status in the military system is getting higher and higher, and your importance is getting bigger and bigger. The organization does not give you For your specific tasks, you can move freely, all on the premise of ensuring your own safety.

After you meet Jiang Xiaoyu, you can hint to her that your comrades in the secret interpretation room will secretly help her obtain relevant information and then pass it on through her, but don't tell her my identity. Luo Yao said, This way she can still become one of us Traffic person between.”

Okay, how is your situation in the secret translation room? Old Wu nodded and asked.

Fortunately, I basically have the final say in the code interpretation room now, but Wei Daming inserted a person for me, named Chen Zuxun. This person is extremely anti-communist. He plans to set up a CP group in the code interpretation room. , I can’t stop him, but I will restrict him in other ways.”

This won't cause you any trouble, will it?

No, Wei Daming and I don't get along. My opposition to Chen Zuxun will be seen as a competition between Wei Daming and I, and I won't think about it. Luo Yao explained.

Ah That's good.

There is another situation. Please inform the organization as soon as possible. The military commander has set up a special training class in Hanzhong. I don't know the specific situation, but the target may be against us. The organization can do relevant investigation work. Luo Yao As a reminder, he can only hear a rough idea of ​​some news, and it is impossible for him to know the details at his level.

Okay, I understand. I will report it to the organization. Old Wu nodded, and the gourd on the water moved again. It seemed that another fish was taking the bait.

Today's harvest is really good.

Asking for a double guaranteed monthly ticket!

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