The secret war is silent

Chapter 342 Small Coal Kiln

Webmaster, what a fat fish!

Hey, I just went for a walk and saw someone fishing by the river, so I went to watch it for a while. Good guy, I caught three fish in one go. This one is the biggest! Luo Yao was holding this fish in his hand. It's not six or seven pounds, tied with a straw rope, it's heavy.

Webmaster, could you be...

What are you thinking about? Someone gave this to me. I've been sitting here all afternoon, but I didn't catch one. I'll bring him good luck as soon as I go. Old Wu gave him a fish. Find an excuse, otherwise no matter how hard you explain it, go out and get a fish and come back.

Is Master Pan here? Help me clean up this fish and braise it tonight. Luo Yao carried the fish into the kitchen and called out.

Master Pan heard the sound and came over and was surprised: Oh, such a big white fish is really rare. Stationmaster, you are really lucky.

Hehe, we have a good meal. Master Pan, please clean up. I'll treat you to dinner tonight. Luo Yao smiled, very proud.

Do you want it braised or steamed?

It's so big. Let's braise it. The taste is a little lighter. Add less chili pepper and Sichuan peppercorns. Tonight's guests don't like spicy food. Luo Yao ordered.

Okay, just take a look, how about the other dishes?

You can figure it out, but there must be braised pork and braised eggplant. Take one. You can choose the rest by yourself. It will clear your mouth. Seven or eight dishes are enough. Luo Yao thought for a moment and said, Remember I will settle the account with Section Chief Qi at the end of the month.


Team Yang, want to have dinner tonight? Luo Yao hummed a little tune as he ran to the research and translation room, pushed aside the people in the office, and walked to Yang Si who was studying and working seriously.

People like Yang Si come to exchange and study, and they also have to do some work. If they don't use free labor, they will be fools. The code translation room does not support idle people, so they have to earn back the entertainment fees.

After all, these people don’t have to pay their own salaries.

Ah? Yang Si raised his head in surprise. He was very surprised. Is it so casual to treat guests to dinner?

Deputy Director Luo, are we just the two of us?

Lao Chi, deputy station chief Gong, and my assistant Qi Zhibin, let's get together for a little while. Luo Yao chuckled.

Deputy Leader Shi...

Did he go out on leave? I don't know when he will come back, so we won't wait for him. Luo Yao said with a smile, I was walking by the river today, and a fisherman gave me a six-pound white-striped fish. , I am happy alone, not everyone, what do you think?

Okay. Yang Si knew that he couldn't refuse. You were on someone else's territory and someone invited you to dinner. If you refused, it would be disrespectful.

Seeing the pointed bowl of braised pork, although there weren't many dishes, they were basically local dishes. When Old Master Pan got to know the people who were dining that night, he immediately understood what was going on.

I specially made a table of dishes using the flavors of Jinghai local cuisine.

Master Pan went to Jinghai when he was young and was familiar with the taste of the dishes there, so the taste was naturally quite authentic. Yang Si took one bite and praised the deliciousness.

That night, they only talked about the local customs and not about work, which narrowed the distance between the two parties and enhanced their relationship. Yang Si made an exception and drank two more drinks.

The guests and hosts enjoy themselves.

When he went back in the evening, Shi Jiaqian complained quite a bit. In the telegram he reported, he told Yang Si about accepting Luo Yao's invitation alone, and also reported Yang Si's favorable impression of the secret translation room.

In comparison, Chen Zuxun's life in Diancheng was a little more difficult. He wanted to rent a room outside, but Luo Yao rejected it, so he could only take his people back to the staff dormitory arranged for them by the secret inspection office.

Chen Zuxun knew a lot of people at the Secret Inspection Office, so communication was no problem, but it was much more difficult to have a deep understanding of the work of the Secret Inspection Office.

Fortunately, Chen Zuxun's purpose was not to learn much from the Secret Inspection Institute. Luo Yao gave him the task of poaching people from the Secret Inspection Institute.

Therefore, as soon as Chen Zuxun arrived, he began to investigate the internal personnel of the secret inspection office and set targets. It is undeniable that he is very dedicated to this work.

In terms of human sophistication, Chen Zuxun still has his advantages and strengths.

Three days later, Luo Yao received a call from Mao Qiwu, saying that Dai Yunong approved their request to see Viper, but it must be within the specified time.

Luo Yao and Shen Yu first went to the headquarters of No. 19 Bureau in Luojiawan, and then the headquarters sent a car to take them there. The journey was mysterious, but it was not kept secret from them.

The car drove west along the river, towards Ciqikou.

This mysterious prison should be in Gele Mountain, which reminded Luo Yao of that famous prison in later generations, which should not be very famous now.

The car walked along the mountain road. This place should have been a commercial road for transporting porcelain and pottery in the past. After being artificially widened, cars can now walk on it.

After entering the mountain, the sky felt dark and the surrounding woods gave people a sense of oppression and discomfort.

Two sirs, the car in front of you cannot get on. You have to walk there by yourself. I will wait for you at the foot of the mountain. If you don't come down before dark, I will leave. I don't dare to spend the night here! The driver said slowly. He slowly applied the brakes, stopped and said.

Okay, you park the car here, and the two of us walk up. Luo Yao and Shen Yu got out of the car, walked forward for more than ten meters, and saw the eaves of a small building in a ravine.

The secret prison they are going to should be there.

There is only one way.

No wonder the military commander took notice and built a secret prison here. However, the prisoners who can be locked up here are definitely not ordinary people.

Viper is imprisoned here, which means that this guy is really taken seriously, but I don't know if Amamiya Mu is also imprisoned here.

There are many people who want Yu Gongmu to die, and his current value is not great to the Japanese, but to Dai Yunong, it may be greater.

The black information in Yu Gong Mu's hands is really useful to Dai Yunong.

Let's go, Sixth Brother. Luo Yao greeted.

Shen Yu frowned slightly and muttered: This damn place is really hard to find.

Let's go, it's already two o'clock in the afternoon, and it gets dark in the mountains after five o'clock. We have four hours at most. Excluding those who walk, it's good to have two hours left for us. Luo Yao took a step Stepped out.

Shen Yu nodded. Since he's already here, how can he go back without going to see it? Besides, they are not here for sightseeing.

The mountain road is not easy to walk.

If this opens up a way.

I heard from the introduction that this place used to be a small coal mine. The quality of the coal was not very good. After the mine owner started the mine, he never made much money. Then he stopped operating it at all. It was sold to our military commander half a year ago, so this secret prison was built. . Shen Yu said as he walked.

How did Sixth Brother know?

I'm often in the bureau and I heard what people said, but I just heard about it and have never been here. I don't know where this secret prison is. I didn't expect it to be in Gele Mountain. Shen Yu said.

I remember that Chairman Lin's official residence is nearby, right?

Well, this place is located on the outskirts of the city, far away from the city, and protected by mountains and forests. It is safe and private. Many departments have office areas here.

This road used to transport coal, and a narrow track was built, but it was abandoned. On the mountain road, a railway track was covered by weeds. It should be used to transport coal up and down. Of course, people can also ride up and down. But now it seems that it cannot be used.

After walking for about half an hour, I finally saw a Chinese-style bunker building with blue bricks and tiles. There were signs of repairs and it looked like it was old.

This place is surrounded by mountains on three sides and backed by a deep ditch. It's hard to tell how deep it is at first glance. There's only one way to go back and forth.

On the high wall, at least six battlements were seen, and machine guns were set up at each of them. The black muzzles glowed with a cold light, like the gaze of the God of Death.

The sight of it is terrifying.

There is no door, and access is by means of a zipline. The coal-carrying track leads directly to the center of the mine, but the entrance to the mine has been sealed with cement masonry, making it impossible to enter or exit at all.

In such a place, one man is in charge and no one can open it.

But it's not without its weaknesses.

The biggest weakness of this kind of place is that without food, it is difficult for the people inside to survive, even if they are not short of water.

As long as you are patient and lock the passages in and out of supplies, the people inside will not be able to survive for long unless they hoard a large amount of food supplies.

People not only eat food, but also salt and vegetables. Very few people come here except to escort prisoners into the mountains and deliver supplies to the prison.

Supplies are not delivered every day. On average, they are delivered once a week. The prison has its own power generation and lighting system, a radio station for external communication, and a dedicated telephone line.

Who is coming?

My surname is Shen, and his surname is Luo. Has the bureau called you, Warden Liu? Shen Yu shouted to the top and introduced himself.

Put your documents in the basket.

Shen Yu and Luo Yao put their IDs into the basket that was lowered above. The basket was quickly hoisted up. After about three minutes, a larger basket was lowered by the zipline.

Luo Yao and Shen Yu stood in, the zipline pulled, and the hanging basket slowly rose.

After going up, I saw a man wearing the rank of captain of the national army and a middle-aged man wearing a black warden uniform standing above to greet him.

Seeing Shen Yu, both of them hurriedly saluted: Hello, Deputy Director Shen.

So it's you two who are here. Shen Yu chuckled, obviously knowing these two people, and things below will be much easier to handle.

Let me introduce you. This is Deputy Director Luo of Veterinary Station No. 84.

Hello, Deputy Director Luo. The two of them were busy with smiles on their faces. It could be seen that they were a little perfunctory, probably for Shen Yu's sake.

Deputy Director Luo is a student of Fourth Brother and also a disciple of Boss Dai.

Hearing what Shen Yu said, the two people's eyes immediately changed. They were guarding the prisoners here. They said it was trust, but it was actually a kind of arrangement.

Even if they stay in a place where birds don't poop, they can eat and drink easily, but in such a big place, they have no access to the wonderful world outside. After a long time, what is the difference between them and the prisoners locked inside?

I, Liu Cheng, am the warden of Xiaomeiyao Prison.

Song Miao, commander of the prison guard company, Deputy Director Luo, please take good care of me in the future.

This is much more enthusiastic. These two are really good at what others do. (This small coal kiln is the famous Zhazidong)

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