The secret war is silent

Chapter 343 Questioning

Warden Liu and Company Commander Song were very enthusiastic and invited them in to serve tea and chatted for a while, showing their friendship as landlords.

However, Shen Yu and Luo Yao were here to do something, and the time was tight, so they didn't continue to be polite to them. They asked to see Viper immediately.

This secret prison is divided into two courtyards, the inner and outer courtyards. The inner courtyard is the real prison, and the outer courtyard is where the prison administrators and the guard company live and work.

It was said to be a guard company, but in fact, its number was only about half of a normal company. At best, it was just a reinforced platoon, but its firepower was a bit stronger.

Person No. 34 was actually equipped with two Maxim heavy machine guns, four Czech light machine guns, and dozens of long and short guns. Such a firepower configuration was almost comparable to that of a no-name battalion.

There are a total of eighteen cells on the ground floor and underground floor of the inner courtyard, of which sixteen are for male prisoners and two are for female prisoners. They are not full at the moment.

According to the rules, they are not allowed to enter the inner courtyard and contact prisoners.

But Liu Cheng had a good relationship with Shen Yu, so he made an exception and let him and Luo Yao go in for a visit. The prisoners here were all guilty of heinous crimes, and some of them could not be made public.

I looked around and didn't ask any more questions. This was the rule. If I asked, it wouldn't be easy for others to answer, but it would be embarrassing.

This is the 'Viper' Takahashi. When he came to a cell, Liu Cheng took the initiative to introduce him. They were all people he wanted to meet anyway, so it wasn't a big problem.

As for the identity of the prisoner next to him, we can't say it casually.

Luo Yao glanced inside through the iron fence at the door and saw an unkempt man, not tall, about half a head shorter than him, sitting in front of a table, holding an unknown book and reading with gusto. .

Maybe he felt that the light was blocked, so he raised his head and looked towards the barred window on the iron gate.

Eyes facing each other.

His expression was a little dull.

How long have you been locked up?

It has been three months since I was sent here. Liu Cheng replied.

Didn't you say how to deal with it?

No, generally the prisoners who come here will definitely not be able to get out. When they will be executed depends on the sentence above. Liu Cheng replied.

What if the superiors forget about the person?

Hehe, I've been here less than half a year, and I haven't encountered the matter you mentioned yet. Liu Cheng explained with a smile.

Where did Warden Liu work before?

Jinling High Prison.

Jinling, my hometown is also from Jinling, we are still fellow villagers!

Really, Deputy Director Luo is also from Jinling? Liu Cheng was surprised. It was really exciting to see a fellow villager in the mountain city.

That's right, my family has lived in Jinling for a long time, living in the east of that old gate... Luo Yao immediately changed to Jinling dialect.

I know Lao Mendong very well. Liu Cheng became even more excited. He couldn't hear his hometown dialect or see his hometown people for a long time. His excitement was beyond words.

You Ning, you two are not far apart. There will be more opportunities to talk and meet in the future, so you'd better get down to business quickly. Shen Yu reminded that it was important to interrogate Viper. If you can't go back at night, then I really want to live in this little black coal kiln.

Warden Liu, let's do business first. If you have time later, come to my place and I'll treat you to a drink. Luo Yao said hurriedly.

Yes. Liu Cheng was very happy. When he met a fellow countryman, he would naturally feel more cordial. Moreover, this fellow countryman was young and held a high position in the military. If he could rely on him and have a backer, he could be transferred out of the army. It's a good place where birds don't poop.

Questioning in a cell is inappropriate and confidential.

The person has to be taken to the torture chamber.

Although this place is not big, it has everything it needs.

The torture instruments and equipment in the torture room are all the latest, and there is also one-way mirror glass imported from abroad. This thing is not something you can just buy if you want.

In the interrogation room, Luo Yao waved his hand and ordered: Bring the person in.


There was a sound of chains being dragged.

Viper is a felon and must wear handcuffs and shackles. Although he can't escape here, necessary precautions are still needed just in case.

Living with dozens of kilograms of handcuffs and shackles every day is definitely not an easy thing for a person. Therefore, Viper walked into the torture room with a slight load on his back.

The prison guards removed his handcuffs and shackles and placed him on the interrogation chair.

He doesn't know how many times he has sat on this chair. It's not that he will be fine if he is imprisoned here, but he will come here every once in a while. Going to court is a test that every prisoner imprisoned here has to go through. Every time is a life and death test.

Those who couldn't survive it would probably be dragged out and buried without anyone knowing.

This time, the people asking questions were changed, two people he had never seen before. They smelled different. They were not from here, but from outside.

They all smell fresh, not sour and rotten.

It smells good.

Takahashi Toshio took a deep breath, and his cloudy eyes suddenly gained a hint of color.

Takahashi Toshio, codenamed 'Viper', was assigned by the Japanese Army Staff on the 21st of the Republic of China. He came to the mountain city as Gao Tianchi. Starting from an ordinary middle school geography teacher, he secretly collected information on the politics, military, and geography of Shu. Waiting for relevant information, the hidden depth is really admirable. Luo Yao slowly told the resume of Viper.

Two sirs, if you have anything to say, just ask directly. I know it and I will tell you naturally. There is no need to tell me again every time? Takahashi Toshio said in a slightly sarcastic tone.

Okay, we're not too interested in your past. That's someone else's business. We're here just to ask you a few questions. If you answer them truthfully, maybe we'll let the guards here give you some preferential treatment.

Takahashi Toshio said dullly: You can ask.

Do you know George Kevin from the German Building? Luo Yao asked.

Takahashi Toshio's eyes narrowed slightly, he thought for a moment, and nodded: I know him, he is a ecstasy, everyone in the mountain city knows it.

have you been there?

Sir, why do you ask that?

I just asked you, have you been there? Luo Yao continued to ask.

I've been there, but I didn't go alone. Takahashi Toshio nodded.

Who did you go with?

Lin Dongchuan.

Lin Dongchuan, manager of the Central Trust Transportation Department?

Is there a second Lin Dongchuan in Shancheng? Takahashi Toshio chuckled and asked sarcastically.

You and Lin Dongchuan were acquainted. Why was it not mentioned in your previous confession file, or did you deliberately hide it? Luo Yao asked.

The previous commander didn't ask, so why should I say it? Do I have to tell you all the people I know? Takahashi Toshio said with a smile, Then I know a lot of people like these in the mountain city. I can’t even finish talking about three days and three nights.”

Wise words! Shen Yu snorted, actually involving Lin Dongchuan. However, the case has been settled. Even if Takahashi Toshio knew Lin Dongchuan, it would be nothing.

Is it the German Mansion that Lin Dongchuan took you to?


answer the questions?

I took him there. Takahashi Toshio was silent for a while and replied.


Don't you even need to ask? Of course I'm dragging him into trouble. Lin Dongchuan is the future bedmate of the Kong family. If he is looking for flowers and flowers outside, and I have such a handle in my hands, I can use his relationship to do a lot of things, right? ? Takahashi Toshio asked.

Lin Dongchuan, do you have any clues?


What is it? Before Luo Yao could speak, Shen Yu asked first.

Takahashi Toshio raised his head slightly and glanced at Shen Yu, seeming a little confused. Who can make the decision between Luo Yao and Shen Yu?

He fell in love with a girl who lived in the German Building. Because it was inconvenient to go in and out of the German Building frequently, and she was easily gossiped about, he took her out and placed her in a small building on Chengdu Road. I took care of this matter Yes. Takahashi Toshio said.

Oh, does Lin Dongchuan know your identity?

Before I was arrested, I probably didn't know, but now I probably know. Takahashi Toshio said.

Why didn't you confess your relationship with Lin Dongchuan before?

If I had told you, I might have died faster.

Then why are you talking now?

You have found out about George Kevin's relationship with me. That means you also know about Lin Dongchuan. What's the use of hiding it anymore? Takahashi Toshio said, spreading his hands.

What is your relationship with George Kevin? Did you deliberately arrange for Lin Dongchuan to keep this woman for him? Luo Yao asked.

I deliberately lured Lin Dongchuan to the German Mansion, but it was not my arrangement for him to keep this woman. After all, I can't control what kind of woman he likes. Takahashi Toshio said, As for George Kevin, I only know that he has strong connections in Shancheng and has close relationships with many high-level Chinese officials, and I also know that he is an intelligence broker.

Does he know your identity?

Probably don't know.

I don't know, are you sure? Luo Yao's tone suddenly became stern.

I'm sure, I have been lurking in the mountain city for many years, how could I expose my identity to an outsider at will? Takahashi Toshio said, You are too underestimated by our Imperial Japanese agents.

Have you heard of the code name 'White Fox'? Luo Yao seemed to be casual, but in fact he had been prepared and suddenly asked.

never heard of that.

Takahashi Toshio shook his head and denied it. He had no defense. When he suddenly heard the code name White Fox, his feet involuntarily moved inward, his hands made a slight grabbing movement, and his upper limbs stiffened slightly.

This is an extremely abnormal reaction. If he had never heard of this code name, he would not have had such a subconscious reaction.

Since you haven't heard of it, forget it. Luo Yao did not continue to ask, but changed the topic, I might as well tell you the news that George Kevin was suspected of kidnapping and being bribed by the Japanese intelligence department to act as a spy. He confessed some information about you, which is why we came here to see you today.

Takahashi Toshio was shocked: You captured George Kevin?

Otherwise, do you think we came all the way here to see you and chat with you? Shen Yu took over Luo Yao's words and said coldly.

Takahashi Toshio let it out in one breath: Actually, I developed George Kevin, and only the two of us know about his relationship with me.

When Luo Yao and Shen Yu heard this, they looked at each other and were both surprised.

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