The secret war is silent

Chapter 345 Striving for the Maximum Benefits

Although we have not yet learned what this George Kevin has done under the command of the Viper over the years, it is definitely not good for us. If we let this man go free easily, how will we explain it to the people of the country and to the chairman of the committee? Explain?

Luo Yao's words were serious.

But he must say that some things may have no results despite hard work, but if you do nothing, then you are wrong.

Although Dai Yunong was not a good person, he still did a good job on the anti-Japanese side and was very resolute and decisive. Many military commanders died on the anti-Japanese battlefield.

If he, the boss, had not resolutely resisted Japan, it would have been impossible.

A George Kevin is not enough to alarm the old man. Although this kind of trivial matter will affect the diplomatic relations between China and Britain, it can really make a big deal out of it.

The British are the first to be shameless.

Of course, we must also prevent the shameless British from just trying to find an excuse. These people can do it. If China were not weak, how could it be so bullied and blackmailed?

A weak country has no diplomacy. Luo Yao realized deeply that when a small British expatriate committed a crime in China, he should have been dealt with impartially, but now he was in a dilemma.

Shen Yu also understood that everyone was smart, and Luo Yao was determined to give George Kevin a public trial, but now his tone seemed to have softened.

It's not that he doesn't persist or has principles, but that Dai Yunong's attitude has changed.

Does it make sense to persist?

Yes, but it's not good for the overall situation.

And it’s not good for you at all, so you need to adapt.

The British want to get George Kevin out, they can, but they must pay a certain price, and now the military command has new evidence.

These are bargaining chips.

Dai Yunong hesitated for a moment, and Luo Yao had already guessed that the British would give him conditions that made him excited, otherwise, he would not let go of this matter easily.

In the case of George Kevin, it is absolutely impossible for the military commander to admit that he arrested the wrong person, and Dai Yunong will definitely not give in on this point.

But how to convict and the severity of the crime are all negotiable.

The principal offender and the accomplice are completely different, and knowing and not knowing are two different things. So when the court sentences the crime, the natural punishment will be different.

Acquittal is impossible. Isn't this a slap in the face for the military commander to slap himself? Moreover, once the British use this judgment to make an argument in the future, these powers will have the right to speak in public opinion. If the shit basin is held down, who will Not even a good one.

Be careful when dealing with the British.

You Ning, what can you do to save the face of our military commander and satisfy the British? Dai Yunong asked very straightforwardly.

The British are convinced that the government does not dare to impose force, and the British are now the suzerain of Myanmar, and the only channel for China to receive foreign aid is the China-Myanmar Highway.

Even if the British don't dare to close the border blatantly, it will be enough for you to make a little trouble for you and prevent you from getting supplies.

Especially now that China and Japan are heavily engaged in northern Hunan and southern Jiangxi, and a new round of battle is about to break out, ensuring the smooth flow of foreign aid channels is the top priority of the government.

Dai Yunong was also under great pressure, and the British were fixated on this matter and would not let up, secretly threatening to close the transportation channel between Yunnan and Myanmar.

Knowing that this is intimidation and blackmail, what can be done?

We can negotiate with the British, but there must be enough benefits. They want face, and we want dignity, otherwise we will break up. Luo Yao said, In the current situation, the British dare not close the border material transportation channels. That would They have lost their moral footing.”

You Ning, how about you go and talk? Dai Yunong said, You are a participant in this case and you understand English. You don't even need a translator to talk to them?

This... Luo Yao was stunned. He just made suggestions, but he never thought that he would personally go into battle. If the matter was negotiated well or not, he would be infamy.

Boss Dai, we learned from 'Viper' that he opened two accounts for George Kevin in Hong Kong with fake identities at Citigroup in the United States and HSBC Bank in Hong Kong. Over the years, all of George Kevin's gray income has been here. In the two accounts, according to 'Viper', the total funds in these two accounts amount to millions. Shen Yu interjected.

so much?

How did you get this money? You got it by collecting, buying off some of our scum, and selling it to the Japanese. You must not let him take it away. Shen Yu said.

Dai Yunong alternately tapped the index and middle fingers of his right hand on the table. The military command needs to expand, and it needs to purchase equipment and weapons, which all cost money. The small amount of funds provided by the above is really not enough. He usually He also has to make friends with some dignitaries and spend a lot of money. Money is never enough for him.

When You Ning and I came back, we were still discussing how to take the money out of these two banks and hand it over to the bureau. Shen Yu said.

Do you have any idea?

According to 'Viper', in order to withdraw the money, George Kevin must be present with his signature at the same time. However, if he cannot come, the authorization letter and seal signed by himself are also acceptable, but The verification process is relatively troublesome, Shen Yu said.

“Do the British know about the existence of this money?”

You probably don't know. Only 'Viper' and George Kevin know about these two accounts. It's impossible for George Kevin to tell others, and 'Viper' shouldn't be able to tell either. Shen Yu thought for a moment. road.

No, maybe the British know. Luo Yao suddenly interrupted.

Such a large amount of money is enough for the British to use all their strength to get George Kevin out. Luo Yao continued to explain, The British authorities may not be interested in this wealth, but they want to get him out. Not necessarily people. Even though we knew we had definite evidence, we still tried so hard to get them out, and even borrowed the power of the British government to put pressure on us. Director, don’t you think the British reaction was a little bit Is it too big?

Dai Yunong thought carefully and nodded.

George Kevin is just a British expatriate living in a mountain town. Although there are not many British expatriates like him, there are still many. Of course, he just has some money.

But for an expatriate who secretly worked as a spy for the Japanese and was also involved in a kidnapping case, even if an international incident caused an international disturbance, they would not be so angry and put pressure on China. In the beginning, their attitude was only concern and questioning. That's all, the reaction wasn't too big.

As for spreading rumors, some people are fishing in troubled waters, and there may be spies behind it.

After knowing that the military commanders had definite evidence, their voices became much quieter. They knew that they were wrong, but they still insisted on insisting, and also involved the Americans. They obviously wanted to make the matter as small as possible, and wait until the public opinion storm subsided before slowing down the matter. Resolve slowly.

However, now he suddenly came to the door, proposed an exchange condition, and even said some vague threats. Dai Yunong did not think too much about this change in attitude at first. Now that Luo Yao reminded him, he also noticed this change. Something unusual inside.

Director, we haven't allowed the British to meet George Kevin yet, so we still have a chance to take the money out of George Kevin's mouth first, and then negotiate with the British to get the benefits from the British as well. Got it.

Do you want to eat both sides? Shen Yu was surprised.

Why not? Luo Yao sneered, What the British want is George Kevin. As long as we hand him over to them when the time comes, what does the rest have to do with us?

You Ning, you are so dark.

You Ning, are you sure about this? Dai Yunong asked impulsively. She doesn't like the Japanese either. If, as analyzed just now, it is true that he can secretly manipulate the British, he will be very aware of it.

Director, now that we have obtained the confession of 'Viper', we have taken the initiative. If we can buy his life with money, I think he will definitely be willing. Luo Yao analyzed.

Okay, since that's the case, then I'll do as you say. Dai Yunong made up his mind, However, I must also find out the secrets held by George Kevin, and I cannot let him leave with the secrets.


After we finished talking about the business, we started to drink, and they drank and drank together, which was very harmonious.

You Ning, I heard that you opened almost all departments to those in the secret inspection station? Dai Yunong put down his wine glass and asked with a drunken smile.

Director, are you worried that the secret interpretation room's housekeeping skills have been learned by the secret inspection agency? Luo Yao's cheeks were red from drinking, and he was a little drunk, Director, don't worry, they can only follow us if they copy it. There's ashes in the back of your butt.

Oh, really? Dai Yunong's face was full of smiles. He was really worried that Luo Yao was young and would get cocky if someone praised him. He would be too stupid to tell others his family's secrets.

Now it seems that his worries are unnecessary. This kid has such a dark heart, how could he be persuaded by someone in just a few words?

Brother Six, why do I think the director set a trap for us with this meal? Shen Yu drove Luo Yao back to the veterinary station.

There are some things that Boss Dai can't come forward for, so the people below will naturally have to come forward. Shen Yu chuckled, You Ning, if we can handle this matter well, we will guarantee that you will be promoted to the next level.

I really don't want to let go of this George Kevin.

What can you do if you don't let go? Even if you go to a military court, you will be sentenced to ten years in prison at most. Even if foreigners kill someone, they will rarely be sentenced to death. This is reality. Maybe in a year or two, when the wind comes out, After that, if a person is released on medical parole, he will be free again, Shen Yu said.

Of course Luo Yao knew that Shen Yu was telling the truth. If a country lacks strength, it cannot strengthen its waist. Since the Opium War, Chinese people have been dwarfed by Westerners. Foreigners have countless privileges in China. He I want to be tough, but the problem is that I can't stand alone.

Brother Six, bring George Kevin to court tomorrow. You will interrogate him in person, have a showdown with him, and make his crime as serious as possible. How heavy it is, tell how serious it is. Luo Yaodao.

This is no problem, but can this force him to submit?

Of course, he will not give in easily, but I will see him again to let him understand the final situation. Luo Yao said.

Okay, I know what to do. Shen Yu understood Luo Yao's thoughts.

Happy April Fool's Day, the first update in April, please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket!

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