The secret war is silent

Chapter 346 Showdown

Why did you drink so much? Gong Hui saw a trace of dissatisfaction on her delicate face when she saw Shen Yu helping the drunk Luo Yao back.

Shen Yu smiled coquettishly: I had two more drinks with Boss Dai. Gong Hui, I've handed him over to you. Can you help me take care of him?

Hey, Sixth Brother, wait a minute...

What's wrong?

Is this guy so heavy after drinking? Shen Yu tried his best to strip Luo Yao naked and gave him a shower with water.

Don't dare to use cold water, use warm water. If you use cold water, it will cause problems.


Well, he slept like a dead pig. Shen Yu came out of the house and saw Gong Hui washing clothes by the well in the yard outside. She was washing the same clothes that Luo Yao had just changed into.

Gong Hui, did you wash all You Ning's clothes? Shen Yu was surprised. Gong Hui was also a major and deputy station commander with a high military rank. How could an officer of this level have an orderly?

Gong Hui found a female orderly for herself and asked the orderly to do the laundry and other tasks. This was normal. Of course, some female officers liked to be clean and did not like to pretend to others. This was normal.

He won't let me, but no one can wash him except me. Gong Hui scrubbed hard.

Shen Yu shook his head and sighed, and left silently: When you get up tomorrow morning, tell him, and I will go to the detention center with him.


Next time, I will definitely not have a drinking contest with Boss Dai. This guy is too good at drinking. Even if my own drinking capacity is okay, but when I encounter someone like this, I really have no choice but to give in.

In the first half of the journey, he could still stay conscious and chat with Shen Yu in the car. But in the second half of the journey, when the car was bumpy and the alcohol was getting high, he didn't know anything anymore.

In a blur, he felt like he was being helped out of the car, as if he had returned to the small courtyard where he lived in Ci'en Temple, and he heard Gong Hui's voice.

Hot water…

Quite comfortable.

When he opened his eyes and looked up, he found that he was half covered with a green military blanket and only wore a pair of pants. His upper body was naked and he didn't smell of sweat.

I sat up and saw the clothes drying on the clothesline outside the window. There was a clean set on the bedside. I didn't have it before I went out yesterday. It should have been taken back in the evening.

There were only a few people who could freely enter and exit his room, but there was only one person who would collect his clothes and fold them neatly at the end of the bed.

It’s over, it’s over, I can’t tell what will happen after this.

There was also a note left on the bedside, pressed under the enamel cup. It was Gong Hui's handwriting. The main message was that she went to work first, and after letting him wake up, she went to the veterinary station where Shen Yu was waiting for him. Woolen cloth.

I know you got up late and missed breakfast. I left it for you from the cafeteria. As soon as Luo Yao entered the office, Gong Hui came in with a lunch box.

Xiaohui, don't let others see you and gossip. Luo Yao really didn't know what to say, and he couldn't really say it seriously. Wouldn't that be ungrateful?

Gong Huixing's eyes widened: I'm not afraid, so what are you afraid of?

I am the webmaster and you are the deputy webmaster. It would be fine if we really have that kind of relationship, but we are innocent. This can easily be misunderstood.

It's just a misunderstanding. Anyway, you promised me. Gong Hui took out a pair of chopsticks from his pocket and handed them over, I know you like to eat wontons, so I asked Lao Pan to leave them for you.

Luo Yao opened the lid, and it turned out to be large wontons, crystal clear, and the aroma alone made people feel extremely tempting.

Where's Brother Six?

I'm tired of being with Sixth Sister-in-law in the infirmary. Gong Hui said, Eat quickly. He has asked you several times. He said he was in a hurry to go back, but he didn't see how anxious he was.

Newlyweds, it's understandable... Luo Yao politely picked up a big wonton and put it into his mouth to chew. The fresh pork was perfectly combined with celery, green onions, lard, and a little red oil. That taste is so good!

Well, Luo Youning, you are eating here alone! Shen Yu ran in, looking like he was drooling with greed, I said Gong Hui, you got up early this morning and ran to the kitchen to make noodles and chop meat. The stuffing is just to make a big bowl of wontons for this kid?

Xiaohui, did you do this?

Gong Hui blushed: Don't listen to Sixth Brother, I just made some noodles, chopped some meat filling, and the rest was made by Lao Pan.

You even made wontons! Shen Yu added with an envious look.

Brother Six, haven't you eaten yet? Why don't we come together? I still have some here? Luo Yao generously pushed the food box over.

Shen Yu smiled: It's better for you to eat. After you finish, follow me quickly. We still have to do business.

In the detention center, Shen Yu personally interrogated George Kevin.

This time it was not in the interrogation room, but in the torture room. Since he was going to have a showdown, he could no longer use gentle methods as before.

What's more, we now have conclusive evidence.

Mr. George Kevin, have you seen the torture instruments hanging on the walls around here? These are used to deal with prisoners who are unwilling to tell the truth. I don't think you want to try it yourself? Shen Yu held his hand. He pointed at the various torture instruments hanging around the walls of the torture chamber.

The smell of rust with blood still left in it can't help but chill people's hearts.

George Kevin has changed into prison uniform. His treatment in the detention center is getting worse day by day. Now, except for the individual cells, his other treatment is basically the same as that of the prisoners inside.

It has been more than half a month, and he may have lost twenty kilograms. I am afraid he has suffered more here than in the first half of his life. Only after losing his freedom and thinking about it did he understand how valuable it is.

Chief Shen, I've told you everything I know, what else do you want? George Kevin didn't dare to look at the torture instruments hanging on the wall. He clasped his fingers tightly and said in an almost pleading tone.

I want to know everything.

I don't understand, Commander Shen. I told you that I didn't know that Mr. Osborne was an external expert on your military command. He never told me. I was just deceived...

Are you just deceived? Do you want me to call Momojiro Iwasato to confront you? Shen Yu sneered and asked.

When George Kevin heard the name Iwasato Mojiro being mentioned, his face turned pale instantly. Although he didn't have much contact with Iwasato Mojiro, he knew that Iwasato Momojiro was a subordinate of the White Fox , before taking action, they met and confirmed their identities.

He couldn't deny this.

Chief Shen, I admit my guilt. I was just greedy for a little money and had no intention of harming anyone...

The American consultant who colluded with the Japanese spies lurking in the mountain city and planned to kidnap our military commander, do you know what kind of crime this is? If you didn't have a British passport, I would have shot you directly on the charge of being a traitor. What else? Are you talking nonsense here? Shen Yu said with murderous intent in his eyes.


George Kevin remained silent.

Okay, since you don't have to drink wine as a penalty for toasting, don't blame me for being rude. Shen Yu waved his hand, Come here, I'll torture you.

Virgin, are you really going to use torture? Deng Yi, who accompanied the interrogation, asked tremblingly.

Of course, you think I escorted him here to see the scenery? Shen Yu said sharply, Hang him up and give him twenty lashes first.

Chief Shen, you...

Stop your mouth. Shen Yu was determined to torture him. He would not be honest unless he suffered a little before the showdown.

Relying on his identity as an Englishman, George Kevin thought that the military commander did not dare to torture him. He was wrong. When it came time to torture him, no one would show mercy.

George Kevin was tied up with his hands and hung up. He took off his prison clothes and the whip was soaked in water. You fished it out from the bucket.

The heavy leather whip shook the water droplets, and the whip struck George Kevin's back, leaving a bright red mark.


George Kevin screamed, and he finally understood why those screams were so miserable. This time he felt what it was like.

Don't stop until you finish twenty lashes! Shen Yu sat down, slowly picked up the tea cup, blew on the tea foam on it, and took a sip.


After twenty lashes, even if George Kevin had a thick skin, his skin would be torn apart, and something was stuffed in his mouth, so he didn't even have a chance to cry out for pain, so he had to be beaten hard.

This kind of formation is just an appetizer within the military system.

After taking off the towel blocking George Kevin's mouth, he had not fainted yet, but there were beads of sweat on his painful forehead. He kept gasping for air, and his face was a little distorted.

Yes, most people would have fainted long ago after receiving these twenty lashes. You are still awake. It seems that I underestimate you. Shen Yu put down the teacup, walked slowly over, stood below, and looked up Looking at George Kevin with an appreciative smile.

In George Kevin's eyes, this smile was like the devil in hell. He had never hated a person as much as he did at this moment.

Actually, you already know Osborne's true identity, right?

George Kevin raised his eyelids and was about to open his mouth.

Don't deny it in a hurry, otherwise, you will suffer physical pain again? Shen Yu continued to release the devil's smile, Boss Yang of Qingxin Teahouse is also one of your people, right? You met Osborne because he was the one who The line between Osborne and Boss Yang was carefully planned by you, of course. Of course, you may not know Osborne’s true identity at the beginning, but you only regarded him as a potential target. Am I right?

George Kevin's chest kept rising and falling. What Shen Yu said was basically close to the truth.

Boss Yang thinks he hasn't been exposed yet. In fact, we didn't touch him. We just wanted to take another look at him to see if he was online or offline. Do you want me to send someone to capture him now and confront you? ?”

Also, when the Wang family ran away, you also played a role in it, right? Shen Yu's voice suddenly became very low, so low that only he and George Kevin could hear it.

When George Kevin heard this, a look of horror flashed in his eyes.

You must be curious as to why I know so much, right? Shen Yu smiled and asked in a relaxed and natural manner.

Impossible, hasn't he been captured by you a long time ago...

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