The secret war is silent

Chapter 347 Dark Heart

I wonder what it will feel like when this whip is wet, then dipped in salt, and then hit on someone's body? Shen Yu walked over with a smile, pulled out the whip from the bucket, and reached into the salt bucket to grab a handful of coarse salt and asked. , Mr. George Kevin, do you want to try it?


George Kevin opened his mouth and was blocked again.


Shen Yu raised his hand, dipped it in salt grains and whipped George Kevin hard. This time, regardless of whether the old wound just opened, the salt grains attached to the wound melted instantly, and the liquid inside and outside the cell membrane The concentration reached equilibrium, and the severe pain caused by the liquid's penetration was more lasting than the purely physical pain just now...

George Kevin's legs were trembling with pain, and something was bitten in his mouth. He could only scream Woo but could not make any sound.

Shen Yu let go and whipped again.

Although he knew that as long as he stopped, George Kevin would definitely say something, but he wanted to completely destroy the British man's self-esteem.

Come again!

Shen Yu's hands were much stronger than those of the prison guard who just executed him, and the parts he chose were the most painful parts of the human body without hurting the internal organs.

The purpose is just one, painful and painful.

After five whips, a yellow liquid spurted out from between the two black-haired buttocks. It was hot, and the smell made people avoid it.

Virgo, I've fainted.

Pour cold water on him to wake him up. Shen Yu threw the whip in his hand into the bucket on the side, spat in greeting.

Under the stimulation of cold water, George Kevin came to life. The burning pain in his chest and back reminded him that he had been subjected to this cruel whipping just now.

Shen Yu lit a cigarette, took two puffs, and walked up to George Kevin: Mr. George Kevin, can you talk now?

Chief Shen, what do you want to know? George Kevin asked feebly.

Who is Bai Hu and how do you contact him?

I only know that his name is Bai Hu. As for who he is, I really don't know. He comes to me every time, coming and going. He likes to wear a black mask that covers the upper part of his face, leaving only the upper part of his face exposed. a pair of eyes.

Where's your height?

Not tall, probably about the same as you, Chief Shen. He shouldn't be too old. I estimate he is around thirty years old. I don't know the rest.

Have you always followed the orders of this 'white fox'?

No, it was Viper before, and I was promoted to join the Japanese spy organization. Viper was suddenly arrested. I thought at first that he would confess me, but it didn't happen. I thought I was free, but Not long after, I received a telegram signed White Fox, and then, not long after, White Fox came to see me. George Kevin said, I continued to communicate with the Japanese spy organization. Got involved.

go on.

'White Fox' came to me, took out a photo, and asked me if I had added the person in the photo. I took a look and was shocked, isn't this Mr. Osborne, so I admitted it. I have met the people in the photo and had tea together in the past, but we haven’t seen each other for a while...

Did he ask you to help him kidnap Mr. Osborne from that point on?

That's not true. He asked me to find out what Osborne was doing in the mountain town, who he associates with, where he lives, what his hobbies are, and so on.

When will you be asked to assist him in kidnapping Osborne?

About a month ago, he suddenly came to me and said that Osborne was an American expert and very important. He was now helping the Yamashiro National Government. With his help, many secrets of the Empire of Japan were revealed. They are all under the control of Shancheng, and this person must be eliminated.

He said get rid of it, not kidnap it?

At first I said I wanted to get rid of him, but then I didn't agree. Although I helped them do things and get intelligence, I didn't want to kill anyone. Once I got involved in someone's life, it would be different. George Kevin explained.


He told me that 'Viper' was not dead, but was being held in a secret military prison somewhere, and that he might reveal my secret at any time, so he threatened me to help him kidnap Osborne. He also said that as long as I After doing this, I can get a lot of money, and I can take all my years of work back to the UK, and I will never have anything to do with this experience again.”

Do you believe it?

I don't believe it, so I asked him for a large sum of money for this transaction, but I'm afraid I won't be able to get it now. George Kevin said frustrated.

How many?

One hundred thousand dollars.

He agreed?

I agreed and gave me a deposit of US$30,000.


Well, before I left Shancheng, I transferred it to a bank account opened under my other identity in Hong Kong. George Kevin said.

You are really a lion. If you really dare to ask for one hundred thousand US dollars, aren't you afraid that he will kill you to silence you after the matter is done? Shen Yu was surprised.

As long as I get on the plane, he can't do anything to me. At worst, I won't get the remaining balance, and I won't lose anything.

How can I get this money out?

George Kevin said nothing.

Why, I don't want to say it. This money is stolen money. Even if you don't tell us, we can find out and ask the bank to freeze the account. You have to think clearly. Shen Yu said.

That's a bank account in London, England. You can't freeze it. George Kevin grinned.

Okay, what are your conditions?

As long as Chief Shen is willing to let me live, I can give this money to Chief Shen as a reward. George Kevin lowered his voice and said.

Thirty thousand U.S. dollars is indeed a lot of wealth. However, for thirty thousand U.S. dollars, I have to risk my head to help you. Is it worth it?

Do you want to make meritorious service, Chief Shen? George Kevin thought for a moment and added.


I know a clue that is guaranteed to make Chief Shen accomplish a great feat. How about it? George Kevin's eyes revealed a hint of temptation.

Tell me about it? Shen Yu didn't expect that he would actually talk about a deal with George Kevin. If he saw himself as a person who was greedy for both merit and money, it would be good. He had known it would be so easy to do. , why wait until now to torture him?

If Chief Shen agrees to my conditions, I will naturally say it. Otherwise, if I say it and you regret it later, what will I do? George Kevin endured the pain and said through gritted teeth.

I haven't tried the feeling of using a leather whip dipped in water and chili powder on someone's body. How about you help me experience it?

Don't, don't, I said, I said... George Kevin was so frightened that he almost gasped. Chili Spaghetti, that won't kill him.

The woman who was close to Osborne is named Xu Zhen. Does Chief Shen know who she was close to before?

Why, you can use Wang's underground lover to lie to me?

Mr. Shen knows? George Kevin stammered.

Tell me something I don't know. Don't think you can fool me! Shen Yu snorted coldly, and the red chili noodles were right there.

Xu Zhen had already gone to Hong Kong. Why did she come back? Comparatively speaking, mountain cities are much more dangerous than Hong Kong? George Kevin said.

You're saying that Xu Zhen took the risk and returned to the mountain city for Osborne's sake?

Chief Shen is so smart, so he can naturally understand.

Well, this is a clue. I will investigate it carefully. However, until Xu Zhen's identity is found out, you can only stay here and tell everything you know. . Shen Yu chuckled, And that remittance account.

I've told you everything I know, Commander Shen, what else do you want me to explain?

You said the same thing when you first came in, didn't you? Shen Yu's face turned cold, Think about it again, this is related to where you want to spend the rest of your life.

You Ning, you heard our conversation, what do you think? After the interrogation, Shen Yu came to the listening room next door, took a towel and wiped his sweat-stained face, and asked.

Luo Yao chuckled: It's quite interesting. He is a cunning and difficult opponent. Up to now, he is still bargaining with us. He knows that we dare not kill him, but he also knows his own situation. He might have to live in China for the rest of his life. Spent in jail.”

What did he say about Xu Zhen?

This woman has not revealed any flaws yet. What George Kevin said is indeed abnormal. Also, if something like this happened to Osborne, it must be very dangerous to stay with him. As a promiscuous woman, she would do it for Do you risk your life for money? Luo Yao said, Do you believe there is a so-called friendship between her and Osborne?

Maybe there is?

Do you think Osborne will make any promises to her?

Shen Yu shook his head. Although he didn't have much contact with Osborne, foreigners never said that they were loyal when it came to their emotions.

Osborne and Xu Zhen, one is after money, and the other is just after youth and freshness.

You actually let Xu Zhen follow Osborne like this, you are not afraid of her...

What are you afraid of? If two people sharing the same bed want to take action, they would have done it long ago. Why wait until now? Luo Yao said, As long as Osborne himself doesn't be too smart.

You really dare to do anything.

Without evidence, I can't act, lest it arouse strong dissatisfaction from the American advisers. By then, wouldn't I be a human being inside and out? Luo Yao spread his hands.

By the way, how do you plan to get those two accounts? Shen Yu asked.

I will tell him that the money in these two accounts is used to buy his freedom. If he does not want to spend his life in prison in China, he can choose not to tell him and let the money sleep in the two banks forever. In the end, It's cheaper for the bank. Luo Yao chuckled.

Okay, since you are sure, when will you arrange to meet? Shen Yu asked.

Let him take a rest in the afternoon and recover a little bit of his strength. Luo Yao said, I hope this will be the last time I see him as a lawyer, so I don't have to lie to him anymore.

Actually, it's good not to let him know who you are. Shen Yu said thoughtfully.

I can give it a try.

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