The secret war is silent

Chapter 349 Deception

Jiangcheng, formerly a Japanese concession in Japan, is now home to the Ito Agency of the Intelligence Division of the Japanese Expeditionary Forces Headquarters in Central China. The emergence of the Ito Agency quickly became the largest spy agency in central China.

The original Jiangcheng Japanese Army and Navy Secret Service had to accept his knowledge.

The head of the Kondo Agency, Kondo Keiichi, is a veteran spy who is cunning and cruel. He has worked in China for many years and is considered a China expert.

He is different from Doihara. Doihara is good at planning grand strategies, but he is good at executing precision strike missions.

The superiors sent him here because Domen Erlang was not satisfied with his work in the Jiangcheng area. The superiors even suspected that Domen was too close to the local Chinese and reused a large number of the two unification elements who had surrendered to the past, so that the people in Central China were A major blunder occurred in intelligence work.

However, Domen Erlang did not make any major mistakes. At most, he was incompetent, but he also made great contributions and was promoted to serve as an economic adviser to the puppet government of Liang Hongzhi in Jinling.

It has been a week since the supplies were airdropped.

Kondo Keiichi sent several telegrams to Kuroki's ninja team one after another, but they all fell silent without any response. He could understand the radio silence in enemy-occupied areas.

However, isn’t there a chance to contact myself after turning on the phone?

There is some news coming from Yamashiro, and Kondo Keiichi is not unaware of it, but according to the analysis of these news, Kuroki team has succeeded and should be on their way back.

Could it be that the Chinese are chasing too closely?

After many years in China, he knows better than many Japanese that although China is backward in military technology, their brains are by no means stupid, and their intelligence agencies are quite powerful.

He couldn't get in touch with him in Shancheng. His eyelids had been twitching terribly in the past two days and he had trouble sleeping and eating.



When the contact time comes, send another inquiry telegram to the Kuroki team and ask them what the situation is now! Kondo Keiichi called the adjutant into the office with a gloomy face and gave instructions.


Sakurako, tea! After the adjutant went out, Kondo Keiichi called to the next door.

A young Japanese girl wearing a rusty cherry blossom kimono, carrying a teapot, opened the sliding door and walked in with small steps.

Kneel down and pour tea.

Your Mightiness.

Sakurako, how long have you been serving me? Keiichi Kondo held a small tea cup in his hand and looked at the girl with bright eyes and white teeth in front of him with aggressive eyes.

Three years.

Time flies so fast. It's been three years, and Sakurako has grown into a big girl. She's so beautiful. Kondo Keiichi put down the tea cup and waved his hand. Sakurako crawled over on her knees and came to him.

Yingzi's body tensed slightly. She understood her fate, but she had no ability to resist. Everything she had was given by the man in front of her.

He gave her money, sent her to school, and learned swordsmanship, allowing him to live a life of a master. In the eyes of outsiders, she was the adopted daughter of Keiichi Kondo.

In fact, only she knew that she was Kondo Keiichi's bed-warmer and companion, his forbidden love.

Don't resist, you know, everything about you is mine. Kondo Keiichi pulled Sakurako into his arms, with lust in his eyes.

When the clothes were removed, Sakura slowly closed her eyes.

I'll give you a mission. Go to a mountain city as an exiled Manchurian student, wait for an opportunity to join the military command, gain their trust, and wait in hibernation. Do you understand? After the violent storm, Kondo Keiichi put on his clothes with satisfaction and stood up. He glanced indifferently at the jade body lying on the limp body behind him and said.


When you arrive in the mountain city, I will send someone to contact you. He will arrange everything for you in the mountain city. He will also be your only contact person in the future.

Then if I leave suddenly...

I will tell the public that when you return to Japan, no one will know where you went. Keiichi Kondo said.

Hai, Sakura understands.

Get out. Kondo Keiichi ordered almost ruthlessly.

Yingzi got up, hugged her clothes, ran out with bare feet, somewhat unnaturally, and disappeared at the end of the corridor in the blink of an eye.

The intelligence team lurking in Shancheng has suffered a devastating blow. This is the real reason why the Japanese military leaders sent him to Jiangcheng, because it is the closest to Shancheng and is convenient for commanding and receiving information.

The intelligence work on Shancheng is his top priority. As for the struggle in Jiangcheng, he actually doesn't pay attention.

He spent ten years training Sakurako, and it was time to use her.

Kondo Keiichi still haven't given up? Luo Yao felt strange that he didn't reply even once. There may be a reason, but he had called many times without response.

As a veteran agent, didn't he notice it at all?

Or is he deliberately playing this childish game with himself? Give yourself the illusion that you think he is easy to deceive, and let yourself deceive him again?

Lao Chi, if you receive another telegram from Kondo Keiichi, you should reply to him with a telegram and tell him that Viper has rebelled and betrayed White Fox. White Fox has been arrested and Canna has disappeared. Luo Yao thought about it carefully and said.

Does the webmaster want to take advantage of their inability to contact them at this time to sow distrust in them? Chi An chuckled and immediately understood Luo Yao's thoughts.

Well, let's give it a try. I think we can deceive him this way. If we can create a wedge, it will be a clever move. At least it will not be easy for Bai Hu to establish trust with his superiors again. Luo Yao nodded, It's all a show. If you call again, send a farewell telegram in two or three days. I can also cooperate in sending a fake news about rescuing the American consultant.

I understand, webmaster, I have to go back and figure out how to write this farewell message. Chi An laughed. The Japanese write official documents differently from the Chinese. If they are written incorrectly, the flaws will be seen. Yes, he studied in Japan and worked at the Chinese Embassy in Japan. He was very familiar with Japan's official correspondence. To forge Japanese messages, one must be familiar with their correspondence.

Chi An is undoubtedly a senior expert in this field.

Lao San, have you remembered what I said? Luo Yao personally sent Wen Zishan to the plane at Coralba Airport. Wen Zishan changed his identity and transferred from Diancheng to Hong Kong.

It was for the two deposits made by George Kevin's two fake identities in Citibank and HSBC. The exact amount is not yet known.

After withdrawing the money, it is obviously unrealistic to transfer it to the country. Wen Zishan will stay there to operate and turn the money into materials and transport them back through the channels opened by the military command.

Supplies are worth more than a string of numbers in a bank account, because the money in Hong Kong can completely avoid the supervision of the British Hong Kong authorities and be used directly to purchase supplies.

And if the domestic money goes through, it will be more troublesome. If the British are targeted, many things will not be easy to do.

Brother, don't worry, I promise to complete the mission. Wen Zishan's emotions have calmed down. When he first heard about this mission, he was so excited that he didn't sleep all night. After the matter was completed, he was in the military command That was soaring into the sky. If Luo Yao hadn't recommended him, I'm afraid he wouldn't have been given such an important task.

This opportunity is too rare. Even if their promotion is not slow now, if they want to go faster, they must have real achievements.

Li Fu also has a brother-in-law who supports him. As for him, he doesn't have any strong supporters in the military system, but now, Luo Yao, the eldest brother, is one.

But Luo Yao's wings have not yet matured, but he has not forgotten to support and help them. If this were not a brother, who would give you this opportunity?

Put your own safety first in everything. Money is an external possession and cannot be forced. Luo Yao solemnly instructed.

Understood, brother, I will adapt accordingly. Wen Zishan nodded. He could tell from Luo Yao's words that he was truly concerned, not polite.

I wish you success. Director Shen and I will be waiting for you to come back in the mountain city.

This group of people from the temporary training class has finally come out. You Ning, you are the best among them. Shen Yu said with emotion, I am afraid that the future military commander will dominate the world like you.

Brother Six, please be careful what you say. Don't hurt me. Luo Yao stopped quickly, Didn't we have an appointment with the British Embassy Counselor Mudir to talk about something? Why don't we go over now?

Let's go, let's not make people wait too long. It would be too rude. Shen Yu nodded, How shall I introduce you later?

Just say that I am your adjutant and translator. Luo Yao said.


Naturally, such secret negotiations cannot be held in the police station. If you let reporters smell it, it will be troublesome, and it cannot be held in a public place.

It is difficult to guarantee the privacy of the conversation. After all, neither party wants the content of the conversation to be known to a third party.

Pick a place that both parties agree on.

A teahouse in the suburbs.

Opened by the military, there are special boxes.

It's very private and safe, and you won't be disturbed.

Both sides also limited the number of tasks they can participate in. In principle, it is two people each, but it can be no more than three people. If translators are included, it can be four people.

On the military commander's side, there are only two people, Shen Yu and Luo Yao. Luo Yao holds two positions. He not only participates in negotiations, but also serves as Shen Yu's translator.

Three people came from the British Embassy, ​​two men and one woman, all British. They did not want this secret negotiation to be known to outsiders, not even a translator.

The three people are Mudir, the counselor of the British Embassy in Shancheng, a major of the British Royal Air Force, Turner, the deputy military attaché of the embassy, ​​and Greta, the second secretary and translator of the embassy.

Shen Yu, they have been in contact with each other for a long time, but this is the first time for Luo Yao to meet.

Let me introduce you. This is Qin Ming, my adjutant and the translator for this meeting. Shen Yu and Luo Yao greeted him and introduced him cheerfully.

Luo Yao still asked Shen Yu to use his pseudonym. He didn't want the other party to know his true identity.

Hello, Mr. Qin. Mudir nodded politely. He has been working in Shancheng for a long time. It's not that he can't understand Chinese at all, but that he can't express himself when talking about some situations. Then A translator is necessary.

The same is true for Shen Yu. Simple English communication is actually no problem.

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