The secret war is silent

Chapter 350 Confrontation

According to diplomatic etiquette, both parties sat down first, exchanged greetings, and were served tea and snacks. In this way, Mudir was considered a senior diplomat.

He understood the principle of doing as the Romans do.

Stop talking about this.

Even if he puts up a dragon gate formation, he won't lose to anyone.

There are two issues in this negotiation. The first one is how George Kevin left China. Whether he was repatriated directly, or whether he was repatriated after being imprisoned.

The British certainly wanted a decent approach.

This must be the focus of contention between both parties.

The second one is that it is easier to negotiate. Once the military reunification gives in, the private compensation from the British side will definitely be a wrangling.

Even one negotiation may not be able to settle the matter.

Both Shen Yu and Luo Yao have been mentally prepared for multiple negotiations. The initiative is in their own hands. It is up to the British to talk or not to talk.

Anyway, they don't suffer any loss.

We have always held different opinions regarding the arrest of Mr. George Kevin, a citizen of the British Empire, on suspicion of espionage and kidnapping. However, based on the right to protect our citizens, we hope that you will not use inhumane methods to attack our country. The citizen conducts the interrogation and ensures his physical health and sanitary safety. Mudir said first.

After listening to Luo Yao's translation, Shen Yu nodded: Mr. Counselor, please rest assured that we handle the case in strict accordance with legal procedures. The process is very rigorous and the inhumane methods mentioned by Mr. Counselor will not occur.

Then we have been requesting a meeting with Mr. George Kevin, why have you always ignored us?

That's because of the special nature of the case. If Mr. Counselor and your embassy staff contacted Mr. George Kevin and said something they shouldn't have said, the case would be complicated? Shen Yu responded calmly and talked eloquently. As for what questions the British side would ask during the negotiations, he and Luo Yao had already been mentally prepared.


We might as well tell you that the person who was kidnapped was an expert in code deciphering. The identity of Mr. George Kevin is very complicated. We are not sure whether he is related to you. Out of caution, we have postponed your request for a meeting. requirements.”

Your Excellency, you suspect that the kidnapping case is related to us? The people here are all smart people. How could Shen Yu not hear the implication behind his words?

George Kevin is British. Before the case is clarified, who can tell clearly that if he participated in the kidnapping case, he must have passed the test with the Japanese?

Shouldn't it be the British intelligence agencies that are more likely to be suspected?

Although, everyone knows that the British intelligence agency has little power in the mountain city, let alone that they have no motive to kidnap Osborne. It is estimated that they did not even know who Osborne was before the incident.

Until the case is finalized, none of us can give a definite answer. Shen Yu chuckled and put away the Chinese state of etiquette thing at the negotiation table. Have you ever seen a rogue trying to reason with you? ?

When the British and the Japanese signed the appeasement agreement in Tokyo and betrayed the interests of the Chinese, did they consider the Chinese people's thoughts?

Mudir was stunned. He was very angry. None of the Chinese he met had a low attitude towards him. Suddenly he met a Chinese who played hooligan before him. I don’t know how to deal with time.

Although George Kevin is a citizen of the British Empire, his involvement in the kidnapping of your cryptographic expert has nothing to do with us. This is clear, Shen, if you say so, I will report it to you in the name of the embassy. Your boss Dai protested.

I just said it was possible, not yes. It was Mr. Counselor who raised this question first, and I answered it. Whether you are satisfied with the answer is beyond my consideration. Shen Yu chuckled, and the British man was anxious. Okay, this strategy of striking at the bottom first is really effective.

Only by disrupting the opponent's position first can you sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

As expected, not everyone can be successful in negotiation.

Okay, let's not talk about this issue, but I must state that everything George Kevin did in China has nothing to do with the British Empire government.

Shen Yu chuckled: I am very willing to believe what Mr. Counselor said. If this were not the case, we would not be sitting here talking.

Regardless of the conclusion of your final investigation, we hope that Mr. George Kevin can return to the UK safely and be reunited with his family, as this is his right.

If a citizen of your country commits a crime, doesn't he need to go to jail? Luo Yao interjected and asked.

This is not within the British Empire. Mudir said arrogantly.

Whether it is according to Chinese law or the treaty signed by the two countries, there seems to be no provision that British people who commit crimes in our country will not accept any punishment, right?

He can be punished under the laws of the British Empire.

It's a joke. According to international laws and regulations, if any citizen commits a crime, the country where he committed the crime has the right to arrest and punish according to local laws. I said that, right, Counselor Mudir.

But the country where the citizen is located also has jurisdiction and jurisdiction.

This argument is meaningless. Even if you take the case to the League of Nations, you can't win. It's a waste of each other's time. It's better to be more realistic. Luo Yao laughed and directly retorted. Everyone knew what they were doing. , discussing legal issues, Cun Chu is just looking for trouble.

Mudir glanced at the Turner next to him. Turner nodded slightly and said that Luo Yao was right. As long as there is conclusive evidence, the crime committed by George Kevin can only be tried by the Chinese side. The crime of espionage is It is a special criminal act, and it is impossible for any country to return spies of other countries to the country where the spies are located for trial.

Okay, in your Chinese terms, let's get straight to the point.

We can give appropriate leniency to George Kevin, but it depends on whether he is willing to find a leniency path for himself.

Of course, no one wants to lose their freedom. Mudir nodded, I believe George Kevin thinks so too.

Since we all have this consensus, it's easy to talk. Based on the fact that if George Kevin can cooperate with our investigation of the case, we can grant leniency based on his criminal performance. As for the extent, it depends on him. It's a great performance. Shen Yu said.

The art of negotiation is to say something, but it sounds exactly like you didn't say it.

We hope he can be repatriated as soon as possible. Mudir exchanged a look with Turner and said, And we can persuade him to cooperate with your investigation?

If Mr. Counselor can come forward to cooperate with the persuasion, of course we will welcome it, but this still requires communication. Shen Yu did not refuse, but he did not agree immediately.

I have reached a verbal agreement with your boss Dai. We will buy you a batch of equipment and supplies at a low price. Mudir said, I hope it can improve our relationship.

Didn't you say free assistance?

We have no way to explain the free assistance to the country. In fact, the price of this batch of equipment and materials is less than one-third of the market price. You should have taken advantage of it, Mudir said.

Luo Yao made eye contact with Shen Yu. The British were probably afraid that their free assistance would be known by the Japanese and cause trouble, but it was different from doing business.

Britain has not severed diplomatic relations with China. People spend money to buy things, so it is hard to blame them.

This is being a bitch and building a memorial arch.

However, taking things from the British for nothing seems to lead to suspicion of a shady transaction with the British. It is nothing more than a tacit understanding.

Since we have to spend money to buy it, shouldn't we decide what to buy ourselves? Luo Yao asked.

Mudir glanced at Shen Yu and asked, Can this adjutant make the decision?

Of course, Mr. Counselor, his words represent our opinions. Shen Yu nodded.

Mr. Adjutant, please speak. Mudir leaned back slightly and leaned back on the chair, looking very contemptuous. The Chinese don't know any good things. The British Empire just got some old equipment and threw it away.

TR1133 radio station, Huff-Duff high-frequency direction finder...

As soon as Luo Yao opened his mouth, the face of the Royal Air Force Major opposite him immediately changed. Mudir still felt good about himself and did not know the meaning of the models and equipment Luo Yao mentioned.

Mr. Adjutant, it is impossible for us to provide the equipment you want. Turner directly passed Mudir and flatly rejected the equipment list issued by Luo Yao.

Major Turner, don't worry. I know that these equipments are your most advanced. Some of them have not been fully finalized and equipped. We will not force others to do anything. Next, your British army must replace the old equipment. This We can actually do business for a long time. Luo Yao smiled calmly and said slowly.

At this time, Mudir also saw from Turner's attitude that the Chinese actually knew that the British army was developing models of new equipment that could be replaced.

How did he know?

These things that he, the counselor of the embassy, ​​didn't even know about, were really damned.

Mudir's expression was very exciting. He originally thought that by throwing some outdated equipment to the Chinese, he could make some money by selling it. After all, the obsolete items could be directly disposed of as waste.

At least, he can still make some personal profits from it, but if he does business with the Chinese for a long time, this will be different, but the profits will be more lasting and considerable.

The problem is, he's not here to talk business.

How do the Chinese know so much? Do they have spies in the British Empire’s intelligence service?

Luo Yao took a sip of tea and just waited for the other party's response. He knew that it was impossible to get their latest radio station and direction finding equipment from the British, not to mention that the British were unwilling to sell them. Ken, they can't afford this price either.

One or two pieces of advanced equipment cannot change the overall situation.

But the equipment that has been eliminated from their military is still very advanced for China. At least at the technical level, there is no obvious generation difference with Japan, and it even has certain advantages.

Of course, even if it is obsolete equipment, the British will not easily sell it to China, so we have to talk!

How can we know the other party’s bottom line without talking about it?

Shen Yu looked calm on the surface, but in fact he was panicking inside. This was not what he said before the negotiation. Luo Yao obviously changed his negotiation strategy.

What if the British suddenly fall out and stop talking?

This is what Boss Dai told me, and this business must be done.

Keep begging for monthly votes!

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