The secret war is silent

Chapter 351 The British are frustrated

The British did not agree to the conditions proposed by Luo Yao and others, and of course they did not refuse. They said they would go back and think about it and give a reply in two days.

The negotiation failed, and Shen Yu was worried about how to explain to Dai Yunong.

Luo Yao said to him: Sixth brother, don't worry. If the British really want to talk to us, there is still a chance to talk. Haven't we not completely finished talking? Besides, there is no such thing as negotiation. It will be successful unless our conditions suit our opponents’ intentions.”

Having said that, Boss Dai's expectations for this negotiation are still quite high.

Director Dai would be even happier if we could really get those equipment and supplies from the British. Our equipment is too old.

The British have always been shrewd, and they won't agree to it early without any benefit. Shen Yu said, Some equipment is blocked by the entire Western powers.

We are not just buying weapons or communication equipment, and it is not their latest equipment. How can we know if we don't try it? Luo Yaodao said, If we can establish a long-term cooperation channel and provide us with such equipment, you Do you want to buy it or not?”

Of course I bought it. As long as the British are willing to sell it, they will buy it even if they try to sell it! How could Shen Yu not know what this means? There is a huge shortage of these communication equipment and investigation equipment in the country.

Brother Six, let me know...

No way. If we do this, the British won't know it's us? Shen Yu was shocked, and Luo Yao was too bold.

It's all just gossip. When they were fanning the flames behind the scenes and spreading rumors to put pressure on us, what did we say? Luo Yao sneered.

This thing gets serious. What if we can't stop it?

If this matter were minor, do you think the British would take the initiative to come to negotiate with us? Luo Yao said, It's not that we were embarrassed internationally a while ago. In order to regain face, we took the initiative to show our goodwill. If we can directly give If we apply pressure, will they wait until now?”

Okay, I will sacrifice my life to accompany you. Shen Yu thought for a moment, gritted his teeth, and nodded in agreement.

If Director Dai asks about it, just say that the conditions have not been agreed upon and that we need to slow down. Now we will compete with who can calm down more. Luo Yaodao.


I woke up in the morning, stretched my muscles, ran two laps, and worked up a sweat. Then I took a hot shower, changed into clean clothes, and prepared to go to work at the veterinary station.

These days, I wake up every morning and run out. I have lost the good habit of exercising early in the training class.

Come over and eat. I cooked wontons and fried poached eggs. Gong Hui walked out with a bowl of steaming wontons and greeted Luo Yao who was about to leave the courtyard.

I'll eat in the station cafeteria...

Come here and go after eating. Gong Hui hummed, obviously unhappy.

Eat, can't I just eat? Luo Yao had no choice but to pull back his outstretched legs. Every now and then, he was either washing clothes for him or cooking for him. Is he still addicted to this?

I forgot what I did.

Principal Su from the Radio School called me again yesterday, saying that Jiang Fu from Jiang Xiaoyu's family went to school again, saying that he had handed over a letter to Jiang Xiaoyu. Is there such a thing? Luo Yao said in He sat down on the stone stool and asked while eating.

That's what happened. I've already forwarded the letter to her. Why, is there anything else? Gong Hui asked knowingly.

Principal Su said that if you come all the way, you won't want to leave without being able to see him.

Okay, I understand. I will find an opportunity to arrange for the two of them to meet, and then arrange for Jiang Fu to leave the mountain city as soon as possible. Gong Hui said.

Well, it's okay to leave, so as not to affect our work. Luo Yao said, but in his heart he was thinking about how to make Lao Wu stay.

After eating, Gong Hui put away the dishes and chopsticks. Seeing that she was walking almost like a normal person, she asked with concern: Xiao Hui, how is your leg injury?

It's almost done. Sister-in-law Six just helped me remove the stitches yesterday. Gong Hui nodded.

When did the leave disappear?

Let's give it a couple of days. It's good to be injured. It's good to have some peace and quiet for a few days. Gong Hui pursed her lips and smiled. Now that she was injured and asked for leave, many things in the station had to be left to others to handle. Gong Hui There are quite a lot of things to take care of, and some people below him can't make the decision, so they are sent to him, which causes a backlog of official business to be processed on his desk.

Come back to work as soon as possible. I'm not asking you to go on a mission. Luo Yao said.

I know, I'm going to cancel the holiday today.

There's no rush, let's take another day off... Luo Yao smiled, lowered his head and covered his mouth and coughed to hide his embarrassment.

Listen to you.

Webmaster, you are really right. Kondo Keiichi actually called again, asking about the situation of the Kuroki team. I followed your instructions and sent them a false message to turn the Viper into a traitor. News of Bai Hu's arrest spread back. Chi An excitedly knocked on the door with a telegram and came in.

Continue to pay attention. Did you tell me about being surrounded and chased by the military commander?

As I said, I also arranged an evacuation channel for the Blackwood Team and explained that it was designed by the 'White Fox' for them. But now they find that there are countless soldiers chasing them along the way. They have no choice but to change their route and flee to the northwest, preparing to Take the ancient Qinling Road and retreat through Guanzhong.

Well, very good. If I contact you again, I will tell you that we have no choice but to give up the kidnapped Osborne. After all, the target is too conspicuous to escape with a foreigner.

What does giving up mean?

Don't worry about it, just reply like this. Luo Yao thought for a while, no matter whether he could deceive the Japanese or not, he should do his best first.

Osborne's news is still sealed to the outside world, which leaves him room to maneuver.

Shen Yu moved very quickly. With his current status as the captain of the Detective Brigade of the Shancheng Police Station, it was really easy to find an unknown tabloid and publish a piece of gossip.

Of course, there is no need for him to come forward himself, find a middleman, pay a sum of money, and quietly handle the matter.

Early the next morning, a tabloid called Weeds published a piece of sensational news. Of course, the tone of the whole article was uncertain, but it was also said with a sense of purpose.

In the recent kidnapping case of an American consultant to the military, the important suspect captured was George Kevin, a British expatriate. After the British man was arrested, the British Embassy immediately protested and put pressure on the government to release him. , in fact, there is an ulterior motive behind it. The British have just signed a secret agreement with the Japanese. They have reached an agreement behind the scenes. The British and the Japanese are on the same side. The British involved in the case are actually taking orders from the British secretly. The authorities cooperated with Japanese spies lurking in mountain towns to kidnap American consultants and so on...

True and false, false and true, and cater to the public's desire to hear gossip, especially the people in mountain cities who like nothing more than to show off the Dragon Gate Formation.

News from this tabloid does not necessarily spread slower than those from major newspapers.

The embassies of various countries in mountain cities have the function of collecting intelligence, and they purchase local newspapers every day. This information is collected by specialized personnel every day, and useful information is selected and reported to the embassy decision-makers.

Weeds often publishes some gossip news, especially celebrity anecdotes. These news may be true or false. Although it is not the focus of the intelligence agencies of various embassies, the British Embassy likes to buy this newspaper.

The choice of this tabloid to publish was not random. How could we not make an arrangement to let the British Embassy see this report as quickly as possible?

Shen Yu's ability is very strong, otherwise Dai Yunong would not think so highly of him, and gradually promoted him to such an important position. At such a young age, his status is already on par with those of the old people.

When Mudir saw the specious news published in Weeds, he was so angry that he jumped up and down. The military commander-in-chief had just finished their talks yesterday, and today such a piece of news came out.

This is not a lice on a bald man's head. I understand, the military commander is behind this.

He knew that military unification was difficult to achieve, but he didn't expect that these Chinese people were so shameless and cunning that they actually raked up everything in order to get more!

Counsellor Mudir, Mr. Ambassador Karl, please come over. The secretary knocked on the door and came in.

I know, I'll be there right away.

Mudir gritted his teeth. He knew what Ambassador Karl had done to him. He was different from Karl. This guy was responsible for frontal foreign affairs and always behaved like a gentleman and aristocrat. As for him, he was just doing dirty work. of.

He realized that he had met two extremely difficult Chinese people, and they looked very young. If they could be sent to be responsible for such important negotiations, they would likely become powerful figures within the military unification in the future.

If we can really reach a private deal with them, it might not be a good thing in the future, even though Mudir despises the Chinese in his heart.

But he is a diplomat, and he knows that what diplomats are best at is flexibility. If they cling to dogma, they will not be able to do diplomatic work at all.

Damn George, how much trouble this caused him.

After Ambassador Karl's angry scolding, Mudir chose to call Shen Yu immediately, brother, let's continue talking.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Luo Yao received a call from Shen Yu, saying that the British wanted to continue communicating with them and were willing to further negotiate on the conditions they proposed.

Brother Six, are you still in the same place? Luo Yao chuckled. Shen Yu specially sent someone to give him a copy of Weeds. He also saw the report above. This seems to be true, but it is It was full of uncertain inferences and was so brilliant. He wanted to see who wrote this manuscript. What a talent!

Okay, I'll tell them. Shen Yu laughed, You Ning, your method is really unethical. I guess Mudir has never suffered such a big loss in China.

The British have always been arrogant in our land. When did they take us seriously? If they don't teach them a lesson, they really think that we Chinese are easy to bully. The sun never sets on our empire. I It looks like the sun will be declining soon. Luo Yao said.

Hahaha, so happy. Shen Yu laughed and hung up the phone.

The British bowed their heads, as expected. The initiative in this matter lies with the military commander.

Later on, Luo Yao received a call from Dai Yunong himself. Without saying anything, he just said: You Ning, well done.

Dai Yunong has never liked the British very much. Luo Yao can make the British feel embarrassed, so he is naturally happy.

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