The secret war is silent

Chapter 352 Reaching a Preliminary Agreement

Mr. Shen, Mr. Qin, can you two explain what is going on? Mudir slammed a copy of Weeds in front of Shen Yu and Luo Yao.

British popularity is not going well.

This is understandable, and it is certain that they will still find trouble in the subsequent negotiations.

Luo Yao and Shen Yu had already decided on a negotiation strategy. They greeted each other with smiles and would never admit it.

Shen Yu glanced at Luo Yao, meaning that it would be more appropriate for you to do this kind of quarrel.

Luo Yao slowly took the newspaper over, spread it out, pretended to browse it, and then gently pushed it towards Mudir and the others: This kind of news in tabloids that publish celebrity gossip and gossip, you also letter?

Isn't this your masterpiece? Mudir said through gritted teeth.

We are a law enforcement agency, and all cases are open and transparent. Regarding this, Mr. Counselor, you should obtain relevant information from official reporter reports. How do you believe this kind of information randomly published in tabloids?

However, this kind of gossip has a huge impact on the reputation of my British Empire.

We have no control over the publication of newspapers and newspapers, and we have no law enforcement power. Mr. Counselor can report to the relevant departments through other channels. Luo Yao spread his hands and said with a helpless expression, In the West, everyone has Journalists are the uncrowned kings of the right to express their own opinions, aren’t they?”

This is slander and rumors! Mudir stood up angrily and slammed his fist on the table. He didn't know why, but when he saw Luo Yao's flat face, his heart started to burn. Come out.

Mr. Counselor can appeal to the court and sue the newspaper and reporter who reported the news. You are tantamount to talking to the wrong person by getting angry with us.

Sir, please control your emotions. Don't forget what we are here to do? the major deputy military attache next to him quickly persuaded softly.

Mudir finally calmed down. Ambassador Karl asked him to negotiate and resolve the matter as soon as possible, not to quarrel.

Sorry, I was a little emotional just now, please forgive me.

We can understand the mood of Mr. Counselor, but you should not get angry at us, we are the victims. Luo Yaodao, Of course, to a certain extent, you are too. In Chinese saying, a mouse droppings spoils a pot of soup. .”

Rat, soup...

Mudir obviously failed to understand the meaning of this sentence.

It's like this. A piece of mouse droppings fell into the cooked broth. Do you think this pot of broth is still drinkable? Luo Yao explained attentively.

Mudir immediately shook his head.

Then what George Kevin has done is not to discredit you British expatriates in China and make the whole world less favorable and less trusting of you British people?

Mr. Qin, there is no evidence that George Kevin was the mastermind of the kidnapping. Maybe he was just deceived... Turner took over and asked Mudir to slow down.

If you say that, there is no way to go on talking about it. Regarding George Kevin's assistance in assisting the Japanese spies to kidnap the US military adviser, this is already an ironclad fact. We have the captured spy witnesses and his own confession. Shen Yu said.

We request to meet with Mr. George Kevin. Do you agree? Turner said.

Okay, in order to show our sincerity, we can let you meet with George Kevin, but you must be accompanied by our personnel. Luo Yao and Shen Yu looked at each other. If we really want to compromise, meeting is a must. Less.

Okay, where's the time?

When do you want to meet?

Of course the sooner the better, preferably tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?

Without announcing the news to the public, we can arrange a secret meeting tomorrow, Luo Yao said.


The British also don't want the secret negotiations between them and the military commander to be known to the outside world. Although they want reporters to know, this may not be beneficial to them.

We will not give in on the issue of George Kevin's identity and crime, but we can reduce his punishment in other ways, or even exempt him from punishment, but it depends on whether he cooperates with our case investigation. And your sincerity. Luo Yao underlined.

This line is that George Kevin cannot be innocent. Otherwise, the military commander will have to bear the responsibility of arresting the wrong person. The despicability of the British cannot be underestimated. Once they really agree to acquit George Kevin, then, They bite you back immediately, what can you do to them?

Are there few such examples?

Guilty, but if he performs meritorious service during the investigation of the case, he can be treated leniently according to relevant laws.

How lenient this is, the right to interpret lies in the hands of the military commander.

But for Mudir, if George Kevin is guilty, wouldn't everything they did before still be slapped in the face?

They believed that George Kevin was wrongly accused by the military commander and was a traitor. This was China's retaliation for the secret agreement signed between Britain and Japan.

And the domestic authorities also believed that this was the reason. After the incident, the embassy immediately tried to put pressure on China and immediately reported it to London.

London even reported the news of George Kevin's persecution in China, and some members even proposed a bill to retaliate against China.

The military commander has always refused to let them see George Kevin, which convinced the embassy that their guess was correct. They wanted to rescue the citizens of the British Empire and tell the world a fact. What the Chinese said Everything is a lie.

It's a false accusation!

But as time went by, Mudir also learned from some channels that George Kevin did do some shameful things while he was in the mountain city.

In particular, George Kevin had a close relationship with the Wang Family in the past.

Wang has been identified as a traitor by China, and George Kevin has a close relationship with Wang, which is probably the reason why he was imprisoned this time.

Mr. Counselor, I might as well tell you another piece of news. George Kevin was not only involved in the crime of kidnapping our US military adviser, he is also a member of the Japanese espionage 'Viper' organization that we uncovered a while ago. Luo Yao threw out another question. A bombshell.

After hearing this, Mudir and Major Turner were so shocked that they couldn't sit still and stood up directly.

Mr. Qin, do you think this is true?

Mr. Counselor, do you think we would joke with you on such a serious matter? Luo Yao chuckled.

Do you have any evidence?

Of course, if there is no evidence, how can we connect the two of them? Shen Yu took over, Actually, George Kevin was developed into his downline by 'Viper' a long time ago. , because of his British identity, he can do many things for him that he cannot do. Of course, 'Viper' will also give him a certain amount of compensation. Their relationship is that of an employee. George Kevin also has a codename: Weasel. mouse.

If you hadn't requested to negotiate with us, we could have announced these to the public immediately. We have definite evidence. Mr. Counselor, Major Turner, aren't we sincere enough? Luo Yao smiled slightly and asked. .

No, Mr. Shen, Mr. Qin, please don't announce it to the public. We can discuss this matter. Mudir said hurriedly.

He was still trying to digest the impact of the news. If George Kevin was only involved in the case, it could be said to be a compromise in order to plead guilty.

But if George Kevin did join a Japanese espionage organization, the country would have deemed it a frame-up and pressured China to release him. It also issued an order that China must release him. Even the Prime Minister paid attention to this case and mentioned in a speech that China had arrested him. The arrest of George Kevin was framed and a despicable act.

Isn't this a slap in the face?

Mr. Counselor, the relationship between China and Britain has always been very friendly. The relationship between the two countries cannot be affected because of a certain person's crime. Our purpose of blocking the news is to find out the truth. At the same time, we do not want the outside world to cause unnecessary speculation by the outside world. Misunderstanding, what do you think?

Yes, Mr. Qin is very right. If you can lower your requirements slightly, I think we can reach an agreement.

Then what can you give us? Luo Yao asked.

The latest radio stations, direction finding, and meteorological equipment will definitely not work. Current equipment will work, but it needs to be reduced to a certain amount.

Existing equipment is also acceptable, but it must be complete with complete sets of equipment and spare parts, and must be usable without any problems.

Of course, we guarantee that the equipment is about 80% new.

What's the number?

How much can you offer?

Twenty sets of radio stations, five sets of direction finding equipment, two sets of meteorological equipment... Turner reported a number, obviously well prepared.

Of course, this is definitely not their bottom line.

One hundred sets of radio stations, at least thirty sets of direction finding equipment, twenty sets of meteorological equipment... Luo Yao had a strong memory and directly multiplied each item on the list reported by Turner by 4-5 times.

Do you have that much money?

Don't worry about whether we have so much money, just ask whether you can provide so many things? Shen Yu asked.

Mudir and Turner turned around and lowered their heads to discuss, and Turner said: Mr. Shen, Mr. Qin, we can only provide a maximum of forty sets of radio stations, ten sets of direction finding equipment, and five sets of meteorological equipment...

The British are really good at bargaining. They cut off half of the price and gave them an additional 20% off. This is a sign that they understand the essence of Chinese bargaining.

Luo Yao was not a vegetarian. He was also professional when it came to bargaining. In the end, he doubled the amount Turner said, and also raised the price to one-third of the original price and then dropped it by 10%.

In other words, if you buy this batch of equipment at almost one-tenth of the price, it is not considered a gift, and you do not need to acknowledge the favor from the British.

A preliminary agreement has been reached.

Of course, the prerequisite for the deal to be truly completed is that George Kevin's matter is resolved. There are still differences in this regard, mainly because Mudial must report the new situation about George Kevin to the country, and he has no decision-making power.

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