The secret war is silent

Chapter 360 Extra!

Early the next morning, Luo Yao called Shen Yu and asked him to interrogate George Kevin again before arranging for Mudir to meet George Kevin.

Focus on asking about the relationship between George Kevin and Gao Tiankui, commander of the 1st Battalion of the 41st Air Defense Regiment.

This is a point they ignored before.

There is a traitor lurking in the Shancheng Air Defense Command, and this traitor has not been found out yet. Li Fu went to the Air Defense Command to go undercover.

The purpose is to find this traitor.

Now Gao Tiankui is the biggest suspect, but no definite evidence has been found yet, but Gao Tiankui is related to George Kevin.

You just have to check.

Maybe there will be some surprises.

Deng Yi received Shen Yu's order and immediately arranged for George Kevin to appear in court for questioning again.

Early in the morning, George Kevin was drowsily asleep and was taken to the interrogation room. When he saw Deng Yi sitting in front of him, he was a little confused.

George Kevin, I called you here to ask you about some situations. You must answer truthfully, otherwise you will know the consequences.

Yeah. George Kevin nodded. That's it. What else can he hide?

Did you know a man named Gao Tiankui when you were running the German Building? Deng Yi asked, while quickly writing down notes in his notebook.


How is your relationship with him?

It should be considered average. He is better than an ordinary friend. He is a very generous person. He spends a lot of money and is very rich. George Kevin said.

Who did you sell the German Mansion to before you fled the mountain city?

A young man named Li Fu.

Have you known this Li Fu before?


George Kevin, you'd better answer honestly, this is very important to you. Deng Yi looked cold and slapped the table very rudely in warning.

do not know.

I don't know him. How did you sell the German Mansion to him?

I was in a hurry to sell out. Not many people could afford it. He happened to want to buy a house for investment, so I sold it to him.

But as far as I know, the deal between you and Li Fu has been negotiated long ago. The deal between you two is just to complete the last signing procedure? Deng Yi laughed.

This is impossible. I negotiated the deal with Li Fu several times. I asked for 100,000 yuan, but he finally paid 60,000 yuan. I wouldn't have given it to him if I hadn't been in a hurry. George Kay Wen denied.

Lying, Mr. George Kevin, you've gone so far and you're still hiding it for others. Do you really think we can't find out? Deng Yi shouted angrily.

George Kevin was so frightened that he didn't know how to speak for a moment.

This transaction was actually negotiated secretly between you and Gao Tiankui a long time ago. When Li Fu came forward to deal, it was just arranged by Gao Tiankui a long time ago. Your relationship with Gao Tiankui is also extraordinary. Am I right? Deng Yi stood up and asked sternly.

George Kevin lowered his head with guilt.

Aren't you going to tell the truth? Deng Yi asked again.

I am indeed very familiar with Gao Tiankui. He used to be a frequent visitor to my German Mansion. He can speak English very fluently and is a very graceful man. Although he has lost an arm, his strong body makes women scream. Yep, he knows many senior officials and has very good relations with them.

Can you give some examples?

(Name omitted, those in the low-key club)... George Kevin mentioned the names of several people. After hearing this, Deng Yi couldn't help but frown slightly and wrote it down in the transcript.

Gao Tiankui has a good relationship with them?

Yes, they often meet here. We get together to drink. We have a good relationship, and most of them are paid by Gao Tiankui. George Kevin continued, Since that incident last year, he rarely He went to my place again, and even took the girl he was in love with to live in his villa. I wanted to cash in the German Mansion, and the first person I thought of was him. He has strong financial resources, and there is no problem buying the German Mansion, so I called him, he showed great interest, and we negotiated the price. Later, he said that he had a special status and needed to arrange an intermediary to help him with transactions and hold shares on his behalf...

Under intimidation, George Kevin became honest and told everything he knew.

Do you know Gao Tiankui's identity?

I know a little bit. He is an officer. Everyone calls him 'Colonel'. He has made many military exploits in the past. I don't know which army he is in.

Does Gao Tiankui know Yang Xiong?

I think I know each other, but I'm not familiar with them. I've seen them say hello to each other. George Kevin frowned, as if he was recalling.

If you know anything else, tell me. Deng Yi simply stopped asking and asked George Kevin to tell him.

I also know that he has many properties in the mountain city, such as casinos, dance halls, hotels, shops and factories. I don't know how he accumulated so much wealth... Regarding the source of Gao Tiankui's wealth, George Kevin seemed He was also very curious, but he couldn't tell the source.

Write down what you know and we will investigate. Deng Yi simply put the pen and paper in front of George Kevin and asked him to write it himself.

George Kevin hesitated for a moment, then picked up the pen and started writing on it.

Gao Tiankui's smuggling was beyond his control. There must be many people involved in this black profit chain, because the profits from smuggling were huge enough, and there were probably senior generals in the army involved.

If you touch the cheese of these people, you will have to endure the joint counterattack of these people. This is the reason why Luo Yao resorted to war. But if it is confirmed that Gao Tiankui is a spy or a traitor, it will be different. No one dares to stand up for him, or even cut him off. It’s still too late.

For these people, corruption and smuggling are not a serious crime. At least those with a backing will not die. Traitors and traitors will die if they are caught, and there is no possibility of forgiveness.

You are an intelligence broker, and you were bribed by the Japanese to do things for them. Deng Yi asked, Has Gao Tiankui ever done intelligence transactions with you?

There seems to be no intelligence. He is an officer himself and has many more sources of intelligence than me. How could he trade intelligence with me? George Kevin asked strangely.

Not once?

Not really. He and I are limited to drinking and having sex. George Kevin thought for a moment and said with certainty, He told me a lot of ridiculous things he had done before, such as with the monastery. Girls…”

Okay, today's conversation ends here, take the person down for breakfast. Deng Yi interrupted George Kevin, stood up directly, and called the prison guards to come in and take the person out.

Deng Yi showed the inquiry transcript to Shen Yu. There were no valuable clues. He could only say that Gao Tiankui had a lot of contacts in the past. It can be said that he had many connections with the upper echelons of the government. Now, he is much more low-key than in the past. .

There is a reason for keeping a low profile. Many people who have interacted with him in the past are now wanted. If he kept a high profile, wouldn't he be at gunpoint?

Apart from smuggling and selling opium and tobacco, and participating in some gray transactions, it seems that there is no other excuse. Of course, if we are serious about it, the information we have now is enough to make Gao Tiankui drink a pot, but he has deep connections. The interests behind the bundling are very powerful.

This is difficult when some children of big families are involved. The government officials are fine, but it is these lawless children of big families who are a headache.

Their parents were the masters of Tongtian, and they did not have public offices. If you dare to touch them, you will touch the big boss behind them.

Boss Dai is also a fearful person.

Send someone to take the transcript to the veterinary station and give it to Luo Youning. Shen Yu handed the transcript back to Deng Yi and ordered. He really couldn't see anything worthy of attention in this transcript.

Yes, Virgo.

It was already noon when Luo Yao got the transcript. He carefully read it three times from beginning to end, but couldn't find any clues he wanted.

Moreover, judging from the inquiry, Deng Yi asked all the questions that should be asked, and there was nothing hidden in George Kevin's answer.

Although George Kevin admitted that his relationship with Gao Tiankui was unusual, this could not be used as evidence that Gao Tiankui had become a traitor and surrendered to the enemy and treason.

Since George Kevin can't find a breakthrough, he can only count on Li Fu.

Extra, extra, the military commander rescued the American consultant, wiped out the elite Japanese aggressors, and captured the leader alive! Starting at noon, the largest official newspaper in the mountain city, the Central Daily News, published a page of extra!

Other newspapers got the news and followed suit.

This news instantly spread throughout the mountain city, igniting public opinion among the people. China Broadcasting Station also broadcast to the outside world, broadcasting in detail the case of detecting a Japanese spy who sneaked into the mountain city and kidnapped an American consultant invited by the government. After ten days of arduous investigation work, the military commander , finally intercepted this group of infiltrating Japanese invaders in the Qinling Mountains, successfully rescued the advisors, and achieved a major victory in countering espionage in the mountain city!

The Military Control Bureau severely damaged the Japanese spy organization in the mountain city.

The common people had heard enough about the losses on the front line, and finally heard good news, and something happened around them, which naturally boosted the people's hearts and morale.

Newspapers and radio broadcasts also called on the public to actively provide clues about Japanese spies. Anyone who discovers Japanese spies or traitors will be given a certain reward, up to five hundred oceans, as long as it is confirmed.

For a time, there was a clamor in the mountain city to catch Japanese spies and traitors. Not to mention, this prize clue really caught many traitors who were working for the Japanese invaders.

Of course, it is difficult to dig out real Japanese spies. There are actually very few real Japanese spies. Most of them are traitors who were developed by Japanese spies.

The Soviet army suddenly launched a fierce attack on the Japanese army at Nomenkan. The Japanese army was caught off guard and was defeated by the Soviet army. The battle situation suddenly became one-sided.

Although the Japanese army continued to organize counterattacks, they lost the opportunity at the beginning and their defeat was certain.

Not long after, the code interpretation room intercepted the code message sent to Japan by Togo, the Japanese Embassy in Moscow. Germany signed the Mutual Non-Aggression Treaty with the Soviet Union in Moscow.

On the basis of this treaty, there is also a secret agreement. The content of the secret agreement should be related to Poland. What is specific is unknown.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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