The secret war is silent

Chapter 361 A headache

After the kidnapping incident, Osborne became much more honest. He basically left work these days and did not go out after returning home.

It was also because Xu Zhen often came to see him.

During this period, their relationship heated up quickly. If it weren't for their nationality and identity, they might have been heading towards marriage.

In this situation.

Luo Yao could only watch, but couldn't stop it.

It's really Xu Zhen's credit that Osborne is able to stay so calm now.

Luo Yao turned a blind eye to the fact that Xu Zhen visited Osborne every now and then, and even stayed at Osborne's residence at night.

As long as she doesn't have access to classified documents.

Since the last time they had dinner with Luo Yao and got drunk, the relationship between Yang Si and Shi Jiaqian has deteriorated sharply. The two of them didn't speak to each other when they met at the veterinary station.

Even during meetings, there was very little communication.

Shi Jiaqian complained to Yang Si in front of Wen Yuqing, and Wen Yuqing sent a reprimanding telegram to Yang Si, blaming Yang Si for his incompetence and failure to learn the secret code deciphering method in the secret interpretation room.

Yang Si was naturally unhappy. Didn't he want to learn? But if you were asked to learn, you would have the chance to learn. If you were not allowed to learn, how could you still steal it?

Do you really think that the people in the secret translation room are fools and don't know how to keep it secret?

No one will let you take a look at such things as core secrets. How are the exchange and study groups of the Secret Interpretation Room in Diancheng Secret Inspection Station treated? How are they treated?

Wen Yuqing is too petty and has no general demeanor at all.

Compared with Luo Yao, a young fellow, it was really a world between heaven and earth. It was just a few days of beauty, so what's the big deal?

Let a technical person do something sneaky, but he thought of it. Shi Jiaqian and Shi Jiaqian came to the mountain city. Except for a symbolic arrival on the first day, they went out to socialize the rest of the time and came back very late every day. Even without coming back, he became effective at work and accepted the praise.

In the past, the relationship between the two could only be considered average. They were both working together and did not have much contact in private. This time it was different. They went out together and worked and lived together.

Contradictory personalities, conflicting ideas, what was originally a trivial matter, turned out to be a big deal when the fire broke out.

Shi Jiaqian was Wen Yuqing's brother-in-law. Although he was the deputy team leader, he didn't take Yang Si as the team leader seriously at all and scolded him without mercy.

Yang Si, a scholar and a man of culture, was not good at quarreling. As a result, he was often at a disadvantage.

After this quarrel, Yang Si stopped staying at the station and went directly to the veterinary station to work with Chi An and the others. Even after get off work, he was unwilling to go back and worked overtime with him.

In this situation, Chi An couldn't drive him away, so he had to wait until the night shift was over and ask Luo Yao to send him a car to take him back.

The more this happened, the more Shi Jiaqian believed that Yang Si had been bribed by Luo Yao, the secret interpretation room, and dirty water was poured on him. In addition, he had the power to report to the Diancheng Secret Inspection Office, and he could say whatever he wanted. .

If it weren't for the fear of embarrassment, Shi Jiaqian would have kicked Yang Si back to Dian City.

The entire exchange and study group of the secret inspection office was dominated by Shi Jiaqian, and Yang Si was ignored and even isolated. As the leader, he now has no title and no power. He even reports the contents of the messages to the secret inspection office every day. Didn't even show it to him.

According to the rules, the telegram needs his signature before it can be issued. Now Shi Jiaqian only needs to agree to it.

Luo Yao was actually a little intolerant of Yang Si's experience, but after all, he was not one of his own, and the more he helped, the worse things happened.

If Yang Si doesn't help, if Yang Si continues like this, even if he goes back to the secret inspection station, he probably won't be reused by Wen Yuqing again.

The alienation plan did work.

Of course, for a smart person like Yang Si, he naturally understood. However, Luo Yao did it openly and did not hide or do anything secretly.

If this is all caused by others, then your heart is dark.

Yang Si now avoids meeting Luo Yao, but his relationship with Chi An is getting better and better. Chi An is also a pure scholar-type official.

When he heard that Chi An actually did not join the military command, but was seconded to work in the military command as the second department of the Military Command Department, he was surprised.

He had long heard of the tyranny of military commanders. It was so unexpected and completely incredible that a talent like Chi An was not a military commander.

Can the military commander, Boss Dai, agree?

Chi An did not hide it from him. In fact, many people in the secret interpretation room came through this method. Of course, there is no such good thing now. Unless you are a special talent needed by the secret interpretation room, you can do this. Special channels.

Many people have concerns about joining the military reunification spy organization. This is understandable. If strong methods are used, even if people come, what should they do if they don't work hard enough?

Therefore, special technical talents can be modified to ensure that they can stay or leave at will in the future. After all, joining the military command, even if they leave the military command bureau to work in other departments, they must be controlled by the military command family rules.

Luo Yao's approach made Dai Yunong, who was very controlling, very unhappy, but he had to admit that his approach did provide another way for the military to recruit talents, which was more convenient and gentler.

It is relatively easy for military commanders to find the talents they want to do things, and the price they pay is smaller.

As everyone knows, Luo Yao's method has protected many people. This is a story for later, so I won't mention it anymore.

Webmaster, Yang Si has come to see me. Although he didn't say it explicitly, I can tell from his words that he is worried about his future in the secret inspection station. Chi An went to Luo Yaohui to report.

He wants to come to our place? Luo Yao didn't expect that Yang Si and Shi Jiaqian would have such a big quarrel, forcing this top student in the Department of Mathematics of Donghua University to find another way out.

Of course, if Shi Jiaqian can't do it, it should be Wen Yuqing who is behind Shi Jiaqian. That is Shi Jiaqian's brother-in-law. This brother-in-law is naturally thinking about his brother-in-law.

Wen Yuqing's nepotism in the secret inspection office has long been criticized. If it weren't for his deep background, someone would have wanted to take him down.

I probably have this idea, but I didn't mention it directly. I estimate that even if I want to come, I have to wait until this exchange and study session is over. Chi An said.

Are Yang Si's family members in Hong Kong? Luo Yao asked.

Chi An said in surprise: How does the stationmaster know?

Didn't we also send an exchange and study group to the Diancheng Secret Inspection Office? Luo Yao chuckled, Our Deputy Director Chen may not be able to do other things, but he is the best at this kind of thing.

Does the webmaster have any ideas?

Yang Si's family has no income in Hong Kong. They rely on Wen's wife to give him 100 Hong Kong dollars every month for living expenses. Once Yang Si leaves the secret inspection station and comes to work with us, Wen will definitely cut off this money for him. , Therefore, if you want to recruit Yang Si, you must help him solve this worry. Luo Yao said.

I understand, what does the webmaster need from me? Chi An asked.

It's not convenient for me to say some things, but you are different. You are just a middle-level technical official in the secret interpretation room. You can tell him that it is better than me. Luo Yaodao, If Yang Si really wants to leave again, You can come to the secret interpretation room to make plans for the secret inspection office. The salary and benefits are the same as yours. In addition, we can also arrange the life of his family in Hong Kong. Whether he continues to stay in Hong Kong or chooses to return to China, we can provide it. Corresponding convenience, of course, if you want to settle down in a mountain city, it is best to take care of you nearby and live together so as not to miss each other apart.

Okay, I'll find a chance to tell him.

Well, there's no rush. Anyway, there will be about a week before the exchange and learning activities end. Luo Yao said, Before leaving, you can invite him to your home alone and tell him this in private.

Understood. If there is a webmaster, I will know it well. Chi An nodded. This involved complex interpersonal relationships between the two organizations. He couldn't make the decision, so he had to ask Luo Yao for instructions.

Stationmaster, Consultant Osborne wants to see you.

Invite him in. Luo Yao nodded and ordered Xiao Wu.

Luo, are you busy? Osborne came in and when he saw Luo Yao, a very friendly smile appeared on his face, which was not common.

Tell me, what's the matter? As soon as Luo Yao saw his expression, he knew that Osborne must be begging him for something, otherwise, he wouldn't smile so reluctantly.

There's something I want to ask you for help with? Osborne smiled, moved a chair and sat down in front of Luo Yao, and said seriously.


I want Xu Zhen to move in with me? Osborne said.

Luo Yao put on the pen cover, closed the document, and said seriously: You know, this is against the rules. I have tried to turn a blind eye to the matter between you two.

I know you are considering my safety, but Xu Zhen has been with me through thick and thin, and she has no problem. Osborne defended.

Do you know Xu Zhen's past relationship with the Wang family?

I know a little bit. She told me that she was just Wang's lover for a while, and that's all in the past.

What if she secretly works for Wang?

No, that's impossible. Osborne flatly denied.

Can you guarantee it? Luo Yao asked, Consultant Osborne, a woman who has already gone to Hong Kong, why would she take the risk and return to the mountain city? Will she not be able to survive in Hong Kong, or is the mountain city safer?

She was deceived. Wang was not in Hong Kong, so she came back.

You are so naive. You believe what she said. Everyone in the world knows that Wang has never been to Hong Kong. Why does she believe it? Or does she have an ulterior motive for going to Hong Kong? Luo Yao asked.

Luo, please don't imagine people to be so dark, okay? Xu is just a very simple person with many advantages. Osborne tried his best to defend Xu Zhen, When she went to Hong Kong, that George Kevin told His, Wang is in Hong Kong, and she doesn’t know whether the news is true or false. How can she, a woman, compare with you?

Why did George Kevin tell Xu Zhen this?

I have no idea.

What if she just needs an excuse to go to Hong Kong? Luo Yao asked, Also, your identity has been exposed, and there are many people following you now. I have no objection to you maintaining this relationship with Xu Zhen. But I don’t agree with you keeping her by your side.”

I want to marry Xu, and she is my legal wife. You have to let her live with me, right? Osborne said.

What did you say, you want to marry Xu Zhen? Luo Yao was shocked.

As long as I marry Xu Zhen, you have no reason not to let her live with me, right? Osborne said angrily.

Are you planning to abandon your Miss Edna in America?

I haven't heard from her for more than half a year. I don't know if she has forgotten me a long time ago or is with another man. Osborne said seriously, I fell in love with Xu. I want to marry her.

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