The secret war is silent

Chapter 367 Thrush

Gong Hui waited and waited, but did not wait for Luo Yao to come to her. When she asked, she found out that Luo Yao drove out early in the morning, and no one knew where he went.

When she learned that Shen Yu had taken Jiang Pingping out to watch a movie, she realized that Luo Yao had given the movie tickets she gave him to Shen Yu and his wife.

I would rather give tickets to others than go to the movies with myself.

Gong Hui was very angry now.

The people who were specially trained in Ci'en Temple were unlucky. The devil got angry, which was very scary. As a result, this weekend, they were drilled to the point of ecstasy.

When Luo Yao came back from Xiaohei Coal Mine in the afternoon, he saw a group of team members lying on the training ground with want to die expressions written on their faces.

He also looked confused.

Why did these guys train so hard and even train themselves to death? They immediately praised them with great pleasure.

Webmaster, Deputy Webmaster Gong is not in the right mood today. I have never seen her smile that day. It was not like this before. Cao Hui came into Luo Yao's office and reported in a low voice.

Old Cao, you, the security section chief, care about this all the time?

No, Station Commander, if we don't pay attention to this officer's emotions, those of us below will suffer, Cao Hui said.

Okay, women, there are a few days every month where you have to make a fuss about something and do what you should do. Luo Yao is not stupid, he is just pretending to be confused because he understands.

He would not be stupid enough to tell Cao Hui the truth.

That's not right... Cao Hui turned around and then back again.

What's wrong? Lao Cao, can you stop thinking about these useless things and focus on your work? Luo Yao criticized harshly.

Yes, Station Master. Cao Hui was excited, agreed quickly, and ran out.

Old Cao, why are you provoking the stationmaster for nothing? You don't know that they are having a quarrel. Why are you asking for it? Cao Hui met Qi Zhibin outside and was scolded by Qi Zhibin.

Brother Qi, you are the one who understands. Why didn't I think of this? Cao Hui suddenly realized.

Just pretend you didn't see what happened between them. Qi Zhibin reminded.

I understand. Thanks for the reminder, Brother Qi. Let's have a drink tonight? Cao Hui took advantage of the situation and extended the invitation.

It depends on the time. If you're not busy, you can.

When Luo Yao returned to the small courtyard of Ci'en Temple in the evening, he clearly saw the lights on in Gong Hui's room. As soon as he came back, the lights went out.

It's normal for women to like to be a little bit naughty.

But you can't get used to it.

What's more, she was angry, and Luo Yao didn't intend to apologize. He couldn't say anything anymore. She even threw the movie ticket on the table. Wasn't that just letting him do whatever he wanted?

What's wrong with Shen Yu and his wife? You can't just throw it away. Didn't you buy it with money?

These are all small things, smaller than what he is doing now. Gao Tiankui invited Li Fu and Zhou Xiaoying to his villa tonight, and I don't know what happened.

Also, two days later, Chi An asked Yang Si to visit his home. These were the things he should be concerned about, and other things that had nothing to do with the anti-Japanese war and the work of the secret interpretation room were not considered.

Rest and get enough sleep so that you will have the energy to deal with these complicated matters the next day.

Webmaster, according to the telegram intercepted last night, Japanese Foreign Minister Arita has resigned as Foreign Minister, and the new Foreign Minister will be concurrently served by Prime Minister Abe. When he got up in the morning, Luo Yao received a report from Chi An.



Immediately send a copy to the attendant's office and the bureau headquarters. This is a very important change. There may be huge changes in the Japanese military's policy towards China. Luo Yao immediately ordered.


The China policies of Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Military Affairs have always been inconsistent, and the two departments have a lot of accusations and conflicts with each other. In particular, the Military Ministry always stirs up trouble first, allowing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to clean up the military's excessive behavior internationally. .shares, the officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were naturally dissatisfied.

Arita's foreign policy has no bright spots. In fact, his job is not easy to do. Due to domestic constraints, it is useless for him to achieve anything.

In addition, Germany and the Soviet Union signed a non-aggression pact. This was a major diplomatic failure. Someone had to take the blame. Arita's resignation was almost a high probability.

Domestic strategists have already analyzed this, but who will succeed Arita? Let’s not talk about it. It depends on the power game of the Japanese cabinet.

Unexpectedly, Prime Minister Abe also served as Foreign Minister. Although this is not a precedent, there have been examples of Prime Minister Prime Minister Abe serving as Foreign Minister concurrently. However, Prime Minister Prime Minister Abe also served as Foreign Minister. This shows that the Army has the upper hand in the power struggle. Next, Japan’s foreign policy is very Probably led by the Army.

But this may just be a transition. Generally, someone steps down due to a certain incident and arranges for someone to make a transition. This is also a normal phenomenon in Japanese politics.

So, it’s hard to say.

The change of Japan's foreign minister has little impact on Japan's China policy, and it has no impact at all on the world political situation.

Li Fu sat in front of Luo Yao, looking very depressed.

The operation failed.

It can't be regarded as a failure, but that Zhou Xiaoying failed to find a chance to investigate Gao Tiankui's villa, and the other party was very guarded.

No chance at all.

Since they couldn't find an opportunity, he and Zhou Xiaoying didn't force themselves to do it, and simply gave up the operation. They stayed at Gao Tiankui's villa once and then came back.

It doesn't matter. He can invite you to the villa as a guest, which means that his trust in you has been further deepened. There is a first time, and there is a second time. Don't rush it. Luo Yao encouraged.

Brother, there are a lot of English books in Gao Tiankui's study. I find this strange. He is such a rough old man, how come he likes to read novels, and they are in foreign languages.

Gao Tiankui used to be a comprador for foreigners and later became a bandit. His cultural quality is not low. Otherwise, how could he serve as an officer of the artillery team? Those import reports and operating instructions manuals are all written in English. This is a point Not surprising. Luo Yao said.

That's true. Anyway, I just feel it's weird and can't explain it. Li Fu also felt that Luo Yao's analysis made sense, but he felt something was wrong and couldn't explain what was wrong.

In this way, the next time you go there, you ask Zhou Xiaoying to find a way to write down the names of the foreign books that are placed in the most conspicuous position in the study room of Gao Tiankui's home. Luo Yao thought for a moment, If possible, you can also use a miniature camera. Take photos of the layout of the study and the books.”

Okay, I remember. Li Fu nodded.

That Jiang Yuan should know more. You should move around more with him and get close to him. Maybe you can get the information we want from him.


Are you and Zhou Xiaoying okay? Luo Yao asked finally.

Don't worry, big brother, Zhou Xiaoying and I sleep separately at night. Li Fu said, There is no way I can do anything wrong to Ze Rong.

Be careful and don't rush for success. Luo Yao comforted.

Mountain City Red Cross General Hospital.

Lao Wu, now called Jiang Fu, after three days of observation, was transferred from the special care ward to the general ward. In addition to the low cost, the general ward has other patients.

However, the orthopedic ward is much better than other wards. Most orthopedic diseases require rest and recuperation. People who are generally able to move around will basically not be hospitalized. Only particularly serious bone injuries will be hospitalized.

Gong Hui was a good officer who cared about her subordinates. She gave Jiang Xiaoyu a leave and asked her to come and take care of Jiang Fu temporarily. This way, Jiang Xiaoyu had time and opportunity to communicate with Jiang Fu.

Uncle Fu, have you reported what I told you to the organization? Jiang Xiaoyu asked Lao Wu in a low voice while peeling pears.

I said, after serious consideration, the organization believes that the chance of me meeting your stationmaster Luo is very small, and my image has changed drastically now, and he may not be able to recognize me. Besides, I can't leave now, so why? Do you have to wait until I recover from my leg injury before I can leave? Old Wu said.

I want to wait until you get better, rent a house outside, and hire a nurse to take care of your injuries? Jiang Xiaoyu said.

That's fine. It's not a problem to stay in the hospital all the time. I can go out to recuperate and spend less money. Old Wu nodded, I'll bother you.

Although I have access to some confidential documents now, the rules of the secret interpretation room are very strict. Every time I go out, I have to check inside and outside. If any inclusion is found, I will be severely punished. No one dares to violate the rules, and the consequences will be very serious. , but I have also observed that Gong Hui and Luo Yao are special. Although they take the lead in observing the rules, the inspections on them are relatively loose, and they can carry confidential documents in and out without any registration. In addition, even Shen Yu, deputy director of the general affairs department of the bureau headquarters, can do it, but no one else can. Jiang Xiaoyu said in a low voice.

So, you can only keep the information in your head, and then write it down silently after it comes out?

Unless special processing is done, it will be difficult to bring out the information. Jiang Xiaoyu said, If it is easier to come out with Gong Hui, I can hide the information in her car. Her car is generally not inspected too carefully. , I will take it out and put it on my body after it comes out.

Comrade Huamei, my superiors asked me to be your liaison. As long as we have been in contact with each other in the past, we can quickly establish trust with each other. But now, I am in contact with you as an old servant in your family, so I will not be easily suspected. , if I leave and another person comes here, how can you establish contact with him without being suspected? Lao Wu asked in return.

Jiang Xiaoyu fell silent. She had also considered this issue. If it weren't for the Luo Yao issue, Lao Wu would indeed be the most suitable contact person.

Comrade Huamei, I won't go to your workplace to look for you, and he won't come out with you alone. The chance of us meeting is basically non-existent. You don't have to worry about this. Old Wu said.

Jiang Xiaoyu thought for a while, and realized that what Old Wu said was not without some truth. Jiang Fu was a servant of the Jiang family, and Luo Yao was the supreme leader of the Secret Interpretation Room. The two of them lived in two different worlds. , and even if there is a relationship with her, there is no direct intersection.

As long as they don't meet, everything will be fine.

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