The secret war is silent

Chapter 368 Osborne’s Military Order

Luo Yao is a very capable person. Under his leadership, the code interpretation room has been continuously deciphering Japan's confidential diplomatic communications. It can be said that it has achieved fruitful results.

Jiang Xiaoyu didn't want to mention Luo Yao, but she had to say that as she got to know Luo Yao more deeply, she discovered that this man had many advantages.

His ability, his methods, as well as his concentration and perseverance in doing things.

Although he was a military spy, she did not find out how much evil he had done. On the contrary, he was responsible for deciphering Japan's secret messages and made great contributions to the anti-Japanese war.

Comrade Huamei, do you still have feelings for him? Lao Wu asked. He knew he shouldn't ask this, but out of a responsible attitude, he felt he had to ask.

Jiang Xiaoyu was startled for a moment, and then said: I was just wishful thinking at the time. In fact, I felt more guilty. Maybe it was because of me that he was forced to end his lurking in Jiangcheng?

Lao Wu did not speak. Luo Yao told him not to tell her some truths. Even if Lao Wu told her, it would not arouse Jiang Xiaoyu's suspicion, but it would cause misunderstandings.

Things are over when they are over. There was no beginning, so there is no end. It is just a beautiful misunderstanding between comrades.

There's nothing wrong with that.

Comrade Huamei, you have to remember that he is a military commander and you are not. If you have feelings for him, it will not only cause trouble for your work, but also cause endless troubles. Do you understand? Lao Wu solemnly warned Jiang Xiaoyu. .

Jiang Xiaoyu nodded: I know. In fact, even if I have an idea, I have no chance. Everyone in the encryption room knows that he and Gong Hui were a couple when they were in the temporary training class.

Old Wu nodded and breathed a sigh of relief: As long as you understand.

Okay, miss, you should go back early. I have nurses and caregivers here. Don't worry about me. Old Wu said hurriedly when he saw his caregiver push open the door and come in.

Okay, Uncle Fu, you have a good rest. Don't worry about the medical expenses. I will find a solution. Jiang Xiaoyu stood up and said.

Let the lady worry about me. Old Wu's eyes turned red and he rubbed them. There was no trace of his performance, it was completely natural.

Really Oscar level.

For a whole day, Gong Hui didn't speak to Luo Yao. She also asked people to pass on news for related official matters, which made her subordinates confused and didn't know what was going on.

Luo Yao couldn't explain anything, and he had nothing to explain.

Luo, can I come in? Osborne stood at the door of Luo Yao's office, knocked on the door, and asked directly.

Consultant Osborne, if you are here to talk about Miss Xu, my answer is still the same, no. Luo Yao said, holding his forehead.

No, what I'm talking about this time is not about me and Xu. I have something important to tell you. Osborne said very seriously.

Okay, what do you want to say, I can only give you ten minutes. Luo Yao thought for a moment, he couldn't reject Osborne too arbitrarily, otherwise he would miss something.

Luo Yao, do you remember that 'Midnight Ghost' message that we haven't deciphered yet? Osborne walked in and closed the door.

Because the next issue he discussed with Luo Yao was confidential.

What, Consultant Osborne, have you deciphered it? Luo Yao was surprised. The Midnight Ghost was the mixed alphanumeric code intercepted by Wen Xueren before. Luo Yao gave it to Chi An to research and decipher. Although the numbers in the header were cracked Answer, but there is nothing we can do about the main alphabetical code of the telegram.

Chi An deduced that this was an encrypted message with an English book as the code. However, no one knew what the English book was, so he could not test it one by one.

Moreover, the other party is likely to use shift encryption, which increases the difficulty of deciphering.

Luo, look at this table. Osborne took out a table he made. On the top are numbers from 0 to 9, and below are the letters represented by each masthead.

The same number has different corresponding letters.

Luo, you see, the combinations of letters represented by adjacent numbers are all common in English words, th, in, ou, be, si...

Luo Yao nodded. Chi An also made such a table, which was similar to Osborne's. Based on the combination of these letters, Chi An also deduced that the Midnight Ghost code was probably based on a certain English book. compiled.

Osborne's current discovery does not depart from this category.

Luo, have you noticed that the number '0' corresponds to the most common first letters in English words? Osborne said, pointing to the number '0' in the table.

Luo Yao checked it carefully and found that it was indeed as Osborne said. 0 corresponded to the first letter of English words, and they were all common words, such as her, gr in or groin, etc.

This is the statistics performed by the header. Anyone with experience in deciphering knows that unless the sender and receiver have an agreement, the usual approach is to hide the shift-encrypted password in the information in the header.

Luo Yao also thought of it.

The password is composed of a certain line of text on different page numbers of an English book!

Yes, the person who imagined this encryption method must be a genius. He only needs to hide the password in the masthead. As long as he cracks the password hidden in the masthead, the entire message can be decrypted. Osborne said with great certainty, and followed If someone who understands speaks, it doesn’t require much explanation.

We still need to find this English book, otherwise how can we crack the password? Luo Yaodao said, even if he knew the other party's encryption method, the problem still came back.

We want to find this book, but now we can search specifically because I tried to arrange and combine it and got several words, her, light, grain or groin. These words are connected at the beginning of a certain page. If you find this English book, you can crack the masthead code!

You mean, let me go through all the English books on the market. How much work is that? And how do you know they are not using a specific book? Luo Yao asked.

It should be a common book. If it is not a common book, it will be easily noticed and suspected. This is not in line with the behavior of an intelligence agent lurking in the enemy. Osborne's voice became louder, Ordinary Peace Whatever is the best cover.”

Well, let's look for it. Let's start with the common English books that can be bought on the market. Luo Yao thought for a while. If he was looking for it without any purpose, it would be better not to look for it at all. It would be a waste of manpower and material resources. , there may not be any results, but now there is a target.

There are at least a few English words as keywords.

This has narrowed the scope, but it is still very difficult to find it this way, but sometimes, when there is no other way, you can only use this stupid method.

Luo, I need ten people, as long as they understand English. I will find it for you within three days. Osborne said solemnly.

Counsellor Osborne, can I take it that you are issuing a military order? Luo Yao asked seriously.


Okay, I will give you ten people and three days. If you find this book for me, I will credit you with it. Luo Yao said immediately.

I don't want you to take credit for me, I want to marry Miss Xu Zhen! Osborne said word for word.

Counsellor Osborne, these are two different things. Don't mix them up. Luo Yao's expression changed immediately, knowing that Osborne's daring to issue a military order was up to no good.

Luo, if you don't agree to my request, I will go to your boss Dai. I don't think he will refuse to make this deal with me.

Counsellor Osborne, are you going too far?

Luo, my relationship with Xu is serious. I know that according to the agreement, my time in China is running out, but I can continue to sign a service contract with you and extend the time so that Xu and I can spend more time together. , if we are really not suitable by then, I will divorce her and regain my freedom! Osborne said.

Counsellor Osborne, you may not understand our Chinese attitude towards marriage. Chinese people get married for a lifetime. Divorce only occurs when one party cheats or becomes unethical. It is different from you Americans. Luo Yao said solemnly, And getting married means responsibility and loyalty to marriage. I don't think you can do this.

Luo, you are slandering!

I'm not slandering you. When you come to China, do your calculations. How many female companions have you changed? Luo Yao asked.

I was just playing around, but now it's different. Xu is someone I like and cherish. I am willing to spend the rest of my years with her. Osborne said seriously.

If you return to the United States one day, will you take Xu Zhen with you?

Of course, he is my wife. Is there any problem with coming back to the United States with me?

Counsellor Osborne, if you insist on marrying Xu Zhen, then you must vouch for her. There are problems in her past, and you know it. Luo Yao said, We cannot allow someone to have a relationship with the Wang family. A human woman appears among us unless you can use your reputation to guarantee that there is nothing wrong with her.

Okay, I'll guarantee it with my reputation.

Since you insist on this, then I will give you this opportunity. Within three days, find the English book with the code of the 'Midnight Ghost' telegram header. If you find it, you can marry Miss Xu Zhen. If you can't find it, this matter You can't mention it again, and you need to never see Miss Xu Zhen again, how about that? Luo Yao asked.

Okay. Osborne looked at Luo Yao like a lion, eyes full of fire, obviously irritated.

It's empty talk, but it's better to prove it with words.

Osborne signed immediately, pressed his fingerprints, and handed it to Luo Yao.

Webmaster, I just saw Consultant Osborne leaving your place, and his face didn't look good. Qi Zhibin knocked on the door and walked in.

Nothing, a military order was issued. Luo Yao said lightly.

Advisor Osborne came to you to issue a military order. Is it true or false? Qi Zhibin was shocked.

Keep your voice down, for fear that others won't know? Luo Yao glanced at Qi Zhibin, Don't go out and spread rumors. You just happened to be here. Let me tell you one thing. This is it, you give me...

Yes, stationmaster, do you want me to secretly arrange for one or two people to cause trouble for him?

What kind of trouble are you causing? If he can find it, I will admit it. Luo Yao glared, When did I become so shameless that my words don't count?

Understood. Qi Zhibin agreed with a guilty conscience.

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