The secret war is silent

Chapter 370 Book List

I'm looking for an English book.

English books, what kind of English books? Xu Zhen asked with concern. Her English is very good. Out of her yearning for Western culture, she usually reads a lot of foreign books and periodicals, such as Shakespeare's novels and plays. of.

If you want to be Wang's lover, it's not enough to just have a beautiful face. You must also have a certain level of cultural accomplishment. Otherwise, no matter how beautiful you are, you won't be able to catch someone's eyes.

If it's really sexy, the Goulan Courtyard is much more beautiful.

Osborne glanced at Xu Zhen and couldn't help but roll his eyes. Xu Zhen's English was also very good. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to communicate freely with him.

Zhen, do you usually like reading English novels?

In my spare time, I also read some, not much. Xu Zhen nodded.

Do you still have an impression of the English novels you have read?

I can remember some.

I'm looking for an English book, the protagonist of which is likely to be a woman... Osborne told Xu Zhen some scattered keywords he had obtained by studying the masthead code.

Osborne, what you said is too difficult to find. There must be thousands of English books or publications on the market. It's really hard to find just these few keywords?

This must be a publicly published English book that is easy to find, but even so, it is difficult for us to find it. I have already bought all the relevant English books that can be collected on the market. Maybe it's in here, but it's also possible that it's outside of what we're looking for. Osborne has been in a hurry these past two days, and even more of his originally small hair has fallen out.

I know it's hard to find, but if I can't find this book, I won't be able to continue my work. Osborne hissed and sighed.

Don't worry, look slowly, you will definitely find it.

I made an agreement with Luo to find it within three days. If we can't find it within three days, then... Osborne stopped talking.

That's it?

If he can't find it within three days, he will not let me participate in the current core work and let me do a casual job. Osborne made an excuse.

Isn't it good to have a sinecure, where it's easy and you don't take responsibility?

Zhen, you don't understand. Osborne shook his head, Forget it, I can't be at home with you today. I have to take a shower, change clothes, and then go back to work.

Honey, can I help you? Xu Zhen asked Osborne's back as he walked into the bathroom.

Yes, dear.

Brother, here you go. Li Fu asked Luo Yao to meet and handed him a microfilm.

Did you get it shot so quickly?

Well, the night before yesterday, Gao Tiankui invited me to a party, and I met a lot of people. This guy has a wide range of friends, from all walks of life. I'm not sure what the relationship between these people is with him, but if it's not a very close relationship, You probably won't be invited to the villa by him, Li Fu said.

Who are they?

This is the list. I went back and wrote it down based on my memory. Because I don't know most of the people, so it may not be accurate. Li Fu handed Luo Yao a list with seven or eight people written on it. The names and identities were also noted, including the leader of the Shancheng Chamber of Commerce, and Qiu Laowu from the underground casino he had met.

I will investigate this list. You should be careful. Luo Yao warned. Although Li Fu had broken into Gao Tiankui's circle, it was very dangerous.

This kind of person is cruel and ruthless. Once he senses danger, he really dares to kill Li Fu. He is a desperado.

Xiaoying said that after this incident, she wanted to go to Hong Kong. Li Fu said.

Okay, I will make arrangements when the time comes. Luo Yao nodded. It is impossible for Zhou Xiaoying to leave the military, but it is not difficult to arrange for her to work in Hong Kong. What she does when she gets there is also feasible. , as for Dai Yunong, there shouldn't be much resistance.

Okay, I'll leave first.

Luo Yao did not go back to the veterinary station directly, but went directly to the Lin's Medical Center in Yitieling. He had been there when Gong Hui injured her left calf, but he hadn't been there for a month.

Yitie Ling was naturally extremely enthusiastic when he saw Luo Yao. Although the couple followed Luo Yao all the way, they were all near misses.

Moreover, his wife's condition is now very stable. As long as she continues to take medicine on time, judging from his medical skills, there will be no big problem in five to ten years.

Develop the negatives. I'll send someone to pick them up before dark. Luo Yao handed the microfilm given by Li Fu to Yitieling.


By the way, has Gong Hui been here recently? Luo Yao asked.

I came here the day before yesterday and brought a lady named Jiang with me. She asked me to have a consultation in two days, and I agreed. Yi Tie Ling said.

Oh, I know. Luo Yao nodded. Jiang Fu's leg was injured, and Yitieling should be better at it. Gong Hui brought Jiang Xiaoyu to him. This is normal, and it saves him a lot of trouble. .

Xiao Wu, before dark, go to Lin's Medical Clinic in Shapingba to pick up something. Back at the veterinary station, Luo Yao called his secretary Xiao Wu to the office.

Yes, stationmaster.

After tonight, tomorrow will be three days, and there seems to be no news from Osborne, if you can't find it.

Then you can't blame yourself.

It is very difficult to decipher the Japanese army's secret code, and Japan's diplomatic secret code has now reached a bottleneck. As long as the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not change the code, there is no urgency for the time being.

Although the secret inspection office is the biggest competitor of the secret interpretation room, it is no longer a threat at present. Luo Yao must consider the long-term development of the secret interpretation room.

To put it simply, find a goal for the next stage of the cryptographic code deciphering work in the cryptography room.

Japanese Navy!

Luo Yao, who clearly knew Japan's future foreign policy, did not hesitate. The next step of the secret interpretation room was to focus on the secret communication between the Japanese Pacific Fleet and the Japanese mainland.

However, it is difficult to intercept the Japanese Navy's confidential communications in a mountain city. Due to factors such as geography and signal attenuation, the mountain city is not the best place for monitoring.

It would be different if large-scale monitoring stations could be established along the southeastern coast or on the Southeast Asian islands.

But the manpower and material resources required are not what the current Secret Interpretation Room can afford. Luo Yao also knows that without external assistance, it will be difficult to do it with the strength of military commanders alone.

This time, a lot of detection equipment was obtained from the British, and Luo Yao planned to use these equipment to strengthen monitoring capabilities in this area.

Shortage of people.

Short of money.

Lack of equipment.

All of this has to be done slowly, and nothing happens overnight.

Webmaster, you asked me to get something from Lin's Medical Center. Xiao Wu came back and handed Luo Yao a heavy brown paper bag.

Thank you for your hard work. You haven't eaten yet. I asked Lao Pan to leave some food for you in the cafeteria. Luo Yao said. time.

Thank you, webmaster.

Xiao Wu thought he would have no food to eat when he came back, but the attentive stationmaster actually thought of it and asked the canteen to leave food for him.

Go. Luo Yao waved his hand, then opened the brown paper bag and took out the negatives and developed photos inside.

Although Luo Yao has never been to Gao Tiankui's villa, he already knows the structure and general layout of it. Not only Li Fu has been there before.

George Kevin had visited many times in the past, and his confession was more detailed, and he confirmed it one by one with what Li Fu saw. It is a very simple matter to grasp the structure and layout of Gao Tiankui's villa.

As for whether there are any unknown secrets in the villa, that's clear. Only on-the-spot investigation can be done to find out.

Li Fu and Zhou Xiaoying focused on shooting Gao Tiankui's study on the second floor of the villa. This is also where Gao Tiankui receives guests and discusses important matters with his close subordinates.

The furnishings in the study are very simple, with desks and bookcases, European-style sofas and coffee tables, and a wine cabinet with a collection of foreign wines.

There are no traditional Chinese four treasures of the study on the desk. Apart from a lamp with a dark green shade, there is a bottle of ink with a quill inserted in it.

This is a person who is accustomed to writing in European and American ways. This should be related to his past experience as a comprador.

The walls of the study room are made of the most primitive stones. There is no decoration on them, not even a calligraphy or painting.

The desk was very tidy, and there were no books on it, except for a pile of manuscript paper, not much, probably about a dozen. It was obvious that Gao Tiankui was a person who paid great attention to neatness.

There are many books in the bookcase, about half of which are Chinese and foreign language books, and even more foreign language books. Luo Yao even reads books in Latin and Spanish.

Judging from the condition of the books and their placement, these books should be ones that he often reads. If they are books that he does not read often, he will not place them in a convenient place.

This is a person who loves to read novels. Among the ten books in his collection, at least seven are novels, as well as some biographies.

He is an artillery officer, but he seems to be more interested in literature. He is an emotional and delicate person. Most of the novels he collects are about love, and some are even original versions that are not available on the market.

Chinese books will not be considered and all English books will be copied.

Lao Qi.

Webmaster, it's so late, is there something wrong with you? Qi Zhibin was a little surprised when he saw Luo Yao.

Give this list of books to Consultant Osborne. If you have already checked it, skip it. If you don't have it, focus on searching it. Luo Yao handed Qi Zhibin a stack of paper and said.

Webmaster, are you helping Consultant Osborne?

If we can find it, it will be a good thing for us to decipher the 'Midnight Ghost'. This does not conflict with the military order. Luo Yao explained.

Yes, I'll send it over right away. Qi Zhibin nodded and left with the stack of book catalogs.

A special conference room was opened. Osborne led a group of people who were still working hard to find books one by one. For this big project, the room was full of books. They were definitely not excluded or yet to be checked. It's almost half and half.

If we go according to the current work progress, I'm afraid it will take the same amount of time to check all the remaining books.

But there are still English books collected and sent to me one after another.

Consultant Osborne, the webmaster asked me to give you a book list, and ask you to search according to the above. If you have already eliminated it, you don't need to check it again. Qi Zhibin opened the door and came in directly, taking the book list Luo Yao gave him. Leave it to Osborne.

Book list, where did you get the book list? Osborne asked in surprise.

I don't know about this. I'm just here to convey the stationmaster's order. Qi Zhibin spread his hands. He really didn't know where the book list came from.

Okay, I understand. Osborne glanced at the book list, put it aside disapprovingly, and continued to immerse himself in his work.

Qi Zhibin shook his head helplessly and left directly.

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