Webmaster, this Osborne takes himself too seriously... Qi Zhibin is not a person who likes to gossip behind his back, but seeing Osborne's attitude towards the book list that Luo Yao worked so hard to compile was really a bit... can not watch anymore.

After Luo Yao heard Qi Zhibin's report, he chuckled and didn't pay much attention.

He suspected Gao Tiankui, but Osborne might not know about it. Besides, he didn't tell the source of the book list, so it was normal for others not to believe him.

Although those who engage in code deciphering must always doubt and deny their own attitudes, self-confidence and persistence are also important. This may sound contradictory, but it is actually true.

If you always have doubts, you may never be able to find the right direction. If you insist on taking a dark road, that won't work. It's not self-confidence, but arrogance.

There is a balance between the two that only a few people can achieve, which is why it is so hard to find people who can decipher cryptography.

Osborne was able to lead the American black room in the past and achieve such shocking results. He still has enough ability to support his confidence here.

It's okay, you go down and rest.

Yes. Qi Zhibin nodded. Osborne is a foreigner after all. Chinese people always keep their heads down when facing foreigners. Even someone as strong as Luo Yao is not immune to this.

Osborne has led people to stay up all night for two nights, and there is still no result. Aren't you worried? Luo Yao returned to the small courtyard. This time, Gong Hui did not turn off the lights, but came out of the room and leaned against the door. asked him at the door.

There's nothing to worry about. He has issued a military order. If he can't find it, he will have to cut off contact with Xu Zhen. Anyway, there will be no harm to us. Luo Yao said with a smile.

Going to see Li Fu this afternoon?


What did you say?

Give me a list. There are some people he doesn't know. They should be people who are usually close to Gao Tiankui. Luo Yao said.

give it to me?

Gong Hui stretched out her hand.

Luo Yao chuckled, took out the list he had prepared long ago from his pocket, gently placed it on Gong Hui's hand and said: Secret investigation, don't alert the enemy.

Do you still need to teach me? Gong Hui snorted coldly, turned around, entered the room, and closed the door.

Luo Yao shook his head and sighed, woman!

The shirt has been ironed for you. It's wrinkled, so it won't be embarrassing to wear it out! A moment later, a voice of disgust came from the room.


How about it, Consultant Osborne, it's already the third day. I didn't mean to embarrass you. This is a military order you issued yourself. Looking at Osborne, whose eyes were as bright as a rabbit's, Luo Yao still felt a little bit in his heart. I can't help it, but there's nothing I can do about it, this military order is no child's play.

The rules in this army must be followed.

It was 9:30 in the morning when I issued the military order, and it's just less than 7:30 now. I still have at least two hours. Osborne hadn't slept all night again, and when he opened his mouth, the smell was really off-putting.

Okay, I am also very fair. In this case, I will wait for you for two hours. Luo Yao chuckled and nodded in agreement.

I have to keep working, don't bother me!

Wu Fu and others knew that even if they were given another twenty hours, they might not be able to find the English book, unless a miracle happened.

Stationmaster, there is a lady named Xu outside the gate. She said she has something urgent and needs to see Consultant Osborne. As soon as Luo Yao returned to his office from Osborne, his secretary Xiao Wu knocked on the door and came in to report.

Miss Xu, Xu Zhen? Luo Yao moved slightly. Although Xu Zhen knew that Osborne worked at the veterinary station, she couldn't get in.

The security measures at the Veterinary Station are very strict. In addition to ID, you also need a license and ID card to enter. Moreover, two watchtowers and machine guns were built at the gate.

There are also four guard wolf dogs in the yard.

At a veterinary station, isn’t it normal to have a few wolfdogs to look after the house?

This is a military restricted area. As soon as you approach, someone will come forward and warn you to leave. If you don't listen, you will be taken down immediately and treated as a spy.

Go and bring her in and take her to the reception room of the security department in the annex building. Luo Yao ordered.

Outsiders are not allowed to enter the office building of the Secret Interpretation Room except their own people. This is an iron rule and no one can break the rules.

The garbage here is handled by specialized personnel. If a small piece of paper leaks out, it may cause big trouble.

Security and confidentiality must not be careless.

Ten minutes later, Luo Yao met Xu Zhen in the reception room of the Security Department. He had only met this woman twice, only twice.

What he remembered most was when he rescued her and Osborne in the cave in the ravine. That was the first time they met, and later they met again in the yard where Osborne lived.

There was no communication, just acquaintance.

This time is considered the third time.

Almond eyes, eyebrows, and fair skin. She is not particularly beautiful. She can only be described as having an average-to-average appearance. It may be due to the difference in aesthetics. At least in Luo Yao's eyes, this is not considered stunning.

She has wavy curly hair, shawl hair, a very western style, a hip-hugging cheongsam, a good figure, a ruby ​​ring, and a blue leather bag in her hand. She sits very elegantly and looks like a lady.

Holding a lady's cigarette in his hand, when he saw Luo Yao coming in, he stood up and quickly put out the cigarette in his hand in the ashtray on the table.

Luo Yao is not disgusted with women smoking. Women in this era smoke a lot, especially women who claim to have a literary and artistic petty bourgeoisie. They all like to smoke. They think it is a fashion.

Since it is a fashion, you alone cannot stop it. However, if the woman around you smokes, she will still remind you. After all, smoking is harmful to health, especially for women, it is more harmful.

Miss Xu, we have met before.

Yes, I know you, you are Mr. Luo. Xu Zhen said hurriedly.

Mr. Osborne is working. He may not have time to see you. If it is not a particularly personal matter, I can do it for you or convey it to you. Luo Yao nodded.

Xu Zhen hesitated for a moment, and finally opened her purse and took out a blue-covered book: Mr. Luo, please help me give this book to Osborne. This book may be what he wants. Found it.

Luo Yao glanced at the English words on the cover: The Earth, written by an American writer named Pearl Buck. This is her Chinese name, and her English name is Pearl Buck.

This name was somewhat familiar to him, as if he had heard it somewhere.

How did Miss Xu know that Mr. Osborne was looking for this book again? Luo Yao raised his eyebrows slightly and asked calmly.

Yesterday when he came home, I saw that he was very tired, so I asked him what was going on. He said that he was doing a job and he had to find an English book. If he couldn't find it, his work would be impossible. If he didn’t want to continue, I asked him what kind of book it was, and he told me a few key words and sentences.”

Did Mr. Osborne ask Miss Xu to help find it?

Oh, no, I found it for him myself. I also like to read some English novels. After I went back in the evening, I remembered what he said, so I opened some English novels collected at home and read them. I found this I found the key words he said on pages 17, 18 and 19 of this novel. I wonder if I can help him? Xu Zhen explained.

Luo Yao took the Earth over and flipped through the pages Xu Zhen mentioned just now. Sure enough, he saw those familiar key words on the first line of the three pages.

Very good, thank you, Miss Xu, please take a rest here. I will give this book to Mr. Osborne. If it is the book he is looking for, that would be best. If not, I will give the book to Mr. Osborne. Get it back for you. Luo Yao stood up and said.

Luo Yao came out of the reception room, ordered Cao Hui to guard the door of the reception room, and then went directly to Osborne with the copy of The Earth.

Luo Yao didn't talk nonsense to him and threw The Earth directly in front of him: Consultant Osborne, try to open the first line of pages 17, 18 and 19 at the end.

Osborne looked at Luo Yao with his red eyes.

Look what I'm doing, verify it?

Only then did Osborne open the book The Earth in his hand. When he found the page Luo Yao mentioned, his eyes widened suddenly. His expression was like seeing his first love many years ago, and he couldn't pull his eyes out at all.

Osborne pushed all the other English books on the desk in front of him to the ground. With The Earth in his hand, other books were not important.

He has no time, only more than an hour, and this book The Earth has become his last hope, if not.

He lost completely.

Luo Yao didn't bother him and just watched him doing calculations. After all, even if he found the correct book, it would have to be verified through verification.

The best way to verify is to decipher the intercepted messages. Nothing can illustrate the problem better than this.

Half an hour later, Osborne's sweaty face showed an ecstatic smile: Haha, it's it, it's it, Luo, I found it, I deciphered the 'Midnight Ghost'...

Luo Yao was also surprised that Xu Zhen was so lucky that Osborne actually found her. He was really a lackey and a lucky American.

Counsellor Osborne, it seems I brought this book to you?

Osborne's laughter stopped suddenly. He seemed to have forgotten that the book The Earth in his hand was not found by himself, but was brought by Luo Yao, who directly told him the clues in the pages.

Luo, you gave me the book voluntarily, not because I asked you to give it to me. Besides, the rule is that if I find the code to decipher the 'Midnight Ghost' code within three days, I will win. You can't go back on your word. Osborne said. He also thought quickly and refuted it immediately.

It seems to make sense. I should have waited for the time to pass before giving it to you. It was a mistake. Luo Yao sighed, I underestimated your rogueness, Osborne.

I'm not a rogue, I'm just taking advantage of the rules. Rules are meant to be used!

Okay, I am a man of my word. Now that you have cracked the secret code of 'Midnight Ghost', I will no longer object to the matter between you and Miss Xu. However, Miss Xu is not a member of the military command, and she cannot have access to the secret code. You cannot mention the secrets of the room to her, otherwise you will be responsible if there is a leak. Luo Yao reminded.

Don't worry, I am a professional person.

I hope so. Miss Xu is in the reception room of the Security Department. You can go find her. Luo Yao nodded.

Mid-month, please vote!

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