The secret war is silent

Chapter 383 The code book brought back

There are two suites on the third floor. Luo Yao took Xu Jihong to the suite where Yang Si lived. It was slightly more spacious and the bedroom had a large balcony.

A code expert lived here before. The room has been cleaned, the sheets and sheets have been changed, and hot water is provided from 6 to 9 in the morning and evening. If you want to take a shower now, you have to let the kitchen I’ll boil water for you alone.”

The team leader still cares about her, unlike someone who says they are sisters but doesn't care at all.

Linghu, there's no need to say such hurtful words. Luo Yao said directly, I don't like to hear it.

I listen to the team leader.

Gong Hui said nothing. It would be disrespectful to a man to undermine him at this time.

Okay, you probably haven't slept this night, so rest up. I'll send someone to pick you up tonight. Xiaohui has booked a table at a hotel in the city to pick you up, Luo Yaodao said.

Really, Sister Hui?

Gong Hui let out a hmph through her nose, which was regarded as admission.

Sister Hui, I really blamed you wrongly. I'm sorry. I used to think that you were not worthy of the team leader, but now it seems that you and the team leader are really a good match. Xu Jihong said hurriedly.

This face changes so fast.

The people who came in the evening are all classmates, about ten or so. I don't have statistics. You know what you should say and what you shouldn't say. Gong Hui reminded.

Don't worry, Sister Hui. When the time comes, I will definitely praise you both. Xu Jihong nodded.

Okay, you can rest, we should go back to work. Gong Hui said, I have ordered lunch. You can go to the restaurant to eat, or you can stay in the room to eat, or let them bring it up.

Thank you, team leader, thank you Sister Hui. Seeing you is like seeing family. It seems like I am back from this mountain city. Xu Jihong said.

Just as Luo Yao and Gong Hui turned around to walk out, Xu Jihong stopped them from behind: Team leader, Sister Hui, wait a moment.

What, is there anything else?

I'll show you something. Xu Jihong picked up his suitcase and put it directly on the coffee table.

After opening it, took out everything inside.

Do you have a dagger?

Gong Hui raised her foot, pulled out a dagger from her ankle, and handed it to Xu Jihong.

Xu Jihong raised his knife and slid open the inner layer of the suitcase, revealing a thin layer inside.

Use a dagger to pry open the thin board, revealing a layer of blue leather-covered books. There are four books in total.

Although the Japanese military communication codebook that Lao Gu worked so hard to obtain is expired, I hope it will be useful to you. Xu Jihong took out four thin notebooks and handed them directly to Luo Yao.

Luo Yao was shocked. The Japanese communication code book must be destroyed even if it is expired. How did Gu Yuan get it?

Luo Yao took it and looked through it for a while. Based on his experience, he judged that this was indeed the Japanese army's communication codebook, but the confidentiality level was not high and it should be used for communication by the local security forces.

If this is the communication codebook of the Japanese field troops, even if it is a brigade-level communication codebook, it would be of great value.

Of course, this is not without value, because the Japanese Army uses a series of secret code compilation methods. These four code books help to understand the compilation characteristics of the Japanese Army's secret codes, and are helpful in deciphering the Japanese Army's advanced secret communications. .

Of course, it still needs to be taken back to Chi An and others for analysis and evaluation.

Thank you, this thing is very useful to us. Luo Yao thanked, How did Gu Yuan get these?

Gu Yuan speaks Japanese and got acquainted with the confidential staff officer of the Japanese military police brigade stationed in Shouchang. They went back and forth and had a good relationship. It was through that confidential staff officer that the four code books were obtained. Xu Jihong explained.

These four books were all written by Gu Yuan. Of course Luo Yao could recognize them. The code book had probably been destroyed by the Japanese a long time ago, and it was impossible for it to be in Gu Yuan's hands. You must know that the Japanese attach great importance to the confidentiality of secret communications. There is no way to be careless, this should be Gu Yuan's handwritten manuscript.

Why didn't he mention this in the telegram? Luo Yao asked.

Xu Jihong explained: Lao Gu dare not mention this matter. Those telegrams from Jiangcheng are all sent to the bureau headquarters. The team leader can receive them, and the telecommunications office can also receive them. When the time comes, who will give this code book to? Woolen cloth?

Luo Yao understood. Gu Yuan was worried that the bureau headquarters would issue an order to hand over the code book. However, it was fine for him to hand over the code book, but it might not reach Luo Yao's hands, so for the sake of safety, he might as well hand it over. Take it directly back to the mountain city for Xu Jihong.

I just happened to have this opportunity.

He knew what Gu Yuan was capable of. Although this guy liked to make his own decisions, he still had some abilities. After he left, he originally considered letting him take charge of the River God team instead of him.

But it was still because he was immature and prone to being rash in doing things, so he finally chose Liu Jinbao. Although Liu Jinbao was not as capable and intelligent as Gu Yuan, he was steady and calm, which was the most suitable for the River God group lurking in Jiangcheng.

The Nail team has been running well. The Japanese have never known that there is such a military latent intelligence team right under their noses.

Of course, they may have known it, but never found it.

Well, I understand, he is much more mature. Luo Yao nodded.

When I came back, Lao Gu told me that the Japanese might launch an attack on northern Hunan and northern Jiangxi next, Xu Jihong said.

Oh, do you have any definite information?

No, Lao Gu deduced based on some recent abnormal situations of the Japanese army. The main force of the Japanese army is secretly mobilizing, and many military camps have actually become empty shells. Xu Jihong said, There is also the Commander of the Eleventh Army Okamura. Ningji has rarely heard from him recently, and it is said that he went to the frontier for field investigation.

Of course Luo Yao knew that Okamura Neiji had always wanted to avenge the shame of the Wanjialing 106th Division being almost annihilated by the Chinese army. Moreover, he himself was also a staunch hard-liner against China and believed that the only way to completely defeat the national government led by Chiang Kai-shek was , forcing it to sign a surrender agreement to solve China's problems.

To force China to surrender, the only way is to eliminate the effective strength of the Chinese army. After the Battle of Nanchang, he has been accumulating strength in order to launch another battle and completely achieve this strategic goal.

Britain and the United States now have no time to look eastward. In the Far East, the country also intends to reach an armistice agreement with Soviet Russia. This is a huge strategic window period.

As long as China is conquered, Japan will have enough resources to become a world-renowned empire and achieve its ambition to carve up aristocratic families with Germany.

You can rest, we are leaving.

Don't you really believe what the sexy fox said? Gong Hui asked Luo Yao uncertainly after getting on the jeep.

We are monitoring Japanese military communications, and there are indeed some abnormalities, but they are still normal, but I believe what Gu Yuan saw with his own eyes more. Luo Yao said, The Japanese army is going to make a big move.

Should we report this matter to the director?

Although there is no exact information, it's not wrong to give a warning. The frontline soldiers should know better than us. Luo Yao said.

This naughty fox is a little different. Gong Hui muttered to herself.

Don't always call people a coquettish fox. It's unpleasant.

She also called me tigress, didn't you hear? Gong Hui said dissatisfied.

Forget it, just don't shout in front of others. Luo Yao knew that Gong Hui would not listen to him on this matter, and it was not good to always correct him.

I know, I'll just say less in the future. Gong Hui nodded.

Chen Zuxun is back. I want to adjust my work arrangements. Luo Yao discussed with Gong Hui as soon as he entered the office after returning to the veterinary station.

how do you want to do it?

Osborne can no longer touch our core deciphering of diplomatic secret messages. Luo Yao said, This is now our main source of strategic intelligence and the core interest of our secret interpretation room.

Because of Xu Zhen?

What do you think of this woman?

I'm not sure, I always feel like there's something I can't explain. Gong Hui frowned and said.

Luo Yao nodded: I'm similar to you. Although many of her explanations make sense, I always feel that she has secrets that we don't know.

Is this the purpose of letting her go with Osborne?

This American has eaten the weight and become determined. If I try hard, I'm afraid I won't be able to reap the rewards, but I can't let him achieve his goal easily. If Xu Zhen really has a problem, he will definitely stand by us. Analyzing the issue from a different perspective, the more we oppose her, the more convinced we are that we do not doubt her, Luo Yaodao said.

What are you going to ask Osborne to do without hurting his pride?

Currently, the code interpretation room is still blank on Japanese naval ship code communications. I want him to lead a team to conduct relevant research first. This thing will not produce results for a while. Even if the research progress is leaked, it will only be to let the opponent know. We are just doing research in this area, Luo Yao said.

This is a good idea. Gong Hui nodded, When do you plan to adjust your work arrangements?

Don't worry, isn't Osborne planning a wedding? Let's talk about this after he gets married. There's no need now. Luo Yao said.


Who were called that night? Luo Yao asked.

In addition to you and I, there are also Li Fu, Chen Zerong, Lao Qi, Cao Hui, Jiang Pingping and Su Li. Almost all the people in the secret translation room in the temporary training class are shouting. Gong Hui thought for a moment and said.

Including Xu Jihong, there are nine people in total. One table is missing. Let's call Brother Six. Luo Yao thought for a moment and counted Shen Yu.

Okay, you call or should I?

Let me call, it's easy for me to talk. Luo Yao said. He was close to Shen Yu and easy to talk to. After saying that, he picked up the phone on the table and said, Hey, please call me at the bureau headquarters. Shen Yu from the General Affairs Office Deputy Director Yu, you are not here, look at Longmen Detention Center, okay, I will call you...

Xiaohui, help me call Lao Chi over on the way out.

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