The secret war is silent

Chapter 384 Position

How's it going, Lao Chi, you've been reading it for more than ten minutes. Is it useful? Can you tell me something? Luo Yao handed the four handwritten code books he brought back to Chi An.

Chi An sat opposite Luo Yao and read through it carefully for more than ten minutes without saying a word.

Webmaster, it's useful, but how much it can help us needs to be analyzed and calculated. Chi An finally closed the code book in his hand and said solemnly.

It has been more than half an hour since he got the four code books.

Okay, I'll give you the code book first. If anything happens, please communicate at any time. Luo Yao said directly.

Okay, webmaster, can I ask, where did you get these four codebooks? Chi An asked curiously.

These four codebooks were obtained from the Japanese by our military commander's lurking intelligence personnel in Japan. As for the methods and means of obtaining them, you don't need to know. Luo Yao explained.

Yeah, I understand.

By the way, Lao Chi, Deputy Station Director Gong and I are going out tonight. You can take over the shift duty on our behalf. You can get off work after we come back.


In the evening, Luo Yao and Gong Hui both went out to eat. As the secretary, Jiang Xiaoyu also asked for leave. She had no important work to do in the absence of the chief.

After Lao Wu was discharged from the Shancheng Red Cross General Hospital, under Gong Hui's arrangement, he rented a small courtyard in Shapingba and temporarily recuperated here.

Jiang Xiaoyu also paid for him to find an older female caregiver to take care of his food and daily life. She would come over in the morning and return to her home in the evening.

Miss, why did you buy so many things? I can't eat so much by myself? Lao Wu only had one leg broken, but the other leg was fine.

I can still get in and out of bed normally and at my own convenience, but I can't do other tasks, so I can only be a rice bug for the time being.

The doctor said that your legs need to be supplemented with calcium to grow faster. Jiang Xiaoyu put down a pile of nutritional supplements and said.

Hey, I'm so fat. If I eat anymore, I won't be able to walk. Old Wu smiled helplessly. Eating too much is also a sin.

It's okay. It would be better if you are so fat that others can't recognize you.

Comrade Huamei, your words are hurtful. It's not that I don't want to leave. This is not an instruction from my superiors. We have to work together well, Lao Wu said.

I know, but it's just too dangerous. You don't know how cruel Qin and Luo Yao are. A female spy came back from Jiangcheng today. She was misunderstood and was arrested at the police station. He went there, and the policeman who arrested him was Died in the hospital. Jiang Xiaoyu bit her lip and said.

When did it happen? Old Wu frowned slightly.

I heard about it just this morning. I didn't dare to ask more about the specific situation. Jiang Xiaoyu said, I'm afraid of being suspected.

Who told you this? You have to report it to Gong Hui immediately. After hearing this, Old Wu frowned slightly and said.


The person who told you this news obviously had bad intentions.

You have bad intentions, why?

If he only told you, I'm afraid your past relationship with Luo Yao is no longer a secret. If not, then someone is deliberately spreading rumors that are not good for Luo Yao's reputation. This problem is serious. Lao Wu analyzed road.

Uncle Fu means that someone is secretly dealing with Station Master Luo?

Your secret interpretation room is not monolithic. Luo Yao swallowed up the Military Special Technology Research Laboratory, but he has a shallow foundation after all. Wei Daming and others will not let go of their penetration and control of the secret interpretation room. Lao Wu analyzed.

Then what should I do? Jiang Xiaoyu asked.

You are Gong Hui's assistant and secretary. Unless you are willing to work as an undercover agent for Wei Daming's people, they will definitely count you as being with Gong Hui. Old Wu continued, You chose to help Wei Daming , or should I follow Gong Hui's path and go to the dark side?

Uncle Fu, what do you think? In any case, Lao Wu is also a senior underground worker, and his knowledge and experience are superior to Jiang Xiaoyu's.

Not to mention, you have the ability to deal with people like Wei Daming. Even if you do, if you collude with Wei Daming, Gong Hui will definitely be forced to kill you. She is not a good man and a woman. If she really wants to If you have murderous intentions, you can't escape. Old Wu said, And in the eyes of outsiders, your behavior will be a typical example of repaying kindness with hatred, which is quite detrimental to you.

Yes, I know.

Have Wei Daming's people looked for you?

The message was sent to me through my roommate, but I ignored it. Jiang Xiaoyu nodded.

Then you have to be careful about your roommate. She has probably been bribed by Wei Daming's people. The military commander is a big dyeing vat. If a simple person goes in and wants to resist the temptation and keep his original intention unchanged, that is not the case. It's an easy thing. Old Wu reminded Jiang Xiaoyu.

Yes, I know, but she has a good relationship with me all the time. If I tell Gong Hui about this, she will probably... Jiang Xiaoyu couldn't go on. Although she has never seen the cruelty within the military command, she has never seen it. I have heard a lot that those who make mistakes are directly locked up, especially girls. It is really a human tragedy.

Have you ever thought that this might be Gong Hui testing you?

Testing, isn't she done testing me yet? Jiang Xiaoyu said in surprise.

I don't know about this either. Don't overthink these military agents. Especially Gong Hui, who has been lurking in the Japanese-occupied areas. There are very few people she truly trusts. Don't talk about your status. She treats you like Isn’t there another purpose for being transferred to my side?”


She has investigated you and knows your past identity. To her, you may also become her enemy. A woman will never be soft on her love rival.

But, how can I make him believe me? Jiang Xiaoyu asked.

I don't know. If the superior hadn't sent you here, I definitely wouldn't have agreed. Old Wu said. I have to say that it is really difficult to resolve this difficult problem posed by the superior.

It's no wonder that the superiors chose Jiang Xiaoyu out of mission considerations. It would be easier for a familiar person to get into work mode.

If I find someone to fall in love with in the secret interpretation room, will it dispel Gong Hui's doubts about me? Jiang Xiaoyu asked.

This is a way. Anyway, the current family rules of the military commander are that marriage is prohibited during the Anti-Japanese War. Old Wu sat up straighter, However, if this is a member of the military commander, over time, his flaws will be exposed. In this way, it does not have to be I'll figure it out inside the secret interpretation room.

Yes, I understand. Jiang Xiaoyu nodded.

By the way, has that person contacted you? Lao Wu asked.

Not yet. I don't know if he has any problems or why he hasn't contacted me for so long. Jiang Xiaoyu felt aggrieved.

He doesn't contact you, maybe he has his own considerations. Just don't worry, just do your job well. Lao Wu comforted.

Luo Yao didn't contact Jiang Xiaoyu, probably because he felt that Jiang Xiaoyu had not reached the level of Gong Hui's complete trust, and asking her to do things rashly would bring danger to her.

Latent work does not mean that you will enter the working state immediately. It usually requires a period of silence, and there are even years when you are not awakened.

Jiang Xiaoyu's role is not in the present, but in the future.

Organizationally, they are also prepared for rainy days. Inside the secret interpretation room, there needs to be someone who can cooperate with his work and cover for him at any time.

Uncle Fu, is it time to change the dressing today?

Well, Dr. Lin came here in the afternoon, took a look at me, and changed the medicine. Old Wu nodded, So, I don't need to trouble you, you should go back early, a girl, walking at night It’s not safe either.”

It's okay, I have a gun.

Did they even equip you with a gun? Old Wu asked in surprise.

Well, everyone in the code room is required to have certain shooting and fighting skills. Even the technicians are equipped with guns, but they usually work and live in the veterinary station, so they can't use the guns. Centrally hand it over to the firearms room for management, and you can get a gun for self-defense when you go out. Jiang Xiaoyu said.

Ever fired a gun?

I've fired it before. I practiced it when I was in my hometown, but at that time I practiced long guns and shell guns. They gave me Brownings, which are small guns. Jiang Xiaoyu pulled out a gun from his waist Come.

Oh, it's such a good gun. I haven't touched it for a long time. When Old Wu saw the pistol, it was like seeing a lover who separated many years ago.

After playing with it for a while, he reluctantly returned the gun: Go back quickly. Don't come here too often. I am a servant and you are a young lady. It is not appropriate for you to come here often. .”

What's the point? I don't have any relatives in the mountain city. You are the only one. You are recovering here. I will come over to see you when I have time. It's hard for anyone to say anything, right?

Go back. It's a long way to go back from here.

It's not far. I came here on a bicycle.

In the urban area, on Zou Rong Road, Xinweiyu Hotel.

The best box.

This is a treat for the webmaster, but Shen Xifeng, as the boss, has not tried his best to present the best dishes and services.

Deputy Brigade Shen, we are having a small class reunion tonight, and you came here in person. Boss Shen Xifeng personally went to the door to greet Luo Yao and others.

It's Mr. Shen's honor that Stationmaster Luo can choose to treat guests at my hotel. Shen Xifeng had just made a meritorious service and received a commendation from above. All of this was because of Luo Yao, so he naturally wanted to fawn over him, and Tonight, his immediate boss, Shen Yu, is also coming to dinner. Even though he can't join the table, he still wants to come and offer a glass of wine.

Otherwise, that wouldn’t be ignorant.

Hehe, I'm interested. Luo Yao smiled back. They were polite, so he couldn't be embarrassed. Besides, he and Shen Xifeng had no grievances.

Stationmaster Luo, Deputy Stationmaster Gong, please come upstairs. Shen Xifeng was indeed enthusiastic, and Xu Jihong could appreciate Luo Yao's energy in the mountain city now.

The team leader can thrive no matter where he is. Among the students in the temporary training class, he is probably the only one who can take advantage of Gong Hui, a tigress. If she and Luo Yao were in the same group when they were first grouped, If so, wouldn't it be you who is by your side now?

Hey, who would have thought that someone who used the back door could become the most dazzling one in the temporary training class. If the daughter of the Han family who regretted her marriage knew about it, she would regret it to death.

But now that my father has become a high-ranking official in the puppet government, and he himself has become a rich wife, I guess even if people know about it, they won’t look down on him, right?

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