The secret war is silent

Chapter 385 The reception banquet

At the reception banquet.

It was so lively with people drinking and drinking.

They are all classmates, and they are all from the same family, so they don’t have so many scruples about speaking.

Come on, everyone, raise your glasses. I propose a toast to Xu Jihong's return to the mountain city to report on his work! Li Fu said, raising his glass high.

He finally no longer wanted to face Zhou Xiaoying. He had made a meritorious service and was relieved, but for the time being he had to stay at the Air Defense Command.


Jihong, tell us, is it dangerous to lurk in the Japanese-occupied areas? Chen Zerong asked.

None of them had done lurking work in enemy-occupied areas, so they were naturally very curious.

Actually, the danger is certain. It depends on how you understand it. My cover identity is working as a waiter in a hotel. As long as my identity is not exposed and I don't go to some chaotic places, there is generally no danger. Xu Jihong didn't know how to answer this question.

In fact, lurking in enemy-occupied areas is a life of fear every day, but when it comes to danger, it depends on how you understand it.

If you are an expert and bold, it is actually not very dangerous, but if you are timid and fearful, you will still feel dangerous even if you live in a safe place.

It's not easy for anyone who can work on the front line. Let's drink another toast to Xu Jihong! Li Fu suggested.


Team leader, thank you! Xu Jihong suddenly stood up with a wine glass in his hand, I'd like to toast you with this glass.

Team leader, Xu Jihong, why did you call station leader Luo the team leader? Xu Jihong's team leader aroused everyone's curiosity, especially those who didn't know about Luo Yao and Gong Hui's past experiences in Jiangcheng.

Luo Yao and Gong Hui never mentioned this experience, and even Li Fu never mentioned it.

These experiences of his are kept secret.

Because once he tells it and lets the Japanese spies know it, his identity as the River God can be inferred.

Therefore, both he and Gong Hui kept silent and never said anything.

This... Xu Jihong was stunned for a moment, and realized that he was used to it and had not changed. This also exposed her past working relationship with Luo Yao.

Actually, Gong Hui and I worked together with Ji Hong for a while. I was the team leader for a few days. It was that simple. Luo Yao laughed and explained.

Everyone who comes today can be regarded as one of our own, and the possibility of leaking secrets is extremely small. If there is a leak here, it will be a big trouble.

There are more than a thousand people in our temporary training class. Not to mention those from other places, there are about 200 people working in the mountain city. Brother Yao is the president of this classmate association. I am the vice president, classmate Jihong. Change I will take you to our classmate association tomorrow to meet old classmates and keep in touch! Li Fu quickly stood up, changed the subject, and toasted Xu Jihong.

Thank you, Vice President Li. Xu Jihong clinked a glass with Li Fu and smiled. The indescribable charm made all the men at the table feel excited.

This Xu Jihong is really a disaster. It is estimated that working behind enemy lines has harmed many men.

Brother, have you arranged Ji Hong's return to the mountain city? Li Fu asked.

I guess she went to the mountain city special training class to serve as an instructor. It didn't last long. The director will not waste her talent in the mountain city as a teacher. Luo Yaodao.

Let me tell you, report your work, get promoted, and then entrust you with important responsibilities. Among all our female classmates, only Xiaohui can compare with you. Li Fu praised.

As soon as he said these words, Chen Zerong, who was sitting next to him, pinched the soft flesh of his waist hard. The pain caused him to grin and gasp, but he could not get angry.

Obviously he said the wrong thing.

Women's intuition.

Although Gong Hui organized tonight's reception banquet in the name of Luo Yao, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the relationship between Gong Hui and Xu Jihong is not so harmonious.

There is definitely something wrong with them both.

Didn't you see that Gong Hui used her eyes from time to time to warn Xu Jihong not to put her hands around?

In fact, Luo Yao also regretted it. Why did he end up in the middle of two women? Xu Jihong was the protagonist tonight, and he was the master. Originally, he was kind-hearted and was afraid that Gong Hui and Xu Jihong would sit together and the two women would be together again. Something happened, and as a result, his good intentions got him into trouble.

Xu Jihong always teased her casually, and even deliberately leaned closer to rub her. The fragrance on his body was even more sultry.

This was obviously intentional.

Gong Hui gave her the nickname Saucy Fox, which was absolutely correct.

Fortunately, Xu Jihong also knew how to measure and didn't go too far. If this angered Gong Hui, he might turn the table over on the spot.

Sandwiched between two women, it was quite hard for Luo Yao to have a feast.

I don't understand. Why did you bring her back to the mountain city? Why don't you just transfer her to Jinghai? Gong Hui was jealous. She didn't get angry during the meal. When she returned to the courtyard of Ci'en Temple, she began to ask her questions. Luo Yao opened fire.

It's not my idea, this is all the director's arrangement. Luo Yao said aggrievedly, I have no say in the military commander's personnel arrangements.

While she is in the mountain city, you should not meet him alone. She and Gu Yuan are like this, and they are teasing you like this. If you really fall for her, let's see how you end up. Gong Hui glared fiercely, warned.

I see, don't you understand who I am? Luo Yao was also annoyed. If he had sent Xu Jihong away earlier, he would have been able to have peace of mind. Fortunately, Xu Jihong was about to go to the mountain city special training class to serve as an instructor. No time to bother yourself.

Tell you something.

What's the matter? Luo Yao asked.

Xu Zhen went to Nanhua Trading Company again this afternoon. Gong Hui said in a very solemn tone.

one person?

Well, alone. Gong Hui nodded and asked, Do you want to check this Nanhua Trading Company?

Yes, but not in our name.

Then please ask Sixth Brother in the name of the police station...

It's not appropriate, use the name of Brother Pao's organization to test it out, get a feel for the situation first, Luo Yaodao said. Nanhua Trading Company has been in the spotlight for some time, but it only conducted peripheral investigations and found no problems. In order to avoid alerting the enemy, There has been no in-depth investigation.

Okay, then I'll make arrangements tomorrow. Gong Hui nodded.

Let's not be too anxious about Xu Zhen. If she really has a problem, it will be revealed sooner or later. Luo Yao said, Anyway, she is right under our eyes and noses. We can observe her as much as we want.

The traitor intelligence organization Midnight Ghost was dug up, and the exposure of the Colonel was a big blow to the Japanese spy organization in the mountain city.

They will definitely find a way to restore the espionage organization in the mountain city.

Viper Takahashi's successor is White Fox. It is not known whether this white fox is Beichuan, but he has been sneaking into the mountain city for a long time, and he should have taken action.

Kitagawa's last operation to kidnap Osborn failed, not only losing an elite ninja action team, but he is probably still suspected by his superior agency Kondo Keiichi.

White Fox is related to George Kevin, and Beichuan's kidnapping plan was also implemented through George Kevin.

The two of them must be related, but they are not the same person, so it is hard to say. There is also the codename Canna. It is not clear whether it is a boy or a girl.

Beichuan should be a mountain town where patriotic overseas Chinese from Nanyang entered, but now these people are under political protection and cannot easily move.

The party-state now needs the patriotic Chinese in Nanyang to contribute money and strength to support the domestic war of resistance. If this goes wrong and leads to a political incident, not even Dai Yunong may be able to bear it, let alone being unable to survive.

Maybe the white fox is Beichuan, maybe not. There is still a big question mark on the equation between these two people.

This man came to the mountain city not only to kidnap an Osborne, but to rebuild the underground intelligence organization of the Japanese spy in the mountain city. It was his real mission.

I just didn't expect that George Kevin's case would implicate the Colonel of the secret espionage organization lurking in the Wang family of the Air Defense Command.

This is how the biggest storm of anti-traitor broke out in the mountain city.

Although it has only been a day, Luo Yao learned that many people have been arrested and Wanglongmen Detention Center is overcrowded. Now the families of these arrested traitors are everywhere begging for help and looking for someone to fish them out.

This is really a joyful thing.

After thinking about it all night, Jiang Xiaoyu knocked on the door of Gong Hui's office early the next morning.

Deputy station chief.

Xiao Yu, I told you that when there are no outsiders, just call Sister Hui. Gong Hui said warmly, Is something wrong?

Yes, Sister Hui. Jiang Xiaoyu nodded, I have something to report to you.

Say it.

Yesterday my roommate told me that you and our station chief went to the Third Bureau... Jiang Xiaoyu told Gong Hui what she heard.

After Gong Hui heard this, her face immediately turned cold. It had only been less than a day since the news about the Third Bureau had reached the secret interpretation room. It was obviously because of someone with serious intentions.

It is normal for the police station to be under the control of the military. Luo Yaodu personally issued a hush order to Sha Kun, the director of the third bureau. Someone else spread the news and painted Luo Yao as such a brutal image.

This is obviously someone deliberately doing something secretly.

Which department does your roommate work in? Gong Hui asked.

Radio room.

Okay, I understand. In this way, in a few days, I will arrange a separate dormitory for you, so you don't have to share a dormitory with this Xin Xiaoyue. Gong Hui said, Who does she have close contacts with? What are you talking about? If you want to, tell me.


Go do it. Gong Hui ordered. When two organizations merge, there will inevitably be problems. Internal conflicts are easy to resolve, but for someone like Wei Daming who secretly wants to kill you, if you give in and back down, They will take advantage of it.

Gong Hui had no intention of bothering Luo Yao about such a trivial matter. She could handle it herself. She called Cao Hui into the office and gave two instructions in a low voice.

Cao Hui nodded frequently: Deputy Station Master Gong, I know what to do. I promise to dig out these mice for you.

Don't arrest people directly first, but get definite evidence. Your station chief likes to talk about evidence and convince people with reason. Gong Hui ordered.

Understood. Cao Hui nodded and took the order.

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