The secret war is silent

Chapter 386 Deciphering some Japanese military telegrams

Luo, Xu Zhen and I discussed it and decided on the wedding date. Osborne came to Luo Yao excitedly and said.

Really, so fast?

Hey, we Americans never do things sloppily. Osborne smiled.

Then what are you going to do?

I want to have a Western-style wedding, but Xu Zhen said that our identities are not suitable for public appearances, so we can simply have a Chinese-style wedding. Osborne said, You are her natal family, I will be her son-in-law. .”

It's true that your status shouldn't be played out in a big way, so as not to cause gossip, but it shouldn't be too casual. Where are you planning to hold the wedding banquet?

This seems to require your consent.

If you don't plan to invite outside guests, we will do it in our own cafeteria. If you have outside friends, then you can only find a restaurant outside, but you have to keep a low profile. Luo Yaodao.

Let's do it in our cafeteria. It would be too ostentatious to go outside. Osborne said. He was once bitten by a snake and was afraid of well ropes for ten years. Now he is really afraid of encountering such a kidnapping incident again.

Okay, then it's settled. You give me the days and I'll make the arrangements. I'll make sure it's a smooth one for you two. Luo Yao nodded.

Osborne handed Luo Yao a note.

September 18th, the sixth day of the eighth lunar month, isn't this a good day? Luo Yao frowned when he saw the date. Isn't this September 18th?

Isn't this a good day? Osborne asked a little strangely. I have asked many people, good things come in pairs, six or six go smoothly?

Osborne, do you know that on this day nine years ago, the Japanese Kwantung Army launched the 'September 18th' Incident in the Northeast and armedly occupied the three northeastern provinces of our country. This day means nothing to you, but it means nothing to all China. For people, it is a sad and shameful day. If you hold a wedding on this day, it doesn't matter in the United States, but in China, it would be inappropriate, Luo Yao explained.

How about another date, September 20th?

This works, the eighth day of August sounds auspicious. Luo Yao chuckled and nodded.

Then it's settled, I'll go back and get ready.

Looking at Osborne who looked like an old naughty boy, Luo Yao suddenly felt that this American might be serious about this relationship, at least at this moment.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Jihong had been back in the mountain city for three days. The bureau headquarters urged her to report to the special training class in the mountain city. She was extremely reluctant, but she went anyway.

Served as a secret communications instructor and an assistant in intelligence collection behind enemy lines.

One person wears two hats.

Originally, the special training class arranged accommodation for her, but she was unwilling to live there and insisted on living in the guest house of the veterinary station. There was no other way, but the special training class agreed to her request as long as it did not affect her work.

Xu Jihong really wanted to harass Luo Yao, but she couldn't even enter the door of the veterinary station. Even if she came in as a foreigner, she would be accompanied by Gong Hui.

Don't give her any chance.

But she was still enjoying it.

In fact, as time went by, Gong Hui also understood that Xu Jihong was not necessarily really interested in Luo Yao, she was just deliberately angry with herself, or for fun.

If I can't get it, why can't I just make some noise?

Anyway, Gong Hui and Luo Yao already knew about her affair with Gu Yuan, and Gu Yuan and they were members of the team who shared difficulties together in the past.

Unfavorable news on the European battlefield came one after another. The German army was advancing so fast that it shocked the world. The defeat and incompetence of the Polish army also shocked the world.

The Germans invented a new tactic, the Blitzkrieg, and military strategists all over the world focused their attention on the Polish battlefield.

The birth of a new tactic has brought about a huge change in the form of war around the world. War is no longer about digging a few trenches.

In comparison, the duel between the Chinese and Japanese armies on the Chinese battlefield still looks like the way it was during World War I. The world has changed.

When the German steel torrent crushed the Polish land, it poured thousands of miles away, without any resistance, and the country's destruction was just a matter of time.

In addition to being fierce and fierce at heart, Britain and France seemed unable to stop all this, and just watched Poland being destroyed.

Whose turn will it be next?

Germany already dominates Europe. Who do they hate the most?

no doubt.

Stationmaster, the telegram just intercepted, the Japanese cabinet decided to conduct armistice negotiations with the Soviet Russians, and authorized the Japanese Ambassador in Moscow Togo and the Soviet Foreign Affairs Committee... That night, Chi An took a telegram and directly Pushing the door open, he walked into Luo Yao's office.

He knew that Luo Yao was there every night.

Well, send a copy to the attendant's office and the bureau headquarters immediately. Luo Yao took a look and signed the telegram directly.


Webmaster, the four code books you brought back have been analyzed and evaluated by us in the past few days. They are useful. We have mastered some of the rules and can try to decipher the Japanese military's secret messages. Chi An said, This is from the United Kingdom. The Engeni cipher machine we got from the people worked, and what they gave us was the prototype that the Germans originally exported to Japan.

Really? It seems that the British are also wary of the Japanese. Otherwise, why would they build prototypes? Luo Yao said with a smile.

Yes, this will help us a lot.

I wonder if we can send a team to the commander-in-chief of the Ninth War Zone in Xiangcheng. It's close to the battlefield, so it's easier to intercept the Japanese army's secret communications and get first-hand information. Chi An said.

This is more difficult to handle. It's not my decision. I'll give it a try. Of course Luo Yao knows the benefits of doing this, but firstly, the code interpretation room is short of manpower. Secondly, it's not something he says he can do. What the military commander can do is that in the eyes of the military commander, they are all conspiratorial agents, and they are naturally disliked.

Chi An smiled, he also understood this truth.

The armistice between Japan and the Soviet Union would make life difficult for China. Japan had a new foreign minister, a retired admiral of the navy, Koshisaburo Nomura.

Secretary Mao, what's wrong? Everyone is in a low mood? Luo Yao went to the headquarters of No. 19 Bureau in Luojiawan to report on his work, and found that something was wrong in the atmosphere. Everyone was busy working and lifeless.

Mao Qiwu said: The Wang family established the secret service headquarters in Jinghai. Ding Mohan and Lin Shiqun served as the chief and deputy directors respectively. Wang Tianhuan, who had rebelled before, also served as a special adviser. Boss Dai was very angry and lost his temper.

Isn't this secret service headquarters established a long time ago?

This time it has been officially announced to the outside world that the Wang family plans to establish a separate central government to compete with the national government. Mao Qiwu said.

It seems that the so-called peace to save the country is just a fig leaf for betraying the country and seeking glory.

You're right. Did you come to see Boss Dai today for something? Mao Qiwu asked.

Well, I have some situation to report.

A good thing?


Can you tell me first? Mao Qiwu asked.

No problem. Luo Yao said with a smile, The first thing is that Consultant Osborne is getting married, and the wedding date has been set.

Really? Mao Qiwu said in surprise.

I can still lie to you. I have brought you and the director's invitations. Luo Yao smiled, took out a red invitation card from his purse and handed it over.

Okay, if I don't have anything else to do then, I will definitely participate.

It doesn't matter whether people come or not, the key is that the money should not be less. Luo Yao chuckled.

It's not like you're getting married. He's an American, so he probably doesn't pay that much attention. Mao Qiwu laughed.

Also, didn't we get the money from George Kevin? The Prime Minister has already purchased the scarce supplies we need in Hong Kong and shipped them back through our channels. Luo Yaodao.

This is good news. Boss Dai will be happy to hear it. Mao Qiwu nodded.

Thirdly, we deciphered some of the Japanese military's secret communications. The level is not high, but it can play a key role in local battlefields. Luo Yaodao.

What you said is true, you're not lying, right?

Secretary Mao, do I dare to joke with you about this kind of thing? Luo Yao said seriously.

This is amazing, you, you can really surprise people. Mao Qiwu was overjoyed. Even though this was just a part of the Japanese military's secret communication, it was a breakthrough from zero to one.

In the past, the government's code-breaking agency was helpless in dealing with the Japanese Army's code communications. On the contrary, there is information that the Japanese army's code-deciphering department has repeatedly deciphered the code communications of the national army. Of course, this has not been confirmed, but in fact, the Japanese army They have an extremely high degree of understanding of the national army’s combat plans and intentions. In addition to some leaks of intelligence, isn’t there also leakage of secret communications?

The national army's secret communication coding technology is not useless, but there is no unified secret code. If there is a unified secret code, wouldn't all the secrets of troop mobilization in so many mountains below be mastered by the government?

They were all unified, but they were unwilling to do so. However, the technical capabilities of encrypted telecommunications in the local mountains were uneven. Some had used a set of passwords for several years without changing them, and the encrypted codes had long been deciphered.

As long as there is one loophole, there will be loopholes everywhere. The loophole will turn into a big hole, and the big hole will become a breach. As a result, one's own layout and strategic intentions are all exposed to the enemy's nose.

Go, go, come with me to see Boss Dai. He will be happy after hearing the news. Mao Qiwu happily pulled Luo Yao out.

Director Mao, Boss Dai has given orders not to see anyone come! At the door of the secret room, both Mao Qiwu and Luo Yao were stopped by guards.

Stationmaster Luo and I have something important to report. If Boss Dai knows what we are reporting, he will definitely meet with us. Mao Qiwu said.

No, Director Mao, please don't embarrass us. The guard grimaced. If he let people in, Mao Qiwu and Luo Yao would be fine, but they would be in trouble.

Stationmaster, are you here to see Mr. Dai? Faced with the insecure guards, Mao Qiwu and Luo Yao had no choice but to plan to go back first. Just as they were about to turn around, a crisp voice sounded from behind.

The voice is quite familiar.

I turned around and saw who it was if it wasn't Yu Shuheng?

Secretary Yu, what a coincidence. I came to the director to report something, but I was stopped and couldn't get in. Luo Yao said hurriedly.

Wait a moment, I'll go in and ask. Yu Shuheng walked directly to the door of the secret room. The guard at the door didn't look sideways and didn't even reach out to stop him. Obviously Yu Shuheng had this privilege.

Luo Yao and Mao Qiwu looked at each other and murmured.

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