The secret war is silent

Chapter 387 Going to the front line

Yu Shuheng didn't let Luo Yao and Mao Qiwu wait for too long. In less than three minutes, they walked out of the secret room and walked over.

Smile lightly.

Director Mao, Station Commander Luo, Mr. Dai lets you in.

Thank you, Secretary Yu. Luo Yao hurriedly lowered his head slightly.

Yu Shuheng didn't say anything, just nodded and left with relaxed steps.

Luo Yao knew why Yu Shuheng would help him and even become a pawn beside Dai Yunong, but he did not ask her to do so.

Before Yu Shuheng came to work in Room B again, Luo Yao had a secret conversation with her.

The content of the conversation is naturally not known to the third party. I believe that Yu Shuheng will not be stupid enough to tell Dai Yunong. This is a very smart woman who knows what she wants.

He said that he could help Yu Shuheng leave the mountain city. Based on his current role for Dai Yunong, he would not do anything to him because of a woman.

But Yu Shuheng refused.

Although Luo Yao didn't quite understand why she did this, he still respected her choice in the end.

After that, she entered Room B and immediately became Dai Yunong's closest secretary. She entered the room and was unmatched for a while.

Luo Yao didn't know what methods she used. In short, he hoped that this smart woman who had a crush on him would not end up like Zhou Xiaoying.

There are some things that you know the outcome of but can't stop. That's very painful.

On the other hand, Mao Qiwu lowered his head and his eyes flickered, then he chuckled, stepped forward and pushed open the door of the secret room and walked in.

Whenever something goes wrong, Dai Yunong likes to hide in a secret room alone. This not only prevents him from losing his temper, but also allows him to think calmly.

He likes to stay in the secret room, which makes many people misunderstand him.

In fact, the secret room is just a place for him to relax. As the head of an intelligence agency, looking at the scenery from outside, he is actually under tremendous pressure, but he can't find anyone to tell him.

It is normal to lock yourself in a space without anyone, relax your heart, and release your suppressed emotions.

As for other things, Luo Yao is not easy to judge. What he sees may not be objective.

The furnishings in the secret room are very simple, with black leather sofas, coffee tables, desks, huanghuali chairs, and armchairs, which should be valuable.

Crystal chandeliers, and a velvet carpet on the floor.

Understated luxury.

It's hard to see such fatigue on Dai Yunong's face. In the eyes of outsiders, he always looks energetic and energetic, showing an enterprising and invincible tough attitude.

Probably because he didn't want outsiders to see him like this, he locked himself in a secret room to adjust his emotions.

Mao Qiwu was the most trusted person around him and was nicknamed Shadow Director. Of course, he firmly denied it, but it was undeniable that Dai Yunong's most trusted person was him.

He is from Jiangshan, and he is related to him. He is not only one of his own, but also a confidant.

And Luo Yao is his student, and now he has repeatedly helped him make meritorious deeds. He is a rising star who has gained a lot of face in front of the old man, and is the future of military command.

If he doesn't trust such people, who can he trust?

Boss, director...

Qi Wu and You Ning are here, take a seat. Dai Yunong raised his eyelids slightly, but did not stand up to greet them, and directly greeted them lightly.

This is how people who are closest to and trusted do not need to put on airs or play with their emotions.

Boss, You Ning has three happy events to report to you. I came with him. Mao Qiwu explained.

Oh, happy event? Dai Yunong asked as the tired look on his face softened slightly, and his body leaned forward slightly.

You Ning, it's up to you to speak.

Yes, Secretary Mao. Luo Yao stepped forward, stood at attention, stood with his hands down, and reported, Director, this is the first happy event. Osborne, the American consultant of our secret interpretation room, is scheduled to appear on the 20th of this month. There is a wedding banquet held in the cafeteria of the veterinary station, I have brought the invitations, and I sincerely ask the director to come and attend.

Osborne is marrying that Xu Zhen, right?

Yes, Director.

Has her problem been cleared up? Dai Yunong pondered slightly.


You agreed to their marriage without checking clearly? Dai Yunong snorted in displeasure.

Director, it's like this... Luo Yao was about to explain, and Mao Qiwu took over, Boss, we know everything we should know about Xu Zhen's past, but there is nothing we don't know yet. It's hard to say now, Yau Ning’s idea is that instead of preventing her from marrying Osborne, it’s better to fulfill them, so that even if there are problems, we can see them more clearly.”

So, you suspect that there is something wrong with this Xu Zhen?

There is no evidence yet.

Then have you considered Osborne's safety? Dai Yunong asked, He is an American. If something happens, how will we explain it?

Director, Osborne came to China voluntarily to help us. We gave him a generous reward and signed a risk exemption agreement with him. He knows this. Besides, he is not an official from the United States. Therefore, what we have to explain is , does not exist. Luo Yao said.

You put it lightly, one George Kevin almost made us so passive in diplomacy. We are now vigorously seeking US aid, so we cannot have any negative incidents at this time, understand?

Yes, the student didn't think carefully. Luo Yao immediately admitted his mistake. It would not do him any good to argue at this time. It would be in his best interest to admit his mistake.

Dai Yunong was also holding back his anger and had nowhere to vent his anger. In fact, he really didn't take Osborne's safety to heart. Today, Osborne has been in China for almost a year, and the role he can play now is still Yes, but not that big anymore.

Even without him, those people in the secret interpretation room have been able to decipher the military code. Isn't it that even the Secret Inspection Office is following behind and eating dust?

I know that you dare to work hard, but sometimes you still need to think more about the consequences and not be too radical. Dai Yunong said.

Mao Qiwu was so excited just now. When he heard these words, a stone fell to the ground in his heart. Is this being lifted high and falling gently?

It is in line with his usual style of dealing with things. If he really wants to deal with someone, he will never scold or discipline him. He will just give an order and go.

What are the other two things?

Director, the second happy thing is that the 'Prime Minister' sent a secret message from Hong Kong. All the funds obtained from George Kevin's two secret accounts have been used to purchase our continued supplies, and are now being shipped back to China through the secret channels we have. , I estimate that if this batch of materials is sold to others, the profit will be at least twice as much. Luo Yao said.

Okay, this is good, but these materials are in short supply for us now. It is not impossible to sell them, but you cannot sell them all. You must keep some for reserve. Dai Yunong turned to Mao Qiwu and said, Qiwu, you can handle this matter Responsible for following up.

Yes, boss.

Director, the third thing is that we deciphered part of the Japanese army's secret telegram communications, mainly the communications between the Japanese army's basic combat units, such as the long-distance secret telegram communications between the regiment and the brigade, and between the brigade and the brigade. Luo Yao introduced.

What, can you decipher the secret communications between the Japanese wing and the brigade?

Yes, but the low-power shortwave radio stations they use on the battlefield, the signals that Shancheng can detect and intercept are limited, and there are many interference factors. If you want to intercept more Japanese secret communication messages, you must go as close as possible to the battlefield. This way we can detect more signals and it will be clearer. Luo Yao said.

Dai Yunong stood up, walked back and forth in the secret room, raised his head and said, You Ning, what do you think?

Director, I want to send a team directly to the frontier of Xiangcheng, set up a monitoring station there, send the detected messages back to the mountain city, and then decipher them. However, in this way, the efficiency will be much lower. The intercepted messages After being deciphered and then transmitted to the Xiangcheng frontline headquarters, a lot of time will be wasted. Even by the time we deliver the relevant information in the deciphered Japanese telegram, the battle is over and it will be of no use at all, Luo Yaodao said.

You want to move the detection and interpretation to the front line, intercept the Japanese military messages and immediately decipher them, and then immediately communicate with the front line of the war zone? Dai Yunong understood Luo Yao's idea.

Yes, if we decipher and communicate at the same time, we can promptly feedback the Japanese army's mobilization to the frontline troops. In this case, we can seize the opportunity and win the battle against the Japanese army.

You are going to the front line. Dai Yunong said.

As long as the party and the country need it, students are willing to go to the front line and kill the enemy to serve the country. Luo Yao put his legs together and stood at attention solemnly.

Okay, submit a report on the results of your deciphering of the Japanese military's secret communications. I will take a look at it and then consider it. Dai Yunong said.

Yes, director, the students have already brought it. Luo Yao took out a relevant report that he had written long ago from his briefcase and handed it over.

You kid are already prepared.

Don't fight an unprepared battle. This is what the director said when you inspected the temporary training class. Luo Yao slapped him in the face.

It's rare that you still remember what I said. Dai Yunong's face relaxed, and his mood was obviously much better. You can go back first, and we will talk about this after I read the report.

Yes, director. Luo Yao agreed. In fact, his proposal did not hold much hope. After all, it involved the cooperation of multiple departments.

Dai Yunong's promise alone is not enough. The Ninth War Zone Commander's Department must cooperate. Otherwise, even if they send people and equipment, they can't help or have any effect. Isn't it a waste of time?

Coordinating relationships is something Dai Yunong really does. Others really don't have the energy and ability.

And even if the trip can take place, the problems of manpower and equipment still need to be solved.

This is not something that can be done in just one sentence.

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