The secret war is silent

Chapter 388 Field Service Corps

You Ning, why do you have time to come to my place today? Shen Yu heard that Luo Yao was coming and hurriedly came out of the office to greet him.

I'm here to report on my work and send you an invitation.

Invitation, what invitation?

Osborne is getting married on the 20th of this month, please attend then. Luo Yao chuckled, It's a big deal. There are so many division chiefs and deputy division chiefs in the bureau, but you are the only one with an invitation.


The wedding banquet will be held in the canteen of the veterinary station. Everything will be kept simple. There will be no outsiders. Only you, Secretary Mao and Director Dai who are relatively familiar with the wedding will send invitations. No one else will. Luo Yao explained.

So that's it. I should be able to go there on the 20th. Shen Yu immediately accepted the invitation and agreed.

Okay, I won't disturb you anymore and let's go.

Don't leave in a hurry. Someone just brought some good tea over here. Can you chat with me for a while? Shen Yu said.

Do you have any other good tea?

Excellent Maojian'er. Shen Yu chuckled, You'll know after you taste it.

All right.

You Ning, has Li Fu mentioned to you that he will return to work in Room A next? Shen Yu made tea himself.

No, what's wrong? You don't want to do the job at the Air Defense Command anymore? Luo Yao asked strangely.

It's not like you don't know why he went to the Air Defense Command. Now the traitor spy hiding you in the Air Defense Command has been found out. If he continues to work in that position, wouldn't it be a waste of talent and a waste of time! Shen Yu said .

Does he want to go back to Room A? Luo Yao nodded. He had considered Li Fu's next step, but Li Fu had to bring it up himself, and he couldn't arrange it directly for Li Fu.

He couldn't make the decision for him regarding this matter related to his personal future, but he definitely wanted to find a time to talk to him about it.

Although Room A is a core confidential department, with high salary, good benefits, and quick promotion, the road is narrow. With Li Fu's ability, he has to be alone. If he is in Room A, it will be basically difficult. Shen Yu said, You know, what are Boss Dai's standards for employing people in Office A? Although Li Fu is excellent, there is little hope of reaching that level in the company. So, I think, now that I'm out, why go back?

Li Fu has made a great contribution this time. He should be able to get one step closer, right? Luo Yao asked.

There is no problem in mentioning the major. The question is, where will he go next? Shen Yu said, Should he stay in the mountain city or be released abroad?

Although the mountain city is at the center, it is difficult to achieve results. Even if you have merit, there will be a lot of competition. It is better to serve as a prince. How happy is that? Luo Yao said.

You think so too?

Of course, it also depends on his own thoughts. If he wants to be more comfortable, it would be good to stay in the mountain city. Luo Yaodao.

A good man has his ambitions in all directions. At this time of national crisis, if he doesn't go to the battlefield to kill the enemy and make contributions, how can he be worthy of his ancestors? Shen Yu said, If I have the chance, I also want to go to the front line to fight the Japanese devils with real swords and guns. Have a fight.

Luo Yao didn't want to go to the front line, but he couldn't help it. In his current position, he couldn't go just by saying he wanted to.

Okay, he will go to my place later and talk to him. We are trying to figure out a suitable location. Luo Yao nodded.

There is one more thing. I will only tell you one thing. Don't tell it everywhere. Shen Yu suddenly smiled mysteriously.

What is it, so mysterious?

Your sister-in-law, she has one. Shen Yu chuckled, leaned into Luo Yao's ear, and whispered.

Really, then congratulations, Sixth Brother, you are going to be a father! Luo Yao said in surprise.

You can't go around talking about the rules of the older generation. It's not good for the children. Shen Yu said.

Don't worry, Sixth Brother, I will keep it a secret. Luo Yao nodded. The older generation is superstitious. Women are not allowed to announce that they are pregnant, lest they get contaminated by dirt and cause miscarriage.

When the child is born, regardless of gender, you will be his godfather. Shen Yu's face was filled with a happy smile.

Don't worry, I will definitely give a big red envelope to my godson when the time comes. Luo Yao chuckled. There is no reason to refuse such a good thing.

Can't you just fuck your daughter?

Do you like my daughter?

Of course, my daughter is daddy's little cotton-padded jacket. Shen Yu chuckled, I'm going to give birth to a boy all day long. Are you looking for trouble?

Luo Yao laughed. In fact, apart from being born in a war-torn era, girls are much better than boys.

In the western suburbs of Xiangcheng, the Ninth War Zone Headquarters on the top of Yuelu Mountain.

Judging that the Japanese army may launch an attack on northern Hunan and northern Jiangxi in the near future, Xue Boling, acting commander of the Ninth Theater District of the Chairman of Hunan Province, moved here from the official residence of the provincial chairman.

Prepare wholeheartedly for the coming war.

Every day I stand in front of the large map in the command room, with the red and blue markings on the enemy and our troop formations. Sometimes I can look at them all day long.

A pair of tiger eyes stared at the map without blinking. All the old subordinates knew that Commander Xue was thinking about problems in this state, and no one should disturb him, otherwise he would be scolded.

There was a slight sound of footsteps behind him.

Chief of Staff Zhao Zili stood behind Xue Boling. He stood there for three minutes before Xue Boling asked, What's going on?

The old man called and agreed with you to adopt plan B. Zhao Zili opened the blue paper and said.

Yes. Xue Boling breathed a long sigh of relief. He knew that he insisted on using Plan B, which was a lot of pressure. Plan B was drawn up by the Military Command Department, while Plan A was drawn up by Deputy Chief of General Staff Bai Jiansheng. , the old man reviewed and approved it.

He overturned plan A, which was tantamount to offending the Guangxi clique's boss, Deputy Chief of General Staff Bai Jiansheng, and left a bad impression on the old man as disobedient.

The old man and some people were dissatisfied with some of the bad things he did when he was in power in Hunan Province. There were many complaints. If it hadn't been for the appointment of people, his acting commander-in-chief would have been taken down long ago.

Immediately adjust the deployment according to the B plan, requiring the troops to arrive at the designated location within three days to set up defenses. The Japanese army is very good at sneak attacks. It is not yet clear where their main attack direction will be. They can only know it by touching it. Xue Boling ordered decisively.


Why are you still standing here? Hurry up and deliver the order! Xue Boling asked strangely when he saw his chief of staff standing there motionless.

Sir Xue, there is another message here from the Ministry of Military Affairs. Zhao Zili opened the folder to report.

Ministry of Military Affairs, resign?

No, it's the Third Department of the Military and Political Department.

What did you say? Xue Boling frowned slightly. How could he not know what the third hall was for? It was a department that liked to cause trouble. Of course, this was his understanding.

The Ministry of Military Affairs has organized a field service group that will arrive in Xiangcheng soon. Many of the members are people from the literary and art circles. They are here to help publicize the anti-Japanese war and perform condolences in the war zone. Zhao Ziwenhui reported.

Just watch and deal with this kind of thing. Xue Boling said. For him, the acting commander of the theater, the level of the field service group is too low, and he has no idea that he pays special attention to it.

Sir Xue, the problem is that there is a military communications team in this field service group. They are here to assist our communications department in detecting the secret communications of the Japanese troops on the front line. Zhao Zili said.

Secret communication detection, what do you mean? Xue Boling asked doubtfully.

I don't know, maybe this is an excuse. Zhao Zili guessed, Those eagle talons of the military command are looking for trouble all day long, and they arrest people at will, and falsely accuse our officers and soldiers of being communists. The people below are very dissatisfied, otherwise we can find an excuse Forget it if you refuse?

In the face of a powerful enemy, the most important thing is to stabilize the morale of the army. They can come, but don't mess with me. Xue Boling also knew that the military commanders would not come unless you said no. It would be worse if they came secretly. trouble.

Then let's entertain him with delicious food and drinks?

It's up to you.

Okay. Zhao Zili agreed, turned around and went out.

Only two days after the report, Luo Yao received a call from Dai Yunong himself, asking him to select about ten elite soldiers and generals in the secret interpretation room, who might go to the front lines of Hunan and Jiangxi at any time.

This surprised Luo Yao. The government's action was so efficient this time.

At the moment, he did not dare to neglect, and held a meeting of department heads overnight. Regardless of whether the trip could be made in the end, the people would be selected first.

The secret interpretation room, which is already tight on manpower, will be even more stretched if the backbone is removed.

As soon as the mission was announced, everyone fell silent. It was dangerous to go to the front line. Although they would not go to the battlefield, bullets and artillery shells did not have eyes.

When you get to the front line, anything can happen.

I don't care how you arrange it. There are at least three people in the research and translation room, two in the statistics room, and five in the radio room. Luo Yao also knew that everyone had concerns, but such a task is rare, and actual combat is the best test for a team. .

Webmaster, how about I go ahead? There are no particularly important tasks in the station right now. All work is just progressing according to established procedures? Chi An was the first to stand up and respond.

Lao Chi, who will be in charge of the research and translation room when you leave? Luo Yao asked. Chi An was not included in his plan.

We can ask Consultant Osborne or Lao Jia to serve temporarily. Anyway, we can still contact each other by telegram? Chi An suggested.

Where's the statistics room?

It's okay to have two people in our statistics office. Let Xiao Zheng and Xiao Wang do it. They both have good business abilities and can take charge of their own business.

What did the radio room say?

It's not a big problem to remove five people from the radio room. Wen Xueren said, The question is, who will lead the team on this mission? If I go, who will be responsible for the daily work of the radio room?

Don't rush to decide who will lead the team. The radio room will hand over the list of five people first.

Yes, webmaster, I will arrange registration as soon as I get back. Wen Xueren nodded.

This time when we go to the front line of Hunan and Jiangxi, in addition to the usual salary and subsidies, there are also business trip subsidies. No one is five yuan a day. Luo Yao announced, Of course, there are also opportunities to make meritorious deeds.

No matter the situation, the power of monetary incentives never goes out of style.

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