The secret war is silent

Chapter 390 Ready to go

When do you want someone? Shen Yu is also afraid of Luo Yao. Luo Yao is really reasonable when he is reasonable, but if he is really unreasonable, he is really unreasonable at all.

You can't do anything to him yet.

My brother-in-law's favorite disciple, they have the closest relationship among the military commanders, and they can trust each other without reservation. This is very rare in the cunning secret service.

Shen Yu also knew that if he encountered a problem and was short of manpower, Luo Yao would help without hesitation. He was absolutely sure of this.

Therefore, when Luo Yao came to borrow someone, he was just showing his gesture. After all, Deng Yi was also his most capable subordinate. If he loaned someone out casually, it would be shameful and it would also show that he did not cherish the talents under his command. ah.

Now. Luo Yao said directly.

After hearing this, Shen Yu almost touched Luo Yao's face with a sip of water: Are you so anxious about reincarnation?

We will set off within three days. Do you think I am in a hurry? Luo Yao said, Let him pack his things and report there tonight at the latest.

Okay, I'll call him. Shen Yu said, I asked him to go out and handle the case.

Zeng Jiayan?

You know and you still ask.

You are really considerate of the Communist Party. I knew you were monitoring their activities in the mountain city, but if you didn't know, you thought you were secretly protecting them. Luo Yao chuckled.

You kid, don't talk nonsense. You don't know that these Communists are cunning. Recently, some people have come from the north. They are all strictly trained. Isn't your code room also detecting and deciphering their secret communications? ? Shen Yu asked.

This aspect is not the focus of my attention. It is all done by a team under Deputy Director Chen.

Don't they report to you?

Do you think he will tell me the truth? Luo Yao chuckled.

Indeed, they know my relationship with you. If they have the opportunity to make meritorious deeds, they will definitely stick with me. Even if there are results, they will not tell you, or will tell you later. Shen Yu nodded in understanding.

In fact, Luo Yao really left this group alone. Firstly, he didn't get into trouble. Secondly, he secretly didn't give them enough resources. As for what tricks they could develop, it was hard to say.

And the most embarrassing thing for him is that sometimes, he can only pretend not to hear or know.

Because once the information is leaked, there will definitely be an investigation. Once the problem is identified as being in the secret interpretation room, the problem will be huge.

Don't let the small lose the big.

Therefore, working as an undercover agent would be unbearable if you don’t have a strong heart.

Now it can be seen as an internal power struggle. It's hard to say what will happen in the future. This is also a hidden danger. How to solve it, Luo Yao has nothing to do at the moment.

The only thing that can be done is to take advantage of the situation.

Okay, I've drank the tea too. Please tell me quickly. Thank you, Sixth Brother. I have to go find Li Fu. Luo Yao stood up and said goodbye.

It's almost dinner time, let's have dinner together? Shen Yu said.

No, I made an appointment with Li Fu. After we finish talking, we have to go back and make preparations. Luo Yao refused. Now, she really didn't have time to waste on eating.

Brother, why did you think of coming to me? Luo Yao finally met Li Fu at the Air Defense Command after many twists and turns.

After the Gao Tiankui incident happened, the internal defense force of the Air Defense Command has been significantly strengthened, and the rules have become stricter.

Li Fu was promoted to major, and he had a separate office. He was also assigned an orderly, and his salary was much higher than before.

It's not convenient to talk here. Let's find a place to eat. Let's talk while eating. Luo Yao said.

The management is very strict now. You are not allowed to leave your post without permission before the time is up. You have to eat lunch in the headquarters canteen.

Can't you take a day off?

It's not impossible, but for what reason? Li Fu was very embarrassed. This was also a side effect of his meritorious service. Everyone knew that he entered the Air Defense Command to investigate the traitors and traitors. Who would dare to follow him now? We are very close, and many things are strictly business-like. There is no room for anything, and we are all afraid of being caught in pigtails.

Just say, find a clue, go out and handle a case, and make sure no one stops you. Luo Yao chuckled.

Is this possible? Li Fu's words were filled with doubt.

Definitely. Luo Yao smiled. He understood Li Fu's situation to a certain extent, but he just didn't have time to talk to him. As for Li Fu, he was also more practical and didn't come to him.

Of course, you can't ask for leave for serious reasons, only for illegitimate ones. Now that Li Fu wants to go out in the name of investigating a case, not to mention his immediate boss, not even the head of the Air Defense Command dares to stop him.

If the clues were missed and the traitor and spy were let go, who would dare to bear this responsibility?

It's just that he is a fan of the authorities.

From some aspects, Li Fu has not been too deeply influenced by Gao Tiankui, and he is still the simple and good young man.

Then I'll give it a try. Li Fu nodded.

After a while, Li Fu came back with a relaxed face: Brother, you really said too much. I said I wanted to get a clue and go out to investigate the case. The commander immediately approved my going out and there is no time limit for my return.

Let's go, I'll treat you to dinner. Luo Yao laughed and walked away arm in arm with Li Fu.

Both of them changed into civilian clothes and found a nice small restaurant nearby. It seemed that Li Fu had eaten there before. The food was pretty good but the taste was a bit bland.

At noon, the business of this store was not very good, but the people who came in to eat were generally well-dressed, and many of them spoke with accents from Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

People in Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas have a relatively limited taste, while Sichuan-style restaurants in mountain cities tend to have strong tastes, mainly salty and spicy, which many people in coastal areas are not used to.

Therefore, after a large number of people moved to the mountain city, they were not used to the food here, which gave rise to some restaurants changing their past cooking tastes to adapt to these customers.

Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Cantonese cuisine began to become popular in mountain towns. They coexisted peacefully with traditional Sichuan cuisine, and restaurants became more diversified.

Li Fu is from Zhejiang, and Luo Yao is from Jinling. In terms of food, they both belong to the Huaiyang cuisine, and the taste is relatively bland. Of course, it's not that they can't eat Sichuan food, but they can't stand it. After all, they are raised by the same soil and water.

This restaurant is good. This lion's head dish has the taste of a master chef from Yangzhou. Luo Yao picked up a piece of lion's head and took a bite.

The introduction is correct, right? The food here is delicious and not expensive. Speaking of which, Jiang Yuan brought me here for the first time... Li Fu said. Speaking of Jiang Yuan, Li Fu had the closest relationship with him. After being together for such a long time, it would be a lie to say that there is no emotion at all. Although Jiang Yuan approached him with purpose from the beginning, he never harmed him from the beginning to the end.

You too, do you still sympathize with the last traitor and traitor? Luo Yao corrected Li Fu's wrong attitude.

No, brother, I just remembered that when Jiang Yuan was arrested, he didn't ask me for mercy. He asked me to do him a favor and take care of his wife and children. Li Fu sighed, If I had known this, why did I do it in the first place? .”

He chose the road by himself, and he has to bear it by himself. His wife and children are also implicated. He is really not a son of a man. Luo Yao nodded. Gao Tiankui and Jiang Yuan would probably die in the end, but his wife and children He was still innocent and did not become a traitor with him.

Yes, it won't harm my wife and children. Li Fu took a bite of the food and asked, By the way, brother, you came to me, didn't you come to me to treat me to a meal?

I think you won't be able to work at the Air Defense Command for long. Do you have any ideas about coming out? Luo Yao asked.

Li Fu smiled coquettishly: Brother, you can see that since the case of 'Gao Tiankui' was solved, my colleagues in this headquarters look at me differently. People who greeted me in the past no longer say hello. Why.

Don't pay attention to these people. They have nothing wrong with them. Why are they so afraid of you? Luo Yaodao said, People who really understand you won't do this. If you don't do what you want, you can come out.

Brother, would it be okay if I went back?

Have you discussed this matter with your brother-in-law? Luo Yao asked. Although he is Li Fu's sworn brother, he has a closer relationship with Pan Pan Qiwu. After all, there is a level of kinship, and Li Fu is in the military command. , how could we have gone so smoothly without the care of this brother-in-law?

I mentioned it. My brother-in-law said that if we go back now, the location is not easy to arrange. Let me wait. Li Fu nodded.

Li Fu, be honest with me. After you come out, if you are asked to go back to the mechanical work that is repeated every day, will you still be able to do it? Luo Yao asked.

Li Fu hesitated...

Luo Yao could see his hesitation. Once this person came out, it would be difficult to go back, especially if he went from a less restrictive life to a more restrictive life, it would be a lot of discomfort.

This is human nature. Of course, it is not insurmountable. As long as you have the will, you can do it. The problem is that when you are ambitious, it is difficult to take it back.

Is this the future Li Fu wants?

It's not that working in Room A has no future, it's just that it's relatively stable, but the future is much narrower. If you work outside, the future may not be just this.

To put it bluntly, Li Fu works in Office A. He may be promoted quickly. There will be no problem until he reaches the rank of colonel. The problem is that if he wants to reach the level of general, he may never have the opportunity in his life or not so quickly.

Outside, you will see a wider market, know more people, and have more opportunities to make contributions. You may have setbacks and failures, but your life will become colorful.

Li Fu's life has just begun. He is not middle-aged or at an age where he seeks stability. If he doesn't go out to venture out at this time, when will he?

This is also the reason why Pan Qiwu really agreed to Li Fu's change of job from Room A. Do you really think that a few words of pillow talk can change a person's understanding and judgment?

Are you going to the front line of Hunan and Jiangxi?


Let me ask you, are you going to the Hunan-Jiangxi front line? Luo Yao asked repeatedly.

Go! Li Fu was not stupid. After hearing Luo Yao's words clearly, he understood immediately and agreed quickly with excitement.

It might be dangerous if you go. You have to think about it. I won't force you. Luo Yaodao said that although he asked Dai Yunong for Li Fu, if Li Fu didn't want to go, he could still find a way to make him stay.

Go, I'll go, brother, I just want to go to the battlefield in person one day and kill a few Japanese invaders! Li Fu said without hesitation.

I estimate that after you return, you will receive an order to clean up and report to me. Luo Yao ordered.

Yes, brother. Li Fu said excitedly, But, brother, what did you ask me to do?

Would you like to be my adviser? Luo Yao chuckled.


Asking for a monthly ticket!

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