The secret war is silent

Chapter 391 Concentration

The Third Department of the Ministry of Military Affairs established a service team to go to the ninth war zone and occupy the Hunan-Jiangxi front line, including a performance team, a propaganda team, an interview team and a logistics support team.

This service group has a large number of people, more than 200 people in total, including many people from the mountain city's literary and artistic circles, because they are going to the front line.

Those who sign up must be young and in good physical condition.

Luo Yao's detection team was involved as a communication team and basically had no interaction with this service team.

Mainly for the sake of confidentiality.

The Japanese intelligence agencies cannot be allowed to know that there is such a team capable of deciphering the Japanese military's secret communications and telegrams rushing to the Ninth War Zone. In that case, if they change the communication code, all their efforts will be in vain.

Even if you master a certain method of deciphering, if you can decipher it, the battle will probably be over. What's the point then?

Luo Yao was not sure whether he could deceive the Japanese spies in the mountain city. However, the Japanese army did not know that the government had the ability to decipher some of the Japanese army's secret communications.

In this regard, they still have the advantage.

The X group gathered in the guest house of the veterinary station. This was Luo Yao's suggestion. First, he wanted to get familiar with the team members in advance and emphasize discipline before departure. Second, the guest house of the veterinary station was relatively private and would not be disturbed. Japanese spies noticed.

Li Fu and Deng Yi were the first to come.

They were two grown men who had nothing to bring with them. Although they didn't know the mission of this trip, they both knew that this time was an opportunity to make achievements.

Don't miss this opportunity.

When Xu Jihong saw Li Fu coming with a backpack, he was naturally curious. Coupled with an unknown Deng Yi, he used his charm a little.

Just pulled out some useful information from the two guys' mouths.

As a result, when Luo Yao came to the guest house to arrange reception work for the two of them, Xu Jihong blocked the door directly. She wanted to participate in the X group operation.

Of course Luo Yao couldn't agree. You must know that Xu Jihong has another place to go. She will stay in the mountain city for a month or two at most, and then she will be transferred to Jinghai.

Furthermore, whether X goes or doesn't go, it doesn't matter what he says.

Seeing that Luo Yao disagreed, Xu Jihong couldn't really block the door and prevent Luo Yao from leaving. She had no choice but to go directly to Gong Hui.

I don’t know what kind of ecstasy she and Gong Hui drank, but Gong Hui actually agreed to put Xu Jihong on the team list of the secret interpretation room.

Aren't you worried about who will be the leader of the radio station team? Xu Jihong is not the most suitable candidate? Gong Hui gave a reason.

This reason really moved Luo Yao's heart. He originally planned to take Wen Xueren with him, but once he leaves, who will host the radio station at home?

Moreover, Wen Xueren didn't have much technical problems, but he was lacking in other aspects. This time when he went to the Hunan-Jiangxi front line, the team was not only composed of code decipherers, but also personnel from two other deciphering agencies. He was worried that Wen Xueren didn't have the skills. People who can convince those two organizations.

If it were Xu Jihong, he wouldn't have to worry. She has both beauty and skills, and her skills are not inferior.

Luo Yao wants to ensure that the X group works under his absolute leadership, and he must use his own people for important positions.

This is an uncompromising statement.

When it's time to use nepotism, you have to do this. You must ensure that the entire working group carries out its orders to the end, otherwise, there will be a lot of trouble.

Okay, I don't care what she told you. Since she wants to go, she must abide by the discipline. It's best not to do anything other than work, otherwise I will catch her and she will bear the consequences. Luo Yao thought twice, Xu Jihong is indeed a suitable candidate.

She also has another advantage, that is, she knows the numbers of most of the troops of the Japanese Eleventh Army Group and the status of their commanders.

This will help them carry out their work in the ninth theater.

As for Xu Jihong's work in the mountain city special training class, it can be adjusted at any time. She only serves as an instructor temporarily and will not continue to serve. In addition to the fixed class teacher, the instructors in the special training class are very mobile and rarely work from the beginning to the end. Yes, the job transfer will not arouse any suspicion at all.

Moreover, people like Xu Jihong who may be sent on lurking missions at any time use pseudonyms as instructors and their identities are also false.

Just because I'm afraid of revealing my identity.

Why is there Chen Zerong on the list? Luo Yao asked in surprise when he saw the adjusted list.

She volunteered to participate. After all, she had worked in the Ninth War Zone in the past and was familiar with the environment there. This mission happened to go there. There was no one more suitable than her. Originally, Sixth Sister-in-law also wanted to go. It's just that she is pregnant now and is afraid of moving the fetus and hurting the fetus, so she can only stay. Gong Hui explained.

Don't she know that Li Fu is also going this time? Luo Yao smiled bitterly.

I don't know, they haven't seen each other recently. Gong Hui shook her head, Anyway, I didn't tell her about this. I was surprised when the list came up, so I asked her to find out more about the situation.

The couple also spends less time together and more separation. This time I will give them a chance to work together and enhance their relationship. Luo Yao thought for a while and finally agreed.

That's the list. Let's notify it and ask the people on the list to prepare immediately according to the notification requirements and be issued with weapons and uniform marching backpacks. Luo Yao ordered.


Judging from the frequency of communication between the Japanese troops on the front line, it is estimated that the Japanese army will launch an attack soon, within a day or two, or no more than three days at most.

Huo Tian, ​​deputy leader of the 'X' team, reports to leader Luo. After forming the 'X' team, Luo Yao shifted the focus of his work and moved his office to the guest house.

The work of the secret translation room was basically handed over to Gong Hui, Chi An and Chen Zuxun.

The Huo Tian standing in front of him is young, about thirty years old. He also came back from Japan. He first worked in the Secret Inspection Institute, and later was seconded to the Secret Information Research Group of the Confidential Room of the Military Commission. This time he went to the Ninth War Zone Hunan. The deputy leader of the detection team on the Jiangxi front line.

This is a genuine major general, one rank higher than Luo Yao.

Why is Luo Yao the team leader and Huo Tian the deputy team leader? Or is Huo Tian a technical official? In addition, the deciphering of Japanese military secret codes is led by the code interpretation room. It is obviously inappropriate for Huo Tian to serve as the team leader. suitable.

Brother Huo, you have embarrassed me. Luo Yao hurriedly stood up to greet Huo Tian. He had actually known Huo Tian for a long time. The code interpretation room had business dealings with the Military Commission's code research, and Huo Tian had worked with Chi An in the past. We have worked together, and both of them are studying in Japan, so they have a good relationship.

It's just that Huo Tian's circumstances are much better than Chi An's. He is appreciated by Wen Yuqing and has made achievements in the field of code deciphering much earlier than Chi An.

Of course, Chi An is a latecomer and his current achievements are not inferior to Huo Tian's.

I'm sorry, Team Leader Luo, this order comes in a bit of a hurry. I've been busy with docking for the past two days. When I'm done, I came here. This place is really nice. It's hidden and quiet, but it's not easy to find. . Huo Tian smiled and said, If it weren't for the sign at the door, I really wouldn't be able to find it.

The superiors gave us three days to prepare, which should be enough. Luo Yao said with a smile, After a while, I called Lao Chi over. You haven't seen each other for a long time. He has talked about you to me several times. , but I just don’t have the chance to see you.”

Although we are both in the mountain city, I haven't seen him for more than half a year. If it hadn't been for this mission, I really wouldn't have had this opportunity. Huo Tian nodded.

There are not many rooms in the guest house right now, so everyone needs to squeeze in first. Anyway, we are leaving soon, so let's settle for a while. Luo Yao said apologetically.

It doesn't matter, just have a bed to sleep on. We are going to the front line now. The conditions there are much more difficult than here, and there are not so many things to pay attention to. Huo Tian chuckled, indicating that he was not a person who was particular about things.

Okay, Brother Huo, what jobs did you guys have in the past? We need to regroup before we set off. Luo Yao said.

Including the six of me, I used to be engaged in research and translation work. I had an assistant, a statistician, a telegraph operator, a translator, and an accountant. Huo Tian was a little embarrassed when it came to accounting. , the funds for this mission are special funds for visiting the attendant's room.

Naturally, the Military Commission's research and translation team will bring accountants to supervise the use of funds.

Okay, I'll make the arrangements. Luo Yao said, Now we have to send people from Station 43 of the Military and Political Department. As soon as everyone arrives, we can have a meeting to study how to group them.

Okay, the people are here. Please send someone to notify me, Team Leader Luo. Huo Tian nodded. Everyone is doing practical things, and there is no such contradiction as looking down on each other.

A group of seven people from Station 43 of the Ministry of Military Affairs finally arrived belatedly. The team was led by a section chief named Lin Banggu, a Fujian native who worked in statistics at Station 43.

Station 43 has almost no success in deciphering, but it is unique in intercepting Japanese military communication codes.

In this cooperation, although the Military and Political Department came late, they sent out elite soldiers and generals, which shows that they attach great importance to it. At the same time, their intention to learn from others is also obvious.

Luo Yao doesn't care about this. It's a good thing to be willing to learn, but how much you learn depends on your ability.

Team Leader Luo, I'm a little late for your humble duty. Please bear with me. The main thing is that it takes time to pack our equipment. The equipment for this mission is all provided by the 43rd station of our Military and Political Department... Lin Banggu explained.

Your equipment is too bulky. We have a batch of equipment that we just got from the British. We don't need to take these equipment on the road and go directly to Xiangcheng. Luo Yao said with a smile.

What about our equipment?

Leave it to our code interpretation room. These high-power equipment are still suitable for detection in the rear. Luo Yao chuckled.

Lin Banggu smiled coquettishly: Team Leader Luo, this is not very good. Are these equipments from the 43rd station of our Military and Political Department?

What's wrong? If you want to carry this equipment all the way to the ninth theater, it will slow down our progress. You must know that soldiers are valuable and fast. Don't you understand? Luo Yao said with a smile.

I need to ask our Director Wang for instructions. Lin Banggu said.


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