The secret war is silent

Chapter 393 Departure

Shapingba Street, the small courtyard where Lao Wu rented.

Jiang Xiaoyu bought a lot of things and delivered them over, and the nurse prescribed them. Old Wu was already able to get out of bed, but the leg was still struggling.

I can only sit in a wheelchair, or for a short period of time, I can use crutches for strength.

His recovery was much slower than an ordinary fracture.

Miss, why did you suddenly buy so many things? I don't lack anything here. Old Wu saw Jiang Xiaoyu carrying a large bag, and the one carrying a small bag came in with a lot of things.

Uncle Fu, I may not have a chance to come see you during this time. These things are bought for you to use in the future. In addition to food and drink, there are also some newspapers and books for entertainment. Jiang Xiaoyu said.

It doesn't matter if you buy me some food and daily necessities. Don't buy these newspapers and books for me. I work for your family. I usually only write and do calculations. I read newspapers occasionally. Now, forget about caring about current affairs. These books are only liked by educated people. If I like reading, wouldn’t that make people suspicious? Old Wu reminded me.

Uncle Fu, I...

After all, he still lacks experience and needs to consider some things. Lao Wu didn't want to hurt Jiang Xiaoyu's good intentions, so he hurriedly said: However, as a person with a broken leg, I am really bored at home. It's okay to read a few books for entertainment now and then. Normally, at any rate, I also spent a few years in private school.”

The voice of the latter sentence was slightly higher, and it was meant for the nurse. He didn't know whether the nurse was a military commander, but he was careful not to make any big mistakes.

Sister Lan, please help me clean up the fish. Miss is staying for dinner today. Old Wu found a job and dismissed the caregiver, Sister Lan, and welcomed Jiang Xiaoyu into the small living room.

Uncle Fu, the latest situation is that the upper echelons of the Kuomintang have organized a field service group to prepare for the front line of Hunan and Jiangxi in the Ninth War Zone. Within this service group, there is also a communication and liaison group including the Military Tong Secret Interpretation Room, Station 43 of the Military and Political Department, and the Confidential Section of the Attendant's Room. The Crypto Code Research and Interpretation Room was established by three parties, with about thirty people. The team leader is Luo Yao from the Crypto Code Translation Room, and the deputy team leader is Huo Tian, ​​an expert in code code from the Military Commission's Crypto Research Group...

How could such a team be suddenly formed to go to the Ninth War Zone and still be mixed among the land service groups? Old Wu asked strangely. He may not have seen Luo Yao for a long time, and there is no way to know some information.

And in his current situation, he can only wait for Lao Zhou to take the initiative to contact him. He cannot go out to contact Lao Zhou and is very passive at work.

For the sake of safety, he needs to endure it for a while longer. It will be much better when he can take care of himself and go out and walk around at will.

It should be for the sake of confidentiality. There are too many spies in the mountain city, and the spy behind the last kidnapping of Osborne, White Fox, has not been caught yet. This person is not only targeting Osborn, he is probably keeping an eye on the code interpreter. room, if the Japanese army knew that such a team engaged in deciphering secret codes was heading to the ninth theater, they would definitely be wary.

There is no shortage of talents in the field of secret telecommunications in the Ninth War Zone. If it is just to maintain frontline communications, there is no need to send out such a team. It should have other purposes. Old Wu thought for a while and said, By the way, that Will Luo Yao go too?

Go, he is the person in charge of leading the team this time.

Well, I understand the situation. Luo Yao is not in the code interpretation room. Who will be in charge of the code interpretation room? Old Wu asked.

Chi An and Gong Hui, directors of the secret research office, but I estimate that Gong Hui has more power, but there is also Chen Zuxun, who is also the deputy director. It is possible that he will take the opportunity to seize power. Jiang Xiaoyu said.

Gong Hui is under a lot of pressure. You are her secretary and assistant. No wonder you said you might not be able to visit me in the near future. It turns out that's the case.

After Gong Hui took over the secret interpretation room, I had to help her share part of the affairs. Therefore, my workload increased and I had to be on duty. I could only try my best to find time to come here, but there was no guarantee. Jiang Xiaoyu explained.

I understand. Your work is important. Don't worry about me. Gaining Gong Hui's trust and gaining a firm foothold are the most important. Old Wu nodded.


Let's eat before leaving in a while, so as not to arouse suspicion. Lao Wu explained.


Although Luo Yao did not contact Jiang Xiaoyu, every time Jiang Xiaoyu came, he could bring a lot of useful information to Lao Wu, which Jiang Xiaoyu himself learned in the secret translation room.

Basically, it was what Luo Yao wanted to tell Lao Wu.

And some things depend on the tacit understanding between him and Lao Wu. There are some things that Jiang Xiaoyu has little experience and cannot see yet, but Lao Wu is different.

Therefore, even if Luo Yao refused to meet Lao Wu, he could still pass the information to him.

When Jiang Xiaoyu comes this time, won't Old Wu know from her the current situation of Luo Yao and the many major events that have happened in the secret interpretation room recently?

Luo Yao personally led the team to the front line of the Ninth War Zone. Lao Wu knew very well what the secret code room was used to do, it was to decipher the Japanese army's secret codes.

Under such confidentiality measures.

It is obvious that the code room may have decoded the Japanese army's secret telegram communications and went directly to the front line. The purpose is self-evident, which is to go for the next big battle between China and Japan in the Hunan and Jiangxi regions.

This is a war related to the life and death of China and Japan. The victory or defeat will determine the direction of the Sino-Japanese war and even the future of the war of resistance.

Not only the national government cannot afford to lose this battle, China cannot afford to lose it even more. However, the battlefield is in the Hunan-Jiangxi region, an area with weak organizational military strength. Support and help can only be provided from other directions and sides.

Such as raising supplies and intelligence, helping to transport weapons and ammunition to the front line, helping to evacuate people, as well as publicity, appeasing people, treating the wounded, etc.

In terms of organizational execution, the Kuomintang is far behind.

Lao Zhou didn't know when he would come over, so he was probably very busy. The war was about to begin, and no one, even in the rear, was idle.

Group Luo, Captain Guo of the service group asked you to go to a meeting to discuss tomorrow's departure? Li Fu quickly stepped into his role.

He now plays the role of Luo Yao's liaison adjutant, responsible for contacting all parties, especially the field service group.

Since you want to use someone else's identity to cover your actions, you naturally have to make it more realistic. At least you have to be able to deceive the spies in the mountain city.

Well, Deng Yi, please inform me that everyone must change their names. On the way to the ninth theater and in future work, they will all use pseudonyms. Time is very tight, and there are many things to do before departure, even if you don't need to carry so much Even though the equipment is cumbersome, it still needs to be equipped with a radio for communication purposes. It must be necessary to contact home and the ninth theater on the way.

Yes, I'll ask them to provide it right away.

Try not to associate your pseudonym with yourself, and don't make it too old-fashioned. After you choose a pseudonym, start using it from now on and become familiar with it!


Li Fu, what did you just say, a meeting?

Yes, Group Luo, Commander Guo of the Field Service Corps asks you to go to the temporary regiment headquarters for a meeting before six o'clock tonight to discuss matters regarding tomorrow's departure. Li Fu said.

Okay, I understand. Luo Yao nodded. Although he was not under others' control, he had to follow them along the way.

Moreover, there were everyone in the Field Service Corps, so it was necessary to find out in advance. If time was not too tight, he would have wanted to get a list back and conduct an investigation one by one according to the above list.

This kind of semi-official civil society is the easiest for spies to sneak into. First of all, they have a certain official name. They can go to places that ordinary people cannot go and meet people that ordinary people cannot see. They also have certain privileges, allowing the military and police to I have a certain fear of them.

Moreover, these people have certain social connections and have a lot of energy. These are very good talismans. If Luo Yao is a spy who has sneaked into the mountain city, and if he is covered by the literary and artistic circles or cultural figures, he will definitely find a way to sneak in, because, That's how intelligence comes.

Of course, Luo Yao also needs to provide a list of names to the service team. Of course, the names on the list are all pseudonyms, and it is impossible to provide the real names.

Although it is named the Communications Liaison Group, this group is not responsible for the external liaison of the service group unless necessary.

As the leader of the field service regiment, I know this very well.

Of course, the leader didn't know what Luo Yao and the others were doing, but he was reminded by his superiors not to interfere with these people's affairs.

It was already eight or nine o'clock in the evening when Luo Yao returned from the Regiment Headquarters meeting. After consultation, they were arranged to be among the first batch to set off.

Going with them was the propaganda team and some of the condolence supplies that had been raised. There were about 80 people in total, led by the deputy team leader and a deputy editor-in-chief of the JoongAng Daily News.

The time for departure came soon. Luo Yao returned to the guest house and slept for less than two hours before he was woken up by Li Fu. The notice required that he must arrive at the riverside before nine o'clock in the morning to direct the gathering at the dock.

Others can rest. As the team leader, he must check everything again and make up for any deficiencies before departure.

Going to the front line in a war zone is not like being in the rear. If you don't bring everything with you, you won't be able to buy anything.

Have everyone's backpacks been checked?

I've checked it, team leader, do you want to check it again? Deng Yi was also woken up by Luo Yao and was pulled out to check together for the last time.

Nearly half of our lesbians are lesbians this time. They are different from us. They try their best to prepare daily necessities, including sanitary napkins needed during menstruation. Bring more brown sugar, as well as to ward off colds and prevent We can bring cold medicines, etc., and we are self-sufficient, so we don’t have to trouble others.”

Team leader, you are so considerate, have you thought of all this? Deng Yi exclaimed.

I am the team leader and I have to be responsible for the work and health of our No. 30 people. I don't want to waste manpower due to illness and other abnormal reasons when the time comes to hire people. Luo Yao chuckled.

How many weapons and ammunition did you bring?

Basically everyone has a pistol and two magazines for self-defense. In addition, we also brought four traps, some grenades, six rifles, and about 3,000 rounds of bullets. Deng Yi said.

On this journey, we might return to bandits or bandits. Even if we can't use it with us, we can still use it when we get to the war zone.

If we bring so many weapons, will anyone be suspicious?

As long as it is not exposed, ordinary people know how to get a weapon for self-defense when they go out. As long as we are more careful, we will not be discovered. If anyone feels that he is not sure about hiding it, he can keep it centralized first. Luo Yaodao.

That's fine.

By the way, are all the radios we carry with us equipped with moisture-proof and anti-collision measures? Also, are all our raincoats issued?

Don't worry, I've personally checked all of this. We've distributed raincoats and brought ten more in case of emergencies.

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