The secret war is silent

Chapter 394 Ancient Town

Okay, okay, there can't be anyone at the station. Let's go back. Before setting off, Gong Hui specially came to see him off.

Of course, they were not sent to the pier, but to the guest house, and their status was not suitable for the starting point of the pier where the gathering was to take place.

I know, just be careful.

I'm going to have a word with that fox. Gong Hui pointed at Xu Jihong and walked over and said.

Luo Yao nodded. He wanted to hear what the two women had to say, but it was just a piece of cake.

But he still chose to block it. It was an immoral act to eavesdrop on two women having sex.

Sassy fox, I'm warning you, if you hadn't come in handy this time, I wouldn't have allowed you to go. Also, take care of him for me. If anything happens, I'll only ask you! Gong! Hui warned.

We've been together day and night for at least a month or two. Aren't you afraid that I'll be watching over you? Xu Jihong said with a smile.

Do you think you have this chance? Gong Hui said with a disdainful smile, Also, aren't you afraid that Gu Yuan will find out in the future?

Gu Yuan and I just have a romantic relationship. We don't hate each other, and we can meet the physiological needs of both parties. It's better than messing around outside. Xu Jihong said nonchalantly.

Then if you act like this, you probably won't be able to seduce him in this life. Gong Hui said firmly.

real or fake?

Even the woman Dai Yunong insisted on getting took the initiative to pursue Luo Yao, but Luo Yao never looked at her. A prodigal woman like Xu Jihong would never be able to catch his eye.

Gong Hui still has this bit of confidence, not to mention that she has never regarded Xu Jihong as her love rival.

On the contrary, Jiang Xiaoyu, who is pure with a hint of stubbornness and can arouse a strong desire for protection in men, is likely to become a strong enemy.

Stationmaster, there is an urgent call from the front line. More than 2,000 people from the Japanese 106th Division launched a surprise attack on the 184th position of the National Army stationed in Huibu, a small town in northern Jiangxi! Wu Yuliang came behind Luo Yao and reported in a low voice.

Luo Yao raised his wrist and checked the time. At 7:20 in the morning, the battle finally started.

Before they could reach the battlefield.

Is everyone here?

Report to the team leader, everyone is here!

Set off!

Luo Yao waved his hand and everyone waited for the bus to go to the scheduled gathering dock.

After meeting the publicity team at the dock, we officially boarded the ship at nine o'clock. Half a day later, we disembarked and boarded a truck.

After walking for a day and a night, everyone's bones were broken, and they came to a small town on the edge of Wujiang River.

The largest hotel in the town was directly rented by them, with two courtyards in the east and west. The propaganda team had a large number of people and stayed in the east courtyard. Luo Yao, who had a smaller number of people, moved into the west courtyard together with the truck drivers accompanying the team.

Set up the radio station immediately, contact your family, and report your itinerary. Luo Yao took off his raincoat and ordered.

They had to stay in the town because of the rain. It rained, the roads were muddy, and it was dark, making it difficult to walk.

They can't just leave the propaganda team behind and go on their own. It's unrealistic and inhumane.

After only two days of walking, some people in the team developed various problems, such as bad stomachs, diarrhea, and catching colds while sleeping at night...

This is still a small team of only thirty people. If it were to be a team of hundreds, thousands, or even thousands of people, there would be more problems. There are more girls in the publicity team, and most of them may I have never suffered like this since I was born. Many people came with great enthusiasm and joy.

Now the eggplants that have been hit by frost are wilting.

Luo Yao's side is much better, because they are all soldiers, and at least their physical fitness is much better than ordinary people.

In particular, the secret interpretation room also has physical requirements, and there are usually assessments. The people who came out this time also had physical requirements, so basically there were no problems. The problems were with Station 43 and the Central Military Commission Confidential Affairs Department In the intensive research team, one woman suffered from stomachache during her menstrual period, another had a bad stomach after eating, and one caught a cold while sleeping at night. Fortunately, they were discovered and dealt with in time, and no one fell behind.

It was much worse for the propaganda team. There were about fifty people, but more than one-fifth of them were in trouble, and they had only walked less than one-third of the distance.

This made deputy editor-in-chief Lu, who was leading the team, very worried. Although he was a leader, he had very little experience in this area.

There are some people in the team who have marching experience, but this team may have to disperse before reaching its destination.

Brother, I don't know when this rain will stop. If it doesn't stop tomorrow morning, it will be delayed. Li Fu (Cheng Song) said, looking at the line of water drops connecting the city under the eaves.

Ma Huan (Deng Yi), go out and ask the local folks when the rain will stop? Luo Yao told Deng Yi.

Deng Yi agreed: Okay, Team Qin.

While talking, Lin Banggu (Ling An) came in from outside. He held an umbrella, closed it, and placed it at the door.

The propaganda team has seven or eight patients, most of whom are girls. They didn't bring much medicine. Captain Lu sent someone to the town to hire a doctor. Hearing that we brought brown sugar, he wanted to give us some medicine. Make some ginger and brown sugar tea for them to drink?”

Give some to them. We all came out together, so we should help each other. Luo Yao nodded in agreement. If they came out together, they would be a drag on themselves if they couldn't leave tomorrow.

The main key personnel of the group were summoned to Luo Yao's house to discuss matters.

Team leader, everything is fine at home. Don't worry. Wu Yuliang (Zhou Lin) reported first.

Well, what's the battle report from the front line? Luo Yao nodded. It was already autumn, and it was raining this time. The weather is going to be several degrees colder again.

Especially at night, the temperature difference is greater, and those with poor physical fitness are indeed prone to catching colds.

There is no electricity in the town, and only oil lamps or horse lanterns can be used for lighting. Most residents go to bed as soon as it gets dark, and there are no recreational activities.

The Japanese troops in northern Jiangxi are divided into two groups, one is attacking Gao'an, and the other is pointing toward Xiushui to attack the 106th Division and the 101st Division respectively. Currently, our 32nd Army is stationed in several peripheral positions in Gao'an. It has been broken through by the Japanese army...

Didn't we inform the headquarters of the theater commander of the part of the telegram we deciphered? How could we be caught off guard? Huo Tian (Wu Yan) asked strangely.

Luo Yao smiled bitterly and said nothing.

Although they provided accurate intelligence, frontline commanders would also have their own judgments. If they did not believe the intelligence, there was nothing they could do.

The battles are always fought by them, and they cannot fight for them.

It's a pity that we don't have the equipment at hand to carry out detection work immediately. Otherwise, we should be able to intercept many Japanese military secret communications. Lin Banggu (Ling An) said with a sigh.

Even if we have equipment, it's useless. Without enough power, the equipment can't be activated...

This is indeed a real problem. Listening equipment must be supported by electricity. Without electricity, it cannot work.

In particular, a stable power supply is required.

Team leader, a telegram was sent from home, confirming that Okamura Neji's front finger has arrived in Xianning! Wu Yuliang (Zhou Lin) walked in with a telegram and reported to Luo Yaohui.

Xianning, it seems that the Japanese army's main attack direction is northern Jiangxi. We have mobilized heavy troops in the direction of Mufu Mountain in northern Hunan. We occupy the terrain and geographical advantages, which makes it difficult for the Japanese army to capture. Lin Banggu (Ling'an) analyzed.

Everyone nodded, but Luo Yao didn't speak. A group of people who had never fought in a war were discussing military strategies. It was all just talk on paper and could not get to the point at all.

Immediately send this judgment to the headquarters of the ninth theater commander in the name of the 'X' team. Luo Yao ordered.

Is it a reminder?

Who is Commander Xue? Do you need us to remind you? We are only responsible for providing intelligence for Commander Xue and the frontline generals to make decisions. Remember, we are here to assist with the mission and not to interfere with the frontline command. We are new here and have not yet established the If the condescending attitude arouses the resentment of the frontline generals, it will go against our original intention! Luo Yaodao said, Therefore, the wording of the telegram we send to the theater commander's headquarters must be more respectful and objective.

I understand, team leader.

How the war is fought depends on Commander Xue and the soldiers on the front line to worry about. Let's just do our own thing well and don't worry about others. Luo Yaodao.

Qin Zu is right.

Huo Tian (Wu Yan) and others did not expect Luo Yao to be so experienced at such a young age and considerate in particular details. No wonder the superiors would let him serve as the team leader of this mission.

Okay, we have been driving for a day. Everyone is tired. Let's go back to sleep. I hope it will light up tomorrow and the rain will stop, so we can be on our way. Luo Yao waved his hand.

Everyone got up and dispersed. Only Li Fu sat there without moving. He lived in the same room as Luo Yao.

The purpose of the Japanese army launching the Hunan-Kiangxi Campaign is to eliminate the effective forces in our Ninth War Zone. The National Government's most powerful and powerful military groups are now in the Ninth War Zone. If they can consume most of our Ninth War Zone's strength, I'm afraid the National Government will We really can only settle in the southwest corner and wait for the opportunity. Li Fu said.

This strategic intention is obvious, but the Japanese army is trying to eat our main force. Why can't we counterattack and eat the main force of its Eleventh Army? Luo Yao chuckled.

Do we have this ability?

Don't overestimate the enemy, and don't underestimate yourself. Although the Japanese army is very strong, haven't we also achieved great victories like Taierzhuang on local battlefields? Luo Yao said, It all depends on manpower. I think Commander Xue will live up to his expectations. .”

Brother, are you here to kill me?

No, even if I take the car, my bones will fall apart after a long day. Go to bed early and get up early tomorrow. Luo Yao resisted.

Come on, come and kill with me. Lao Ma hasn't come back yet. Li Fu walked over and dragged Luo Yao up from the bed. (Lao Ma, Ma Huan, Deng Yi’s pseudonym)

At the top of Yuelu Mountain, the ninth theater command post.

Brother Boling, it's cold and dewy, so you'd better put it on. Acting Chief of Staff Wu Xuexin took the coat from the adjutant and put it on the shoulders of Xue Boling, who was standing in the yard.

You are a new student. When did you come back?

It's been a while. Wu Xuexin chuckled, I'm worried about the war in northern Jiangxi. Luo Zhuoqing is watching over there, what else are you worried about?

This Okamura Neiji is a China expert. This old devil is very good at using roundabout tactics. Although he is attacking northern Jiangxi now, I always feel that his main attack direction is not there. Xue Boling said.

Just as Wu Xuexin was about to make an excuse, there was a rush of footsteps.

Chief of Staff Zhao Zili appeared behind the two of them: Chief Xue, Chief of Staff Wu, telegram.


Team 'X'.

Is it the communications team of the Field Service Corps? Xue Boling said disdainfully, The higher-ups are trying to cause trouble for me at this time.

Zhao Zili was stunned. He didn't know whether to read the message in his hand or not.

Let me see what you said? Wu Xuexin took the telegram directly from Zhao Zili's hand, glanced at it, and showed a hint of surprise.

Are you really interested? Xue Boling chuckled.

Bo Ling, this is really a very important piece of information. I just learned about it and came here to find you. I didn't expect that they actually knew it. Wu Xuexin said.

What? Xue Boling also became interested when he heard this.

Okamura Neiji set up the former enemy headquarters in Xianning, and people arrived at least two days in advance. Wu Xuexin said solemnly.

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