The secret war is silent

Chapter 395 There are bandits

The people in the military command are quite capable. It's not surprising that they were able to get information about Okamura Neji. Xue Boling said disapprovingly after being surprised.

Brother Boling, the telegram said that their analysis and judgment based on intercepted Japanese military communications may be different from what you and I imagined. Wu Xuexin said.

Yeah. Xue Boling didn't care about this. Okamura Neji set his front finger in Xianning. Some things can be analyzed from this trend.

Come in with me. I have something to discuss with you.

Have you called back, Chief Xue? Luo Yao got up early the next morning, washed up, and prepared to have breakfast. At this time, the rain outside stopped, but it was still foggy.

It looks like the weather won't clear up for a while.

However, as long as it doesn't rain, we can continue on our way.

He didn't want to waste too much time on the road. It would be a pity to arrive late and not be able to participate in this battle that has a huge impact on the overall situation of the war.

Not yet, do you want to send it again? Wu Yuliang (Zhou Lin) asked.

No need, hurry up and pack your equipment, and we'll be on our way after breakfast. Luo Yao ordered.


Where's Lao Ma?

Here you are, team leader, you called me? Deng Yi (Ma Huan) poked his head in from the door and asked.

Last night I asked you to go find a fellow villager to inquire about the weather conditions. Why didn't you come back and tell me about the weather conditions? Luo Yao asked.

It's not like I came back late. I saw that you and Adjutant Cheng were asleep and I didn't have the nerve to wake you up, so I planned to come over early in the morning to report to you.

How to say?

This rain may continue for a while, but it won't rain too much during the day. There will be no problem if we go on our way, but we have to be careful if we go forward.

Are there bandits?

You are indeed right. There is a bandit village not far ahead. They rob homes and homes and target caravans traveling from north to south. The bandit leader's surname is Miao. He has a bandit name called Winged Tiger, and he has hundreds of people under his command. There are about ten people. Deng Yi (Ma Huan) said.

Can we take a detour?

There's no way around it, unless we don't take trucks and go over mountains and ridges. In that case, we will have to carry supplies and radio stations on our backs. We won't go far and we will probably have to get down, let alone those from the propaganda team. ”

Go ahead and invite Deputy Chief Editor Lu over. I want to discuss it with him.


After a while, the deputy editor-in-chief Lu was invited over. He was the leader of the propaganda team and the leader of the advance team. He should decide how to go and which route to take.

But in fact, along the way, the deputy editor-in-chief Lu was very aware of his limited abilities, so he relied heavily on Luo Yao's communications team.

He is in his forties and has been working at the JoongAng Ilbo newspaper for more than ten years. Naturally, it can be seen that this small team, composed entirely of young people, follows orders and prohibitions, whether in a car or on foot. They rarely speak.

Although their team is very loose, their discipline is exactly like an army. They should be soldiers.

In the propaganda team, except for one class of guards, no one else was equipped with a gun. However, this team did not need anyone to protect them along the way. Many people had bulging waists, which was obviously hiding their weapons.

Obviously, they are extraordinary.

According to convention, these people must be escorted by troops along the way. Otherwise, what should they do if they encounter danger along the way?

At least ordinary bandits would not dare to provoke a team escorted by regular troops.

Deputy Editor Lu, I just learned about it. We may pass by the area of ​​influence occupied by a group of bandits on the road ahead. We can't go around it. We must go there. Otherwise, we will waste more time climbing over mountains and ridges, and there will be no more We may not be able to reach Xiangcheng on time due to car transportation. I guess there must be spies like this in this town, so I came to you to discuss how to proceed?

What does Team Leader Qin mean?

What I mean is, leave after breakfast without making any stop. Luo Yao said, he was really not afraid of a mere group of bandits.

Before entering the temporary training class, he led the student team to defeat a bandit team halfway and captured Peng Rentu, a famous bandit in western Hunan.

Then we are safe? Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu was a little worried. Anyone who heard about bandits would inevitably be a little scared, especially since they were all weak people.

You can follow us, or wait for the next group of people to come over, and then go on the road together. By then, the escort force will be stronger. Luo Yao said.


Deputy Editor Lu, you can go back and discuss it with everyone. Anyway, we are leaving soon. You can go with us or stay and wait for the next batch. Luo Yao saw that he was hesitant. , added another sentence.

Team Leader Qin, can you guarantee our safety?

I can't guarantee this. Luo Yao shook his head. If something happens on the way, no one can say it.

Then let me go back and discuss it. Deputy Editor Lu said.

Okay, I'll wait for you for half an hour at most. After eating, we'll be on our way. We only need two trucks and the rest will be left to you. Luo Yao said.

Okay, Team Leader Qin. Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu left quickly.

Qin Group, do we really want to leave them alone and leave first? Deng Yi (Zhou Lin) asked.

Luo Yao nodded: It will take at least three days for the following group of people to arrive. In three days, if everything goes well, we will all arrive in Xiangcheng.

That's right. Anyway, we have plenty of weapons and ammunition. If a bandit comes over, let him never come back! Deng Yi (Zhou Lin) clenched his fists and said with confidence.

None of us have experienced actual combat, so if we really encounter bandits, we will definitely not be able to fight hard. We have to outwit them. Luo Yao said.


Of course, it's obviously not going to work if we take a car and swagger over there, but what do you think if we lure them down the mountain first and then attack them head-on? said Luo Yao.

You don't want to take the initiative to attack, do you?

Why not? If we fight back passively, we are probably no match for these bandits, because they are familiar with the terrain and may outnumber us. However, if it is the other way around, using our truck to lure them out first, we will A mantis stalks a cicada and an oriole follows behind, we are not trying to eliminate the bandits, we just need to defeat them and disperse them, then we can pass safely. Luo Yao said.

But how do we know where these bandits will ambush us?

This is very simple. When the time comes, I will take the radio station with me. I will go one step ahead and conduct reconnaissance. Once I find their traces, I will use the radio to contact you. You can follow the plan.

The bandits won't attack you?

I am alone and have a small target. If I make a move, if the gun goes off and scares away this fat sheep like you, then the gain will outweigh the loss. Luo Yao explained with a smile, Give it to me later. Here comes a mule, as well as local people’s clothes, mountain products, etc., buy some, and ask around, this winged tiger usually likes to rob caravans in those places.”

I understand. Deng Yi (Zhou Lin) nodded and agreed.

Brother, can I go with you? Li Fu (Cheng Song) requested.

No, you have to stay. Although you have never fought, you have learned at least. You have to stay and assist Xu Jihong in commanding the next battle.

Are you planning to hand over command to Xu Jihong?

Otherwise, can you do it? Luo Yao asked, Although Xu Jihong has never fought, she has experience in fighting behind enemy lines. She has killed people. What about you?

Li Fu (Cheng Song) was stunned. He had indeed never killed anyone. Xu Jihong was much better than him in this regard.

Gather all the men in our team and distribute weapons. Our tactics are very simple, just beat the master to death with random punches. Luo Yao said, The weapons owned by the bandits are all relatively backward, and ours are all the latest. , the best, and has a long range and strong firepower. I don’t know if the opponent has a machine gun. Even if it does, there are only one or two at most. Your marksmanship is very good. Before the battle starts, knock out the bandit’s machine gunner. And Commander, do you understand?”

I will tell you and Xu Jihong about the specific tactics. Luo Yao didn't want to fight this battle. If he could not fight, he would naturally not fight. Once there was a fight, there would be casualties. Every one of these people in the team felt sad if they were killed or injured.

However, if you have to pass through someone else's territory, you have no choice but to wait for the team behind to come up. How long will it take?

Luo Yao's biggest source of confidence is his unparalleled hearing. As long as his ears are fine, he can adapt to changes.

If you can get over it, get over it; if you can't get over it, go back and think of other ways.

If it can solve the trouble for those behind, it would be good to take a safe way out.

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and the propaganda team finally chose to stay in the ancient town, waiting for the following teams to come up, and then set off together with increased numbers and escort strength.

Luo Yao ignored them and took the team on the road after breakfast.

After leaving the boundary of the ancient town, the population began to become sparse. Although the road could be walked, it was much worse and the speed was much slower. Luo Yao was riding a mule, dressed like a local businessman, walking in front, and behind him The teams are about three or four miles apart.


There is a small copper bell hanging around the mule's neck. When the breeze blows, the sound can be carried far away.

Luo Yao got tired of sitting, so he got down and led the mule forward. In fact, he had arrived at a place where the winged tiger often haunted. He got down and walked just to find out what was going on on the mountain ridges on both sides to see if anyone was moving or ambushing.

After passing the pass, he got on the mule again and at the same time sent the safety message to the car behind him.

The mountain road is muddy and has potholes in some places. Whether walking or taking a car, it is difficult to get up quickly, but taking a car takes much less effort than walking.

Roadblock found ahead!

It's a tree stump.

Luo Yao frowned. It was too obvious to do this. These bandits were so rough at work. Why didn't they have any technical content at all?

The tree stump was lying in the middle of the road. The fracture looked fresh and it must have been freshly cut down. Anyone with a discerning eye would know at a glance that someone had placed it here intentionally.

There are bandits, and they are nearby, so I don’t even need to listen to them.

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