The secret war is silent

Chapter 396 Bandits

If there is a bandit when you go out, you will have good luck!

Master Hu, do you want to be a gangster?

What the hell, how much money can a gangster get? Such people dare to come out alone. They are ruthless characters. Do you think our brothers' lives are not our lives? Winged Tiger scolded his subordinates.

Yes Yes……


Who farted?

Tell Master Hu, the fried soybeans I ate last night...

What the hell, get away from me, it stinks!

Luo Yao almost laughed out loud.

This guy quite understands the principle of picking out the soft persimmons. No wonder he can dominate this land and still live so well.

The big fat sheep is right behind. I heard there are many young and beautiful girls. There are too many bachelors among our brothers on the mountain. This time everyone has a chance. Winged Tiger said.

Master Hu, pick the most beautiful one and let us pick the rest.

You don't need to tell me, Mr. Hu, I have been in the mountains for so many years, but I still haven't found a suitable wife to support the village. This time I can fulfill my long-cherished wish!

Ha ha!

The breeze brought these bandits ambushing on the hills. Luo Yao could basically determine the location of these people. He got off the mule, rode the mule, and prepared to pass by.

At the same time, he turned on the radio station that had already been adjusted on the mule, pressed his finger on the key, and began to send a report to Li Fu and others in the car behind.

In the swaying car, an operator put headphones on his head and turned on the radio, nervously waiting for possible radio signals from inside.

Didi didi...

Coming... Luo Yao used clear codes. There was no need to use secret codes for communication at this time. If the bandits had radio stations and the ability to intercept secret codes, they would have become the princes of the country.

Moreover, everyone is familiar with the plain code, and can directly read the contents of the telegram without the need for translation.

The team leader found the bandits. They were on the hill in front. They cut down a tree to make a roadblock. There should be more than forty people...

Find a place to park and follow the plan! Li Fu grabbed a rifle, knocked on the front of the car, and ordered the driver inside.

Deputy Leader Wu, I'm begging you. If something unexpected happens and we don't come back, you can take the remaining people back to the ancient town.

Adjutant Cheng, take care. Huo Tian (Wu Yan) said seriously. All the female comrades in the team are here except Xu Jihong.

You can't move here for up to an hour.

I got it.

After settling down Huo Tian and others, Li Fu and Xu Jihong led the remaining male team members, fully armed, and quickly moved in the predetermined direction according to the long-agreed plan.

The two cars waited for a quarter of an hour before starting up and driving forward slowly. Along the way, they deliberately drove a little slower.

Luo Yao, who was walking in front, found a place for his mule after getting out of sight of the bandits, hid it, put the radio on his back, and turned back to meet up with Li Fu and others at any time to take the bandits' escape route.

Time, all this takes time.

The appearance of the two trucks made the Tutu bandits very excited. They came here early in the morning and had been boarding for several hours. They were very hungry and finally got the fat sheep.

Everyone is gearing up, waiting for the winged tiger to give the order, and rush down to grab women and things.

Master Hu, why are there only two cars? Didn't Xiao Scaran say there are six cars in total? one of the bandits asked in confusion.

Has Little Scar come back?

not yet.

Ignore him, and hijack these two cars first. Winged Tiger didn't think about it for a while, and ordered directly. His information was quite accurate, which meant that they had his spies in the town.

Otherwise, how would you know that there were a total of six trucks on Luo Yao's road.

The two trucks were one behind the other, about twenty or thirty meters apart, walking slowly and leisurely on the winding mountain road. Although the speed was not fast, it was much faster than walking, and it was not much different even on horseback.

Seeing the tree stump roadblock on the road ahead, the car in front slowly slowed down. The truck behind seemed to also see the abnormality in front, and the driver also stepped on the brakes!

Master Hu, the car has stopped, shall we get off?

Er Huzi, you take the retreat from behind, and the rest of the people follow me! The winged tiger pulled out the shell gun from his waist, stretched out his tongue and licked his upper lip, his eyes as red as wolf eyes.

Just as they stood up and prepared to rush down the mountainside, gunshots suddenly rang out from behind, and four tongues of flames were fired directly at their backs.

That guy was so frightened that these bandits were dying. When did someone touch the back of his butt? It was so scary.

The four flower traps came in handy here, forming a cross fire net. Although the accuracy was not enough, the bandits were beaten and fled one by one. In a short while, more than a dozen fell down.

The remaining people were greeted directly with grenades.

Boom boom...

Suddenly the quiet mountains became lively, and such explosions could be heard in the ancient town. Although they were not very clear, they were definitely not firecrackers.

The ancient town is a traffic artery, and it’s not like we haven’t seen soldiers crossing the border before. The two armies are fighting, and the common people are familiar with it. What is the explosion?

It didn't take much, just a few grenades, and Winged Tiger and his men were knocked upside down by the explosion.

The wind is tight, pull!

After all, Winged Tiger was the bandit leader. His quick reaction and years of experience saved him. When he heard the gunfire, he rolled on the spot and dodged a bunch of bullets, but it also frightened him and sent chills down his spine. .

This is the closest he has been to death since he became a bandit. If the guy who eats is gone, no matter how much money or beauty you have, you will not be able to enjoy it.

What's more, the sudden attack stunned him. He didn't even know who the other party was and where he came from. Could it be that he was a gangster of his colleagues?

It doesn't make sense. I don't seem to have offended anyone recently?

The winged tiger ran away, as embarrassed as a pheasant that had been chased away in the forest.

He never imagined that the fat sheep he was targeting would plot against him, and he would be caught off guard and helpless to kill him.

I don’t know how many people there are on the other side, but when I hear the firepower, I know that they can’t compare, so why don’t I retreat quickly and take the lead and run away...

As soon as the winged tiger ran away, the bandits didn't have any morale at all. They all scurried after him with their heads in their hands.

Don't chase the poor bandits!

Li Fu and others were so excited to chase that they almost forgot Luo Yao's instructions. Fortunately, Luo Yao appeared in time and stopped their crazy behavior.

Our goal is to pass safely. Suppressing bandits is not our task. Let's leave quickly! Luo Yao ordered.

Team leader, what should we do with these injured bandits? Deng Yi (Ma Huan) asked. There were not many bandits killed at the scene, only seven or eight. The rest were injured and unable to leave. There were fifteen or sixteen in total, and the rest of the bandits ran away.

This result is quite normal.

As for people like Li Fu who have never been on the battlefield, most of them are from the secret interpretation room rushing in front. After all, they have undergone strict military training, but they have never officially been on the battlefield. It is good to be able to fight like this in the first battle. Well, of course, it was mainly due to proper tactics, attacks from behind, sudden attack, and fire suppression, etc., that the bandits were defeated in one fell swoop.

When bandits fight, most of them rely on their breath. Once this breath is released, they lose. This breath, especially the courage of the bandit leader, is mainly based on it. Once the leader is discouraged, what else will his subordinates do?

The army is different.

If he encountered a Japanese army, even a local garrison, Luo Yao would not dare to do this. Even if he planned the same thing, he would be annihilated if the Japanese army counterattacked.

Team leader, what should I do with these weapons?

is that useful?

It's not much use. Li Fu (Cheng Song) said. He was used to using sophisticated weapons, so he looked at these scraps of copper and scrap metal, although these scraps of scrap metal are still rare weapons in China today.

Destroy it, lest it be left to them to harm others. Luo Yao ordered. If these weapons are left behind, they will definitely be picked up by the bandits. If they take them back, they will continue to recruit troops and cause harm to one party, so it is better to destroy them.

After a brief tidying up, the battlefield was cleaned, and the casualties were counted. There were only a few scratches, which was extremely lucky.

After removing the roadblock.

Everyone got in the car and quickly continued along the mountain road. As for the injured bandits, they were left on the mountain road and left to fend for themselves.

This is because they are all Chinese, so no assassins were killed.

If there is one person here who can wake up and change his ways, that is a meritorious deed.

Team leader, do you want to send a message to Deputy Editor Lu and ask them to leave with us immediately? Deng Yi (Ma Huan) suggested.

We are not nannies. Since we have been separated from them, there is no need to cause trouble anymore. It is better to leave quickly. Li Fu (Cheng Song) said.

Lin Banggu (Ling An) echoed: Adjutant Cheng is right. If you take them with you, we have to take care of them. Now that we are leaving by ourselves, we don't have so many worries and can speed up.

That's true. It's really hard to walk very fast with them. We haven't gone very far, so we have to take a rest. If we keep walking like this, we may not be able to get there in half a month, let alone a week. Deng Yi (Ma Huan) clicked nod.

Let's go, the battle ahead is fierce, we must race against time and get to Xiangcheng as soon as possible. Luo Yao ordered.

Xue Boling didn't care much about the X detection team led by Luo Yao, but Wu Xuexin, the acting chief of staff, didn't think so. He asked the intelligence staff to pay attention to the movements of the X team at any time and report to him as soon as there was news.

Chief of Staff, 'X' team reported that they have left the ancient town and are expected to arrive at colleagues tonight. If everything goes well, they can arrive in Guiyang tomorrow.

This is fast enough.

They were traveling in cars, and the personnel were all lightly dressed. They took the highway, which is naturally faster. But if it rains, it will be difficult to predict. said the intelligence staff.

Do you have information about the members of this 'X' group?

No, in order to prevent leaks, the information of everyone in this team is currently kept confidential. Unless we apply for access in the name of the theater commander, we will not be able to obtain accurate information.

Is only Commander Xue qualified?

Yes, that's the reply we got. The intelligence staff said helplessly.

Wu Xuexin nodded. If he wanted to know the situation of the X team, he would really go to Xue Boling himself. Only he had the right to request access to relevant archives.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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