The secret war is silent

Chapter 397 Yang Fan returns to the team

Everyone, please work harder. Qianyang County is not far away. We will definitely get there before dark... Luo Yao led a mule and walked in the middle of the team to encourage everyone.

On the way, a truck got stuck in the mud on the roadside and broke down. Even if someone pulled the truck out of the mud, it wouldn't be repairable for a while.

And there are no local auto repair shops to repair cars.

We had no choice but to spend money to buy some mules and horses, and let the women in the team ride in the carriages, while the men who knew how to ride horses would all ride horses or mules.

In this way, this team really feels like a service team going to the front line.

When we get to Qianyang, I'll treat you all to a hot meal, a hot bath, and a good night's sleep... Luo Yao shouted at the top of his lungs as he walked away.

Finally, everyone was attracted by the hot rice and hot bath. The last bit of energy was spent on the road. Before dark, they saw the sign of Qianyang County.

Oh, brother Qin, you are finally here, but you can't wait for me for a while. Before entering the city, I met Wu Lang, the deputy head teacher of Qianyang class, and his party on the road.

Luo Yao had already sent him a secret message, telling him the time and route to Qianyang, so he showed up here to wait.

Deputy Director Wu, I'm causing trouble for you.

We are all a family here. We have arranged an inn for you in the city. According to your request, it should not be too ostentatious. It is very ordinary, but the place is spacious enough. Wu Lang said hurriedly. They had not seen each other for more than half a year. Luo Yao's current status may not be comparable to that of the deputy head teacher of the Qianyang class in the future.

Young people are formidable. Such people will definitely be high-ranking officials in the military system in the future. Even if they are not flattering, there is no need to offend such people.

It is not stupid to create a strong enemy for your future.

Brother Qin, I've hosted a banquet at Qianyang Restaurant in the city, and I'd like to invite you to honor me... Wu Lang extended an invitation to Luo Yao.

Deputy Director Wu, it's not that I'm ungrateful, but this mission is confidential. If it weren't for the mission, I wouldn't pass by Qianyang and bother you. Do you understand what I mean?

Wu Lang nodded: I understand, I think brother Qin is just an ordinary caravan, and I will cover it for you later?

We all have cover identities, so don't hide it for us. Luo Yao waved his hand and said, Where is the person I want?

We have already arranged to stay at the inn. You can see us when we get there.

Okay, thank you so much, Deputy Director Wu. Luo Yao solemnly cupped his fists.

Fushun Car Shop.

The largest yard was rented out, and a dozen young men came to take over the yard in the early stage. Since then, the yard has not allowed the store's clerks to come in and out at will.

Until night, when the lights are on.

A large group of people arrived, not only cars, but also mules and horses. There were quite a few people, including men and women, all of whom looked quite young.

It seems that he carries a lot of goods with him, and it seems to be of extraordinary origin.

Master, everything is arranged! Yang Fan walked out and came to Luo Yao, bending slightly to report.

Seeing Yang Fan suddenly, Luo Yao was very happy and laughed: Okay.

The people behind looked at each other, wondering how Luo Yao became the young master of the young man in front of him, but everyone was experienced, so this must have been arranged by Luo Yao in advance.

This time, he finally returned to the team.

Enter the courtyard.

Everyone settle down first, take a rest, and go to the front hall to eat in half an hour. Luo Yao said, looking around at the tired-looking people behind him.

Lao Ma, please arrange the room, and then arrange for the store clerk to boil more hot water, so that everyone can take a bath tonight, and let the lesbians take a bath first.

Okay, everyone, come with me. Four people per room... Deng Yi (Ma Huan) agreed and immediately made arrangements.

Set up a radio station, contact home and the theater commander's headquarters, and report our location. Yang Fan led Luo Yao into a room in the middle, with a living room and rooms on both sides.

Luo Yao and Li Fu lived in the east room, and the radio station was set up in the west room. This was also for the convenience of work. As for the living room, it was the place for conversations and discussions.

I washed my face with cold water and felt much better.

Graduation is in more than a month. No wonder I dragged you out now? Luo Yao took the towel handed over by Yang Fan and wiped his face and asked.

In fact, I could have graduated a long time ago, but I don't like my current job direction. I still like to follow you. Yang Fan said.

Luo Yao knew that Yang Fan was very good, but he had been in prison and had seen too much darkness and intrigue in the cell. He lacked trust in people, especially in the secret service organization Juntong, which was full of deceit and fighting. His personality was easy to Becoming someone else's victim.

He was sent to the Qianyang class by Luo Yao himself, so even if someone took a fancy to him and wanted to get him away, there was nothing Luo Yao could do if he didn't agree.

Are the ten people under your command reliable?

They are all my classmates. They have been through life and death with me. They are absolutely reliable. Yang Fan nodded. He is also a minor celebrity in the Qianyang class. Imitation of the temporary training class, the Qianyang class also has a ranking of Qianyang Ten Tigers , Yang Fan ranked third and has considerable appeal in the Qianyang class.

Although Yang Fan is a student, he has already performed many tasks and is not a newcomer with no experience.

You didn't distribute any weapons, did you?

Well, the guns in the base are all for training. Deputy Director Wu can only use his own privileges to allocate us three speed machines with only 60 rounds of ammunition. Yang Fan said.

Okay, I've brought weapons. Four of them are flower machines and six of them are official. You will distribute them to everyone in a while. From now on, you will be on guard duty. If there is an emergency, what can you do if you don't have weapons? Luo Yao ordered.

Yes, Master.

Don't call me young master. You can call me team leader or team leader Qin here. Luo Yao corrected.

Yes, Team Leader Qin.

Team leader, this brother looks very familiar to you. Have you known each other before? Deng Yi (Ma Huan) came in and asked curiously.

Well, a little brother of mine from the past sent him to the Qianyang class. This time, he came to pick him up. Luo Yao explained.

Is he coming with us?

Well, his team will be responsible for our security protection in the war zone. Luo Yao nodded, They are all elites from the Qianyang class.

This relationship is good. If we encounter bandits like the Winged Tiger again, we won't let the tiger go back to the mountain due to lack of manpower.

Do you still want to encounter him again? Luo Yao was defeated by Deng Yi's big heart. He didn't want to encounter him again. If he didn't need an identity cover, he would have just taken a plane and flew to Hengyang.

Hehe, the battle at Shatu Ridge was quite enjoyable. Deng Yi (Ma Huan) smiled unkindly.

It was a fluke that we won. If we hadn't been caught by surprise and unprepared, with just a few of our people and a few guns, we might not be the opponent of that winged tiger. Luo Yao reminded objectively, don't be just because of a victory. They are dizzy. Their battlefield is not like fighting the Japanese invaders on the battlefield, but in a place where the smoke of gunpowder can't be seen. Don't put the cart before the horse.

Yes, Group Qin, I understand. Deng Yi (Ma Huan) nodded, Dinner is ready, pumpkin soup, white rice, fried meat with dried bamboo shoots and roasted eggplant.

It's pretty good. I've been hungry for a long time after traveling for a long time. Let's go and eat together. Luo Yao asked, and his stomach immediately started growling.

Except for a bowl of rest in the ancient town, I have been on the road these days. I ate dry food during the day and did not stay in a hotel at night. I just found a place to shelter from the wind and rain. There is nothing to be particular about when I am away from home. Besides, they are all soldiers, and they are not here to enjoy the scenery this time.

After dinner, everyone goes back to rest. We don't need to arrange sentries tonight. Everyone can have a peaceful sleep. Get up at five o'clock tomorrow morning, have breakfast at five thirty, and set off at six o'clock. Please remember , don’t sleep too much, you’ll get up late then, and go on the road hungry!” Luo Yao announced in public during the meal.

Dear guests, this is a local specialty, Yuanshui fish. Please try it. The owner of the inn came over and took a large pot of fish from the waiter and put it on the table.

Boss, this fish is not what we ordered, is it?

This is a gift from the shop. Please give it a try. In the future, come to our Qianyang City to take care of the business of the shop. The boss explained.

Your boss is quite good at doing business. Yes, okay, we can just eat the fish. Luo Yao chuckled and thanked him.

You guys are welcome. If you need anything, just say hello. The boss withdrew.

Luo Yao glanced at Yang Fan and nodded slightly. The boss should be fine. Besides, they didn't reveal their identity along the way. The boss is a local. He took over the inn from the previous generation and has a history of more than 40 years. .

The farthest place the boss has gone is the provincial capital Xiangcheng.

So, this is nothing more than big customers coming to show their goodwill and soliciting business. Isn't this inn business just for repeat customers?

Come, come, pour out half of this fish and give it to everyone to try!

Alone Better Together.

Luo Yao has never been a solitary eater.

Yes, this fish is really delicious. It's a pity that we will leave tomorrow. Otherwise, we would have a chance to taste this local delicacy in Qianyang. Huo Tian (Wu Yan) was full of praise after tasting the fish.

When we go back, we can come again. Then, can't we just eat him again?

Haha, that's true.

Yang Fan, tell the boss to prepare a hundred steamed buns for us tomorrow morning, as well as pickles, dried meat and the like. After the meal, Luo Yao called Yang Fan to him and gave instructions.

Shouldn't we have breakfast before leaving tomorrow?

This is lunch prepared for everyone. We are tired of eating dry food. Let's change the taste. Luo Yao explained.

Yes, is just a hundred enough?

One hundred is not enough, so two hundred. It doesn't hurt to bring more.

Asking for monthly ticket

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