The secret war is silent

Chapter 398 Xiangbei started

After dinner, Luo Yao convened a regular meeting with key personnel. This has been a daily routine since setting off from the mountain city. In addition to understanding and solving problems in the team, he also arranged the marching tasks for the next day.

As a team leader, he didn't dare to slack off at all.

Most people would not have this kind of training opportunity, which was enough to show that Dai Yunong really trusted and relied on him.

Okay, nothing happened. Let's all disperse. Go back and have a good rest. Next, we will rush directly to Xiangcheng without going to the city to rest in the middle. Luo Yao closed his notebook and said.


Yang Fan stays.

How about it? I heard that you got the nickname Crazy Tiger in Qianyang class? Luo Yao laughed and called Yang Fan into the room.

That's all because of their nonsense. Yang Fan had been in prison, experienced the harshness of the world, and knew the suffering of the people, so he naturally developed a character that hates evil as much as hatred.

Therefore, every time he takes action, he must be merciless. Once again he killed like crazy, so he was nicknamed Crazy Tiger by his classmates.

In fact, he is usually a very quiet and peaceful person. He talks little but is not difficult to get along with.

Deputy Director Wu told you about your situation in the telegram. When he was still a student, he eliminated the banditry in Qianyang area and restored peace to the local area. It's amazing. Luo Yaodao.

For those who bully good people, you have to be more ruthless and fierce than them. They will not listen to your reasoning. They only recognize fists.

Yes, but you can't generalize. You will understand when you meet him later. Luo Yao nodded. Although Yang Fan's understanding is a bit extreme, in his world, it is indeed the truth, and most people can encounter it. These are all situations of this kind.

Let's talk about this mission. Luo Yao said, This time your mission is different from the ones you have carried out before. This time it is security. This may be boring, but it is very important. These people who came with us They are all treasures, and we cannot afford to lose any of them. When we get to Xiangcheng, the situation there will be more complicated...

When Luo Yao spoke again, Yang Fan listened and remembered it seriously.

By the way, Tiger, haven't you found a like-minded girl in your class? Luo Yao asked with a smile.

Yang Fan instantly became embarrassed and lowered his head in embarrassment.

It's okay if you need my help. If you need my help, just ask. I can still say a few words to you, Deputy Director Wu. When the job is assigned after graduation, you can arrange it nearby. Luo Yaodao, for his own people, It's not a big deal if he uses his power for personal gain.

Some jobs are the same no matter who does it, so why not use your own people?

It will still be some time until you officially graduate. Tell me if you think about it. Luo Yao chuckled, Some people miss it, and this life is over.

Team leader, the theater staff called and said that they have arranged a station for us in Xiangcheng. No. 4 Rongyuan, Xumingli, Swan Pond, outside Nantianmen, Xiangcheng. Let us go there directly after arriving in Xiangcheng. Wu Yuliang (Zhou Lin) ) came over with a telegram to report.

No. 4 Rongyuan, Xumingli? Luo Yao was stunned when he heard this address, and then smiled. Isn't this the first time he went to the Xiangcheng Temporary Training Class Office to report to live?

This time I am going back to my old place.

Or was this an intentional arrangement?

Regardless of whether it was intentional or not, this arrangement was still very welcome to him. At least it was much better to have to go to an unfamiliar place.

Where's home?

Deputy Director Chen asked the research room to report the messages decrypted every day to him. Deputy Station Director Gong blocked it and said that in your absence, all decoded messages would be copied directly to Director Mao. He can't find an excuse to take over the secret translation room. Wu Yuliang (Zhou Lin) said.

I have known for a long time that this Chen Zuxun is restless, and he should have been ordered by Wei Daming. My absence is a good opportunity for them to seize power. Wei Daming must have been to the secret translation room, right?

Well, as soon as you left the mountain city, he left the next day. The deputy station director was afraid that you would be distracted, so he told us in the telegram not to tell you.

He is a consultant. If he wants to come to the secret interpretation room, no one can stop him. When I was there before, he didn't want to see me, so he naturally wouldn't go. Now that I'm not here, he will naturally go to refresh his presence. Luo Yao Nodding, he had guessed all these little moves and left some countermeasures for Gong Hui.

Wei Daming wants to cause chaos, and there is Mao Qiwu. Mao Qiwu will not watch the secret interpretation room being in chaos. He is still the director of the secret interpretation room.

Mao Qiwu served as the director of the secret interpretation room, which secretly offended Wei Daming. The relationship between the two had long been not so good. If Wei Daming took over the secret interpretation room, what status would Mao Qiwu have?

What achievements does this secret translation room have? Outsiders will think that Wei Daming is a good leader. What does it have to do with Mao Qiwu?

As long as Luo Yao is away, the secret interpretation room will go according to plan and do its own thing well. If nothing happens, it will be difficult for Wei Daming to take advantage of any loopholes.

Well, let's remind Deputy Station Master Gong to be careful about her opponents secretly doing things. Luo Yao ordered.

Yes, team leader.

After a night of silence, Luo Yao slept very soundly. He got up early the next morning, packed his bags, and had breakfast. He had mung bean noodles for breakfast.

Local specialty pasta, everyone has a big bowl full.

Two hundred steamed buns, still steaming, were packed directly into the truck.

The car was also filled with gas.

While most of the people in the ancient city were still sleeping, the convoy began to set off, facing thirteen guards with guns on their backs.

He was nicknamed the Thirteen Taibao by Huo Tian (Wu Yan) and others.

With the addition of new troops, everyone is no longer so worried on this journey. In fact, the next trip will be much safer. After all, the government's control here is much stronger. Except for some small groups of bandits, bandits cannot survive here. .

It would be good if they were not wiped out by the army.

Team leader, today is September 18th? Riding on horseback, Xu Jihong suddenly rode up from behind and said side by side with her.

I know that this day worth remembering is also a day of humiliation! Luo Yao nodded.

Yes, eight years ago today, the three eastern provinces fell. Xu Jihong nodded, At that time, I was still young, only sixteen or seventeen years old, and still studying. When I heard the news, my teacher stood On the podium, he suddenly burst into tears and cursed Marshal Zhang for harming the country...

I was in college at the time. When my classmates heard the news, they were all angry. Everyone stopped going to class and took to the streets to demonstrate to denounce the National Government. Thinking about it now, I still feel a little childish. Luo Yaodao, Actually, marching is a denunciation of the National Government. , at most, they just vent their emotions, but it does not help the fact that the Japanese invaders invaded the three eastern provinces. The most direct way is to join the army, go to the battlefield to fight directly with the Japanese invaders, and drive them out of China.

It's not completely helpless. At least it can wake up the people and unite to resist aggression. People's support is also a kind of strength.

You may be right, but I still find it satisfying to fight against the Japanese invaders on the battlefield, or even to lurk behind enemy lines and directly confront Japanese agents and traitors. That's not bad either.

So, you have always wanted to go to the front line? Xu Jihong's eyes flashed with a hint of reverence.

Yes, I really want to go to the front line, but the front line is not something I can go to if I want to... Luo Yao nodded. People often cannot help themselves. Although what he is doing now is to fight against Japan and save the country. The meaning is greater and the achievement is greater.

Men, everyone has a dream of being a general. Who doesn’t hope that he can command thousands of troops to fight against the enemy on the battlefield, kill generals and capture flags, conquer cities and territories, and achieve great achievements.

While talking, Wu Yuliang (Zhou Lin) jumped out of the truck and ran towards the back.

Team leader, telegram!

What's the matter? Luo Yao reined in the reins and stopped. Normally, Wu Yuliang (Zhou Lin) would not report an immediate telegram, but would only wait until a break. Anyway, as long as it is not an urgent matter, there is no need to rush and report on the road. , it is easy to delay the trip and waste time.

But if it is an important matter, he will stop and report immediately. Obviously, the matter is a bit urgent.

I just received the battle report. Early this morning, the Japanese Sixth Division, the 26th Brigade and the 33rd Division launched a fierce attack on our front-line position stationed at Xinqianghe in three directions from west to east. You guessed it, The main direction of the Japanese army's attack this time is not northern Jiangxi, but northern Hunan. Northern Jiangxi is just a feint attack by the Japanese army to attract our army's attention and firepower. Wu Yuliang (Zhou Lin) handed over a telegraph newspaper, and then reached out to wipe the scars on his forehead. A handful of sweat said.

When Luo Yao saw the contents of the telegram, he was slightly startled while riding on horseback. It was not that he had guessed it, but that this was what Neji Okamura did in history.

How long until we reach Xiangcheng? Luo Yao asked after three seconds of silence.

“If it’s the fastest, it’ll be tomorrow night.” Deng Yi (Ma Huan) approached from behind and said, “If it’s slower, we’ll arrive the day after tomorrow.”

Has our equipment arrived yet?

It has been loaded into the truck and set off. We will arrive at Xiangcheng Railway Station at noon tomorrow. The theater headquarters will send someone to help us receive the equipment.

Adjutant Cheng!


Take two people with you and take the lead as liaison officers. You must arrive at the Xiangcheng Railway Station before noon tomorrow. You must urge the people at the theater headquarters to help us transfer the equipment to the station. Nothing is lost or damaged! Luo Yao called Li Fu and gave a direct order.

If he hadn't been unable to leave with his team, he himself would have taken the first step to Xiangcheng.

Yes. Li Fu agreed, went to Yang Fan, asked for two people, directly changed into war horses, crossed the team, and galloped away.

Xiangbei started.

September 18th, the Japanese really like this day. It depends on whether they have such a good mouth this time. Xiangcheng is not Fengtian.

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