The secret war is silent

Chapter 399 Overnight

One, two, three, try harder...

It rained continuously and the road was muddy. By accident, the car got stuck in the mire, and we had to get out of the car and push it out.

Fortunately, there are many people and great strength, otherwise there would really be nothing we can do.

This is the only truck left. If it breaks down again, it would be a pity to leave it on the roadside. This truck is worth five hundred US dollars, and it has to be transported from Myanmar, which will cost more than this amount.

War is about wealth.

It’s really hard to have no money.

Team leader, can you wipe your face? Deng Yi (Ma Huan) handed over a towel. The wheels were idling just now, and the mud and water hit the person pushing the cart.

Luo Yao took the lead and was right next to the wheel. Naturally, he was splashed all over. Although he was wearing a raincoat so that the clothes inside would not be stained, his face was hard to see.

Okay, no more wiping. Such a clean towel will turn black as soon as you wipe it. Quickly count the number of people and move on! Luo Yao stretched out his hand and wiped his face and said. When the rain washed away, there was no need to wipe at all.

Team leader, I remember there is a Zhuangzi in front of us. We can spend the night there tonight! A clear female voice came over.

Of course Luo Yao heard it, and it was clear that it was Chen Zerong's voice. She used to work at Xiangcheng Station and was familiar with the environment here.

Having her on the list this time is not entirely nepotism. It is also a practical need. In the next work, no one knows whether she will have contact with Xiangcheng Station, and it is better to have someone familiar with her. It’s better not to know anything.

Okay, then you will lead the way and we will go there!

Go forward, about five miles. Chen Zerong (Sun Qian) nodded, got on a group of horses, and walked at the front of the team.

Follow up, keep up with those behind you, remember the people in front and behind you, don't lose them...

It was already dark and raining, so people had to keep an eye on them. If they were lost in the wilderness, it would be difficult to find them.

Team leader, Zhao Shiyin has a fever!

What's going on? Are you okay this morning? Luo Yao asked sternly. Zhao Shiyin is the translator, and the most powerful translator in the team this time. As long as she masters the secret code, her decryption speed is three times faster than others. In battle, time means an advantage.

Even if it is faster by one second, he may win the battle chance, so this time, he brought her out. He also knew that this girl was weak and in poor health, so he sent someone to take care of her and keep her from getting wet as much as possible. Catch a cold.

She didn't have a good rest last night, and she was sick. She accidentally caught a little rain on the road and got a fever!

Hurry up and hurry up. When we get to the campsite, give her medicine immediately. Luo Yao was helpless. No one could blame anyone for this kind of thing.

No human fault.

Half an hour later, we finally arrived at the Zhuangzi that Chen Zerong (Sun Qian) was talking about. The walls were ruined, and even if someone had lived there before, we don’t know how long ago it was.

This manor belonged to an official who became an official in the former Qing Dynasty. It was originally built as a place to sweep tombs during the Qingming Festival and to escape the summer heat. Then, for some unknown reason, a fire burned part of the house. People said that this official had done too much in the past. What a bad thing, this was a punishment from God. Not long after that, the official died of illness, and no one came to the Zhuangzi anymore. Later, it was rumored that the Zhuangzi was haunted, and the people nearby moved away, leaving it deserted. Chen Zerong He led everyone into Zhuangzi and explained as they walked.

When they pushed the door open and came in, the rain suddenly stopped and a gust of cold wind blew. Everyone felt goosebumps all over the floor.

There isn't really a ghost here, is there?

It's spooky and scary...

Otherwise, why don't we find another place to stay?

Within a radius of twenty miles here, only Zhuangzi can accommodate so many of us. Chen Zerong is a girl, but she is not afraid at all.

These ghosts are all pretended by people. Only those who have ghosts in their hearts are afraid of ghosts. There are so many of us and we have guns. There really is a ghost. What are we afraid of? Meng Tian (Wu Yan) laughed and took the lead to walk inside. Go.

Yes, there are so many of us, but we are still afraid of one or two lonely ghosts. How dare we come here and discipline him? One of Yang Fan's men said loudly.

Tiger, patrol inside and outside Zhuangzi and set up warning posts. Luo Yao ordered. He did not believe in ghosts and monsters. He was a staunch atheist.

Human hearts are scarier than ghosts.

Contact your family and report our location. Luo Yao ordered.


Team leader, Zhao Shiyin fainted...

Let's go and take a look. Luo Yao was startled and hurriedly followed the girl who came to report the news to the side room next door.

A group of young girls surrounded a young girl lying on the ground with hay spread under her body. The girl was weak and slender, and her complexion was as white as paper.

Team leader, you are here.

Not caring about the defense between men and women, Luo Yao stretched out his hand to touch Zhao Shiyin's forehead. It was indeed very hot, making him faint.

Heat hot water immediately and wipe her armpits with a hot towel to ensure that the heat in her body is dissipated and that she is not exposed to the wind. Luo Yao decisively ordered, The first aid kit we distributed includes a fever-reducing needle. , give it to her quickly, if one shot doesn’t work, just two shots, make sure to bring down her fever.”

Yes, team leader.

Everyone, don't gather together. Leave two people to take care of Zhao Shiyin. The others should rest. We have to rush tomorrow. Luo Yao waved his hand.

It's a bit tricky to burn it like this.

He wanted to bring a doctor, but Jiang Pingping was pregnant at this time, and she would definitely not be able to withstand the hardship. If she had a miscarriage, Shen Yu should use a knife to chase her from the mountain city to Xiangcheng.

Return to the main house.

Team Qin, how is Zhao Shiyin's situation? Meng Tian (Wu Yan) asked with concern.

We are not optimistic. All the existing methods for reducing fever have been used. If the fever can be brought down, it will be fine. If not, we have to speed up and send the person to a large hospital in Xiangcheng for treatment. Luo Yao said.

You have equipped each of us with a first-aid kit, which also contains fever-reducing injections and pain-relieving injections. It seems that we are well prepared. Meng Tian (Wu Yan) said.

I am also planning for a rainy day. I have to use everything I can think of. Luo Yao said.

Shangfeng was right to choose you as the team leader. If I were on my own, I probably wouldn't have thought of this. If I encountered such a situation, I might not even know how to deal with it.

Old Wu, you are so humble. If I really appoint you as the team leader, you can naturally think of these things. Luo Yao said humbly.

I am the material, I know it myself, so don't comfort me. Meng Tian (Wu Yan) shook his head and smiled, and said, I have to continue to figure out how to carry out work after arriving in Xiangcheng. Time waits for no one. ah.

Well, let's have dinner later and I'll have someone bring it to you.

Team leader, I just received a war report from home. Gao'an has been lost. Wu Yuliang (Zhou Lin) came over with a telegram and reported.

Got it. Luo Yao said silently. The Japanese attack was well-prepared. Even the Chinese army was well prepared. However, faced with the huge gap in weapons and soldier quality, the Chinese army was really no match for the Japanese army in terms of positional warfare. Let alone the elite of the national army, there is currently no unit in China that can confront the Japanese army head-on.

Luo Yao knew very well the tactics Xue Boling would use next, to retreat and fight decisively. This tactic was undoubtedly the most suitable for the current national army, because he comprehensively considered the situation of the national army. It would be better, but the organization and coordination ability of the national army is not good. It is easy for the troops to break up first when making detours. Not only will they fail to achieve their goals, but they will also become a flock of sheep driven by the enemy.

Correct tactics must be used on the right people. Otherwise, even if you have brilliant tactics and use them on inappropriate people, it will only be a disastrous failure.

If the tactics are right, this war will not be lost. The difference lies in the results achieved.

He was not worried at all about Xue Boling's command, and he was helping Xue Boling to expand the results of the war. By consuming the effective strength of the Japanese army, fewer people would die in future battles.

Team leader, you are really foresight in asking the owner of the big car shop to prepare two hundred steamed buns. Otherwise, where would we find food in this wilderness?

There is still food, but it's not as delicious as these white flour steamed buns. Lin Banggu (Ling'an) came over and said, Our dry food is too hard to swallow.

Here, let's have a bowl of broth. It's freshly stewed and it's delicious. A pot was brought in, and the big guys gathered the enamel cups.

Cold steamed buns, soaked in broth, one bowl is not enough, another bowl is not too much.

Shiyin, are you awake?

W-where am I? Zhao Shiyin finally woke up. Although the fever had not completely subsided, it had subsided a lot, otherwise the person would not have woken up.

We are camping. This is an abandoned village. You have a high fever. Fortunately, before departure, the team leader distributed a first aid kit to us all. The first aid kit contains a fever-reducing injection. Otherwise, I really don't know what to do. The girls Everyone gathered around.

I'm hungry, is there anything to eat?

Yes, you are weak and cannot eat too greasy food. We boiled the steamed buns in water, just enough for you to eat. A bowl of mushy steamed buns was brought over.

It smells so good.

I put sesame paste in it...

Before resting, Luo Yao took a look at Zhao Shiyin and found that her fever had gone down quite a bit and that she had someone taking care of her, so he felt relieved.

You, the team leader, are almost like parents. Meng Tian (Wu Yan) couldn't help but said when he saw Luo Yao coming back and put down the book in his hand.

There's nothing I can do about it. These people haven't experienced this, so I can't help but watch. Once they've experienced it, I won't have to worry so much.

How do you know to do this? It seems to be your first time, right?

The team leader has had marching experience before. If it hadn't been for the team leader that time, our entire team might have been wiped out. Xu Jihong walked in and said.

It's all in the past, don't mention it anymore.

Team Leader Hu (Xu Jihong), can you just tell us all? Meng Tian (Wu Yan) became interested and simply stopped reading and asked.

Qin Group, can I say something?

Just tell me what you want to say. Luo Yao nodded. This was something before they entered the special training class, so it was not considered a secret.

Then I'll tell you. It was almost two years ago... Xu Jihong began to talk.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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