The secret war is silent

Chapter 406 Sneak Attack

Yingtian is located in the triangle area where the Xiang River and Miluo River merge into Dongting Lake. It has a developed water system and many water and land docks along the coast. Economic and trade exchanges are prosperous. It has been a battleground for military strategists in ancient times.

The 15th Army's general supplies warehouse was located here because of the convenience of water transportation here, and it is also very close to the Guangdong-Han Railway.

Rail and road transportation are also very convenient.

It can be said to be a very excellent transportation hub, which is not only important in peacetime, but especially important in wartime.

In such a small town, the 15th Army put a regiment of troops to garrison. Under normal circumstances, it should be enough, because this is already the rear side of the national army's defense.

Although the Japanese army could come up from Dongting Lake, the geographical location of the camp made it difficult for the Japanese army to attack on a large scale from here.

The Xiangjiang waterway entering Yingtian Town from Dongting Lake has to pass through two narrow river sections called Gangou and Chaigou. The water there is shallow in autumn and large ships cannot pass. There is also an earth beam between Dongting Lake and the Xiangjiang River outside the town. Although not wide, it is enough to block ships.

In this way, the Xiangjiang River bank has become an excellent barrier. If a small-scale Japanese army comes over, it may be to death. After all, river defense fortifications have been built in this area, and there is also a Leishishan post specially designed to monitor the traffic of ships in the waterway. A large-scale Japanese invasion will be done no matter what. Not silently.

Flagpole House, Yi Family House, 569 Regiment Headquarters.

There were not many entertainment activities, and the people and the garrison in Yingtian Town basically fell into a deep sleep. After several days of continuous rain, it was easy to stop raining, and the mood improved a lot.

Bump, two barrels!

Eat, haha, group leader, you are not very lucky tonight. The person sitting next to the group leader Tang Tianwen was the second battalion commander Xia Shaowu, who said cheerfully.

After dinner, I was bored and set up a mahjong table at the regimental command post.

This has turned out to be the only entertainment activity besides playing chess. Although the 95th Division of the 37th Army was adapted from the Ma Jiajun in the northwest, after several wars and repairs, there is no trace of the Ma family anymore, and now the surname is Jiang. , the teacher Luo Qi is a disciple of the Emperor, and his future is bright.

Dongfeng, you owe me this one, hehe, I won't fight. Tang Tianwen took out a Dongfeng card and deliberately showed it off in front of Xia Shaowu.

Xia Shaowu twitched the corner of his mouth and said harshly: Who said I want Dongfeng...

Just as he was about to draw the cards, a confidential staff officer from the next room ran in and made an urgent report: Guardian, the hotel phone number, I want you to pick it up right away.

Tang Tianwen was stunned for a moment. Why did brigade commander Feng Shiying suddenly call him at this time?

Wait for me, I'll be right back. Tang Tianwen didn't dare to neglect. After all, this was a call from his boss, so he didn't dare not answer the call or be late.

Hey, traveler, it's me! Tang Tianwen stood at attention, his tone suddenly serious.

What, it's impossible. There's no movement here. Could it be that the boss made a mistake? Tang Tianwen asked in surprise when he heard Feng Shiying's words.

Whether it's true or not, you immediately order the troops to enter the river fortifications and prepare for battle. If it's just a false alarm, then it's best. If the Japanese army really attacks and lands from your side, you will give me support for at least three days, do you hear me? Feng Shiying ordered sternly.

Yes, Brigade! Although Tang Tianwen agreed, he didn't take it seriously. It was very difficult for the Japanese army to land in Yingtian, and a sneak attack in the middle of the night was even more impossible.

Come on, come on, continue... Tang Tianwen walked towards the mahjong table and sat down and said.

Tour Leader, what do you want from the Tour Leader? Isn't it to treat you to dinner? Xia Shaowu asked with a smile.

Dinner, the host invited me to dinner, what do you think? Tang Tianwen wrote lightly, The host reminds us that the Japanese army may sneak attack and land from our side. Let us be more vigilant. We can't let the Japanese army occupy the camp. Tian, ​​that would be troublesome.”

The Japanese army wants to come over from our side. It's really a daydream. As for the two waterways outside our town, now we can only use small boats, and big ships can't get through at all. If they want to land, is it possible they can swim over? the regimental deputy chuckled. , obviously agreeing with Tang Tianwen's judgment.

That's right, Shijo.

Nonsense, haha, I want four...

Lao Xia, you are really lucky tonight. If you can't, I have to relieve myself and change my luck! The deputy just fired the cannon, pushed the cards, and stood up and said.

Regiment seat, telegram from the Army Headquarters. The confidential staff member hurried over and handed a telegram to Tang Tianwen.

Tang Tianwen glanced at the telegram and stood up suddenly.

What's the matter, Danzao?

The Group Army Headquarters telegraphed our troops that the Japanese fifth brigade will launch a sneak attack on our camp before dawn tomorrow, and ordered our troops to deploy immediately to meet the enemy! Tang Tianwen said with a solemn expression.

If it was just the brigade commander Feng Shiying calling to remind him, that wouldn't mean anything. But now the group army headquarters has directly issued the order to his regiment headquarters. What does this mean?

Tour members, Mr. Luo's phone number...

Hey, it's me, yes, Master. The staff will organize research and deployment immediately to give the invading enemy a head-on blow! Tang Tianwen was already awake at this time. He was afraid that the information was true, but he had ignored it. .

Contact the Leishishan post immediately. I want them to keep their eyes open for me and look carefully. If they find the Japanese army, report it immediately! Tang Tianwen ordered, All the troops must be gathered by me, distribute ammunition, enter the position, and be ready!

Tuanzu, what's wrong? Continue?

What are you going on about? The group army headquarters received a call. Japanese troops will land in the camp before dawn tomorrow. Commander-in-Chief Guan ordered our troops to enter a state of combat readiness and be ready to fight at any time. Tang Tianwen said.


Stop talking, you two come here. We have to quickly study the deployment of defenses. We only have six hours left before the Japanese army arrives. The time is too tight. The military department requires us to strengthen our positions and evacuate the people. Yingtian Town is too small. Once the war breaks out, the civilian casualties will be huge. People must be arranged to be responsible for their evacuation to a safe place first. If the materials in the warehouse cannot be transported, they will be destroyed on the spot when necessary and must not be left to the Japanese...

At the 15th Army Headquarters, as the commander of the frontline A group, Guan Yudong crossed his arms in front of his chest and stared at the huge map on the wall with bright eyes.

The Japanese army detached a detachment to sneak attack on the camp, a move he had not expected at all. If it had not been for an urgent telegram from the commander of the theater, he would have been kept in the dark at this moment.

Okamura Neji's appetite is so big that he actually wants to eat his 15th Army in one go. He just doesn't know if Yakou is good?

Have reinforcements been sent to the camp?

A regiment has already set off and is expected to arrive before noon tomorrow. the combat staff replied.

Add another machine gun battery. If the Japanese army fails to make a sneak attack, it will definitely turn to a strong attack. The firepower of the two infantry regiments is too weak, and they must be strengthened. Guan Yudong ordered.


Guan Yudong knew very well that once his left wing was broken through by the enemy, he would have to retreat, and now he was already thinking about how to retreat. Retreat and fight decisively. This was the grand strategy to deal with the aggressive Japanese army this time, but The opponent is a cunning person like Okamura Neiji. He will not attract the opponent without paying a small price.

He knew that tomorrow might be the most difficult day for the 15th Army since its launch.

The Japanese army will definitely attack the troops on the Xinqianghe front line fiercely to deter him from sending reinforcements to support the Yingtian-Guiyi front line.

This is a conventional method of warfare. According to the calculations of the Japanese army, the combat effectiveness of a brigade is comparable to that of a brigade of the Chinese army. If it is equipped with heavy weapons, I am afraid that even the domestic Class B divisions will not be able to match it.

There are also navy and air force to help.

This is why Okamura Neiji dared to use two divisions with less than 50,000 troops to attack with multiple points and use roundabout sneak attack tactics to kill 200,000 of his own men.

Qingfeng Gorge in Yuelu Mountain, headquarters of the Ninth War Zone.

It was already two o'clock in the morning. Ever since receiving Wu Xuexin's notification, Xue Boling had never closed his eyes again. It wasn't that he didn't want to sleep, but that he couldn't sleep at all.

This battle is too critical. If the 15th Army's retreat is cut off, it must make an immediate decision. Should it retreat?

If there is a slight hesitation, the Japanese army may be blocked on the north bank of the Miluo River, which will be troublesome. Without the A group of the 15th Army, how can he realize his retreat and decisive battle and severely damage the Japanese 11th Army's strategy under the city of Xiangcheng? Idea?

Wait, can only wait.

Wait for news from the direction of Yingtian to see the accuracy of the information provided by the X team.

Although his reason told him that this information should be accurate and not wrong, he still hoped in his heart that the Japanese army would not come from the direction of the camp.

In other words, he did not want the Japanese army to attack from this direction.

It was very dark, and there was a layer of mist on the lake. The officers and soldiers of the Nationalist Army at the Leishi Mountain Post took turns staring at the movements on the lake and listening carefully!


Monitor, listen, what is this sound?

It seems to be the sound of a steamer motor... The squad leader listened carefully for a while and made a judgment immediately.

Are the Japanese soldiers really coming to us? The young soldier subconsciously clenched the rifle in his hand, with a nervous expression on his immature face. He was a new recruit who had only been trained for less than three months, and the bullets were all gone. Not many shots.

The squad leader has rang the only phone in the post: Hey, this is the Leishishan Post, pick me up from the regiment headquarters...

The confidential staff officer of the 569th Regiment had just reported the discovery of the Japanese motorboat at the Leishi Mountain Post to the regiment leader Tang Tianwen. A sentry from the regiment's security company led a civilian wearing local clothes in.

Tuanzuo, this person said that they were going out to fish in the morning and found that Japanese soldiers had infiltrated in on a small boat!


Duishan Tsui.

Tang Tianwen quickly found the location of Duishanzui on the map and marked a big red circle on it. This must be the location where the Japanese troops landed.

Immediately send a force over and guard the small group of Japanese troops that have infiltrated. Don't touch them for the time being. Since they want to sneak attack us, why don't we return the favor with a counter-attack? Tang Tianwen was also a courageous commander. The officer was not intimidated by the menacing Japanese army.


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