The secret war is silent

Chapter 407 Bloody Battle in the Camp

Due to the rain in recent days, the water levels of the two waterways that originally would have dropped in autumn have not dropped yet, and are even approaching the water levels during the summer flood season.

In this way, not only can small boats sail unimpeded, but even large ships can come in.

Instead of helping the Chinese army resist the Japanese attack, these two waterways helped them shorten the distance for their landing.

Such important information was actually ignored by the defenders!

After Tang Tianwen's investigation and discovery of this loophole, he was so frightened that the back of his neck felt cold, if not for Shangfeng's timely reminder.

The consequences could be disastrous.

Although he was only given five or six hours to deploy, it was better than nothing. It would be really embarrassing if he was attacked by the Japanese army in his sleep.

After all, the 569th Regiment is also a powerful force that has fought in most of China. Otherwise, how could it be arranged by Shangfeng to garrison such an important place as the camp?

It's past five o'clock.

darkness before dawn.

Tang Tianwen was sitting in front of the simple sand table at the regiment headquarters, with the phone on the table in front of him. The entire flagpole house seemed quiet, without any sound, as if everyone was sleeping deeply and dead.

In Duishanzui and Baiyuqi, small groups of Japanese vanguard troops had already reached under the nose and nose of the national army's planned river defense positions.

They held their rifles in hand, crouched down in the grass, held their breath, and put away their bayonets, for fear that the bayonets would be discovered by the reflection of the moonlight.

Many sentry posts have been removed.

The Chinese troops on the shore seemed not to notice at all, and they all slept like dead pigs.

They are waiting.

The first is to recover physical strength, and the second is to wait for the best time and order to attack. After all, this is Chinese land. Even if it is dark, the Chinese army is more familiar with the environment than they are.

Night fighting, if it is not a sneak attack and landing, is not what the Japanese army is good at, and night fighting cannot get support from the air force...

Therefore, a surprise attack was launched at dawn, occupying the position on the shore, and clearing the way for subsequent troops to land. Then at dawn, the navy's naval guns and the air force pounced on them in one go.

Occupy this important military base of the Chinese. I heard that the Chinese have their logistics warehouse hidden here. If they can capture it, they will make a fortune.

Get ready! the squad leader ordered, obviously waiting for the order to attack!

The Japanese soldiers who were still lying in the mud a moment ago quickly straightened up, put the bayonets on their rifles, raised the sun flag, and loaded the bullets!


Team leader Qingtian pulled out his command knife, waved his hand towards the national army's Jiang defense position, and let out a beast-like roar. A small group of Japanese soldiers behind him immediately formed a battle formation and began to attack.


Just when the Japanese army launched an attack, on the opposite side of the Nationalist Army's Jiang defense position, a beam of light suddenly pierced the sky and swept towards these sneaky Japanese soldiers.

What greeted them next were bullets made of steel!

Da da da……

The crossfire formed by two heavy machine guns fired down one at a time, and the Japanese soldiers who had rushed halfway fell down like wheat.

Blood suddenly emerged from their bodies, staining the land on the shore red.

This is just one landing point.

Soon, gunshots were heard from the entire Yingtian Zhenjiang defense position, and the battle entered a close-quarters situation almost from the beginning.

The Japanese troops who made the sneak attack most likely did not expect that the defenders on the shore discovered them in advance, and did not respond immediately even after their sentry was touched.

They actually watched them touch them under their eyes and noses before taking action.

This was a severe beating.

The Japanese army failed to make a sneak attack, but suffered a lot of casualties. They retreated hastily, reorganized, and started a second attack.

By this time it was getting quite bright.

The naval guns of the Japanese naval warships on the lake not far away began to bombard important fortifications on the shore. The sound of the guns rumbled, and the entire Yingtian Town trembled under the gunfire.

The defenders suffered casualties.

The battle continues with asymmetrical power.

The Japanese army quickly organized a second storm. With the support of naval guns, they rushed forward howling and fought with the defenders.

The battle was very fierce. It seemed that the Japanese commander immediately adjusted his tactics and chose to attack by force.

The failure of the sneak attack made Mikio Uemura furious. If he could not quickly capture Yingtian Town, cut off the Chinese army's retreat, and complete Neji Okamura's strategic encirclement intention, he would end badly.

Moreover, he also wanted to use this battle to prove himself.

Therefore, at dawn, he did not hesitate to call for aviation support.

No. 4, Rongyuan, outside the south gate of Xiangcheng.

Qin Group, the Japanese army's Shangcun detachment failed to attack the camp. Mikio Uemura issued a storm order and called for aviation support. Huo Tian (Wu Yan) looked tired, knocked on Luo Yao's room, and handed it to him A message, This is the newly deciphered coded message sent by Mikio Uemura to the Third Air Force Headquarters.

Old Wu, have you been up all night?

Well, I can't sleep. The war ahead is tight, so we can only do what we can. Huo Tian yawned and said, You must convey this and the information to Chief of Staff Wu immediately.

I understand. You should go back and rest first. Just leave the work to Zhou Lin (Wu Yuliang), and then you two will replace each other. Otherwise, who will do the work of the research and translation team? Luo Yao said hurriedly.

Okay, I'm going to bed. Huo Tian nodded. This has just begun. There are still many things to come.

Since the confidential telephone line had not yet been set up, Luo Yao could only continue to use secret messages to inform the headquarters of the theater commander in Yuelu Mountain about the relevant situation.

If there is a dedicated phone line, then there is no need to go to such trouble. You can just call and report the information in a few words.

Unlike now, if you go back and forth, the timeliness of the information will probably disappear. By the time the specific information reaches the ears of the frontline officers and soldiers, it may be too late.

This problem must be solved, but it cannot be rushed. After all, it is not his final decision to set up a confidential line.

The sky finally dawned, and a formation of eight bombers and fighter jets painted with the Japanese Army flag appeared over Yingtian Town, and the most brutal battle occurred.

Although the defenders learned in advance that the Japanese army was sending planes to bomb the camp, even though it was already very late, it was better than not knowing anything and being unprepared.

At least you can hide in the air defense bunker in advance.

Following the bombing by the Japanese army, the Japanese army preparing to land once again launched a strong attack. This was the third time. The Japanese army concentrated teams of more than 500 people from two points and launched a fierce attack.

The 569th Regiment fought bravely and achieved considerable results. However, the strength and weapons of the two sides were not equal.

The Japanese army made two strong attacks, coupled with naval gunfire and aircraft bombing, the casualties rose sharply. From the beginning of the war to this moment, in just over two hours, the casualties exceeded one-third.

The summit asked him to hold on for three days, but in this posture, let alone three days, it is estimated that half a day would be difficult. The Japanese army's firepower was too fierce, and they lacked heavy weapons and could not compete with it.

Even if we fight with our lives, we won't be able to fight for long.

Lost, lost...

As news came that villages and positions had been lost, Tang Tianwen spent the past few hours as if he had fallen from heaven to hell.

Fortunately, he was a soldier and knew what a soldier's responsibilities were. Although he kept asking for help from above, he was still there and did not think of retreating or escaping.

The importance of Yingtian is self-evident. He knows very well that if Yingtian is lost, he will no longer want the head on his neck.

Instead of doing this, it is better to fight to the death, die on the battlefield, and gain the reputation of a martyr who died for his country.

He also sent out the regiment's security company to act as a fire brigade, leaving only one security squad and staff technicians. Counting the grooms and cooks, the total number was less than thirty.

Regiment seat, regimental seat, the 570th regiment is coming...

I finally heard some good news. The 570th Regiment is another regiment of the 283rd Brigade. It also has more than a thousand people. Although it does not have many heavy weapons, it is finally being supplemented in terms of strength.

Brigade, why are you here? It's too dangerous here? In addition to the 570th regiment, Tang Tianwen also saw brigade commander Feng Shiying, who came to Yingtian Town in person.

It's dangerous. It would only be dangerous if Yingtian Town is lost! Feng Shiying walked into Tang Tianwen's regiment headquarters with a stern face and asked directly, How is the war situation now? The military has assigned us a machine gun battery. I think The Japanese army probably doesn’t know this news yet, so hurry up and let the little devils attack them. Where do you think it’s better to attack?”

Brigade, our Jiang defense positions outside Yingtian Town have basically been lost. Except for a few core positions and Yingtian Street and other places, they are still in our hands. The Japanese army's firepower is too strong. They have planes in the sky, and there are still planes on the water. There are artillery, and they also have a pontoon force...

Arkbridge troops? Where are they? Feng Shiying's eyes suddenly lit up after hearing this. The river network in northern Hunan was dense, and the importance of a pontoon bridge troop was self-evident.

If the Japanese army's pontoon troops can be destroyed in one fell swoop, it will definitely slow down the opponent's offensive efficiency. Even if the camp is finally lost, without the pontoon troops, the Japanese army's advance will slow down a lot.

Here, the brigade and the pontoon troops are the key protection of the Japanese army. If we want to get close, it will be difficult. However, there is a road here that allows us to move to this position. However, once we launch an attack, The position is completely exposed...

What is the size of the Japanese pontoon force? Feng Shiying asked. He was calculating in his mind whether it was worth using a machine gun company to replace such a pontoon force.

It is estimated that there will be no less than 300 people.

Do it. Feng Shiying clenched his fist and said seriously. The 300-strong Zhouqiao troops were at least assigned to a brigade-level unit, or even a division.

Killing the Aonqiao troops will greatly slow down the Japanese attack and march, and will also severely damage the morale of the Japanese army, killing two birds with one stone.

In comparison, the loss of a cannon battery is not unacceptable, and it is even very cost-effective.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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