The secret war is silent

Chapter 408 Old Hunchback

The blood dyed the dark soil beneath him red, and the air was filled with the smell of iron and blood, mixed with the smell of gunpowder smoke, which was pungent and nauseating.

There were only three people left in the trench. More than ten minutes ago, a platoon of soldiers was stationed here, but now the platoon leader has died, the squad leader has died, and most of them have died.

Bodies were lying scattered in the ditch...

That tragic scene will never be forgotten by anyone who sees it once.

Fighting allows recruits to mature quickly. Fear cannot keep them alive, but fighting with life and death can only give them hope of survival.

On the battlefield, only brave people can survive, while cowardly people can only step in the mud, and eventually they will become a pile of mud.

The old hunchback is not really a hunchback, he just has a habit of stooping when walking. He is a veteran of the 95th Division, and he has followed the army to fight in most of China.

After more than ten years of fighting, he is already a veteran, but this is the first time for him to fight such a tragic battle. He, who usually smiles, is now sitting on the ground, sucking the stem of the dry pipe in his hand, a pair of full It was the calloused hands that seemed to be shaking uncontrollably.

The cheerful smile of the past was gone on his face, and he understood that maybe he couldn't escape this time.

The little devil is coming up...

This sound, like a reminder, reached the ears of the three people on the battlefield.

Looking out, I saw at the foot of the mountain, a group of Japanese soldiers in battle formation holding guns and crawling up, the blood on their bayonets not even wiped clean.

Xiaozi, how many bullets are left? The old hunchback asked, placing the pipe rod on the sole of his almost frayed rubber shoe and tapping it twice.

Seventeen more rounds. The childish voice replied.

Where's the grenade?

Seven or eight.

Big man, are you okay? The third person on the position who could still breathe was a machine gunner whose leg was blown off. He was lying behind the bunker, his shoulder against the butt of the gun, gritting his teeth and trying hard to keep his eyes open. .

He didn't dare to close it. He was afraid that once he closed it, he would never be able to open it again. He put his finger on the gun and completely forgot about the pain in his body.

There are only two magazines left, and I will be completely relieved after shooting!

Can't die!

Haha, if you can't die, just do it with the stupid little Japanese devil! The old hunchback burst out laughing. He had seen it all in his life. His only regret was that he couldn't leave a root for himself. He, who travels all over the world, can't settle down. If he can't do it in this life, then he will do it in the next life.

Old hunchback, would you like to take a few puffs of your cigarette for me?

Don't you think my dry tobacco irritates your throat? the old hunchback asked strangely.

We're going to die anyway, it doesn't matter if we lose our throat or not! the big man said through gritted teeth.

Wait, I'll light it for you... The old hunchback chuckled, picked up the pipe rod, put it in his eye bag, and filled it with the remaining tobacco leaves.

Old Rabbit, the devil is coming...

Xiaozi, if you don't know how to bark, then don't bark. My name is Old Hunchback, not Old Rabbit! The Old Hunchback cursed. He hated being called Old Rabbit the most. When did he become the one in the entertainment scene? The rabbit man who penetrates women's crotches.


The big man couldn't wait for the old hunchback's smoke, and the Czech light machine gun in his hand began to fire. With a burst of fire, the chest of the Japanese soldier at the front burst into flames in an instant.

The Japanese soldiers behind them were so frightened that they fell down one by one, and quickly looked for bunkers and built counterattack positions. They were quick in response and well-trained.

Dong Dong...

The Japanese's counterattack came. It was a mortar. Three rapid fire rounds flew towards the position where the three of them were. The big man was motionless. He couldn't move.

The old hunchback held Xiazi down, and the shell exploded a few meters behind them.

The mud fell on the three of them like rain, almost completely burying them.

There was no sound for an instant on the battlefield.

The Japs took advantage of this moment and suddenly launched a charge. This kind of coordination could only be achieved by elite veterans. How could the new recruits have this awareness?

The big man shook the dirt off his head, and when he saw that the Japs were already rushing forward, less than twenty or thirty meters away from him, he hesitated and suddenly pulled the trigger!

The Japanese soldiers who originally thought they would wipe out the Chinese soldiers on the position did not expect that there were still living people on the position. Moreover, after the shuttle bullet hit them, the seven or eight Japanese soldiers who rushed at the front fell like gourds rolling to the ground. Go down.

Lao Huozi and Xi Yazi also emerged from the mud, touched the grenade at hand, pulled the fuse, and then threw it out with all their strength.

Boom, boom!

Two loud noises were heard, and the grenade fell right into the charging Japanese battle queue.

A Japanese soldier was blown up into the air, and several others were thrown far away by the blast. At least five or six people were injured or killed.

Have fun, kill one and earn enough, kill a pair and earn one!

The old hunchback took a look at his Hanyang-made army that had been following him for many years. Although the rifling had long been smoothed and the army had issued him the latest medium-sized rifle, he just didn't want to. He said that he was nostalgic, and this Zhi Hanyangzao has been with him for many years and is his lucky gun. He has survived many close calls with it and never changes it.


Big man, what do you want to say?

I'll wait until my next life to smoke that dry cigarette of yours... The big man's voice became weaker and weaker. The old hunchback looked up and found that the big man was lying on the battlefield and had already died. It turned out that the Japanese artillery shell exploded and a piece of shrapnel was released. It wedged directly into his back.

He endured the pain and gave the Japanese a final blow before dying.

Big man! The old hunchback's eyes were splitting. He was bursting into tears at this moment. The big man didn't talk much, but he was well watched and saved. Otherwise, why would there be only three of them left on the battlefield? They are a famous escape trio.

And a magazine!

The old hunchback didn't know where the bloodiness came from. He dropped his Hanyang-made weapon, turned over and crawled over. He hugged the Czech light machine gun in the big man's hand and replaced it with a new magazine!

Little devil, I'm going to fuck your grandma...

Angry bullets were sprayed from the muzzle of the gun, and the old hunchback launched a charge against a small group of Japanese soldiers, majestic and majestic, just like Changshan Zhao Zilong, who killed the enemy on Changban Slope seven times in and seven out!


Old Rabbit! Xi Yazi was stunned. He had never seen the old hunchback with such a heroic side. In his impression, he was just a timid veteran who was afraid of trouble.

Could it be that he went to Widow Liu’s house in the town the night before yesterday...

After all the bullets were fired, the stunned Japanese soldiers came to their senses and immediately regained their ferocious faces. They rushed forward with shining bayonets.

This time the old hunchback did not run back, but threw away the machine gun in his hand, picked up the copper pipe rod, and rushed towards a Japanese soldier on the opposite side.

I smashed my skull!

This Japanese soldier was overwhelmed by the old hunchback's momentum. He subconsciously took a step back. His foot slipped and he was hit in the head.

Then, both men rolled down.

The old hunchback wanted to wave the copper rod of his pipe to hit the Japanese's head again, but five or six Japanese from all directions rushed up with bayonets in hand!

Five or six bayonets pierced him at once.

Blood came out of his mouth, and the old hunchback's eyes suddenly widened as big as copper bells, and he laughed loudly: Damn it, grandpa is waiting for you in the underworld!


The old hunchback fired a grenade that had been hidden on his body.


Xiyazi felt that his head had been hit hard. He covered his head and looked up. It turned out to be the old hunchback's pipe rod. It was bent but not broken.

Reinforcements came up, and a blue sky and white sun flag flew on the position.

This nameless position was guarded by a platoon of officers and soldiers. In the end, only one person survived. The young man was carried down, holding on to the pipe rod in his hand.

Give it to Feng'er for me!

These were the old hunchback's last words, and Xi Yazi heard them clearly. Feng'er was the name of Widow Liu, but the old hunchback only told him one name.

The tenacious resistance of the Chinese army surprised Uemura Mikio. He originally thought that with his three advantages of sea, land and air, he could completely crush the enemy in the camp.

Unexpectedly, after a day of fierce fighting, the Japanese army only occupied the outer positions of the camp. The core positions were still in the hands of the Chinese, and their reinforcements seemed to be arriving continuously.

If the camp field cannot be captured as soon as possible, General Neiji Okamura's strategic goal will not be achieved, and Mikio Uemura is extremely worried.

General Uemura, the only solution now is to use special means. Lieutenant Colonel Tsuji Masanobu suggested. He had just been transferred from the Kwantung Army, and was then sent to the Uemura detachment by Neji Okamura to serve as chief of staff.

Tsuji Masanobu, is it necessary? Uemura Mikio hesitated. Of course he knew what the special method Tsuji Masanobu mentioned was. It had already been used by the Sixth Division on the other side of the New Wall River.

However, this kind of weapon is expressly prohibited internationally. Once used, it will inevitably be criticized by international public opinion.

Your Majesty General, we must seize time now. Once the Xinqiang River breaks through, the Chinese army will probably retreat. If we fail to occupy the camp and Xinshi and cut off the Chinese army's retreat, then this battle will be very difficult. We failed! Tsuji Masanobu said.

Tsuji Masaru is too pessimistic. We can completely capture Xiangcheng and defeat the Chinese army head-on! Uemura Mikio said disapprovingly.

His Excellency Okamura Neiji's strategic purpose is to eliminate the effective strength of the Chinese army and achieve the purpose of promoting peace through war, not occupation, do you understand? Tsuji Masanobu said.

Tsuji Masaru...


Just as Uemura Mikio was about to continue speaking, a sudden loud noise came and the warship he was riding on shook, interrupting his words.

What's going on? Where was the explosion?

Reporting to the general, this is the direction of the Aonqiao troops. They were attacked by the Chinese army and suffered heavy losses! A series of explosions came, and a Japanese major rushed in and reported.

Nani, Funabashi troops? Uemura Mikio was shocked. Once the Funabashi troops were damaged, it would inevitably delay the efficiency of his subsequent offensive.

Quickly, organize naval gunfire to fight back... Tsuji Masanobu reacted quickly and immediately ordered the gunboats that were cooperating in the attack on the camp to support the Funabashi troops.

This chapter is written to commemorate those unknown heroes who sacrificed their lives in the Anti-Japanese War. Although they are small figures, their achievements are enough to be remembered by future generations. Veterans do not die, they just wither away!

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