The secret war is silent

Chapter 409 Breaking into the combat command room by mistake

Didn't I ask you to go back and wait for news? Why are you here again? Deputy Section Chief Luan said impatiently. Are all young people today like this?

Don't understand the rules at all.

Deputy Section Chief Luan, could you please tell the boss again that we hope to open a dedicated line for the power plant as soon as possible? Luo Yao said while suppressing his anger.

He knew that when it comes to government affairs, the King of Hell is always easy to mess with, and the imps are difficult to deal with. Big men respect their status and generally don't care about trivial matters, but some people are different.

You can solve it through the above once or twice, but you will have to deal with others later, unless you can make them afraid of you and afraid to cause trouble for you.

Luo Yao wanted to keep a low profile and did not want to cause too much trouble in the Ninth War Zone Commander's Department. That would attract the attention of some interested people, which would be troublesome.

Therefore, try not to get angry, and endure it if you can, for the sake of the overall situation.

I will hand over the report to you in the next two days. Why are you anxious? I don't know that the front line is tense, so how can I have time to care about such a small matter? Deputy Section Chief Luan waved his hand and said, Go back and wait for the news.

Deputy Chief Luan, in fact, to pull a dedicated line from the power plant, you only need Director Zhao's signature. You don't need to trouble Chief Wu?

You're talking about it lightly, the power plant's dedicated line. That's something you pull at your own initiative. You can't make a decision without holding a meeting to discuss it? Deputy Section Chief Luan said with disgust.

Luo Yao knew that he had met a veteran of the government. The best thing for such people was to bully others and flatter others, and they were very good at Tai Chi.

It was obviously Wu Xuexin who asked him to come over.

It's so heart-warming to do this.

He didn't even know what to say. Did he have to bring out the name Wu Xuexin for the deputy section chief named Luan to buy it?

In this case, deputy section chief Luan, I'll come back in two days. Luo Yao had no intention of confronting deputy section chief Luan, which would only lead to more criticism.

Although he believed that the Ninth War Zone Commander's Headquarters would not be infiltrated by spies, there were some things that he did not dare to gamble on, and it would be good to be cautious.

Yes. Deputy Section Chief Luan picked up the tea cup in his hand, obviously serving tea to see off the guests.

Brother, I'm sorry to ask, how to get to the confidential room? In addition to coming to Section Chief Luan, Luo Yao also wanted to see Wu Xuexin to report the latest situation.

Luo Yao has never been to the theater headquarters. Although he can come in, he doesn't know where to go. He came here today to check the door.

There are taboos everywhere here, and some places are even more forbidden to enter at will. It would be embarrassing to be caught as a spy with evil intentions.

Hello, sir. When the young guard saw Luo Yao's rank, he quickly stood at attention and saluted with a military salute.

Don't be so serious. I just want to know how to get to the confidential room? Luo Yao chuckled. The command post was built in an air-raid shelter. There were many twists and turns inside, so it was really easy to get lost.

Oh, you go inside, turn left, and you can see it.


Stop, the confidential room is an important place, no one can enter! Luo Yao saw the sign of Confidential Room, but he was stopped by someone.

Haha, I believe Qin. I am the liaison officer of the Field Service Corps of the Third Department of the Ministry of Military Affairs. I would like to see Director Zhang. Luo Yao casually gave himself an identity.

Of course I have the documents, but I don’t know if they are genuine.

Field Service Corps, I haven't heard of such a unit. This is a restricted military area, and no one can enter. The guard scolded, but considering that Luo Yao is a colonel in the national army, he was not too rude. action.

I'm not going in. Could you please inform me? I just want to see Director Zhang. Luo Yao said very restrainedly and politely.


Luo Yao sat down on the chair in the corridor. After a while, he saw the guard who was talking to him coming out: Sir, we are busy inside. Please wait for a moment.

Okay. Luo Yao didn't say anything. It's common for agencies to wait for people to do things like this. Now during the war, as the director of the confidential room, it's normal to be busy. It would be weird if he wasn't busy.

In a blink of an eye, ten minutes passed.

Luo Yao was very patient and continued to wait.

Half an hour passed.

People came out of the confidential room one after another. Judging from the way they were holding lunch boxes in their hands, they must have gone to eat. Luo Yao himself felt hungry.

However, I am here to wait for someone, so when it comes to things like eating, I should wait until I see someone, finish things, and then talk about it when I get back. It doesn’t matter if I don’t eat.

Besides, the food at this theater headquarters is not necessarily very delicious.

The people who went to eat had already returned, and even the soldier who had just spoken to him was sent off to eat. He just sat on the chair and waited for nearly an hour.

Nobody cares.

This is the first time I have encountered this kind of cold reception.

If Luo Yao hadn't been a human being in two lifetimes and his mentality had been tempered long ago, he might have been unable to bear it any longer.

Brother, may I ask, is Director Zhang of the confidential room inside? Luo Yao looked at the time and couldn't wait any longer. When he saw a man wearing a major's uniform coming over, he stepped forward and stopped him. asked.

Director Zhang, I saw him at dinner just now. Does the commander have anything to do with him? The major said immediately after seeing the rank of colonel on Luo Yao's collar badge.

Eat, where?


Can you take me there? Luo Yao asked, I have something to do with him.

Sir, don't you know Director Zhang? Didn't he just pass by here? the major asked in surprise.

Luo Yao really didn't know this Director Zhang. There were many people coming out of the confidential room just now. Most of them were wearing military uniforms, but there were also some who were not wearing jackets and whose military rank could not be seen.

Is that the one without a coat just now?

Yes, sir, you must have missed it. It will be difficult to find you now. After lunch, Director Zhang will take a break for half an hour as usual. If it is not an urgent military situation, please do not disturb him. The major explained.

Understood, understood... Luo Yao smiled. He wanted to see Director Zhang, but he was afraid that there would be no chance today. Could it be that he really went to Wu Xuexin directly?

He can't even meet the director of the confidential office. Isn't it too incompetent?

After recalling it carefully, he realized that the man without a coat passed by him just now. He spoke to the people around him. Although there were no words to reveal his identity, he remembered the basic characteristics of his voice.

Just know the basic characteristics of sound.

Then as soon as he opens his mouth to speak, he can find this person.

Thanks, I'll come back later. Luo Yao knew that unless he continued to wait, he would definitely be blocked by people at the door of the confidential room.

But time couldn't wait, so he decided to go find someone directly.

What, say it again, okay, okay, I understand...

Where is the 72nd Army? Where has it advanced? Well, I will report it to Commander Xue immediately!

Supplies, there's not enough ammunition. How much is the difference?

Passing by a room, which should be the telephone switchboard room, the phones kept ringing, and the operators could hardly stop.

This should be the busiest place in the entire headquarters.

Luo Yaoke had never been to a real combat headquarters, so everything had a sense of novelty. As he walked along, the strange thing was that no one stepped forward to stop him.

The journey was smooth and we arrived at a huge space.

Many people, both men and women, are officers, and the lowest rank for women is second lieutenant. It is obvious that this is the battle command room of the ninth theater.

The person he was looking for was standing next to a huge sand table. At least seven or eight people were surrounding the sand table, pointing and talking about the situation between China and Japan in Xinqiang River.

The leader was staring at the sand table without saying a word, his face was stern, and he looked very serious. Although Luo Yao had never met Xue Boling in person.

But based on this momentum, we can basically conclude that this is Xue Boling himself.

This should not be the place where he came. Luo Yao was about to turn around and leave quietly. Suddenly, Xue Boling raised his head slightly and glanced over, meeting Luo Yao in the air.

Xue Boling was stunned for a moment. It was impossible to say that he knew all the officers in the headquarters. There were hundreds of them, but he had an impression of all the officers at the colonel level, except the young colonel in front of him. , he had never seen.

Luo Yao didn't dare to feel guilty, so he had to stop and stand there quietly, pretending to wait. He didn't see Wu Xuexin, so he didn't dare to speak rashly.

Who is that? Which department are you in?

Mr. Xue, I am Qin Ming, the staff officer of the confidential room. Luo Yao did not hesitate and directly reported the new identity given to him by Wu Xuexin.

Staff of the Confidential Room, how come I don't recognize him? Zhang Bowen, the director of the Confidential Room who was close to Xue Boling, stared at the boss. Why didn't he recognize his own subordinate?

Director Zhang, I just came here to report for duty today. Luo Yao also reacted quickly and answered immediately.

Zhang Bowen glanced at Xue Boling suspiciously and asked, Sir Xue, is this arranged by you?

Xue Boling's mind was spinning very fast, and he immediately remembered that Wu Xuexin had mentioned to him that he wanted to give Qin Ming, the leader of the X team, a status of free access to the theater headquarters, as if he was the staff officer of the confidential room.

He nodded immediately: Well, this Staff Qin was sent by the Second Office of the Military Command Department of the Military Commission. Bowen, Chief of Staff Wu should have told you about this.

Yes, Chief of Staff Wu mentioned it. Zhang Bowen was stunned for a moment. When did Wu Xuexin tell him this? But Chief Xue admitted it himself, what else could he say?

Does Staff Qin have something to report?

Reporting to Commander Xue, the Japanese Sixth Division used poison gas bombs at the Leigong Mountain position in Xinqianghe, causing heavy casualties to our army. I think that after the Japanese army tasted the sweetness, they will definitely use it in future attacks. Frontline If the soldiers are protected as necessary, there will definitely be heavy casualties. By then, not only will we be unable to hold the Xinqianghe defense line, but our morale will also plummet. Luo Yao heard someone just mentioned that the Japanese army used poison gas bombs in Xinqianghe , an idea came to him immediately.

Can Staff Qin tell me how our army should respond? Xue Boling asked.

Luo Yao's army was defeated. He had no choice but to bite the bullet and search in his mind.

Distribute gas masks to frontline troops. If the gas masks are not enough, simple gas masks can be made. Most poisonous gas bombs enter through the mouth and nostrils. If we can add some materials that can absorb poisonous gas into the masks, it will It can prevent the harm of poisonous gas to our officers and soldiers to the greatest extent. We can also use local materials on the battlefield to make simple gas masks. On the battlefield, wet towels also have a certain blocking effect on poisonous gas. In addition, we must vigorously publicize how to resist the poisonous gas among our officers and soldiers. Poison gas can reduce the fear of officers and soldiers. As long as it is handled properly, the losses caused by the Japanese poison gas attack can be minimized...

Water can reduce the concentration of poisonous gases in the air. If we store enough water on the position, of course, it would be better if we have a water pump...

Luo Yao was talking eloquently in the war room, talking about Xue Boling and other generals and senior advisers from the ninth war zone, who were stunned for a while.

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