The secret war is silent

Chapter 410 Sorry, I’m hungry

Nowadays, the ninth theater has many soldiers and generals. It can be said that the generals are as bright as the clouds. Chiang Kai-shek has put almost half of the national army under the command of Xue Boling.

If he loses this battle, Xue Boling will never have a chance to raise his head again in his life.

One can imagine the great pressure on Xue Boling.

As for the methods to deal with the Japanese gas bombs, the national army did not have no methods to deal with them. However, the effect was not very obvious. The main problem was the lack of anti-virus and protective equipment.

The national government currently has no ability to solve this problem.

Some gas masks were imported from Germany in the past, but they have been basically used up for a long time. Even if you want to buy them now, it is difficult to buy them.

This thing is not cheap, and can only be done with some indigenous methods, but these methods may not necessarily work, especially in many troops, with many new recruits, who have not yet had time to undergo relevant training.

There was no experience at all in dealing with the poison gas bombs released by the Japanese army, which often caused huge casualties, and positions changed hands only in the blink of an eye.

Counsel Qin, can you make a simple gas mask? Xue Boling was very keen and caught Luo Yao mentioning this.

Yes? Luo Yao nodded. A simple gas mask didn't seem to be a difficult thing for him.

How to do it?

It's very simple. Let's put it this way, the materials are all ready-made. Even if they are not formed, they should be able to buy them. The protection may not be as good as a regular gas mask, but making one and using it for a few hours should be no problem. Luo Yao nodded.

Can it be promoted on a large scale? Xue Boling asked with bright eyes.

Yes, in fact, the elderly, women, and even children can make this thing. As long as you follow the steps, it can be used even if the quality is a little worse. Luo Yao knew Xue Boling's intention. In his opinion, simple Making gas masks is not difficult. The rare thing is that no one knows how to make it. In fact, as long as you understand the steps of making, you can make a large number of simple gas masks.

It is absolutely possible to use it in emergency situations on the battlefield, and at least it can save the lives of many Chinese soldiers.

Okay, you write down the steps and tell our people in the logistics department how to make them, and then promote them throughout the theater. I want all our soldiers to have a gas mask. In this way, we don't have to be afraid of the poisonous gas released by the Japanese! Xue Boling would not tolerate it! A suspicious command.

Yes, Commander Xue! In this situation, Luo Yao could only agree. If he didn't agree, he would be disobeying the military order.

Xue Boling was a resolute person, so he immediately ordered his adjutant to prepare paper and pen for Luo Yao, and asked him to find a table in a corner of the combat command room to sit down and write down the methods for making simple gas masks.

Encountered such a Commander Xue.

Luo Yao had nothing else to say except admiration.

No wonder, it was his true character that dared to go against Chiang Kai-shek. Only such a person could withstand pressure and command this crucial battle against Japan. Otherwise, with Chiang Kai-shek's remote control command, I'm afraid that The consequences are difficult to predict.

Xue Boling continued to lead a group of senior counselors and generals under him to discuss the war situation around the sand table. Luo Yao did not miss this opportunity to learn.

Although the opportunity to command a large corps in combat is very unlikely for him, it is not a bad thing to understand and learn.

At least understanding how this kind of large-scale combat command works will be helpful for you to analyze and grasp the battle situation in the future.

Dual-tasking, Luo Yao did not delay his writing at all. He had not considered simple gas masks before.

The reason is very simple. He has this thing in his hand and is not short of it. Furthermore, he is not fighting on the front line and will not consider this.

Now that he encountered a problem, he came up with a solution. He didn't know that the national army didn't have the technology to make simple gas masks.

This technology is actually not difficult, the raw materials are not difficult to find, and there are many substitutes.

Luo Yao refined the materials as much as possible, especially the replaceable materials. He wrote down all the materials he had seen. Of course, the advantages and disadvantages of the materials were also marked.

Although Luo Yao could understand the battle situation ahead by deciphering the Japanese military's secret messages, it was still relatively one-sided after all, and the information compiled by the war zone was also more accurate.

Therefore, Luo Yao also heard about the situation on the front line.

In a word: the war situation is not optimistic.

In the direction of Yingtian, although the Japanese army failed to occupy Yingtian Town, the Japanese army had already landed, squeezing the defenders' living space bit by bit.

Without the support of heavy artillery, the defenders could only use their flesh and blood to fight against the well-equipped Japanese army. The battle loss ratio was very high, reaching a ratio of five national soldiers to kill one Japanese army.

After a day of fierce fighting, the 95th Division, one brigade and two regiments had suffered more than half of their casualties. The theater command headquarters urgently mobilized a division of the 28th Army to rush to the camp to support the camp, and they were already in close combat with the Japanese army.

The only bright news is that the 95th Division took out the Japanese Pontoon Force, which may have a certain impact on the next battle.

But this also angered the Japanese army, who launched a fierce attack on Yingtian Town, and even planes from the sky continued to bomb the Yingtian position.

Most of the houses in Yingtian Town were destroyed by the explosion. If most of the people had not evacuated in advance, the casualties would have been huge.

If the battle continues like this, Yingtian Town will definitely not be able to defend it. No matter how many troops are sent to help, it will only increase casualties. The position and fortifications have been destroyed. How can we fight with no cover?

It was only a matter of time before Yingtian fell.

The senior advisers and generals at the theater headquarters knew this very well, but it was hard to say when they would fall or how long the defenders would be able to hold on.

Maybe in the next second, maybe we can hold on for a day or two to buy more time for the 15th Army.

Once the Japanese troops occupy the camp, they will definitely move at a constant speed along the south bank of the Miluo River towards the new city, cutting off the 15th Army's southward retreat.

Whether to continue fighting or to withdraw, the senior staff and generals at the theater headquarters seemed to be arguing endlessly.

Retreating to Xiangcheng for a decisive battle was Xue Boling's long-established strategic policy, but no one was sure whether he could hold Xiangcheng.

You must know that the prerequisite for a retreat and decisive battle is to gradually resist, delay the pace of the Japanese attack, and consume the opponent's effective strength.

It was necessary to retreat within a few days of the war. The Japanese army was so powerful that if they didn't rush forward, the entire defense line would collapse, and the decisive battle in Xiangcheng would become an empty talk.

This tests a commander's determination and decision-making.

Therefore, in many cases it is not that the commander is incompetent or stupid, it is just that he cannot weigh the pros and cons and make the right choice.

Xue Boling is now in a dilemma.

The combat meeting lasted for nearly an hour. During this period, battle reports continued to come back from the front line. Either a certain position had been breached, the number of casualties, and occasionally one or two good news were all drowned out.

Luo Yao was really hungry, but in the combat command room, there was really nothing to eat except tea, but he could only drink water for a while.

I couldn't hold it any longer and ran to the bathroom. Suddenly I was hungry again.

The emperor was not short of hungry soldiers. Chief Xue asked people to do things but refused to give them food. How could he reason with this? Luo Yao couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

Not knowing whether he heard the voice in his heart, Xue Boling's eyes actually glanced at him, meaning: Boy, work hard for Lao Xue, and your benefits are indispensable.

Luo Yao could only immerse himself in writing.

After writing, check it again, add some omissions, check it again to see if there are any typos, don’t make a joke, do this three times, and only put down the pen after confirming that there are no problems.

I didn't dare to leave, I could only sit there and wait.

Finally, they finally found the savior. Wu Xuexin walked in quickly from outside. He didn't even attend such an important combat meeting. It should be a more important matter.

He was also surprised to see Luo Yao sitting in the war room, but he quickly calmed down. Now was not the time to ask questions. He had an important report.

Xue Xin is back, how are you? Xue Boling saw Wu Xuexin and immediately turned around and asked.

It's very serious. The Japanese troops attacking the camp field also used poison gas bombs. Even a single company of our defenders died on the position before even a single shot was fired. The position was also occupied by the Japanese army. If the situation continues, it may not take half a day. The camp will be lost, Wu Xuexin said.

Half a day is too short... Xue Boling said.

Sir Xue, the Japanese army is not used to fighting at night, and they are not familiar with the environment. At night, we can launch a counterattack and sneak attack, and maybe we can recapture the occupied position. An officer wearing a gray military uniform said.

Counsellor Xu, you're talking about guerrilla warfare and night attacks, right? A strange voice sounded.

Yes, a night attack, concentrating elite troops, and under the guidance of a guide who is familiar with the local environment, the positions occupied by the Japanese during the day can be recaptured by him at night. As long as we can delay the Japanese army in the camp for three days, then we can attack The morale of the Japanese army will definitely decline, and we can fight and retreat from the Xinqiang River line, calmly shrink our troops, retreat to the second line of defense in the Miluo River, and at the same time send a small group of elite troops to penetrate into the Japanese-occupied area and attack the opponent's supply line. To achieve the purpose of dispersing the opponent's troops and energy...

It's easy for Councilor Xu to say it, but it's not so easy to do it. We are not like your Communist Party, which only opportunistically, wandering but not attacking! A major general snorted and retorted.

Commander Ou is wrong. Our Eighth Route Army of the Communist Party of China has never been opportunistic in resisting Japan. We have formulated anti-war strategies based on our actual situation and local conditions. It has been proven to be effective on the battlefield in northwest Shanxi. Regardless of the equipment of the Japanese army, , the quality of the soldiers is superior to ours, if we go head-to-head with them, before the enemy falls, we ourselves will fall first. What’s wrong with changing our fighting style and adopting a flexible and mobile fighting method? Is it possible that we can break up and separate them? I've spent all my family wealth in one go, so I'm just wary?

You... Mr. Ou's face turned red as he choked.



What was this sound? It was so inappropriate. Everyone turned around and looked at Luo Yao, who was sitting next to him and holding his stomach. Their eyes were full of confusion?

Luo Yao had never been so embarrassed before. His stomach screamed unsatisfactorily at this time, and he couldn't cover it no matter how hard he tried.

It's not like farting, you can hold it in for a while.

Keep asking for a guaranteed monthly ticket!

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