The secret war is silent

Chapter 411 Xue Laohu goes crazy

Sir Xue, I'm sorry, my stomach feels a little uncomfortable... Luo Yao could only explain in this way, otherwise it would be a big loss.

Didn't you eat?


I haven't eaten either. How about we come together?

Luo Yao was stunned. Commander Xue personally invited him to have lunch. This was an honor. At least that was what many people in the combat conference room thought at this moment.

Chief Xue, I have already written down the method of making a simple gas mask... Luo Yao didn't know whether to refuse or not.

We'll talk about that later, let's eat first. Xue Boling said without any doubt.

Sir Xue, if that's okay, I'd better...

No one has ever dared to refuse my invitation in person. Counselor Qin, do you want to be the first? Xue Boling pulled his face and snorted coldly.

It's not impossible to eat. I'm afraid that they didn't prepare it for me. If two people eat this meal, no one will be full. Isn't it true that both parties are not satisfied? Luo Yao said.

Okay, you are the first one who dares to say that. I appreciate your courage. Xue Boling laughed and said, Don't worry, since I asked you to stay for dinner, I guarantee that you will be full.

That's okay. Luo Yao thought for a while and couldn't refuse for this reason, so he had no choice but to stay.

This reluctant tone made many people present frown and frown. Some people's noses were so angry that they were so angry. It's such an honor to accompany Commander Xue to dinner, but you are still picky about it.

Where is the face?

There is a small reception room next to the war room, which is seven or eight square meters in size. There is a small square table with three dishes and a soup bowl on the table.

From the looks of it, it should be three dishes and one soup. This is how the commander-in-chief of the Ninth War Zone was treated. Originally, Xue Boling was the only one eating, and a pair of bowls and chopsticks was enough. Now there is Luo Yao.

Naturally, we need to add a pair of bowls and chopsticks, but fortunately they are all ready-made. Xue Boling sometimes likes to ask Wu Xuexin to eat together, so it is normal to keep a few pairs of bowls and chopsticks.

The guard came forward and opened the plate on the table. Luo Yao took a look. There was a plate of pork with dried plums and vegetables, a plate of fried green vegetables, a portion of fried beans, and a bowl of soup. Cantonese people love to drink soup. , Xue Boling is from Guangdong, and you must drink soup before eating.

I have been a cook for many years, and the food I cook is more to my liking. I wonder if it is to your liking? Xue Boling sat down and asked.

Sir Xue, I don't have any taboos. I can eat whatever you can eat, Luo Yao said hurriedly.

That's good.

Eat, there's not enough rice, you can serve it over there. Xue Boling finished cooking directly, picked up the bowl, picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

Luo Yao was no longer polite, sat down, picked up his rice bowl and started eating. There is a saying: If you are not active in eating, there is something wrong with your brain.

People live in this world, don’t they sometimes just want to have a full meal?

Xue Boling ate carefully and slowly. At this point, he no longer needed to waste time eating like young people. Firstly, it was unnecessary, but his gastrointestinal function was not that good.

But Luo Yao was different. The young man has a good appetite and consumes a lot of money in all aspects of his body. In addition, he was already hungry. He drank three bowls of rice in one go, and Xue Boling could only finish the bowl of rice.

Squad leader, can you change it to a larger bowl? Luo Yao asked. The bowl used to eat in the headquarters was too small. Three bowls of rice were not as good as the one bowl of rice he used to eat. He felt a little sorry that he always served rice like this.

The cook (cooking squad leader) glanced at Xue Boling, and Xue Boling chuckled: Give him a bigger bowl.

The big bowl was brought, Luo Yao filled a bowl, sat down, and continued eating. Xue Boling saw that Luo Yao ate deliciously, so he handed his bowl to the squad leader and filled him with a full bowl.

Normally, Xue Boling eats alone. When his appetite is good, he just eats one bowl and adds some more, but today, after Xue Boling ate a bowl of rice, he actually had someone fill him with another bowl, and he And he ate it.

Mr. Xue, don't you want to eat?

Well, I'm full. Xue Boling nodded. He was indeed a little full today. Usually, he only eats seven percent full.

These vegetables can't be wasted. Let me round them up for you. Luo Yao shoveled the remaining vegetables into his bowl, then stuffed them all into his mouth in three or two mouthfuls, and finally drank not a drop of the bowl of soup. Leftover.

Then he burped.

Commander Qin, are you full? If not, can I ask someone to get you some more?

No, Chief Xue, I'm full. The main reason is that the food you cooked is delicious. I couldn't hold it back. Luo Yao chuckled. In front of a person like Xue Boling, it's pointless for you to serve and pretend. It's better to just go with it. If you are more sexual, you can win the favor of the other person, especially him, a spy with a military command background.

Soldiers don't like spies who live in a dark world all day long.

Hahaha... Xue Boling laughed, If you like it, come here often. I don't have anything else here. I can still make sure you have a full meal.

It's better to say goodbye. If I come here often, I'm afraid you won't have peace here. Luo Yao said.

Xue Boling was stunned for a moment, and then realized what Luo Yao meant. If Luo Yao came diligently, it means that the intercepted information was very serious.

This important information usually indicates that something big is going to happen, so wouldn't he, the commander of the theater, be in peace?

Chief of Staff Wu reported your situation to me. It really surprised me. It turns out that our secret code deciphering technology has reached this point. It is really amazing. Sex, that would be equivalent to directly mastering all the Japanese army's action plans, which would make fighting this battle much easier.

However, both our own and the Japanese military strictly protect secret communications. Once deciphered by the other party, it is equivalent to exposing all secrets to the opponent.

We are still not able to completely decipher the Japanese military's code, and once the other party changes the code, everything is useless. Judging from the frequency of changing the code, they have to change it every three months on average, and our army's The frequency of changing secret codes is relatively slow. Some troops have not changed their secret codes for a year or two. Although I specialize in deciphering Japanese military secret codes, if our secret codes are deciphered by the enemy, the consequences will be equally disastrous! Luo Yao solemnly reminded.

Do you think it's possible that our secret code has been deciphered again?

Yes, and the risk is quite high. Luo Yao nodded, According to our intelligence, the Japanese 11th Army has a special intelligence class that is responsible for deciphering our army's secret messages. Specifically, whether they have deciphered our army's secret messages? It’s not clear yet.”

Is there such a thing? Xue Boling asked in surprise, why he had not received such information.

Maybe the information communication is not smooth. Luo Yao smiled. There was a big problem with the command system of the national army. This was not a problem with Xue Boling, but with too many mountains in the national army. Each had its own orders. The orders from the top were passed down. To go down there, you have to get at least a 70% discount, and the local armed forces go even further.

Sometimes the defeat is not necessarily the commander's fault, but the fault of the subordinates who are not executed in place, or even not executed at all. How can such a battle be undefeated?

Xue Boling nodded. There are many intelligence departments in the national army, but they do not cooperate with each other. They have many branches. Isn't this the case for the military command and the central command? Although they hold intelligence meetings every week, sometimes they just want to get some tips. Even small profits can make a fool out of his head.

If I withhold the key information from you and say I forgot to you afterwards, what else can you do?

Chief of Staff Wu told me that your department needs to keep strict confidentiality not only externally, but also internally. Once the Japanese intelligence department knows about it, they will definitely be on guard.

Sir Xue, my subordinates are afraid of leaking information. If the Japanese army changes the communication code, then our role will be very small. Unlike now, we can decipher the Japanese communication code in time and report it to the theater headquarters as soon as possible. , to provide intelligence support for your deployment.

Well, in this battle of Yingtian, if you hadn't deciphered the Japanese army's secret messages in advance and reported the information in time, I am afraid that Yingtian would have fallen into the hands of the Japanese army by now, and we would be very passive now. Xue Boling said, In this battle, I I will take credit for you.

Our merits actually don't count. We are just using our brains. But the real merits are the soldiers who fought bloody battles on the front line. They used their lives to defend the dignity of our country and nation! Luo Yao said solemnly.

Well said, Staff Qin, if the party and state have soldiers like you, we will win the war! Xue Boling's eyes were full of appreciation.

Sir Xue, you are busy with military affairs, so I'd better not disturb you. I've been out for a long time and have to go back. Luo Yao stood up and said goodbye.

Okay, I won't keep you here anymore. Keep in touch with Chief of Staff Wu and come over when you have time. You can come to my place at any time. Xue Boling nodded.

Thank you, Chief Xue. Luo Yao stood at attention and saluted.

By the way, you came here to learn something new, right? Xue Boling asked casually.

Uh... Luo Yao didn't know how to answer this question. He did have something to do, but it had nothing to do with Xue Boling.

Furthermore, he didn't want to make a big deal out of the matter. He would talk to Wu Xuexin after he went out and settle the matter, and the matter would be over.

Unexpectedly, Xue Boling asked him face to face.

Are you in trouble?

If you have any minor problems, I can just talk to Chief of Staff Wu. Luo Yao said.

Okay. Xue Boling seemed to see Luo Yao's dilemma and did not continue to ask. Instead, he agreed and waved his hand to let him out.

Luo Yao came out of the reception room. Wu Xuexin did not leave. He was discussing matters with several staff members. When he saw him coming out, he hurriedly greeted him.

How's it going, Xiao Qin, did Commander Xue not make things difficult for you?

Luo Yao gave Wu Xuexin a strange look. Does that mean that Commander Xue is difficult to get along with? No, Chief of Staff Wu, we just had a casual conversation.

I already know about your matter. Regarding the power plant's dedicated line and confidential telephone, I have asked Director Zhang Bowen to handle it personally. Everything will be settled by tomorrow night at the latest. Wu Xuexin said in a low voice.

Thank you, Chief of Staff Wu. His goal was achieved, and there was no need to stay. I've been out for a long time. It's time to go back, otherwise my family will be worried.

I know, go back quickly and report any news as soon as possible. Wu Xuexin warned.

Luo Yao nodded in agreement and left immediately.

Wu Xuexin, please come in.

Okay, Commander Xue.

What's going on with Staff Qin? Xue Boling asked Wu Xuexin very seriously. He was not stupid. There must be a reason for Luo Yao to appear in the combat command room today.

Sir Xue, the matter is over, don't ask any more questions. Wu Xuexin chuckled.

Is it because of Zhang Bowen?

Director Zhang does have some flaws in handling some things, but he is still conscientious in his work. He may not know much about Staff Qin's situation, so his attitude is not very good...

Is that a bad attitude? It's dereliction of duty and a crime! Xue Boling cursed angrily, This matter must be dealt with seriously, and anyone involved will never be tolerated!

Yes, Commander Xue, I'll handle it right away.

I know you are a soft-hearted person, but don't lift it high and let it fall gently. Xue Boling said, I want to know the result of the treatment.

Yes, Commander Xue, I promise to deal with it severely.

Keep rolling around and ask for monthly votes! Double, don’t miss it~

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