The secret war is silent

Chapter 412 A difficult day

This day is very difficult. It is probably the most difficult day since the beginning of the Hunan-Jiangxi Campaign. It is the same for both China and Japan.

The Japanese army's Shangcun detachment's plan to sneak attack and occupy Yingtian failed. Although they occupied most of the positions and ports in Yingtian Town, the army also landed.

However, the core positions such as Yinlong Mountain and Big and Small Bianshan are still in the hands of the Chinese army. After dark, the Japanese attack must not be suspended.

Dark night has become the natural protective color of the Chinese army.

The Japanese army was unfamiliar with the environment and there were no planes in the sky. Even if they flew over and could not see the targets on the ground clearly, they would not dare to drop bombs indiscriminately.

It should be noted that there are Japanese troops on the ground now, and they are intertwined. If you make a mistake, you will have great fun if you blow up your own people.

As for the Chinese army, although their weapons were inferior, their equipment was poor, and their quality of soldiers was not as good as that of the Japanese army, they were familiar with the environment, and after dark, reinforcements came up.

Repair fortifications and replenish ammunition.

Then take advantage of the opportunity to launch a counterattack and regain some of the positions lost during the day.

Human wisdom is infinite. Unless a person completely follows past experience and does not know how to adapt, he will learn war through war.

Because if you want to save your own life, you can't do it without learning.

Dongtang is more than 30 kilometers away from Yingtian Town. The 95th Division's forward command is located here. Once Yingtian is lost, this will be the forefront of blocking the Japanese army from heading towards Xinshi.

A regiment of the 19th Division of the 28th Army was ordered to rush for reinforcements. It has arrived here and is under the command of the 95th Division. This is the first unit to support the camp.

They came from Wukou, Pingjiang County. After almost walking, their feet were worn out, but they finally arrived.

Master, a telegram from Commander Xue in the theater!

Read it! Rocky stared at the huge map of the enemy's situation in the camp with a stern face. The red flags on it represent the Japanese army, and the blue flags represent the Chinese army. Now basically you have me, and I have it. Have your posture.

This was the first time in his life that Rocky had seen a battle like this. In battles in the past, they were all in open formations, with clear distinctions, and the strength and weakness could be seen clearly at a glance.

In the current posture, although the enemy is strong and we are weak, the national army does not have no advantages at all.

At least the Japanese army did not dare to fight at night.

Commander Luo, order your troops to give full play to their familiarity with the terrain and geographical advantages, organize elite detachments to launch harassment operations against the Japanese army, attack in all directions, tire out the Japanese army, wait for opportunities to regain positions, and delegate command to battalions, companies, and platoons. Your mission Just to hold on to the camp for a longer period of time to ensure the safety of the left wing of the 15th Army, this order: Xue Boling! the confidential staff officer read out according to the telegram.

Reply the call. Our department has organized a capable team and is preparing to launch harassment operations against the Japanese army. Currently, our department has suffered heavy casualties and needs to withdraw in time to rest...

Master, here is a guide to preventing Japanese poison gas bombs, which provides some new methods.

Immediately print it and distribute it to the troops. At least every combat squad must have a copy. After reading it, Rocky immediately handed the guide to the adjutant and ordered.


In Dongting Lake, on a ship of the Japanese Navy's inland river fleet, they had been fighting for a day. Mikio Uemura did not go ashore to take command, but continued to stay on the ship.

His headquarters is also located here.

Although the landing operation was completed, the camp field was not captured as expected, which made him very unhappy. Okamura Neiji also severely reprimanded him in the telegram.

The camp is just a springboard. The real target is the new city on the south bank of the Miluo River. It is only the only way for the 15th National Army to retreat.

If the new city cannot be captured in time and the 15th Army retreats to the south bank of the Miluo River, his stage strategic goals will not be achieved.

The nearly 8,000 elite troops of the Uemura detachment, coupled with the cooperation of the navy and air force (Japan did not have a formal air force in World War II, and was generally attached to the army aviation and naval aviation), actually fought for a day and failed to capture a small battalion. field.

In the evening, Mikio Uemura summoned his main officers for a meeting to study countermeasures.

Research comes, research goes!

It seems that there is only one way to quickly achieve the goal of occupying the camp, and that is a night attack!

The longer the time goes on, the more Chinese troops there will inevitably be. In that case, even if they can finally seize the camp, they will not be able to complete the combat mission of occupying the new city.

Might as well take the risk.

Anyway, after this day of fierce fighting, the Japanese army had a general understanding of the Nationalist army's positions in Yingtian, and they were not completely ignorant. If they could break in, they would definitely be unable to resist based on their understanding of the Nationalist army.

The plan for the night attack was quickly put into writing and turned into a secret code, which was reported to the 11th Army headquarters in Xianning.

Okamura Ningji quickly approved the operation.

On Rongyuan No. 4, Luo Yao has been involved in intense work since he came back. As a team leader, he also understands technology. In addition to coordinating the work of various groups, he also needs to help deal with some technical issues.

And many times, he needs to make the final decision on some things. Therefore, just like a snake cannot be without a head, his role is completely different from Huo Tian's.

Group Qin, the Japanese Army's Shangcun Detachment plans to implement a night attack plan. This is a coded message that has been deciphered. Take a look at it. Do you want to send it to the Ninth Theater Command immediately?

Send it, right away. Luo Yao saw that this was important information, there was no room for delay, and he immediately ordered.


If such a message is deciphered, there is no need to go through it. It will be forwarded as soon as possible. Luo Yao took out a pen and signed his name on the message.

Thank you for your hard work, Lao Wu.

It's the team leader. I haven't had such a high-intensity job for a long time. Huo Tian took off his glasses, stretched out his thumb and index finger and pinched the bridge of his nose and said.

Take a break and have something to drink.

Where did the milk come from? Huo Tian asked in surprise. Materials are in short supply now, and milk powder is not available on the market, especially imported ones.

Don't worry about it. I have a way. All of us should provide at least one cup of milk every day to supplement nutrition. It's not enough if we can't keep up with the nutrition for mental work. Luo Yao chuckled.

No wonder Lao Chi told me that the most correct decision he made in his life was to work with you, the team leader. Ever since he started working with you, he has never been so happy. You even help him solve family problems. Yes, you know I almost didn’t recognize him when I saw him this time. He said he had gained at least twenty pounds!

Haha, it seems that I will force him to exercise properly after I go back. Luo Yao laughed.

Don't tell others, I specially approve you to have two cups a day, one in the morning and one in the evening...

Team leader, this is not good, why am I doing something special?

It's okay. If anyone has any objections, just tell them that the extra cup of yours was given to you by me. Luo Yao chuckled.

Huo Tian was so moved that he almost shed tears.

Is Lao Wu's family still in Hong Kong?

Yes, they are all in Hong Kong.

If this trend continues, Hong Kong may not be safe anymore. Brother Wu, it's better to bring your family to the mountain city as soon as possible. Luo Yao reminded.

Hong Kong is the territory of the British, so that shouldn't be the case, right?

The Japanese have great ambitions. Britain and France have declared war on Germany. Japan and Germany are military allies. Britain and France have many colonies in Asia. I have received news that Japan has reached an armistice agreement with the Soviet Union. , the fight will not start in the short term, so given his current domestic conflicts and economic difficulties, what will he do next? Luo Yao analyzed.

Huo Tian was a technical officer who had been engaged in intelligence work for a long time and had a certain understanding of the world's political situation. What Luo Yao said was on point.

Hong Kong is now a channel for aid to the mainland from Europe and the United States. Japan will never tolerate it and will definitely find a way to cut it off. It’s just that I don’t want to completely fall out with the British now, but as the situation develops, this trend will become more and more obvious.

Team leader, are you too worried?

Although the mountain city is bombed by Japanese planes every day, in fact, after the urban population was evacuated to the surrounding areas, it has become quite safe. The Japanese army's bombing of the mountain city is already a political mission, and they want to use bombing to intimidate The purpose of the Chinese people has been ruined. Luo Yaodao.

Thank you, Team Qin, for your concern. I will consider it carefully, but I also need to listen to their opinions. Huo Tian nodded seriously.

Luo Yao smiled and said it was up to him whether to tell or not, and whether to listen or not was up to him.

The large combat command hall is brightly lit. Since the war began, the lights here have not been extinguished. During the busiest times, people can be seen coming in and out constantly.

Even at night.

Sir Xue, there is an urgent call from the 'X' team. The confidential staff officer came quickly, came behind Xue Boling who was sitting on the chair, and whispered in his ear.

When Xue Boling heard this, he suddenly opened his eyes, stretched out his hand, and the confidential staff member quickly handed the message to him.


Immediately, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he stood up and rushed directly to the sand table.

Situation Map of Yingtian Town.

The combat staff officer who had already been there responded immediately and quickly found the situation map of the enemy and ourselves in Yingtian Town and brought it to him.

After carefully looking at the message, Xue Boling narrowed his eyes slightly and paced back and forth with his hands behind his hands, as if he was considering a countermeasure.

Sir Xue... Wu Xuexin walked in from outside.

The 'X' team just sent it. Take a look. This old devil Okamura Neji is in a hurry. Xue Boling handed over the telegram in his hand.

Night attack, this is a dangerous move.

No, this move is not a risky move, but a surprise victory. It seems that Mikio Uemura has a powerful staff officer under his command. We all know that the Japanese army is not good at night fighting, mainly because of away battles and the lack of air support. In fact, It doesn't mean that they don't know how to fight at night, but fighting at night may cost them more! Xue Boling said, This is a misunderstanding in thinking.

Wu Xuexin nodded: Mr. disaster!

Immediately remind Commander Guan and Commander Rocky of the 95th Division to pay close attention to precautions. In addition to the direction of the camp, they should also pay attention to the direction of Xinqiang River! Xue Boling said.


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