The secret war is silent

Chapter 413 The Great Victory at Yinlong Mountain

Qitang·95th Division Headquarters.

Master, there's an urgent call from the theater commander's department!

Rocky was a little surprised. What was going on today? Why did the headquarters of the theater commander always skip the level and send telegrams, and they sent them one after another.

What's going on?

In the military, skipping command is a taboo. This will make the entire command system a mess. What if it conflicts with the orders of your immediate superior?

Who do you listen to?

Fortunately, the current telegrams are mainly reminders and providing some intelligence information, and they do not go beyond his immediate superiors to give him any specific orders.

What did you say? No matter what it was about, we couldn't pretend not to know about the message from the theater commander's headquarters, and we had to call back.

Otherwise, if he is investigated, he will definitely be the unlucky one.

Master, the theater commander's headquarters reminded us that the Japanese army may launch a sneak attack on the camp tonight, and have they even sent us the attack time and plan? When the confidential staff officer received the message from the translator, , he also glanced at it and thought it was a mistranslation.

After double confirmation, I took it over.

When Rocky heard this, he was also stunned. He turned around immediately, reached out and snatched the message from the confidential staff officer, and looked at it carefully.

Then he looked at the map of the situation between ourselves and the enemy on the wall, and suddenly took a breath of cold air.

The offensive route chosen by the little devil is really not random. This route is basically the weak point of the national army's defense in Yingtian Town, or the juncture of the two defensive forces.

Anyone who has fought in a war knows that the defensive junction is generally the easiest to break through, because they are not a team, and the cooperation is not as close and smooth as a team, and it is very easy to open a hole.

During the day, the commander could respond immediately and mobilize troops to check for deficiencies, but at night, it would be much more difficult.

Call me the 3rd Battalion Commander of the 55th Regiment!

Yes! The orderly agreed quickly and ran out.

Master's seat, military seat's phone number.

Yes. Rocky nodded. He didn't dare not answer the commander's call, and he had to answer it. He walked over and picked up the phone, Hello, Commander, this is Rocky.

Yes, military commander, we have received a telegram from Commander Xue...

Understood, hold on to the camp for at least three to five days. Rocky hung up the phone with a heavy expression on his face. Army Commander Chen Pei gave him the order to hold on to the camp for three to five days, but now it's like this on the first day. The two main regiments of his own brigade suffered more than half casualties and were basically crippled.

If there were no reinforcements, it was still uncertain whether the camp would still be in our hands.

The Japanese are also upset. They are logging and fishing on their small island, so they have to come to China? I don’t want to leave now.

I also want to take over other people’s houses and land.

How can there be such a truth in the world?

Commander Luo, Luo Wenliang, commander of the third battalion of the 55th Regiment of the 19th Division of the 28th Army, salutes you! In front of Luo Qi, a young major soldier, who looks to be no more than thirty years old, is 1.65 meters tall. High, but full of energy and spirit.

Very well, Camp Commander Luo, now there is a very important task for your battalion to complete. Rocky said seriously and solemnly.

Luo Wenliang raised his head and raised his chest: Please give me instructions, Mr. Luo!

There are more than 300 people in your battalion. I will give you two heavy machine guns, four mortars, and six light machine guns, with 3,000 rounds of ammunition and 80 rounds of artillery shells. I will also give you command of my guard company. ... Rocky said as he led Luo Wenliang to the map of the situation between ourselves and the enemy.

Your mission is to move to these three locations while it's dark and stay hidden.

Mr. Luo, what do you want us to do?

According to reliable intelligence, the Japanese army will launch a sneak attack on the core position of our camp around 11 o'clock tonight. Your task is to cooperate with the defenders to let this group of Japanese troops in, then close the door and beat the dogs, and eat this Japanese army. Rocky stretched out his hand and said with his fist clenched in his hand.

Understood, please rest assured, Commander Luo, and promise to complete the mission.

Once the Japanese army enters the encirclement, you must close the door for me as quickly as possible, and then beat me as hard as possible. Don't be afraid of wasting ammunition. As long as this group of Japanese soldiers can be completely eliminated, I will give you a note. A great achievement! Rocky said.

Yes. Luo Wenliang felt his blood surge. This opportunity was so rare. If his troops hadn't been the first to arrive at Qitang, he might not have had this opportunity.

Go ahead, I only give you half an hour to prepare.

In an abandoned village, as soon as the Japanese army landed, the people had already fled. The best house in the village was an adobe house, which now became the temporary headquarters of the Japanese army.

The headquarters of the 7th Brigade of the 5th Brigade is here. This unit did not encounter any major battles during the landing process, and its organization was quite complete.

So this unit was personally selected by Mikio Uemura to attack the main position of Yinlong Mountain tonight.

The captain, Major Qingtian, was convening a meeting with the attacking troops. It had only been about ten minutes since he received the order.

A full-strength Japanese infantry brigade has more than a thousand people, but the Qingtian brigade is not full. Taking into account casualties and non-combat attrition, there are only about 800 people capable of fighting.

It is impossible to put all 800 people into one attack.

Major Qingtian selected an infantry squadron as the main body, and then equipped it with other troops, so that an enhanced version of the squadron was formed.

Major Qingtian felt that it was enough. The Chinese army's troop deployment and firepower on the opposite side were basically under control. As long as they launched a sudden attack, there would be no problem in taking over the position.

Time passed minute by minute.

The Japanese soldiers who were selected as commandos all took off their military caps and wore white ribbons on their foreheads. The cooking soldiers began to distribute rice balls and vegetable soup.

Only when you are full can you have the strength to fight.

Open space in the village.

Assemble the team.

Major Qingtian personally announced the combat mission and issued pre-war mobilization.

Then a group of Japanese soldiers started shouting board, and morale reached its peak.

The night in early autumn was a bit cold. The soldiers only wore a coat and lay on the cold muddy ground. It was really cold, but at this moment, people's hearts were warm and so was their blood.

Before the war, except for a few sporadic gunshots, it was extremely quiet!


In front of the position, a group of black and bald heads were moving slowly. Are they Japanese devils or what? They were creeping forward and slowly approaching the national army position.

Squad leader, do you think these little devils look like bastards who climbed up from the river?

Hey, you boy is quite observant. Sooner or later, these bastards will be slaughtered and drunk by us, so just wait. The squad leader smiled, thinking that this recruit has a lot of future.

Squad leader, how are we going to fight later? The recruit was a little nervous and asked, wiggling his buttocks.

Don't worry, let's put on a show for the little devils. You, just follow me and don't run around... The old squad leader warned, everyone was a recruit, and he was also led by the squad leader at the beginning. He came over.

It's a pity that his squad leader had already died. He died in the daytime and was stabbed through by a Japanese soldier with a bayonet. He will never forget that ferocious face in his life.

He swore that if he met the Japanese again, he would definitely kill him and avenge his squad leader.


Suddenly a piercing siren sounded on the battlefield.

Japanese, the little devil is coming up... Frightened screams rang out.

The Japanese soldiers who had climbed less than 40 meters in front of the position knew that they were exposed and could no longer hide. They got up one after another and launched a charge towards the position with a roar.


Gunshots rang out, and several tongues of fire suddenly spurted out from the position.

The Japanese army's counterattack was faster. It was obvious that they had already mastered the configuration of firepower points on the position. They just waited for the attack to start and launched a fierce attack!

After a few rapid shots.

There was a violent explosion on the position, flames burst out, and the machine gun suddenly went silent.

The Japanese soldiers at the front all seemed to be desperate for their lives. This kind of fighting style was still rare and seemed to be used only when desperate.

The defenders' position was almost in ruins.

Major Qingtian, who was in command personally, saw this scene through the telescope and showed a proud smile. According to his past experience in fighting with the Chinese army, under such circumstances, if the position is breached and no effective defense can be organized, the next step will be a massive attack. The beginning of the rout.

In the Yinlong Mountain position, Qingtian Yu came.

The opponent's defeat was expected.

After breaking in and occupying the first line of defense, Qingtian Yu ordered the entire brigade to press forward quickly. He wanted to defeat the enemy in front and capture the camp. He was the first person.

Stationed at Yinlong Mountain is the 2nd Battalion of the 569th Regiment, battalion commander Xia Shaowu. In fact, the 2nd Battalion is no longer the original 2nd Battalion. The entire 569th Regiment suffered 60% casualties.

After removing the wounded soldiers, there are only more than 400 people left in the 569th Regiment. The 283rd Brigade and another regiment, the 570th Regiment, are not much better. They are defending the Big and Small Bianshan positions. These two main positions are still in the national army. In his hands, the Japanese army was unable to capture Yingtian Town.

Xia Shaowu had already received orders to cooperate with Luo Wenliang's camp, which had quietly approached them, to attract the Japanese troops in, and then to close the door and beat the dogs.

Therefore, the retreat was real, but the retreat was not as Qingtian Yu imagined.

There are three lines of defense in Yinlong Mountain. Xia Shaowu received the order that he could give up the first two directions, but he must hold the third line, and then cooperate with Luo Wenliang's battalion to launch a counterattack. Even if the Japanese army cannot be completely annihilated, it must be severely damaged. Teach him a lesson he will never forget.

During the day, the Japanese army was beaten here and unable to move. Unexpectedly, at night, they took it down with a single charge, and the Qingtian stone could not help but float a little.

As soon as this person floated, he couldn't recognize himself.

Give the order for the entire army to attack.

The fate of Qingtian Yu and the Qingtian Brigade was sealed.

In addition to leaving a few defense troops behind, Qingtian Yu pushed the entire brigade up to Yinlong Mountain, and also sent an email to Uemura Mikio on the rear ship, inviting him to have tea and breakfast at the Yi Family Courtyard tomorrow morning. message.

Mikio Uemura was not happy for long when the same telegram for help was sent. Its owner was none other than the Qingtian Major who wanted to invite him to tea and breakfast at the Yi Family Courtyard.

The Qingtian Brigade fell into the enemy's trap and was surrounded!

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