The secret war is silent

Chapter 414 The first achievement

Although I did not visit the battlefield in person and could not hear any gunfire in my ears, these telegrams composed of secret codes.

This is another kind of battlefield.

A silent battlefield.

Although there was no fighting, it was more thrilling than the fighting, when the secret messages were deciphered one by one.

The entire battlefield situation is presented in front of you like a dynamic picture, breathing the same breath and sharing the fate of the soldiers in front.

This feeling is amazing.

Most of the Japanese Qingtian Brigade was defeated. Qingtian Yu committed suicide by seppuku. He was stopped by his subordinates. This is the last telegram sent by the Qingtian Brigade to Uemura Mikio! Huo Tian excitedly handed the telegram to Luo Yao and said.

I wonder if that old devil Okamura Neji will be so angry that he spits out a mouthful of blood when he receives this news? Luo Yao chuckled, I heard that during the Jiangcheng entry ceremony last year, he injured his lungs and sometimes coughed up blood. Woolen cloth.

It would be great if he coughs up a mouthful of blood and dies. This battle will not go on. Wu Yuliang (Zhou Lin) said.

Don't think so much, Okamura Neji is not so easily angry. Lin Banggu (Ling An) came over and said, Don't you all go to bed? I'm so sleepy that I can't stand it anymore.

Zhou Lin, you keep an eye on it for me. I'll go take a nap first and come over for you in the morning. Huo Tian said with a yawn.

Okay, I'll work the night shift tonight.

Keep an eye on Neji Okamura's 11th Army headquarters. If anything happens, notify me as soon as possible. Luo Yao asked Wu Yuliang (Zhou Lin), I'll go and take a nap for a while. Call me if you need anything.

Okay, don't worry, Team Qin.

Yuelu Mountain Qingfengxia Ninth War Zone Headquarters.

Tonight's battle is crucial. Not to mention Xue Boling's inability to sleep, almost everyone in the headquarters is also awake.

They are all waiting for the outcome of this battle.

When the 95th Division sent the battle report, the entire command headquarters was excited. This was the biggest victory since the war began.

It almost completely destroyed an elite brigade of the Japanese army. Although it was far inferior to the victory at Wanjialing in the past, it was able to defeat an entire Japanese brigade in one battle. Such a result was recorded in the battle between the Chinese army and the Japanese army. Then is extremely rare to see.

Moreover, it was achieved when the strength of the two sides was not much different, making such a victory even more rare.

This Luo Ziliang fought well, he has the courage of Luo Cheng! Xue Boling exclaimed excitedly.

Wu Xuexin calmly reminded: Sir Xue, the first achievement of this battle should be the 'X' team.

Xue Boling suddenly woke up, nodded and said: Brother Xue Xin is right. If the 'X' team had not provided accurate information about the Japanese army's attempted night attack in time, our army would have set up an ambush accordingly. I am afraid the consequences would have been disastrous, let alone He said he could achieve great feats in one battle!

Chief Xue, should we report such a huge victory to Chairman Chiang instead?

Well, we should report it, but we still have to wait for the exact news, and we have to wait for Commander Guan to report the exact results of the battle. Xue Boling said seriously.

He had to think carefully about some things. After all, the 95th Division was a unit of the 15th Group Army, and the reports should be given level by level.

Although the news he got here is basically confirmed, he still has to wait for the report below to be counted. Otherwise, if he reports it in advance, it will attract criticism.

Cheng would make Guan Yudong feel that the theater headquarters was asking for credit in advance and that all the credit for the battle of the 95th Division would be attributed to him, which was not good.

Although this is true, you can't leave any honor to others, right?

Can we still have fun together from now on?

I guess it will be soon. Brother Yudong has always been very quick in fighting and never falls behind others. Wu Xuexin chuckled. As soon as he finished speaking, a confidential staff officer walked in quickly from the outside with a blue folder under his arm.

The commander of the 15th Army Group reported victory via telegram.

Xue Boling and Wu Xuexin looked at each other and smiled, then came.

This victory, if it hadn't been for the prohibition of alcohol promulgated during the war, I would have had a good drink, it was so happy and relieving.

Mountain City·Huangshan Official Residence.

The elegant Mrs. Song walked by her husband's study in a pair of velvet slippers and found that the lights inside were still on. The guard at the door saw the CEO's wife approaching and was about to speak.

Mrs. Song waved her hand slightly, signaling the guard not to speak.

When Madam wants to go in, the guards dare not stop her. Even if they are scolded later, they have no choice but to endure it. If they offend President Jiang, they will get over with just a few curses. If they offend Madam, it will be uncomfortable in the official residence in the future.

The guard held his head high and looked straight ahead, pretending not to see anything.

The door to the study room was pushed open, and the old man who was still reviewing documents under the lamp didn't seem to notice that there was someone suddenly beside him.

Oh, when did Madam come? Mu Ran looked up and saw Madam's beautiful smiling face. The old man smiled happily, Why didn't you tell me in advance?

It's so late, why don't you rest?

The national situation is difficult, madam, as you know. The soldiers on the front line are fighting bloody battles. We at the rear need to do our best to ensure the supply of their food, grass and ammunition.

Xue Boling is asking you for food and ammunition again?

Not only food and ammunition, but also people. The old man chuckled, As soon as this war started, it was like a beast eating money. The country's wealth was visibly shrinking. The little wealth that was finally saved, and then We were defeated all at once, but if we don’t fight, it won’t work. If the country dies, we will all be lonely ghosts, and we will not be able to see the former Prime Minister underground after we die.”

Is there any chance of winning this battle?

At least for now, Xue Boling is playing pretty well and there are no mistakes. He is still capable. The old man nodded.

Look, it's almost four o'clock. If you don't go to bed, you won't have to work tomorrow? The lady glanced at the clock on the wall and scolded her.

Okay, listen to Madam. The old man nodded. Madam came in person, how could she not give her face?

The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon. I would like to invite the children and family members in the mountain city to have a reunion dinner together. We haven't had a meal together for a long time? Mrs. Song said.

Well, it's up to these ladies to make the decision. The old man grabbed the lady's jade hand and patted it gently, with a look of doting in his eyes.

Okay, I make the decision, but you must make time to come over then. Many people haven't seen you for a long time. There is a baby in the family and you don't even know. Mrs. Song said.

Well, I'll try my best to make time. You know, I'm very busy every day. The old man didn't dare to give any guarantees. Who knows what might happen?

There was a rush of footsteps outside the door.

Immediately, there was a knock on the door.

Chairman, there is an urgent call from Commander Xue of the Ninth War Zone. Mao Zongxiang's voice came through the gap in the study door.

Come in.

Chairman, Madam is also here... Mao Zongxiang, director of the Confidential Room of the Attendant's Room, opened the door and came in. He was slightly surprised to see Mrs. Song.

Do you need me to avoid it? Mrs. Song asked. Although she also has a public position, there are some things that she will not interfere with. This is the rule.

No need, Zong Xiang, just report what Xue Boling said, the old man said.

Chief Xue reported that our army set up an ambush at Yinlong Mountain in the camp, annihilated most of a Japanese brigade, captured more than ten Japanese soldiers, and took the opportunity to recapture part of the positions occupied by the Japanese army. The Japanese army suffered heavy losses. Earlier, 95 of the 15th Group Army The division attacked decisively, destroying the Japanese army's Shangcun detachment Zhouqiao troops, severely damaging the Japanese army, and blocking the Japanese right wing in the camp field area, making it difficult to move! Xue Boling, September 23, the 28th year of the Republic of China. Mao Zongxiang opened the folder and took a photo The contents of the message were read out.

Okay, okay, Xue Boling fought well. This 95th Division fought well. It's really good. It showed the might of our army. I want to commend you with a general order! Hearing this, the old man couldn't help but said with great joy.

Darling, this is really good news. Mrs. Song listened and smiled happily.

Invite Mr. Chen Bulei over immediately, tell him the news, and ask him to write a special article and publish it in the Central Daily News tomorrow. We have won the battle! The old man immediately ordered the guards.


Chairman, once this news comes out, it will definitely inspire the resistance and fighting spirit of the people across the country. Mao Zongxiang said, It is reported that in addition to the victory of this battle, in addition to the 95th regiment participating in the battle, there were also the 55th regiment of the 28th Army. A battalion that rushed to the rescue, with a total strength of less than a thousand people, was able to kill a large Japanese army. This is a miracle! Mao Zongxiang knew better, and it was impossible for all telegram messages to be sent to the old man. That way The vast amount of telegrams can fill this study room.

We need to vigorously promote it. The Communist Party has the 115th Division. We also have the 95th Division. We will not lose to them! The old man snorted.


Chairman, in addition to this telegram reporting victory, Commander Xue also has another telegram. Mao Zongxiang took out another telegram report.


Commander Xue said that the 95th Division was able to perform extraordinary feats in Yinlong Mountain this time, and the first credit goes to the 'X' team. Including the previous information about the Japanese army's preparations for a sneak attack on the landing camp, it was the 'X' team that deciphered the Japanese military's secret communications in advance. We have learned that if this were not the case, the camp might have fallen into the hands of the Japanese army long ago. Mao Zongxiang said that the 'X' group also had people from the VIP room, and its contribution was indispensable, so he was happy to accept this invitation The merit telegram was sent up.


Yes, Chairman.

Very good, I remember that you vigorously promoted the establishment of this 'X' group. It seems that this step was taken correctly, Zongxiang, you did a good job. Lao Jiang nodded with satisfaction, Mao Zongxiang was considered his own People, if their own family members have made achievements, then they should naturally take a higher look at them.

They are all led by the Chairman.

There's no need to flatter me. The 'X' team has indeed made great contributions and should be rewarded for this. However, due to the special nature of their work, their achievements do not need to be reported. The rewards can be distributed quietly. The old man thought about it and said He ordered.

Yes, Chairman.

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