The secret war is silent

Chapter 415 Commendation Telegram

Xianning·The headquarters of the 11th Army of the Japanese invaders.

A large combat map was hung on the wall. Neji Okamura, dressed in a general's uniform, sat on a chair with his hands on the handle of his command knife, looking at the red and blue arrows on the map.

Not far away, the combat staff was answering the phone, and the confidential staff kept coming forward and remarking on the map.

The night attack by the Shangcun detachment failed, but a large detachment accompanied them.

He was angry.

Some of the officers and even generals under their command are too arrogant. They think that the Chinese army is nothing and can be defeated easily?

But is this true?

The example of the disastrous defeat of the 106th Division in Wanjialing was just a few years ago. However, these people have forgotten that underestimating the enemy will lead to big losses.

Anger is useless, it will only make you less calm.

The Commander said that he needed to be quiet, so of course no one dared to come forward and disturb him. Finally, the peace was broken.

Ogasura Neji's adjutant, Major Ogasawara, came behind him with a telegram, bent down, and whispered in his ear: Your Excellency, Commander Kondo of Echeng is calling.

Okamura Neji rolled his eyes slightly: Speak.

The latest information is that Shancheng has recently sent a field service group to Xiangcheng. There is a special group in this field service group...

Nani? Is the information reliable? Neji Okamura's eyes suddenly became sharp.

It's very reliable. Director Kondo said this is the news sent back by one of our senior intelligence officers. Adjutant Ogasawara explained.

This matter is not trivial. If our communication code is deciphered by the Chinese, then our combat plan will be completely open to the Chinese. No wonder, since the war started, our operational opponents seem to have known about it in advance! Gang Neiji Murura gritted his teeth and said, Go and ask the chief of staff to come over.


Your Excellency, Commander, do the Chinese have such capabilities? I doubt it? Chief of Staff Major General Yoshida Teiichi asked disdainfully after hearing Ogasawara's report.

The Chinese have rapidly improved their code-breaking skills during this period because they invited an expert in code-breaking from the United States. This man is called Holbert Yardley, who once worked in the United States. He serves as the director of the Eighth Branch of the Central Intelligence Agency. He is nicknamed the Decipher Elf in the United States. In his autobiographical novel American Black Room, he has many records of the process of deciphering our secret codes. Although the authenticity has yet to be verified, this He has been in China for nearly a year, and there is reason to believe that with the help of this person, the Chinese people's encryption code deciphering level has been greatly improved! Adjutant Ogasawara did a lot of information collection work in advance.

Oh? Yoshida Teiichi was confused.

No matter what the truth is, from now on, our communication security must be taken seriously. Okamura Neiji said.

Your Majesty Commander, since this is the case, we must change the secret code immediately. Yoshida Teiichi suggested.

Suddenly changing the secret code will affect our previous deployment, and the command will be disrupted. This is not good for us. Unless we can stop and reorganize the army, then it will be equivalent to giving the other side a breather. Opportunity, the Hunan-Jiangxi battle plan we formulated will be abandoned halfway! Okamura Neiji said.

What should we do?

The secret code will not be changed for now. Important commands can be notified by wired telephone or conveyed by a dedicated person. Although the timeliness is a little slower, at least it will not be easy to leak the secret. Okamura Neiji said, In addition, the secret code can be partially changed first, and it will be obtained later. After gaining local advantage on the battlefield, all new codes will be replaced.

Your Excellency, Commander, are you talking about the 33rd Division on our left wing? Yoshida Teiichi, as the chief of staff, is not a stick. As soon as Okamura Neiji finished speaking, he thought for a moment and understood what he meant.

The 33rd Division is a three-unit garrison division that was formed in Sendai in February this year. This garrison division does not have a brigade organization. The regiment directly rises to the division. The number and quality of equipment and soldiers are inferior. The field divisions, of course, were even less effective in combat.

But even so, the garrison division is composed of some veterans who were recruited, and its combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated. Except for heavy weapons, the conventional weapons and equipment are similar to those of the field division.

Putting this on the Chinese battlefield, it is still much more elite than the national army.

Originally, the 33rd Division planned to attack from the south and northeast of Hubei, avoid the defense lines of Xinqiang River and Miluo River, penetrate directly into northern Hunan, and attack the 15th Group Army with the Japanese Sixth Division and Third Division in northern Hunan.

However, the Uemura detachment's landing operation in the camp was considered a failure. Okamura Neiji did not let the 33rd Division attack immediately. Of course, the 33rd Division was not unmoved.

Instead, they have already invaded Tongcheng and exchanged fire with the 27th Army of the Sichuan Army defending Tongcheng. At present, it is only a tentative attack.

This is currently the least intense place on the battlefield in Hunan and Jiangxi.

Especially easy to be ignored.

Now Ganbei and Shobei are basically the bright cards, and Neji Okamura himself knows that his strategic vision has basically been known to his opponents.

The opponent was Xue Laohu, who had caused him great losses in Wanjialing. He was a cunning opponent who needed to be particularly cautious.

Then the only one who can make a fuss now is Enan.

The 33rd Division faced the Sichuan Army.

Sichuan Army.

This was a miscellaneous force, but Okamura Neiji did not take it lightly. You must know that during the Xuzhou battle, he read the battle report after his death, and the Sichuan army left a very deep impression on him.

The Chinese army that defended Teng County was the Sichuan Army.

According to intelligence, the 27th Group Army under the command of Yang Sen only has one corps and two divisions. If the cooks are included, the total strength does not exceed 30,000, and the equipment is the worst, and the physical fitness of the soldiers is far inferior to that of the Central Army.

Since the western front cannot break through for the time being, we can only find a way from the eastern front.

Immediately send someone with the latest code book to Tongcheng... Okamura Neiji decisively ordered.


Luo Yao asked Yang Fan to wake him up, because the power plant sent someone over to assume that the line was dedicated. As the person in charge, he couldn't help but show up to receive it, right?

It is said that setting up a dedicated line is actually to transform the original line, and then pull a line from the power plant's dedicated line and separate it from the urban power supply line.

The amount of work is not large.

In addition to the power line, there is also a confidential telephone line. The two are constructed together, so that the confidential telephone line can be hidden under the construction of the power line.

There is nothing special about opening a dedicated power line. Many factories and units in Xiangcheng can do it, but the confidential telephone line is different.

This is not something that any person or any unit can do.

Try to hide it as much as possible. No. 4 Rongyuan becomes less special and attracts less attention. It is best to hide it in the city.

Due to construction work, the power needs to be cut off for half a day. Except for some radio stations with relatively small power, which can be powered by hand cranks, they can continue to be used.

Everything else stopped.

After working all night, Luo Yao simply asked everyone to go back to sleep. After the wires were installed and the power was turned on, he would come back to work.

During lunch, Wu Xuexin came unexpectedly. This time he was not wearing a military uniform. He was wearing casual clothes to conceal his identity.

Chairman's telegram of commendation.

Give it to me? Luo Yao was a little surprised. If the old man wanted to commend himself, why should he convey it through the Ninth War Zone? He could just ask the Military Command Bureau headquarters to send it directly.

You and the 'X' team took great credit for this great victory at Yinlong Mountain. Chief Xue personally asked for credit for you. Wu Xuexin explained with a smile.

Thank you, Commander Xue.

This is what you deserve. Commander Xue originally wanted to see you, but he is really busy with military affairs and can't leave. So he entrusted me to come over to see if there is anything else you need. Just ask, don't worry? Wu Xuexin said.

It's already very good, Chief of Staff Wu.

Right now, supplies across the country are very tight. Commander Xue knows that you are all engaged in mental work, which consumes a lot of mental energy. A batch of canned beef from the Japanese army was seized on the front line, and I was sent to deliver it to you. The quantity is limited, two cans per person. Wu Xuexin said.

I've heard about this little devil's canned beef a long time ago. I'm very happy to be able to eat it.

I hope you will continue your efforts and make new achievements.

Chief of Staff Wu, please rest assured that I will do my best to ensure that every confidential communication of the Japanese army is deciphered. Luo Yao solemnly assured.

With this victory at Yinlong Mountain, the Japanese army will definitely be vigilant. Their night attack was not in the pre-planned battle plan, but the plan was completely understood by us. As a result, a large group of Japanese troops were almost annihilated by me. , you should be careful here, the Japanese might notice something. Wu Xuexin reminded.

This is inevitable. Even if we don't leak the secrets, the Japanese army will analyze and find the reasons. And according to their tendency to blame others, they will definitely transfer the blame in the end, and the department most suitable to take the blame must be the intelligence department. Luo Yao He nodded and said, The intelligence department does dirty work. If they win the battle, their achievements will not be publicized. If they lose, the responsibility will naturally lie with them. Therefore, it is not good to do this laboriously.

Are you defending your military commander? Wu Xuexin asked back.

Not really, that's how it is in many cases. It's okay for us people to do dirty work. Even if we take the blame, it doesn't matter, as long as we can be understood and respected. The history of military unification is very complicated, and we don't pay attention to things, and even use some inappropriate methods. They were glorious, but they also committed many crimes, but at least they were serious about resisting Japan.

I admit this, but you are different from the people I know in the military. Wu Xuexin stared at Luo Yao seriously for three seconds before saying.

What's the difference?

It feels like I haven't been in contact with you for a long time, but you make me feel like an old friend I've known for ten years. Wu Xuexin said.

Chief of Staff, I am only twenty-five this year. Ten years ago, I was still an ignorant teenager!

That's right. Won't you invite me to taste the food in your cafeteria? Wu Xuexin chuckled, I just came here for a meal.

Of course, please, Chief of Staff.

On behalf of.

It became a regular job very quickly.

I'd like to lend you some good words.

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