The secret war is silent

Chapter 434 Big Deal

Luo Yao believed that what Shi Xueqin said was true, because he had been observing the subtle expressions on the other person's face during his narration.

And judge the mood of his speaking from his voice and tone of voice.

If he was just a slightly smart ordinary person, he would not be able to control his emotions so perfectly without special training.

Then everything is true.

It's true that he drank a lot that night and was even a little drunk, but he didn't completely lose consciousness.

If he died drunk in the room, he would probably be burned to death. In fact, when he woke up, the fire had just reached his room.

The room where my wife and children lived was already surrounded by a ball of fire.

The burns on his face were not caused when he rushed out of the fire, but were caused when a burned beam fell from above and hit him in the face while he was trying to rush in to save his wife and children.

Moreover, he also smelled a strong smell of soybean oil.

He was knocked unconscious and was awakened by the fire. Then, he could no longer save his wife and children.

He could only drag his burned body and rush out first.

When he rushed out, he saw fire everywhere inside and outside Xiangcheng, let alone anyone coming to put out the fire in his house.

That night was something he would never forget.

The most important point was that he did not hear any calls for help from his wife and children from beginning to end. This was the reason why he suspected that the fire was an accident.

And when an investigation later revealed that the fire was caused by his negligence, he became even more convinced that someone had set the fire.

He didn't dare to say it, fearing that he would die if he said it, so he could only pretend to be crazy.

Of course, when Li Haihuai investigated this case, he found him, even arrested him and tortured him to extract a confession.

He didn't say anything because he had seen Li Haihuai and Zhou Yuan have dinner together, and the relationship between the two was still very close.

At that time, he was suspicious of Zhou Yuan, and naturally he also suspected that Li Haihuai was sent by Zhou Yuan to test whether he was really crazy or fake.

At the ruins of the oil mill, he saw Luo Yao calling Li Haihuai over with just one phone call. This was also the reason why he was willing to tell Luo Yao alone.

Luo Yao couldn't help but sigh after hearing the description of this human tragedy. The reason why Shi Xueqin became what he is today probably had a lot to do with the incident that night.

People always grow after experiencing something.

This is a transformation, but such a transformation is too cruel. He does not want everyone to have such an opportunity.

Overnight, the loved ones are gone and the home is destroyed. If the rest of his life is not supported by the motivation of revenge, he will be a walking corpse.

Club chess club.

Sir, I see you are a bit unfamiliar, don't you think you are a regular visitor to our chess club? Unlike many teahouses, the chess club manager who came out to greet Luo Yao actually wore a suit and tie.

Haha, yes, I came here because of the reputation. Luo Yao nodded slightly.

It turns out that I am a distinguished guest, please invite me. The manager smiled with a smile on his face, made an invitation gesture, and introduced, Our chess club has been established in Xiangcheng for some years. It is an old chess club...

Luo Yao just nodded with a smile. The interior decoration of the Plum Blossom Chess Club was indeed unique, with light colors and classical beauty.

This incense...

The distinguished guest smelled it. This incense is our boss's own secret recipe. It has the effect of calming and concentrating the mind. The manager hurriedly introduced.

Really? I simply think it smells good. The taste is light and elegant, and it gives people a feeling of calming down instantly. Luo Yao nodded in approval.

This is your first time coming to our chess club. It is recommended that you choose chess friends based on your own chess skills. You can play a game with the players in our chess club first. After determining your rank, you can then choose to play chess with other chess players. It’s fun to meet your opponent when you play chess, isn’t it?”

Well, you're right. If I reach a certain rank, can I choose my opponent? Luo Yao asked.

Of course, but you have to become our member. Individuals do not have the right to choose their opponents.

I understand, then come on.

The manager probably saw that Luo Yao was young, so he found him a chess player of a similar age. Soon, the player gave up and gave up.

He knew Luo Yao's chess ability well, that is, he was an amateur at the third or fourth level, and at best he was just a hobbyist.

But the people who come to this kind of chess club to play chess are basically amateurs. The professional chess players all play games and earn money from this.

Some of the people who come here to play chess rely on this for their livelihood. They just use it as a daily pastime for those who have money and leisure.

Luo Yao's target is Zhou Yuan. According to the information provided by Shi Xueqin, every Saturday afternoon, unless something happens, he will come over to play chess, and it lasts all afternoon.

He came here specifically to wait for Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan is a senior member of the chess club and is known to everyone who often plays chess here. He is quite famous among chess friends.

Lao Zhou is here. Let's have a game today. I lost to you last time, but I went back and studied hard. I will definitely beat you this time.

Okay, whoever loses will be treated to a meal later?

no problem.

Mr. Zhou, there is a new Mr. Qin who came here out of nowhere and wants to invite you to play a game of chess? The manager of the chess club came over and whispered.

I don't know Mr. Qin. Zhou Yuan changed into loose chess clothes, Besides, what kind of chess skills does he have, and he wants to play against me?

He just beat Mr. Gan.

Gan Lichu?

Yes, Mr. Qian thinks his chess ability is at least amateur level 5, maybe even higher. The manager stood with his hands down and said.

This is interesting. The chess club hasn't had a newcomer like this for a long time. Zhou Yuan said, Tell him, I'll be there in a minute.

Okay, then I'll go answer it.

Who is Mr. Qin?

That's right. Luo Yao stood up to greet him. This was his first time meeting Zhou Yuan. Of course, he had seen Zhou Yuan's photos before.

There was a hint of arrogance in the visitor's brows and an aggressive tone in his speech. It was obvious that he was usually a person with a strong personality.

I heard from the manager that Mr. Qin defeated Lao Gan?

I was lucky enough to win a son. Luo Yao nodded humbly, Mr. Zhou, please sit down.

There are rules for playing chess with me, do you know? Zhou Yuan said with an arrogant expression. He was one of the few people in the Plum Blossom Chess Club who dared to do this.

I know, two yuan a game, and if you lose, you have to pay another five yuan. Luo Yao nodded, If you win, there will be a reward of fifty yuan.

Well, I only give you one chance. If you lose, you need to win ten consecutive rounds before you have a chance to challenge me. Zhou Yuan said.

The manager has explained the rules to me clearly. Luo Yao nodded. This time Zhou Yuan regarded him as a challenger for the fifty ocean bounty.

Please, Mr. Zhou. Luo Yao deliberately placed the black chess piece in front of Zhou Yuan and asked him to make the first move. This was actually a test.

When Chinese people play Go, they always play white first and black second. This is the rule of Chinese Go since ancient times, while in Japan it is the opposite.

Mr. Qin is a guest, so Mr. Qin should invite you first. Zhou Yuan said, exchanging the black Go pieces in the jar with the white Go pieces in front of Luo Yao.

Luo Yao smiled slightly: Does Mr. Zhou like to play white chess?

Oh, no, in our plum blossom chess club, the black chess player plays first. This is the rule. Zhou Yuan said.

As far as I know, black lines and white queens are the way to play Go in Japan. In China, white starts first and black queens. When did this rule change?

The rules are not static. Black first and white first are just a sequence. This doesn't make much sense.

That's true, then I'll play the black chess piece. Luo Yao chuckled, pinched a chess piece between his thumb and index finger and dropped it on the chessboard.

Mr. Zhou is very good at chess. Mr. Qin accepts the bet and accepts defeat. He will give you seven yuan immediately.

Zhou Yuan also had sweat stains on his forehead. He stood up and clasped his fists and said, Mr. Qin, I accept the concession.

Chess quality is like character. This Zhou Yuan's chess playing style is to hide the needle in the thin thread, making people unguarded. He is obviously a thoughtful person.

If such a person becomes a traitor and works for the Japanese, it would be a really sad thing.

Sir, why don't you arrest people directly? Yang Fan asked.

That would alert the enemy. We still can't confirm his identity. If he is just controlling his subordinates and not himself, then the clues to arrest him will be broken. Luo Yao shook his head.

If you catch him, won't you know?

It's not that easy. Even if he is a 'horse', he will not tell us his identity. Besides, if he is not, it will be difficult for us to catch the real 'horse'. Luo Yao said, Each of us sends one Just stay at his home and hospital.


Luo Yao's intuition told him that there must be something wrong with Zhou Yuan, but he still didn't know how he contacted the spy organization. People like him should know what money can and cannot be taken, so money bribery should not be the main thing. reason.

The latest person to make a breakthrough was Sha Yunhu. When Luo Yao returned to the manor, Li Fu and Yi Xuezhong excitedly gave him a stack of interrogation transcripts.

Did Sha Yunhu do the arson in Buzhuang?

Yes, he admitted it. The details are all written in it. This guy did it according to the instructions of another person. This person is his boss and is also responsible for selling the stolen goods. His nickname: Fat Cat.

There is indeed such a number one person on Xiangcheng Road who specializes in selling stolen goods, but few people have seen his true face. He is very mysterious. Yi Xuezhong said.

Is there a picture of the fat cat?

Yes. Li Fu selected a portrait sketch from the information, This is the portrait sketch we drew based on Sha Yunhu's description. According to Sha Yunhu's words, they are 70-80% similar.

This is interesting, another 'fat cat' pops up.

Brother, I think we can put Sha Yunhu back and use him to lure Fat Cat to show up. What do you think?

It has been more than twenty-four hours since Sha Yunhu was caught. What will happen if Sha Mao contacts him within this period and he does not respond? Luo Yao asked rhetorically.

Probably not. 'Fat Cat' just met him once before he was caught by us. He asked him to gather his brothers and said there was a big deal. What it was, 'Fat Cat' didn't say.


Just within two or three days.

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