The secret war is silent

Chapter 435: Coming for me

Big deal?

Could it be that he is here for himself?

Luo Yao naturally assumed the identity of Hie. If he was a Hie, it would be impossible to tell Sha Yunhu his true identity.

This is not our race, and its mentality must be different. The Japanese absolutely adhere to it as a standard.

The fat cat is most likely a false identity used by Hui when he came into contact with Sha Yunhu. A grave robber like Sha Yunhu who only cares about money has no concept of a nation.

Li Fu's proposal is indeed good.

But how to make Sha Yunhu cooperate obediently?

Boss Sha, do you want to live? Li Fu entered the role very quickly, and he seemed to enjoy his current role.

Switching back and forth between various personalities, role-playing becomes a bit addictive.

Hope he doesn't have a split personality.

Otherwise, Chen Zerong would definitely hate himself. Fortunately, this guy was acting normally when talking to him.

If he can control himself, he will not be affected by the role.

Think, think... Sha Yunhu was tortured to the point of going crazy. These people are so boring and they use all kinds of perverted tricks. If you get some tiger stools, pepper water, etc., he might be able to hold on. .

What the hell is this ant climbing a tree?

Also, what does it feel like to grab a handful of loaches and stuff them into your crotch...

After this torture, Sha Yunhu was really scared. These people were much more vicious than him, and they could be his ancestors.

Now that he saw Li Fu, a white-faced boy, his calves couldn't help but tremble and he felt weak. What was going on in this man's head? Could he come up with such a vicious trick?

Now I'll give you a chance. If you do well, you can survive. But if you play tricks, you know, if we can catch you once, we can catch you a second time. You have no chance to escape. Li Fu said.

I'll do it, I'll do it, sir, I can do anything you ask me to do, just don't kill me. Sha Yunhu was really scared.

You should know that our target is Fat Cat. As long as you can help us find him, everything will be easy.

Are you going to let me go back?

Aren't you stupid?

My surname is Sha, and I'm not stupid. Sha and stupid are just similar sounds. If you really think that I am stupid, then he himself is stupid. Sha Yunhu chuckled.

Okay, we don't trust you, so we need to have some restraints. Otherwise, if you let you go back and you lie to us and tip off the 'fat cat', we will be really stupid, right? Li Fudao .

How do you want to restrain me? Do you want me to swear an oath, or write a blood letter?

Do you think you can believe these things? Li Fu chuckled. It's something that children play at houses and fool young children. Who in the world would believe this?

Bring it in.

A man came in from outside and handed Li Fu a brown glass bottle with no label on it, but there was a pill inside.

There is a special pill inside. After you eat it, it can stay in your stomach for about three days. If you can't help us catch the 'fat cat' within three days, the poison sac inside will be corroded by gastric juice. Open it, and then you will be poisoned and die! Li Fu took the bottle in his hand and said, playing with it.

When Sha Yunhu heard this, the color on his face suddenly faded away.

However, you don't have to worry. As long as you complete the task, we will give you the antidote in advance, and you will be fine by then. Li Fu put the medicine bottle on the table and smiled at Sha Yunhu.

Don't play tricks. If you try to pull it out, I'm sure you'll die faster. Remember, don't drink. Otherwise, even the gods can't save you.

Sha Yunhu trembled.

Eat it and I'll let you go.

Sir, do you keep your word? Sha Yunhu asked tremblingly.

Of course, do you want me to make you an oath to guarantee it?

No need... Sha Yunhu's face was stern. He knew that he had no second choice. If he didn't cooperate, there was only one way: death.

Forget it, I’m a dead Taoist friend, but I’m not a poor Taoist!

Sha Yunhu gritted his teeth, grabbed the medicine bottle, opened the cork, poured the pill as big as a fingernail from it, put it into his mouth, and swallowed it in one gulp.

He didn't dare to play tricks. If he was caught, his life would be lost.

Well, very good, just do as I say. Remember, if 'Fat Cat' asks you where you have been today, just say that you were called over by Mr. Wen to talk about something. , I think he should know that you cooperate with Mr. Wen Sanye, right?

I know, everything I do must be reported to him.

Okay, someone will give you some food in a while, and someone will take you out after eating. Li Fu nodded.

Brother, how are you? Is my acting good? Back next door, Li Fu asked Luo Yao as if he was showing off.

Luo Yao nodded: Yes, but the speaking speed can be slightly slower and deeper, so the effect will be better.

Really? I'll definitely pay attention next time. Li Fu said to himself.

I'll leave this line to you. You decide how to make plans to arrest people. I won't interfere. Luo Yao directly handed over the task to Li Fu.

Li Fu will have to take charge of his own business in the future. From now on, he must be given the opportunity to practice, and there is no need for him to do everything himself.

Qin Group, the latest battle report, the 195th Division won a victory, Fulinpu won a great victory!

Oh? Luo Yao was a little surprised. In the past two days, most of the battle reports of the national army were about retreat and being chased by the Japanese army.

It seems that the situation will take a turn for the worse, and the Japanese army will attack Xiangcheng and drink from the Xiangjiang River. However, Luo Yao knows that Xue Laohu is deliberately showing weakness to the enemy and luring the Japanese army to continue southward pursuit.

Around Xiangcheng, nearly 200,000 troops have been waiting for a long time, preparing to teach the Japanese army an unforgettable lesson under the walls of Xiangcheng.

This sudden wake-up call is likely to scare away the main force of the Japanese army.

What's wrong, brother, we won the battle, and you're still a little unhappy? Li Fu saw Luo Yao looking at the battle report, but his expression was not so happy.

I'm happy. I won the battle. How could I not be happy? Luo Yao squeezed out a smile. In fact, the correct way of fighting should be to surround this lone Japanese army, attract the Japanese troops behind to come over for reinforcements, and then the troops would surround Fulinpu. The two wings quickly spread out, forming a huge encirclement around the Japanese Sixth Division.

This battle will be easy to fight.

However, he is not a commander. The battlefield situation is constantly changing, and the enemy may not fight according to your ideas.

If this stick woke up Okamura Neji, Xue Laohu's plan would have been in vain.

Do you want to remind Xue Boling?

Luo Yao hesitated again and again.

There are some things that you know and don't do, which would go against your heart. After making a decision, he drafted a telegram.

Send it out immediately. He came to Chen Zerong with the message and ordered, In my own name.

Team leader, this...

Send it. Luo Yao nodded solemnly.

Yes. Chen Zerong asked no more questions, turned on the transmitter, adjusted the frequency, and started transmitting.

Yuelu Mountain Qingfeng Gorge, the ninth theater combat headquarters.

Chief of Staff, Qin Ming from the 'X' team sent you a telegram in his own name. A staff officer in the confidential room sent a telegram to Wu Xuexin and reported it.

For me? Wu Xuexin was surprised. Why did Qin Ming suddenly send him a telegram, still in his own name? This was very strange.

Wu Xuexin reached out and took the telegram. After reading it carefully under the lamp, his expression changed a little. When he read it for the second time, his expression gradually became serious. When he read it for the third time, he stood up unconsciously. , walked away from his position.

He walked back and forth in the office for a few steps, then turned around and glanced at the field manager's telegram on his desk under the lamp.

Gritting his teeth, he walked over, picked up the message, folded it, put it in his pocket, and strode towards the war room.

Sir Xue.

Xue Xin is here, come here and help me analyze the next move of the Japanese army? Xue Boling said with his back to Wu Xuexin.

I have a telegram here. Would you like to see it, Chief Xue? Wu Xuexin took out the telegram sent to him by Luo Yao from his pocket, unfolded it, and handed it over.

Whose telegram? Xue Boling was a little surprised, but he still reached out and took it.

'X' team Qin Ming.

Oh, I haven't heard from him for a few days. How is he? Xue Boling asked while reading the message in his hand.

I don't know. I heard that he was not at Rongyuan No. 4 these past two days. He was with Li Haihuai. He said he was helping Li Haihuai solve some Japanese espionage case.

How can he solve the case if he doesn't decipher the Japanese army's secret code? Xue Boling asked with some dissatisfaction.

This case is probably related to the leakage of their whereabouts. The Japanese may have known that we could decipher their secret code, so they changed the secret code. If this hidden danger is not eliminated, our intelligence will be leaked in the future. This is also The top priority is urgent. Wu Xuexin explained.

Xue Boling had finished reading the telegram, and his face showed a trace of solemnity. The situation analyzed in the telegram was exactly what he was worried about.

But now is not the time to launch a full-scale counterattack.

If we counterattack now, we can push the Japanese army back to the original line of control, but we will not be able to achieve the preset strategic goals.

Moreover, the Japanese army is still attacking and shows no signs of retreating. At this time, it turns to counterattack. Not to mention that he is unsure, even the frontline commanders will not agree.

The key point is that there are no signs to support the judgment that the Japanese army is about to retreat.

Xue Xin, what do you think?

Mr. We may not execute the order immediately, but I think his tentative suggestions are feasible, and we must be prepared for a full-scale counterattack or pursuit. Wu Xuexin said.

Is that to let the Japanese army taste a little sweetness? Xue Boling asked.

You can retreat or feign retreat in locally insignificant places. If the Japanese army does not advance or has plans to shrink its troops, then there will be a problem. Wu Xuexin said.

It makes sense, call Brother Yudong.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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