The secret war is silent

Chapter 436 A terrible opponent

Within sight, a carriage slowly drove into the mine.

This is an abandoned quarry.

Because the stone material did not meet the requirements, it was gradually abandoned. Since no one came usually, it became the nest of Sha Yuhu and his gang of local masters.

People like them are not used to living in those magnificent houses, but they feel more comfortable in a place like this.

As for the money they exchanged for the things they dig out from graves, they still have family members, and they don’t want their families to know about such things that harm their morality, so as not to be contaminated with filth.

Few people who do this job live beyond the age of forty, unless they quit before that.

Once you enter this industry, it is basically difficult to quit.

This seems to be a fate, even a curse.

is it him?

Yes, every time he comes here, it's this carriage. I can't mistake it. Sha Yunhu nodded.

Li Fu turned around and nodded to Yi Xuezhong.

Yi Xuezhong understood and led people to surround the carriage.


The driver gently tightened the reins, and the carriage slowly stopped in the open square at the entrance of the quarry.

The coachman opened the curtain of the carriage, and a fat middle-aged man walked out. With a slight movement, he got out of the carriage very flexibly.

Wait for me here. The fat man waved his hand gently and told the driver, and then walked on the road paved with rocks to the row of houses in the quarry where the quarry workers lived.

Most of the houses have collapsed, and some are in disrepair. If they are not repaired, they will not last long.

Boss Sha, I'm here...

Mr. Fat Cat, I'm disrespectful. Li Fu and Sha Yunhu appeared at the same time, which surprised Fat Cat and he couldn't help but step back.

However, several figures flashed behind him, blocking all his escape routes.

Boss Sha, what do you mean? Fat Mao's face changed drastically. He obviously did not expect such a situation to arise.

I'm sorry, Fat Cat, I can't help it. If I don't do this, they will kill me. Sha Yunhu said helplessly.

Sha Yunhu, you bastard, who gave you a way out when you were in poverty, and you betrayed me?

take away!

Li Fu didn't want to talk nonsense here, and directly ordered the fat cat to be escorted away with a wave of his hand.

Lao Cheng, what should I do with the driver outside? Yi Xuezhong came over and asked.

Li Fugang was just about to say, let him leave on his own, but suddenly an idea flashed in his mind, and he immediately changed his mind: Take him back together.


You guys go ahead and review it. If you have the result, come and tell me. Back at the manor, Luo Yao only glanced at the fat cat and then handed the matter over to Li Fu and Yi Xuezhong.


Is this the handlebar style?

Hey, hey, the small one is the handlebar type... The handlebar type was obviously confused. He was so embarrassed that he didn't expect that being hired would cause trouble.

It's okay, we just want to ask you about the situation. If you tell the truth, we will let you go. Luo Yao said warmly.

Hey, okay, you ask, you ask, I won't hide it.

Tiger, make a cup of tea and give it to Handlebar. By the way, what's your name? Luo Yao asked.

The villain's surname is Liang.

Brother Liang.

Don't dare, don't dare...

Please sit down and have a cup of tea to calm down. Yang Fan brought the tea and Luo Yao greeted him kindly.


Where does Brother Liang live?

Xiao Ximen...

Do you know the name of the gentleman who hired you? Luo Yao continued to ask.

I only know his surname is Mu, but I don't know his specific name.

Is this car your own, or does it belong to Mr. Mu?

It belongs to Mr. Mu. I am just a driver, so I can afford such a carriage...

That's all I have to ask. If there's nothing wrong, I'll have someone send you away. Luo Yao nodded.


Tiger, give this brother Liang two oceans and send him away. Luo Yao ordered.

Yes, sir. Yang Fan agreed.

Before dark, Yang Fan came back.

Tiger, have you gained anything? Luo Yao saw that Yang Fan was walking with a sense of wind, and he smiled and asked.

You guessed it right, there is indeed something wrong with this handlebar. I followed him all the way to Xiaoximen. What do you think?

He must have another identity?

You are really good at counting. That's right, this handlebar's surname is not Liang, his surname is Guan, and he is the owner of an antique shop. Yang Fan said.

You didn't alert the snake, did you?

No, I came back directly after understanding the situation. Yang Fan nodded, But I already remember the place, it's called Jiyaxuan.

Interesting, take someone over immediately and monitor him closely. I want to know his next move. Luo Yao ordered.

Yes. Yang Fan agreed and went to gather people.

Brother, 'Fat Cat' confessed. He said he was just a middleman and that others ordered him to do everything.

Who's behind this?

Guan Shutong, the owner of Jiyaxuan on Xiaoximenzheng Street. Li Fu said excitedly.

I already know that the handlebar driver is Guan Shutong. Luo Yao nodded.

Brother, you have known this for a long time? Li Fu said dumbfounded.

Luo Yao chuckled: I also want to thank you for your caution in bringing me the person and the car, otherwise I wouldn't have discovered his identity.

I just felt that the handlebar style was too calm, so I thought about bringing the person back to ask, but I didn't expect to get an unexpected result. Li Fu said happily.

I saw that he responded with a well-founded approach and retreat. He didn't look like a handlebar type living at the bottom at all. Especially his hands were the biggest flaw. The handlebar type hands must be full of calluses, but he didn't. Also, the way he spoke showed a hint of perfunctoryness, and his pretense was too obvious. Do you really think that our military commanders are blind?

Brother, you are still awesome. You can see it all. I just feel something is wrong, but I can't see that there are so many ways. Li Fu laughed at himself.

I have ordered Tiger to closely monitor Boss Guan. I believe there will be news tonight. Luo Yao said.

Boss Guan, who returned to Jiyaxuan, was restless. Why did Sha Yunhu suddenly fall into the hands of the military commander?

And there was no warning.

If he hadn't been more thoughtful and used the fat cat as a middleman, he would have fallen into the hands of the military commander now.

It was scary to think about it. What could have gone wrong? He searched his mind and couldn't come up with a reason.

He smelled a hint of danger.

He has been lurking in Xiangcheng for more than three years. Is this the first time that he feels that danger has come to him?

what to do?

Today he was taken away. The young man who asked the question looked relaxed and easy-going, but it gave him a chilling feeling.

For an agent who has been lurking in an enemy country for a long time, this feeling is sometimes very accurate and does not even require rational analysis.

He may have been exposed, or even targeted.

what to do?

He didn't even dare to move now, because if he had been exposed, he would definitely be secretly monitored.

Damn Sha Yunhu, a greedy person who is afraid of death. If he were a samurai of the Yamato nation, he would never do anything treacherous.

And although the fat cat doesn't know his exact identity, he knows that he works for the Japanese. As long as he speaks, he can't hide it either.

He decided to do nothing and actively cut off all contact with the outside world.

October 1 at noon.

Nothing moved?

Yes, there was no movement at all. Early this morning, I came to open the door as normal. I have been in the store basically all day. Yang Fanhui reported.

Arrest them. Luo Yao sighed and ordered helplessly.


Don't make too much noise. It's best to arrest him secretly and bring back his wife, children and family. Luo Yao gave another instruction.


The arrest operation went smoothly, but the result was surprising, when Yang Fan led people into the backyard and pushed the door open.

Boss Guan seemed to have known his fate for a long time. He wore a kimono, calmly bit the poison sac in his mouth, and died in front of Yang Fan.

Please don't embarrass my family...

These were Boss Guan’s last words before his death, and there was also a letter that had already been written.

A terrible opponent. Luo Yao sighed after reading the letter left by Boss Guan, which could also be said to be a suicide note.

Yes, these Japanese spies are so good at hiding. They are so pervasive that they can't be guarded against. Li Haihuai also knew the cause and effect and exclaimed.

The only forensic doctor left now is Zhou Yuan. We can't let anything happen to him anymore. Let's arrest him. Luo Yao suggested.

Okay. Li Haihuai nodded.

Originally, I wanted to continue to put out the long line, but now it seems that if the line continues to be put down, it will break easily, so it is better to close the net first.

Zhou Yuan's arrest caused quite a stir in the medical community in Xiangcheng. Many people did not believe that Zhou Yuan had actually become a traitor, and they all complained about him. They even mobilized people to petition the provincial government to stop the persecution of democrats. Release Zhou Yuan.

But the facts soon hit these people in the face.

Zhou Yuan quickly confessed that he had perjured himself in the autopsy reports of three arson cases outside the South Gate during the Wenxi Fire last year.

The clerks in the cloth shop, the wife and children of the oil shop owner, and the apprentices in the coffin shop all burned their bodies after death, rather than being burned alive.

All three cases were accidental fire cases that were forged after murder, and the time was chosen at two o'clock in the night on November 13th. The main reason was that they learned that Xiangcheng had already planned to burn the city and carry out a scorched-earth war of resistance. Setting the fire in advance was In order to create confusion and mislead the Second National Guard Regiment in the city who was executing the plan.

The plan turned out to be surprisingly successful.

The incompetent government and the greedy army were frightened by the three fires. Without understanding the situation, the Japanese army set fire to the city when they were still two hundred miles away, causing a catastrophic disaster.

After hearing Li Haihuai's report, Xue Boling was furious and directly signed an order to shoot Zhou Yuan on the spot.

Those who complained against Zhou Yuan were investigated one by one, and no one was spared. For a time, the entire Xiangcheng city was filled with rumblings and tremors.

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