The secret war is silent

Chapter 438: Will the Japanese Army's Secret Telegram Be Broken Again?

Mountain City, Huangshan Official Residence.

After listening to Dai Yunong's report, the old man nodded: Xue Boling is still too impulsive. There is no need to rush to kill a traitor like Zhou Yuan. At least we should wait until he explains the problem clearly before issuing the canon punishment!

It may be that Chief Xue is too indignant. What Zhou Yuan did is indeed beyond the understanding of the people of the country. People and gods are indignant. Dai Yunong lowered his head slightly and analyzed.

Well, Luo Youning did a good job this time. The student you accepted is very good. The old man praised.

It's because you, the principal, gave him the chance.

Then he must have this ability. The old man said, I heard that you suppressed the Medal of Baoding awarded to him by the Military Command and haven't given it to him yet?

Not long ago, he just solved the case of the Japanese spy 'White Fox' trying to kidnap our military secret code consultant Yardley and the case of the 'one-armed colonel' of the Mountain City Air Defense Command. He immediately set off for Xiangcheng. The student wanted to give him It's too late to hold a commendation meeting, and the promotion and awarding of honors have been delayed. Dai Yunong said.

What level of medal was assigned to him by the military command department?

Fifth class.

It's low, wait three. The old man thought about it and said slowly.


When this kid comes back, you bring him to see me. The old man ordered.

Yes, principal.

Go ahead.

Xianning, the headquarters of the Japanese 11th Army.

Okamura Neiji stood in front of the combat map without saying a word. Adjutant Ogasawara quickly moved a wicker chair over.

Since his last injury, Okamura Neiji has completely said goodbye to his beloved war horse. He can only ride in a car and cannot stand for a long time.

Xue Boling is an old rival. Although the quality of the Chinese army is not very good, there is an old saying that makes sense.

There is a raging army, and a den of raging generals. Xue Boling is a tiger general, and the generals he commands are also outstanding.

In this battle, he knew that he no longer had the ability to eat the opponent's main force.

The Chinese army adopted the old method of resisting step by step, fighting and retreating at the same time. The retreat seemed very panicked, but it was very particular. Aerial reconnaissance found that some of their troops retreated while moving to the two wings. What does this mean?

The Chinese are weaving a big net, just waiting for him to get into it.

If he had an elite reserve team on hand, he could just ignore it and just rush in, then work together from the inside out to tear this big net apart.

But now, he does not have such a mobile force.

All his cards are on the table.

But the division commanders on the front line will definitely not agree with him to retreat now. These brave and skilled generals will definitely not let go of this opportunity to make meritorious deeds.

On the desk, there were telegrams from several division commanders requesting the invasion of Xiangcheng, and the words were more intense than the last.

It is understandable that generals long for military exploits, for headlines in domestic newspapers, for flowers and applause, and for medals promulgated by the emperor.

They will not see that the supply line behind them has been exposed to the enemy's advancing column. As the front line lengthens, ground supply has become difficult, and it is already necessary to use aviation to deliver food and ammunition. The farther south the front becomes longer, once If the supply line is cut off, how will the officers and soldiers on the front line fight?

China adopts the strategy of strengthening the wall and clearing the country, and fighting to support war has become an empty talk. When will these imperial generals mature?

Okamura Neji had a headache.

As the supreme commander of the battle, what he has to consider is not to capture cities and territories, but how much benefit he can gain from winning this battle, whether it is military, or political and economic in the future.

Where has the Sixth Division reached?

Your Excellency, Commander, I came here half an hour ago to report that a forward squadron of the Sixth Division has arrived on the north bank of the Laodao River, and Yong'an is on the other bank.

Less than thirty kilometers away. Okamura Neiji said to himself. Such a close distance was really embarrassing.

Xue Boling was so courageous that he actually set such a big bait. No frontline commander would be able to bear it.

The temptation of taking credit for occupying Xiangcheng is too great.

Order the troops to stop advancing.

Stop advancing, Commander, did I hear you correctly? The confidential staff member raised his head in astonishment and looked at Neji Okamura with some confusion and asked.

Yes, you heard it right, it's an order to retreat. Okamura Neiji repeated.

Your Excellency, Commander, if we retreat now, won't all the good situations achieved by the Imperial Army have to be abandoned? Adjutant Ogasawara couldn't help but ask.

What you see is that the situation is very good, but what I see is that a crisis is coming, and we can no longer continue to attack. Don't you see that our front line is too long, but the troops in China are always wandering Are they around us? With just one order, they can quickly pounce on us and bite us. At that time, if we are compared to a tiger, then these Chinese people are just a pack of hungry wolves. A tiger cannot hold down a pack of wolves. Neji Murura explained.

Ogasawara has been with Okamura Neji for a long time. Naturally, he understands Okamura Neji's thoughts and knows that the battle situation in front of him is indeed very dangerous. This can be seen from the distribution of enemies and friends on the combat map.

The Sixth Division inserted an arrow into Yong'an. The distance between the troops at the arrowhead and the tail of the arrow was hundreds of kilometers. If the enemy were to penetrate and encircle them at this time, the consequences would be disastrous.


Yuelu Mountain, the frontline command post of the Ninth War Zone Commander's Headquarters.

Xue Boling stood in front of the map, holding in his hand the telegram just sent by Guan Yudong, commander of the 15th Group Army.

What Guan Yudong sent was about the movements of the Japanese troops on the front line. He judged that the Japanese troops might be about to retreat. He also received a report from the group army reconnaissance team from Yingtian. On October 1, the Japanese transport ship unloaded the artillery that had just been loaded last night onto the shore. The car was towed back to the direction of Yueyang. In addition, by eavesdropping on the Japanese army's wired communications, we learned that a regiment of the Shangcun detachment originally planned to move south, but now it has been ordered to stay put.

Guan Yudong judged that the Japanese army was likely to be unable to complete the originally formulated combat plan and switch from attack to retreat.

In a word, the little devil wants to escape.

The Anti-Japanese War lasted for three years, and such a situation was rare.

But if the opponent is a cunning and fickle opponent like Okamura Neji, then anything is possible. Guan Yudong suggested that the troops immediately launch a counterattack, press them all up, intercept if they can, and chase if they can. The game cannot let the little devils just do this. Go back comfortably.

Xue Boling walked back and forth in the war room several times, lowering his head and thinking. Not long ago, he just received a call from Chen Cixiu.

As the acting commander of the Ninth War Zone Commander's Department, the word dai in his name has been officially removed. From now on, he alone has the final say in the Ninth War Zone and does not need to ask for instructions.

But it wasn't long before he needed to make such an important decision.

It's not that he didn't dare to make up his mind.

Rather, he was not sure whether the Japanese army retreated at this time. Was it Neji Okamura who sensed danger and retreated on his own initiative, or was it a deliberate fake move on his part.

If Neji Okamura wanted to test his reaction by retreating, if he attacked now, it would play into his hands.

But if not, you need to make up your mind now.

You know, now the whole country is eagerly looking forward to the national army being able to win a victory under the walls of Xiangcheng.

Seeing that the opponent was about to pretend to crash into the big net set by him, the cunning Japanese army actually stopped advancing and began to retreat.

Doesn't this make him feel uncomfortable inside?

Chief of Staff Wu Xuexin, Chief of Staff Zhao Zili, and several senior staff officers in the war room were all standing around. Everyone looked at the calm and wise man, waiting for his decision.

Every minute and second of waiting is long.

No one dared to speak and urge at this time.

Because this decision is not easy to make. If you make a mistake, you will be responsible.

At this moment, the dedicated phone in the war room rang, startling everyone. Chief of Staff Wu Xuexin walked over and picked up the phone and answered it.

I know Wu Xuexin, yes, okay, I understand, I will report to Commander Xue immediately. Wu Xuexin's face was slightly excited.

What's the matter?

This is a call from Qin Ming. The 'X' team has just deciphered the Japanese army's new communication code. Okamura Neiji issued an order for the Japanese troops on the front line to retreat and move in. The specific content of the message has been sent over, Wu Xuexin said.

When Xue Boling heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

This is really a pillow for drowsiness.

I order... Xue Boling no longer hesitated and sent out the counterattack plans he had already prepared in his mind into combat instructions.

As soon as the order to counterattack across the entire front was given, the entire Xiangbei battlefield started churning like boiling dumplings.

The telegrams were like snowflakes. The X team, which had just deciphered the Japanese army's new secret telegrams, had to work overtime to process the massive amount of communication messages and provide intelligence support to the counterattacking national army on the battlefield.

With accurate intelligence, the Chinese army was like a divine help on the battlefield. The Japanese army had not arrived yet, but the Chinese army had arrived first.

People and supplies were evacuated in advance. When the Japanese soldiers were exhausted, they arrived at their destination and found that the buildings were empty. Not to mention a mouthful of food, they didn't even have a mouthful of water to drink. The evacuated people were left to die in the wells. The rats took away every grain of food in the house.

The national army's full-scale counterattack, coupled with the various situations encountered on the way back, Okamura Neiji still didn't know that all his plans had been understood by his opponents, and even his opponents were well aware of his retreat arrangements.

If there hadn't been a traitor within oneself, then there was only one possibility. The secret code that one had replaced was likely to be deciphered by the opponent again.

This was simply unbelievable. How the Chinese did it was completely beyond his understanding.

At this time, he remembered Kondo Keiichi and the special team that Kondo Keiichi asked him to arrange to infiltrate into Xiangcheng.

In fact, Kondo Keiichi is also in trouble. The Imperial Japanese ace intelligence team Hai lurking in Xiangcheng has lost contact for three days, and the team he infiltrated also reported that three days have passed since the last time he met with Hai. OMG, no one arrived at the agreed meeting time, but I heard bad news. The Chinese executed a traitor.

Fujita Shun didn't know the identity of Shu Yuan, but Kondo Keiichi knew that Shu Yuan was an agent developed by Yu himself.

Doesn't his exposure mean that The Snake has probably been exposed as well.

He almost ordered Fujita Shun to come back directly, but unexpectedly at this time, Okamura Neji's adjutant Ogasawara appeared.

Commander Okamura wants to see him.

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